
Aloha United Way’s Women United presents Chocolate, Champagne & Couture For-A-Cause

Learn more about Aloha United Way’s Women United 9th Annual Chocolate, Champagne & Couture For-A-Cause! For more Local News from Hawaii News Now: https:/ For more YouTube Content:

Hawaii News Now

10 days ago

[Music] hey alohan welcome back to high now Daily Now Alaska Airlines is proud to support organizations and nonprofits that work to make a more meaningful difference in our community and for the past several years Alaska Airlines has been a major sponsor of the Aloha United Way women United and we're going to be talking about a very special event that's taking place we have Charmaine here from alohi United Way women United and Ruby Lee from Hawaiian host group welcome in thank you Mahal ladies f
or being here so I want to tell all of our high now viewers uh out there about what's taking place with this event I want to make sure I get it right chocolate champagne and cure for a cost yes so it's taking place on Saturday April 6th at the Four Seasons it's a lovely brunch event um we have a lot of amazing things happening so before our program even starts um we have some fun activations um so we have dry styling we have a fun interactive photo booth um we also have a fashion show by Neiman
Marcus um we such a great job I know um we do have a surprise champagne and wine wall um with personalized bottle calligraphy um and then we have a chocolate fountain which is why Hawaiian host group us here they are one of our um big sponsors for our event and we're very very um fortunate to have them with us absolutely now Ruby uh Hawaiian host is going to be involved in the event at what type of capacity we know you're going to be a part of uh the sponsorship in terms of supporting uh Aloha U
nited Way women United in the mission but uh how else yeah um well thank you so much for having me here um so we are the chocolate sponsor of this event we have been for the past 3 years and we just couldn't be more excited to be back this year to support such a great cause um so first and foremost we are actually gifting our beautiful co uh spring Seeker boxes to all Co is like the best it's so good yeah the luxury that's the best yeah it's like luxury style chocolate it's like chocolate at the
next level I yes truly so we're really exited to give that to every attendee and then beyond that like Char mentioned we have the chocolate fountain activation I'm really excited because we have not one not two but Three Fountains um so we're going to have a dark chocolate a milk chocolate and a white chocolate fountain so there will be something for everybody um and yeah just a moment to indulge and really have our guests enjoy yeah okay charmine I want to go back to you uh when did this event
start uh and and why is it so important that people go out and support um so we started uh 9 years ago so this is our ninth year um we have some incredible sponsor so like you mentioned Alaska Airlines they have been with us since our um event Inception um so they are um so such wonderful partners for us um this event is important because it helps fund our um women United Fund and this is a fund that um sponsors grants to our nonprofit partner agencies in the community um that have things to do
with um causes to do with women and women L households and it's all about um increas inreasing and improving uh economic mobility and stability for women in our community so um that's why we have fun and we celebrate um you know we we do showcase um a beautiful video during the course of our our event and it um it um showcases one of our beneficiaries that we had last year so um it's a very special event for us got it so a lot of the funds that's raised in particular with this event is going to
wards supporting the mission and those programs you mentioned correct yes and so um for example in 2023 um we gave out more than $100,000 to four organizations um and it's the attendees and our corporate partners and our sponsors that allow us to uh let that happen absolutely okay uh Ruby real quick before I let you go as well if people who haven't uh been out there to this event just yet you've been a part of it now for a couple of years why should they get out there in a t well it's beautiful
it's so much fun it's a great time to spend with women in the community build relationships and just have a glass of champagne enjoy some chocolate and a beautiful fashion show there you go okay so charmine how do people get more information uh in terms of uh details ticketing info what's yeah so um well I we are very fortunate to be completely sold out for the event so we're very excited about that but it is an annual event um so people can always find out information um through our website it'
s we do have a web page dedicated to women United um and then just in general women united we um are always looking for members to join us us we do a lot of volunteer opportunities a lot a lot of networking opportunities and it's all about women supporting women so um we would love to either have you attend or volunteer at our event in the future and um we're really excited awesome okay Ruby sh uh charm thank you so much thank you and make sure you folks go ahead and check it out as well
right now we're going to to upstairs into the high
