
Ad Grants Resources | Live with Google for Nonprofits Ep. 9

In this episode, we'll be joined by a special guest - Jason King. Jason is an Ad Grants Certified Professional, and he'll be walking us through some ways to get help and advice with Ad Grants, including where to find learning resources. If you're interested in learning how to overcome common obstacles, tune in on March 11th at 9am PT. Tune in every other Thursday on YouTube to hear from the Google for Nonprofits team, get tips from experts, learn about upcoming events, and get your questions answered live.

Google for Nonprofits

Streamed 2 years ago

hi everybody welcome to the next episode of live with google for non-profits thank you so much for joining us i can already see in the live chat that we have people from all over the world here joining us um so just a reminder if this is their first time joining live with google for nonprofits uh this is a twice monthly show where we go into a deep dive a variety of topics and we have speakers both at google and google partners who join us to tell us more about different products and how to make
the most of technology um so today we're super excited that we have jason king joining us um and he is a google ads expert and he's a he's a certified partner as well um so we're super excited to have him he has many years of experience working with non-profits and for the last three years he's been helping with ad grants professionally um so right before i bring him on i'm gonna go through a couple more um reminders before we get started um so um if you haven't already make sure to subscribe t
o our youtube channel we've had a couple questions in the comments about how to get notifications about future episodes so there's a few ways to do this um one thing is that we always post on social um ahead of our episodes so you can keep an eye on our twitter um and our facebook accounts to see those um you can also set up notifications on your youtube channel so in the right hand corner you should when you where you subscribe you should also have an option to turn on notifications and then th
is will let you know whenever we upload a new video and schedule a new live stream and then in the actual live stream when those are scheduled you can set a reminder as well so you can see that in future episodes you'll be able to see an overlay over the scheduled episode and say set reminder and then you'll get alerted there also are closed captions available today so you can opt into those if you hover over your screen and click on the cc button um we have the live chat open and ready and a fe
w of you are already commenting um and you can use this to ask your questions and we ask that you keep the topics ad grants related as we have jason king here who's an expert and can help answer your questions you may have seen him in the past answer questions on our google for non-profits community forum so you may already be familiar with his name um so you can use that we won't be able to troubleshoot individual account questions on this show so if you have those this is not the right portal
to do that but jason will be going through some great resources to help you for your account issues a few other things is that we have several topics on this show so we have a playlist and if you're interested in learning more about things like gmb google sites apply digital skills those are types of topics that we've already covered and you can go ahead and re-watch those on our youtube channel yeah and i think those are the main overviews the main reminders for today if you have any questions
like i said please use the live chat um to ask your questions we're excited to answer them live and at the end of jason's presentation he will be going we'll be doing a live q a um so feel free to put those in there all right so without further ado i'm going to bring jason onto the screen all right hi jason hello thanks asia hi so i'm jason king and i'm here to talk today about advanced resources so let's get started okay just for those who may not know the google ad grant gives you ten thousand
dollars worth of free advertising budget each month to use in google ads to be used on search ads so these are ads that appear when you search for anything in google that are triggered by certain keywords that you choose um so that works out as a budget of 329 a day which adds up okay um and it's a big problem there's over 50 countries now and has given out a lot of free advertising budget to a lot of non-profits so it has a lot of imp impact i'd like to start off by asking you to ask yourselve
s a question which is does your non-profit have the capacity to effectively use google ad grants the reason i pose this question is that google ads it's not the easiest tool to use it definitely has its complexities um it involves quite a bit of strategizing as well as technical skills to get it working and it relies not just on you writing the ads but your website has got to be up to scratch too so bearing that in mind are you able to learn yourselves to use the ad ground are you able to learn
to use google ads uh and you can start by reading the case studies that are on the ad grants website um for each thing i'm talking about i provided a link at the bottom and you can go back and watch this video again and follow those links so there are case studies and you can learn a lot from these because you can find out the strategies that have worked for other organizations with some quite big name conversations you can learn for those that have done this really well and for learning yoursel
f a good place to start would be on the advanced youtube channel where you can watch videos and follow along as they discuss uh the basics about grants how to do specific tasks how to raise your click-through rate how to um implement conversion tracking and a number of other topics and obviously you've got the google for non-profits channel as well uh with plenty more videos um there is a course that you can use very specific to the ad grant it's only been up i think a matter of a month or two i
t's on the apply digital digital skills website and that will guide you through the basics the stuff you need to know when you get started should you want to learn further what i recommend is going to the skill shop website this is where people not just add gun holders but anyone using google ads can go to learn um the basics but then moving on from the basis into some quite advanced techniques now using the ad grant you are only going to be able to create search ads you're not going to be able
to use some of the other types of ads like you can't create youtube ads you can't create display ads which are the ones with images that appear on other websites and there are some techniques you won't be able to use at all um that even other search um that somebody could use and say a paid account um so what i recommend is you start off with the lessons that are about uh google ads search um so if you can see from the screenshot there's a you can learn about the fundament um that will teach you
everything you need to know to really get uh started and once you've done that you might want to investigate further because there are other lessons on things like google analytics in there which will be useful let's say for example that you you've learned what you can but capacity wise you maybe haven't got the time to learn fully um maybe you decide to outsource maybe you just decide that um you haven't got the budget to outsource um but you still by yourself are not able to fully implement t
his where can you get the help first place you should turn especially if you're brand new to this is the advanced support pages it's here that you're going to find the basic policy information it you're going to find some quite detailed guides to setting up your accounts for the first time and you're going to get some quite detailed information on one or two of the trickier bits of using the networks and there's also a rather useful faq page in there that answers uh questions about some of the t
he myths and and some of the misconceptions that people have well that's fine are you you can oh by the way here here we are as guide specifically for conversion tracking now you'll find that in the support section and uh for those of you that have got into using ad grants for a bit you may have noticed that the official guidance tells you to implement conversion tracking what this means is that you are judging the results of your campaigns uh you're judging your campaigns by their results by re
al world actions taken by people so somebody coming visiting your website and looking at pages is not really a success somebody interacting with it filling out a form making your donation signing up for your newsletter that's a result and we call that conversion um unfortunately setting this up properly is probably the single most tricky part of managing your add-on i recommend even if you think you're doing this right or whether you're a complete beginner go to the conversion tracking guide and
read through it in detail and then read through it again and then implement some of the stuff and then read it again because this is going to help you over some of the really tricky stuff and when you've done that there is also a video on the uh ad grants youtube channel that goes over some of the problems that occur after you've implemented this so go back and watch that once you've had a go at this um conversion track is also one of the things where i think it can often be worthwhile getting
a third party in getting a certified professional in somebody who knows google ads and get them to do this for you because they will get this done faster okay so you've read the support pages you you're starting to figure out what you're doing but you run into problems so where can you go for help i haunt this place a lot i'm often in the adwords community forum uh every day i answer a few questions and anybody who goes there after this session and asks a question um i or somebody else would eve
r to answer it it's a user-led community so you're not writing to google employees these are other users um like yourself like myself also if you do have some knowledge already feel free to pitch in on this forum and help other people if you know the answer uh just look at some of those questions that have been asked there um they're very varied we get some very technical things like should i should i use database attribution for smart goals um just full of jargon um then we get the simple ones
like what what amount is the grant uh some people have noticed they got an extra boost over christmas to their budget and they're questioning this and then we get some questions that are about the ad ground but about other google products like for example google shopping listings uh they're aware that there are policies around the use of um ad grants for commerce so they wanted to ask about it and then we got some questions they're actually quite difficult to answer but can i track donations for
an external donation website well i don't necessarily know um it really depends on that of a website we've got to go into that in much more detail a bit back and forth but we we get on we do manage to answer a lot of questions on here so i really encourage you to use it and as well as the add-ons forum we have others there is one for google for non-profits there is also a general google ads forum now that's useful because the uh ad grants is built on top of google ads it applies extra rules and
limitations on top of what an advertiser can normally do and there are many many policies out there that are google's app google ads policies are not strictly advanced and there are many techniques most of what you would do in an ad run is what a business owner would be doing in a standard google ads account so by all means if you think that the question is not specifically related to advance go over to the google ads community and asks there and if they think it's really about advanced they'll
throw it back to us but so far i've been talking about how you can get help how you can read up uh yourself and find out about using google ad grants and how you can get advice from people but that doesn't necessarily help when you have a problem that's very specific to your account that somebody at google has got to go in and look at now that could be something like an ad being disapproved and as much as you get advice from other people only somebody at google can actually sort the problem out
for you one of the problems is at the moment here for the last year or so is that during the pandemic there's been a very limited service uh it's difficult to get on the phone to google ads these days uh most areas that's not available so you can click an icon just a little question mark icon at the top of the screen in google ads and there's an option to contact and depending on what country and you'll get different options i like the live chat option you can have a bit of a back and forth wit
h people like you're doing now in the comment section so if you are back in the fourth and your problem can get sorted out or sometimes there's just an option for somebody to call you back or email you by the way if you have an ad grants account and you need support you don't contact advancement you always contact google ad support the same contact details that a business will be using um the only sometimes problem with that is occasionally they're not all that familiar with the ad grants polici
es if you think that if you think maybe they didn't quite understand uh come ask us in the forum and and we'll kind of confirm what we whether or not we think you got the right answer uh what if you need more help than that you you've tried to learn um you've got help but you've decided we haven't got the capacity to do this at all but not only that you don't you don't have the money to outsource it uh this is one option you can sign up for the online marketing challenge and there was actually a
video on the google for non-profits uh channel recently about this uh you get help from students who are being assisted and overwatched while they work on your account so they are learning at the same time as helping you but what if you do have a budget what if you can afford to pay to outsource the work in that case there is the ad grant certified professionals scheme now i belong to this um i'm the little cartoon fellow over there um and all the rest of proper agencies i i'm i'm a freelancer
it's just me but um some of these are big agencies with whole teams they can um they do website work they do um probably do other forms of advertising work as well each one of them has had their skills checked verified and their knowledge checked and they have a history and they've been validated for that history working for non-profits over a good period of time so pretty much you can trust them if they're in there i should add that there are agencies out there that are not in this game that ar
e also really good it's just we're not going to mention them here but there are plenty of others out there okay if you do decide to work for an agency whether it's one of the certified professionals or another agency download this guide and run for it um it's got a really useful checklist here of questions that you can ask um a potential agency um it's got some other information as well uh the one thing i'd really like to tell you is that when you work with an agency make sure that your account
your google ads account and your analytics account any accounts you use are set up with an email address it's an official address for your organization and there are all times you retain full control of the account what you will do is invite an agency to manage your account and you can revoke that at any time personally i wouldn't work with any agency that isn't okay with that okay let's go through compliance resources compliance is quite an issue for the ad grant uh it's quite an issue for any
advertiser any business using google ads has got a host of rules by which they need to abide and in some particular sectors there are more rules than office as a non-profit with an ad grant you have an extra layer of rules on top of what a business might have and that's just downside to getting free advertising okay there are a number of ad grants policies and i've seen a number of times that uh nonprofits have got set up they've start they've started setting up their account and they haven't re
ad these and sometimes that means that their um their application gets rejected sometimes it means it means they make a mistake and uh their account gets temporarily suspended it's almost always temporary until you fix the problem um or sometimes they find that their ads are getting disapproved way more than they ought to and that's often read these uh there's not that much there do read it and even if you've been advertising for a few years go back and read them again because there may have bee
n changes that you're not aware of i mentioned earlier that if you're using an add-on it's layered on top of google ads google ads has its own policies depending on the type of organization that you are this can be a problem i'll give you a few examples let's say you're an addiction service you can't use google ads you can't use network uh there are specific rules that will prevent you doing that at all unless you sign up with something called legit script and you have to be in the u.s you have
to pay money and there are issues um that in practice makes it too difficult for many organizations um let's say you are an organization a health charity you are likely let's say for example you mentioned drug names on the website you might need to apply for a health care certification for that well that one's free and quick and easy to get but you need to know the end that you need to do it so have a look through the policies and try to identify ones that might affect your type of organization
okay um you all know that you have to stay in compliance um this is a tool that's going to help you you can use this dashboard it's um i've only shown the top of it there but beneath are a number of um ticks and crosses hopefully they'll text my screen ticks um telling you that whether you're not you're in compliance and below those some best practice items are the best practice items yeah i mean try to stay in best practice but it's the compliance stuff that's essential um and if you're not in
compliance there's a risk of suspension and then you have to fix it then you have to call google ad support and get it started again that could be like a week of no advertising um do note that this data can be up to a couple of days out of date so make your changes and check a couple of days later and to also notice that there are quite a lot of links in here where you can click to find out more information about these different problem areas of compliance also if you're having compliance issues
and it's down to ads being disapproved for example um which is the usual problem in google ads itself log in go to tools and settings in the policy manager and here all in one place will be listed all of your violations contributions and general issues with um disapprovals um i'm not too worried in this case this is a screenshot of one of my clients quite a lot of issues coming up but they're all saying they're approved but in brackets limited well that's not such a big deal necessarily they ad
vertise in multiple countries in some countries certain things are allowed that aren't in others and we have health care certification in some places and not others um when you log in you might see something different you might see some that are just saying disapproved um what you can do is click on the view ads links and go through and fix these and it's a good idea to check the policy manager occasionally because sometimes you don't get the email about disapproval you don't notice um until you
go in here sometimes so yeah and i was saying that health organizations have more problems than offers which is why i took the screenshot beyond ad grants and google ads uh what complementary tools are there and there are other things you're probably gonna want to learn i mentioned google trends because i find this really useful uh particularly if you're the kind of organization that um is running ads about events uh the obvious one would be giving tuesday but there are many others um i mean ju
st the last few weeks i've been running ads for black history month um world wildlife day i think um that there's a whole host of these your non-profit ought to be aware of these and and if they're relevant to your audience try to announce around that now i want to show you that is particularly useful about using google trends um for these kind of events is that often the interest in these topics begins way below before the day i've known not quite a lot of uh charities to run the ads on the day
itself and they miss most of the traffic because actually the interests have been building for a week beforehand the example here is um the trend for black history month well that was the whole of february but when you look at the data you'll notice a spike in one week the first week of february and then only half the interest in the second week by the end of the month it's really dwindled but also the interest was spiking in a week or two beforehand that so you want to get your ads ready early
put them up allow them to um kind of bed in i don't know if you know with ad grants but it's really important to get your keyword quality scores up and that takes time so with an ad guard you often need a bigger bill you wouldn't a paid account so look at google trends see where the graph rises get your ads up a few days beforehand analytics you're going to have to know a bit about google analytics because um google ads is although it's got loads of data lots of metrics plenty of graphs in ther
e it's only going to give you information about ads but google analytics gives you the wider picture it'll show you how ads fit into your overall uh promotional marketing strategy and it's got certain reports you can't get out of google ads so just do it learn it um there is a link here it's not actually to the skill shop site it's um analytics academy i very much recommend you go through this okay i'm only mentioning this talk because i keep seeing websites getting rejected for an ad grant beca
use they're too slow and loading and not only that once your ads are if your ads are pointing to really slow loading pages you're likely to find you get low keyword quality scores and then your ad stop showing over time so check your speeds and go back to your website developer and ask them how this can be improved another tool i'd really like to encourage people to use is google data studio it's free for one thing and so many non-profits don't have a decent tool for reporting stats there's a li
ttle bit of learning involved but it's a drag and drop application for the most part and it's not too difficult to use the more you know google ads and the more you know analytics uh particularly to know the names of the different statistics that you want the more useful this can be to you so i highly recommend this the good thing is uh you create this report once and you can then choose any date range you want so it means you don't have to keep putting together stats reports every single month
to center the boss now i'd like to recommend if you're interested in not just digital advertising but nonprofit technology generally there is a fantastic conference now i've been to it it's in the united states it's um it it's usually on every year but covered so this year it's everywhere um non-profit technology conference run by an organization called n10 um and um oh he shows this appears to be um presenting there well i never look at that so definitely definitely that's another reason to go
well okay any questions looks like my mic was muted but thank you so much um for the presentation jason i know i learned a lot and thank you for the plug about n10 i will be presenting there um but this was super helpful we have some questions that came in um and i'd love to give the viewers a few more minutes to continue asking questions so in the meantime a quick a few quick reminders um we get all of the topics for this show based off the survey feedback um that you can answer the survey at t
he end of the show so um here is the link uh so we really recommend uh taking the survey and basically letting us know what you want to who you want to hear from what kind of topics you're interested give us any feedback that you have if there's things that you think could be better if anything could help you make the most of this show we're happy um to continue improving it and making sure that the topics are relevant we actually asked jason to come on because we had some questions about gettin
g a more deep dive into address resources so um that's an example of how we use the survey feedback so please be sure to fill it out um and as i said a bit earlier um these are the links to our social and youtube channel um jason mentioned our community forum like that is a place that you can ask your questions and members of the community will answer those um and if you happen to know answers or feel like you are more of an expert when it comes to google products feel free to answer questions f
rom your community members we really want it to be collaborative and we hope that you get the most that you can out of being able to get questions answered there and as i mentioned earlier if you go subscribe to our youtube channel you would be able to set up notifications and you'll be alerted anytime we schedule a new live show we won't be having a live show on the 25th which would be two weeks from today um the reason that we're doing that is because of n10 um so in case you have signed up i'
m sure you'll be very busy those days and so we decided to go ahead and cancel that show um but we'll keep you posted on our social feeds about the next episode um and i think we have some questions coming in so i can go ahead and get to those all right jason so one question that we saw um was about your comment from this is from charlie um he asked about the addiction centers i know you mentioned for a second that sometimes health centers or addiction centers might have some more trouble do you
want to go ahead and elaborate on that absolutely i'm just going to share um my screen um okay so i hope you're now seeing uh this um support page about addiction service oh you don't want to look at that um hold on technology failure let me just go no worries ta-da uh there's a support page um for the healthcare um addiction services policy now this came in april 2018. um previous to this there was no issues um what it was is uh apparently sorry here there was a number of addiction and rehab s
ervices doing really bad advertising for really bad um work i don't quite know what the full issues were but google decided that this particular type of business couldn't be trusted so it put some extra rules in place essentially you can only advertise addiction services if you're in the us and you have to sign up for something called legit script which comes with a fee that you have to pay there's not a small fee um so this this was a way to weed out the dodgy parts of that industry as often ha
ppens non-profits kind of get forgotten in this mix and perhaps it was overlooked that nonprofits make up a large number of those addiction services and on the whole possibly could be trusted more often than businesses although we'd never say that non-profits can always be trusted but because there are some strange ones out there but on the whole they're less problematic and the price of legit script probably effectively means they can't it's not worth their while to advertise but this goes furt
her than that because what if you're not an addiction service but you happen to mention addiction on your website as many health websites do uh particularly things like mental health websites they're often talking about your diagnosis and addiction issues uh oh yeah huge problem because your ads can get flagged even if the word appears not even on the landing page but on another page on the website somewhere so you have to go through your website weeding all of this out um it's a problem there's
also been a few issues recently where the google was making some mistakes and flagging some mental health providers as being about addiction when they weren't that kind of thing happens and then it gets mixed maybe a few months later so i hope that answers your question read that document and you'll see thank you for sharing that document i think maybe so in our chat um our teammates can maybe ping that as well um so thank you for that um a few more questions that come have come through as well
so we'll continue going through um so one question that is from i'm going to go ahead and remove your screen jason from sharing um and one question that we had was from brian um and he said for the ad grant certified professionals what's a typical fee structure to look for it's a tough balance between being a non-profit org and with minimal funds yeah i'm not going to answer that question for the simple reason that you've got to ask them um every agency does this differently and they will have
a different structure and they'll have other requirements as well some of them will have types of organizations they prefer to work with some of them will have um kind of restrictions in the way they manage the account i'm not going to second guess that just reach out to a few of them um they should get back to you and tell you and and all the ones i've seen have been pretty open about their fees okay awesome thank you um another question from philip um can you talk a bit more about the grant um
how do we activate it and where do we see budget stats okay uh you need to go to the policies um section or the support pages for add grants i gave the link earlier in the video so you might just have to rewatch to that bit or maybe somebody will put it in the chat you you need to follow the instructions really carefully there are always a few non-profits to make a mistake and they accidentally do something like entering credit card details and mess the whole procedure up and then they have to
start again and so follow those instructions really carefully um eligibility-wise as well you can easily find the eligibility information you know you have to be a registered non-profit um in the country we are applying there's a few other rules uh now so there was a bit more to that question there there's a second part to it uh it's where how do we activate and where do we see budget stats okay yeah follow the instructions to activate it now the budget starts you you don't need to see it basica
lly um you set your campaigns to 329 uh dollars per day total and you leave it at that but if you want to be doubly sure you've not done this wrong you go and google ads login and you go to tools and settings no sorry you go straight to billing up on the top menu and in the billing summary you will see uh the words this account is not built in fact i reckon everybody with an admin especially you said that recently does that if you do not see the words this account is not billed then immediately
pause all campaigns before you do get billed all right that's a good tip um we've also seen a question about um do we do non-profits need to spend the ten thousand every month to keep the ad grant no they don't and there are some non-profits that are seasonal um they're only uh to give you example um an organization i know that was doing summer camps they were advertising them in the spring running them in the summer they only needed to actually run out for a few months and that's fine you can y
our ad account can lay it dormant it can be completely unused for quite a long while um i'm sure if it was too lo you know if you don't use it for a year or two they might ask questions but um and they also the level of spend doesn't matter even if you're just using a little bit of the spend um that isn't going to get you uh suspended in any way okay perfect and then um another question uh that came in from magdalena is sometimes um when i set rules to pause when she sets rules to pause non-comp
liant words it pauses tons is there a workaround here and i guess have you seen this um problem happen in the past uh yeah there is a video um that you can find on the ad grants youtube channel that's it that shows you how you actually set up the automated rule correctly i think the automated will you mean is when the quality score is either a one or a two and then you have to pause it my guess is you've done it slightly wrong so go and follow those instructions and it will do it right but i wou
ld also question why you're doing it because if it's to pause low quality keywords absolutely correct that and every account should set that automated rule up but if it's for some other reason you may not need to do it for example if you're thinking you have to set up an automated rule to pause low click through keywords as i've known some organizations do you shouldn't do that that's a bad mistake you'll just bring your account down to very few impressions and there's no point doing it um i i'v
e sometimes known people set up automatic rules that just flatline the account by just pausing every single thing in there okay that's a good tip um i feel like this is super helpful so continue asking your questions in the live chat we'll be on for a few more minutes um and we have more questions coming through so where are you going i like brian's question i've just seen it he wants to mow my lawn which is great um i've seen him over on facebook i think the other day right oh and there he is w
ith his lawnmower bless right okay i'm really glad this got asked because i was actually going to raise it and i forgot is retargeting and remarketing a part of the ad grant program i understand display video gmail etc is not included and if so what percentage of the budget should be allocated towards the strategy okay um you don't allocate percentage of the budget to it that way that's kind of just doesn't work like that first part okay audiences and remarketing and this was only announced to a
bout two weeks ago at the nonprofit marketing summit uh the the outcast team announced their audits is remarking our work i've not seen any announcement outside of that so i wonder whether they were actually just announcing it to a few people to collect some results um but i'm just announcing it to more um okay audiences and retargeting uh let me explain retargeting is when you show ads only to people who've interacted with you before let's say people have been to your website you can target all
of those and show ads only to them now these are still just ads in search you can't use display or youtube or anything else but what if you could show ads only to people who have visited and watch your use a video on your youtube channel what if you could show only people to visit the website what if you show us only to people who've been to your donation page but didn't make a donation there's all sorts of stuff you can do like that with retargeting and the other thing you do is show them diff
erent messaging so someone has previously visited your website chances are they know about you a bit about you you can show them a message that assumes more knowledge or assumes their support in a way that you wouldn't with someone who is just coming to your organization completely fresh that's retargeting let's see we talking remarketing i'm sorry i'm talking not to say that's remarketing is the word um okay now audiences there are lots of built-in audiences in google ads and previously we have
n't been able to use them but now we can uh for example today i was working on a charity that's an animal shelter and we're maximizing the budget well the point where you're maximizing the budget the one thing you want to do is try to get your conversion rate going up try to get your click-through rate going up you you want to share these ads progressively to people who are more likely to be interested now adding audiences makes sense so what i did was i added audiences i found a google ads for
pet lovers dog lovers cat lovers uh which is it by coincidence the main animals they have in the shelter what i'm going to do is i put those audiences in what's called observation mode and in a month or two i will check back and if the data indicates that those people are way more invested than others in terms of conversion rate click-through rate then i'm going to target them and that ad group will only show to people that google things are pet lovers okay this was super helpful um i hope that
answered your question brian um just a shout out that looks like magdalena uh figured out her answer too so thank you jason um see one more other question that we did answer in chat but i think it would be helpful if you went through some details on it too was also from brian and it was about click through rate um and he asked if click-through rate glows below the five percent requirement on one ad group how long do you typically have to optimize it before it's better to pause does one ad group
cause the entire campaign to be disqualified okay the five percent rule is the account as a whole not anything to do with specific campaigns ad groups ads or keywords so simple answer that is you don't have to pause anything if your account average is above five percent but what i would cancel is that if you're only a bit above it like six or seven percent that's low these days i don't see many accounts under about eight percent and really good ones avenging 12 14 15 so aim higher um with your c
lick-through rate um often all you have to do to get an account back into compliance or to raise it substantially is to take all of your keywords or all of your ads whatever you're looking at put them in order you can sort the column in order by impressions and when you do that you're seeing the most shown keywords say at the top and then you look across which ones that are very high impression are also very low click-through rate as soon as you get rid of that you've probably increased your cli
ck-through rate one or two percent just by getting rid of a few keywords you certainly don't have to go through and wipe them all out awesome super helpful um i think we'll we'll just take the last there's one last question that came um and so we'll take this one last question um unless we get any more i also want to be mindful of your time jason too so uh thank you again for coming so the last question that i'm seeing here um is from mahimai i'll apologize if i mispronounced your name um but he
says hi we are utilizing the google ad grant at 329 every month but we don't see potential impressions or click-throughs from google search why is that okay the two systems work entirely independently um google ads has no effect on search so you can be fantastic in your google ads campaigns um but getting no impressions out of search i actually think it's a bit of a warning sign i've worked on a few accounts where google ads were sending 90 of the website traffic and i've actually known the non
-profit to be really pleased with that like oh look how well that's doing and i said well no actually look how badly your organic search is doing that points for a real problem with your website with these what they call the seo the search engine optimization is an entirely separate subject but you really need to take a good hard look at the website with the website developer perhaps even get somebody to do an audit of it and figure out what's going wrong there and now if i knew more about it i'
d delve into that but there's not time here if you want to post a question on the forum i'll see if i can answer that awesome thank you yep good reminder jason if you have more questions the community forum is always open we have the ad grants community forum for ad grant specific questions and we have the google for non-profits community forum if you have more general google for nonprofits account related questions so definitely post your questions there um and we always have we have these live
shows twice monthly so continue to show up and ask your questions here um and then whoever our speakers are we can dive deeper into those topics um and i'm also open to answering google for nonprofit specific questions as they come up too um so awesome i think that's all the questions that we have today so thank you so much again jason um jason joined us all the way from france that's one of the beauties of these virtual shows is that we can have guest speakers from all over the world and atten
dees from all over the world as well i think i saw a lot of different areas of the world represented in the live chat um so thank you again i'm going to go ahead and take you off the screen unless you have anything else to add before we close up thank you for inviting me awesome we really appreciate you come to the forums perfect yes we really appreciate you taking the time to be here today and i think these answers these questions were super helpful very specific and very detailed so we really
appreciate that um awesome and we had some thank yous for answering those questions to come up too so very appreciated jason all right so a couple last reminders before we close up is we do have the survey i know i mentioned it a little bit earlier but i wanted to mention it one more time we get the topics for these live shows from this survey so put your put your ideas in any feedback that you have let us know what you thought we want to hear from you um and feel free to share it with friends a
nd other other communities that you have in the nonprofit community it's open to anybody who wants to view and you can look at past episodes as well on our youtube channel so these are the links to our youtube channel um so thank you all for joining um i'll have these links up for a little bit more but i'm going to go ahead and say goodbye and thank you all for coming have a great day or evening or whatever time it is and wherever you are you
