
Amy Williams WBB Show, Husker Softball on Sports Nightly: Thursday, February 8th, 2024

Sports Nightly, presented by the NDOT Highway Safety Office with Greg Sharpe & Jessica Coody, live from our ✨brand new✨ studio in East Memorial Stadium. 6-8pm CT, M-F!

Nebraska Huskers

Streamed 2 weeks ago

it's time for the Nebraska women's basketball coaches show brought to you by bimo at top of the left wing Daren white reverses it deep right side Kendall Cole is going to take a three you betch you a triple for Kendall Coley nice shot by kendle good ball reversal by Nebraska high lob underneath caught by marowski puts it up and it out and a foul what a Dandy play from the side marowski hit the brakes Miss Lead for three you bet you on the right wing she's on fire link to the Florida goes he's ha
ving problems gets it in it's deflected Huskers get it back po puts it up and scores the Husker defense gets two points in a Huskers lead by five what a play White in the four court markowski at the buzzer for three you beta brings the crowd to its feet Alexis marowski with a m her first quarter kicks to the Deep left corner morard with two with one her three-pointer it's back rim it goes in you betcha kendle moriarity with a triple now with Amy Williams here's your host Jessica Cy and welcome i
nto our Nebraska women's basketball show I'm Jessica Cy and excited to be joined by the head coach in studio for the next hour Amy Williams with us if you have any calls or text you want to get in for the head coach 402 413 2400 that is the number on our Woodhouse Auto family hotline well coach welcome in good to see you yes great to see you too Jess congrats on the win at Michigan you always take those Road WIS right uh how how proud were you of the fight you guys are overcoming some a little b
it of injuries and and to bounce back with that win on the road uh how proud of you were were you of your team yeah really really proud of this group I I love coaching uh teams that have fight in them and we showed great fight uh and resiliency to bounce back after a really tough loss and a little short-handed to to go on the road and get a big win so just incredibly proud of our group and and want to keep pressing on the gas to becoming uh the best team that we're capable of becoming so you guy
s uh we're trailing there and after the first quarter what changed what allowed you guys to settle in yeah I thought that um we were kind of just maybe a little out of sync and out of sorts just kind of rushing some things and I thought in the second quarter we just really made an emphasis to to work for paint touches and get the ball into the paint whether that um come from post feeds or penetration or whatever and get inside and then inside outside looks and I thought um because of that we too
k some better looks in the second quarter there and gained a little momentum and um went into halftime just down one point and within reach and knew that it was a game we could we could go get and you know Michigan you guys have some some history with with Michigan and have had some battles anyways we're in a close one but you know you always talk about defense and getting defensive stops and and your team an the really got some some big time stops there at the end of the game yeah and I'm so pr
oud of that I thought that we were really committed to um doing the things we needed to do on that end I thought um you know MTI croll was awesome in that game just defensively making some things happen there was a stretch there in the third quarter where she had a few steals just kind of right in a row that really sparked us and gave us um some opportunities to get out in transition and get a lead and uh I just thought our team team glued in then down the stretch to get the defensive stops we n
eeded when you know you guys obviously have a lot of Shooters on your team but when the three isn't falling falling is that something that you have starting start to have those conversations hey let's get inside let's get some looks to some of our post players yeah I mean it is always an emphasis for us because we have one of the best post players in the country um so it's always an emphasis for us but I think the thing that people don't realize they think oh well you're not shooting the three w
hy don't you just throw it inside well if you're not making threes teams are packing it in and making it more and more difficult for you to throw the ball inside so um it's something that you know we're constantly searching for the right balance so that we can continue to attack teams in a lot of different ways and and um you know we we want to be able to stretch defenses so that it makes um life better for players like Alexis marowski and Annie Stewart and Jessica Petri and Natalie Potts and yo
u know the players that are really wanting to be uh efficient down inside when your assistant coaches are on a couple weeks ago Jessica Keller and Julian n cbay we were talking about that don't really feel like Alexis marowski is getting enough credit Nationwide I mean she's just but she is night in and night out and you've said this a couple of of different times how teams are doing everything they can to take her out of it but yet she's still continuing to produce double doubles almost night i
n and night out I mean what can you say about the effort that she continues to to try to get to do whatever she can despite the efforts from opposing teams yeah I mean I'm just so proud of her I think that's the the result of a lot of hard work and very intentional focus by Lex just this entire offseason and throughout the entirety of this season and um she made it her goal to improve um footwork and be more efficient with her scoring but um also to work hard for her conditioning to be able to s
ustain longer stretches out on the court and to be able to to um you know really be effective staying locked into defensive game plans and I think that um we're seeing the uh results of that because she's been able to be much more consistent with her production just both with points both with defense or as well as defense and um also her rebounding you know I had her on our Husker women's Wednesday podcast the first episode and I was talking to her about how Natalie pots and her seem to be reall
y playing well off each other now throw Jess Petri into the mix how you seen that kind of develop with those post players and how they're able to play with each other and and kind of provide that one to punch for you guys inside yeah I mean it's something that um you know it's not super common when you um are talking about two of those players being freshman you know and it usually takes a little bit of time but at this point I think um Alexis has had um really good opportunities to kind of unde
rstand when people are going to be doubling off of her and those young ladies are really high IQ and competitive players that know how to continue to move and and create opportunities for themselves to be able to help impact um the game and so um you know it's it's nice to see we want them to be flourishing down the stretch and really coming together at the right time and um that's what we're we're starting to see Natalie Potts is certainly making a case for herself to be the Big 10 freshman of
the year she does a lot of really good things for you guys but what would you say is her number one strength I think her number one strength is just the way that she plays with a motor and that could show up in a lot of different ways you know there's been games where I felt like she's really sparked us to to a win with her defensive intensity and deflections and tips and Steals and making some things happen just being aggressive on defense then there's also been games where um she's affected th
e game with offensive rebounding and just second chance hustle plays getting um after the glass and and being able to to score because of her offensive rebounding but all of it starts with a motor and and um a willingness to want to to work and be relentless to work hard out on the court and and so to me that's without question the first thing that Drew us to Natalie and the thing that allows her to have such success Jess Petri also is providing you guys with some big minutes and she seems to ma
ke just again buckets when you need it the most a lot of times but how have you seen her maybe settle in get more comfortable is it just sometimes a process for a freshman yeah I I think that she is a unique um player for our team because uh she bounces back and forth and she plays some minutes for us at the four and some minutes for us at the five and um there are a lot of differences between those two in our system just because um defensively she might have to be out you know hedging ball scre
ens or really banging around down in the low block but sometimes switching off onto guards and being able to stay in a stance and keep that in front and and I think um that's not something that we ask very many people to do but because of her versatile skill set um we've asked her to be able to kind of bounce back and forth and so sometimes that takes a little bit longer to gain the Comfort level but we're starting to see her um Thrive and get more and more comfortable with whether she's in the
court on the court in either one of those spots Okay so so going back to the Michigan win you told Matt cotney after in your postgame interview that you would have G given Maddie koll the game ball what did you see what did you like about her performance for you guys in that win well I thought um she's just been really resilient we've made some shuffles and and mixes and changes to our starting lineup trying to find good opportunities to play to her strengths in certain situations and I think sh
e's just really embraced that and done what the team needed her to do but came out in that particular particular game even though um we have at times been wanting to try to limit her minutes just with some things she's been dealing with healthwise but um she played 30 plus minutes in that ball game and really sparked us just was so solid defensively and really anchors our defense with her communication and the way that she directs traffic and I thought she just made some big time hustle plays th
at sparked us on that scoring run in the third quarter that gave us the lead that we were able to play with for the rest of the game I mean how important is that just you know again for her to kind of maybe lead in that example of embracing that role you know from being that person that's providing the spark Off the Bench just to embrace that and want to do whatever she can in that role well um it's huge I mean I think it shows what a tremendous um leader she is because of her willingness to con
tinue to remain selfless um through whatever and just you know we've been talking a lot about you know how hard it is is this time of year to continue to um be thinking team first and continue to put your team first and you know it's it's hard when um when everybody is you know competitive and wants to be playing and contributing and helping our team win but I think she genuinely um personifies that and just does an amazing job of staying committed to this team and helping us do whatever is nece
ssary just to win ball games love that and on that note the moving Ken hake into the starting lineup what were you see out of Kalen that you thought she could maybe help you guys from the start and moving into that starting lineup well I think Ken does a good job of pushing Pace uh as a sophomore she's become much more comfortable with um you know kind of our uh offensive scheme and how to play call and transition you know where to where to put the ball get it to the right places but also Ken ha
s really been shooting the three well for our team this year and um when she's able to do that and we're able to put another 40% three-point shooter on the floor out there that really um helps kind of stretch the floor a little bit makes life a little bit easier for Drive Lanes makes life a little bit easier for post uh post players to be able to either go make a move or if they're doubling off know that they're leaving somebody that we all have confidence in to to be able to to be a threat from
behind the ark so I think you know those are the things that Ken really brings to the table for our team and whether she's doing that from the starting lineup or From the Bench we don't really care um you know we we know what she can do to impact the game but just trying to find the right tweaks to be able to put us in the positions to be able to have great starts and to finish quarter strong and and so we decided to mix some things up and she's done well with that as well you guys that were ab
le to get that win without Daren white uh which was huge and so D from Florida actually asked on our text line how is Daren white doing when will she back be back in the lineup yeah that's a it's a great question and I really don't even have the answer to that right now and and right now she's working around the clock just very diligently working hard to try to be back out there with her teammates as soon as possible but it's going to be one of those injuries that's just a day-to-day thing and w
e're just going to have to each day um come in and see how she how she's responding to the previous days um treatments rehab and and training and and um you know hope to have her back out there just as soon as possible with us you know it's it's uh such a grind and we were talking about this before we went on the air but just you know making it through a conference season how do you guys balance maybe knowing when to practice when to maybe kind of pull back a little bit and let your team rest bu
t just you know all the things that's necessary to keep a team healthy throughout Big 10 play before you guys even get to postseason yeah I mean that's a great uh great question Jess there's a lot of things that go into it I mean we are really blessed here at Nebraska because we have an very extensive Sports Science staff that um that takes a look at a lot of that information and and loads and we have a lot of things at our fingertips that um you know for example the force plates and jump testin
g and and um those numbers and data really tell us how our team is kind of doing fatigue wise and um and so we can use utilize all of that information to help us make great decisions but I think you know my coaching staff and I have a pretty good feel for our kids you know we we talk with um our athletic trainer and strength coach on a regular basis about kind of what we're all seeing and um and we really seek out feedback from our players too and we want them to be able to uh to give us feedbac
k about kind of where the team is at and and what what they feel like that they need and and so with all of those factors all considered we we try to make the best decisions about um you know continuing to press forward continuing to improve but uh making sure we understand there's only so much tread on those tires is fascinating and and you know again it you talk about it a lot and every basketball coach does that it starts to get to a point where you want to start peing so what are some of the
things that you need to see from your team to start maybe putting together their best basketball yeah I think the the big things for us just lie in um continuing to be smart with execution knowing that at this point you know teams have 20 games worth of scout film on you they're going to try to take away the things you've been doing really well and and and um invite you to settle for things that maybe we haven't done so well so our ability to continue to work on spacing and timing and being har
d to guard and um being able to look at the second third fourth options um throughout our offensive sets and then um you know just defensively finding ways to cut back on some of the defensive mistakes and um finishing each possession with with box outs and rebounds and and keeping that rebounding at the Forefront you know those are the biggest keys for us right now all right got to get to our first break here on our Nebraska women's basketball show art I see your text uh our guy art has texted
in so we will get to that right after this break bimo is a proud sponsor of husker the Husker radio network we're committed to helping our customers make real Financial progress to learn more visit we're back with more with head coach Amy Williams coming up after this I'm Tom Osburn former football coach and founder of the teammates mentoring program I'm recruiting for the team and I wanted to be the finest team in America I'm looking for someone like you to be a teammates Mentor someone
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dcast Center which is sponsored by Acres the Midwest Premier John Deere dealer supplying the equipment and service to advance Agriculture and much more Acres solutions for every field welcome back to our Nebraska women's basketball BB show Jessica Cy along with the head coach Amy Williams and one of our um favorite texts and someone that texts in almost every show art in Los Angeles had this to say that was one of the best wins All Season the way the team played this last game it will be very di
fficult for any other team to beat the husers in the postseason I just want to thank all the players and coach Williams for being so awesome I'm a very Happy fan gbr Art's got to be happy that maybe some uh you guys are going to be making some trips out to California here in the next couple years yeah well that's my goal is that at some point when we get out to LA I want to be able to meet art in person and shake his hand and just thank him for being such a loyal fan to Nebraska women's basketba
ll and and um loyal to this radio or this um radio show too you know and and but he said it and you said this too um in your postgame but that was one of the grittiest and toughest wins just again just fighting through some of the things but you talk about coming off a a heartbreaking loss like you guys did how important was that to to get back into the wind column after that yeah I mean I think it's really important to accomplish the goals that this team has for ourselves but also just um for o
ur confidence and psyche and and um you know just being able to continue to press forward so that we can you know Peak here as we move through February uh is really really important for us to uh to bounce back to be able to um have a short-term memory and to be able to to get back out there and show some toughness and um I thought we did that well uh of the things I wanted to talk to you about we we haven't talked about this on the radio show but you guys now have three endowed scholarships two
of those new this season and they've they've announced and one of them again another the inaugural one coming up this weekend that is going to be by the stone family but I just kind of wanted to talk to you about that and just you know having those endowed scholarships what does that do for your program how important is that well it's incredibly important to um have that kind of support for um for Nebraska women's basketball and and our program I think um our players um feel so honored that we'v
e had um such incredible supporters that have supported us in that way and then for them to be you know named to those endowed Scholars uh you know I think scholarships it just is um it's an incredible honor for them and something that we're so appreciative of the support that comes through those so um let's talk about Maddie croll was just a word one you know just again the for her to earn that scholarship um what was it about her that she earned that and that she was a fit for her scholarship
yeah I mean I think when you just look at the criteria that um was was put out there for the latimers and and you know previously I know Izzy Bourne had been in that role but um you know somebody that just is such an incredible representa representative of what it means to be a Husker you know just you know somebody that's dependable and loyal and hardworking and does things the right way and is a great student and great Citizen and um very committed to being involved in the community and um Mad
die checks all those boxes um she just is um just the perfect recipient for for that award and then how cool is it now you got an alumni Stephanie buy that's uh now sponsoring a scholarship as well uh just for her to want to step in and and support this program uh what does that mean to you guys and then guess Alison wner got got her scholarship yeah I mean as a former Alum myself just to have um somebody like Stephanie that you know has stayed connected to this program continued to support it a
nd um continues to see the need and value in that type of support um just you know so thankful to Stephanie and and um just really excited to have a player like Allison Weidner a a Nebraska native that um has been through some some some some challenges and hurdles but continues to just absolutely shine like um just the the star that she is and uh continues to attack um any hurdle that comes in her way just you know with a Vengeance and and you know I think Stephanie would be very very proud to h
ave someone like Allison Weidner be the first recipient of that Stephanie bowy scholarship I've been so impressed with her uh getting off track a little bit but just the way that gosh it can be so hard and she can probably she's very um could very well have a pity party I mean it's hard to go through what she's been through but gosh she's so invested in the team she seems locked in and it just has such a good attitude about it it's it's been really really neat to see her kind of attack this thin
g it really has and it's not something she's just trying to kind of pass the time she's saying how can I use this time to just better myself and it's not just um you know with physical skills or you know because that's what she's been used to is finding ways to lift more weight or you know shoot more shots or work on her ball handling a little more and now that that hasn't always been the option um she she attacks the rehab that she can do and the training that she can do um with that same Venge
ance but um it's been okay how can I become a better teammate how can I become a better leader how can I learn about our offense how can I improve my IQ how can I um you know be able be of value to my teammates by you know imparting the information that I know and that I can see from sitting over here on the sideline and um she just you know continues to find ways to grow and improve and um it's that growth mindset that just is going to set her apart and and is the reason why she's going to be b
ack stronger than ever okay so then the the last one that'll be announced this Sunday the stone family scholarship and that one's going to Daren white tell us about that one and um why Daren was deserving of that one well uh first of all just um a huge thank you to um Joe and Chris Stone who just been incredible supporters of Nebraska Athletics and specifically Nebraska women's basketball and I've had um just a great time getting to know them better um and so we're we're very grateful to them fo
r their support in this way and um you know Daren is somebody that we're we're we we talk all the time about that we wish that we had uh more years to coach her because um she has come in and just been such a bright light she just has energy and she's got a smile about her and she just has brought so much to our team and the culture um that you know is just so valuable and so I I think just a just a great fit and a great recipient for that as well it's just it's so exciting again would you have
thought okay we had the one and then now here you are you have two more to go along with that this year it's um it's pretty special time right to be a head coach here in this program it is it is um it shows just how incredibly um just fortunate that we are at a place like the University of Nebraska to have the the fan base the supporters the donors that we have that um that continue to give and just so grateful all right we got to work in another break here but got some fun stuff to get to on th
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f new and Pre-owned Vehicles anytime at where we have made buying a car easier than ever whether you need a family hauling SUV a car to take you around town or a hardworking truck Woodhouse has something for everyone get ready again for some Nebraska Farm facts when there's work to be done Nebraska soybeans are on the job in many of your everyday products in fact Nebraska soybeans are hard at work and good to your tires Ford cars and trucks Sketcher shoes asphalt fuels lubricants n
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get rid of those trouble tickets heighten the user experience and deliver reliable wireless access to customers and employees to simplify operations for Network administrators Kidwell see beyond inspiring connectivity and communication since 1948 Woodhouse Auto family is your trust said Auto partner with 20 Brands and 20 convenient Sales and Service locations we're making car buying on your terms visit us online at welcome back to the Nebraska women's basketball show Jessica cudy
here with the head coach Amy Williams well coach we are just minutes away from the kickoff in the 2024 Husker softball season which I know you're really excited about yes I am super excited um just um that team I love softball I'm kind of a softball mom and I also um am just really really excited for uh my good friend coach rll but also the the that team to kind of get things kicked off so excited to pay attention to see how this this goes here opening night so have you thought about how in a ye
ar from now you're going to have a daughter that is going to be playing in the in the opener yeah um I'm trying to wrap my mind around all of that and we're we're still trying to kind of we'll figure out the logistics when that time when the time is right but um pretty pretty special yeah I guess she'll be playing both so she might not be there for the but you know just the fact that she'll be a part of this team in a year it's got to be pretty pretty cool that to think about this is this going
be one of her teams next year yeah she's incredibly blessed and and um yeah we're excited for that so you know when you talk to coaches about who you want your kids to play for and and we've had this conversation with Fred hoyberg before but you know what is it about Coach Rell that you um want Kennedy to be able to play for her too and and just the kind of leader and Coach that she she would be for your daughter well she's um been an incredible friend and mentor to me since I've been here at Ne
braska and is one of the best leaders I've ever been around and and when you watch the impact that she's had across the entire softball world not just here at Nebraska where she's won over a thousand wins but um you know the way that the rest of the um softball coaches across the the country just respect her um she's just one of the best leaders I've ever been around and so uh to to have a daughter that gets the opportunity to to be a part of that and and to learn from her um just a incredible o
pportunity and and very special um very very cool Okay so yesterday was National girls and women in sports day and on the Husker social media platforms you might have seen but a really cool video happened where they surprise some of the female student athletes with messages from their parents talking about the impact that sport Sports has made on them and so Callen hake was the athlete that was surprised by her parents Jill and Chad so we wanted to listen to that and provide you guys that and th
en um just again just a cool moment for Ken hake hi Ken happy National women in sports day what a great day for you as we reflect on this day I think about your grandmothers who had the great privilege of watching you play in the last week and how they never had an opportunity to to play sports and you've had that opportunity since you were 3 years old to strap on your first little pair of pink and white high tops and go live your dreams whether it was basketball soccer track all the sports that
you did it's been so much fun watching you and we just continue to enjoy to watch you play to show your resilience show your strength your grit your commitment and your passion for the sport but most of all I'm so proud of what a great mentor you are to young girls that you come through um that you come in contact with through camps through signing autographs walking down the street wherever it may be I love what a great role model you are and that you are a great advocate for the sport and you
continue to shine bright so keep being you keep working hard keep enjoying your passion and go Big Red Ken you are such a inspiration to all everybody that you come in contact with and I just love the way that you play play the game you play it with passion uh with heart and then off the court you do the same thing you inspire others and especially when you see how you touch families uh not just little girls but families and what you do each and every day you live it and you do it and you are s
o inspiring and the way that you lead by example uh we are just so incredibly proud of you and the way that you do it and for all women across the country and little girls we are just incredibly proud and we love you so much go Big Red love you you're getting a little emotional during that yes every time I watch it and I've watched that multiple times first of all can I just say a huge thank you to our social media team that kind of um that had that idea and put that together and what a really c
ool surprise for and all of the other athletes that um were represented in that piece and um I just thought um just a really touching but I think um so absolutely perfect for National women and girls in sport day to uh to be able to kind of to have that type of message about what type of an inspiration not just Kalen and the rest of our team but all of the athletes here at Nebraska are to the young women and girls that aspired to be just like them someday and um awesome day and just an awesome w
ay to celebrate it and just thank you to Jill and Chad for for making that surprise happen and um making me emotional making Ken emotional and you know just really touching they're such great people they're so nice you've got a lot of great parents uh how important is that how much does that help you to have that kind of support system I mean it seems like no matter where you go you're going to have multiple parents in the stand supporting your team but just how supportive they are of your progr
am and it just seems like such a close-knit group yeah it is a a great group and and I think you know that is our players you know first line of support and and so really really important that um those people are on board with um supporting Nebraska women's basketball and our team um to its fullest and and we're very fortunate to have that so you talked about just uh the national girls women in sports day and inspire IR ing the Next Generation there was a really cool event last night we were out
there live but your team all went and it was every sport except for softball because of course they're on the road tonight but you know we're inside the Hawks Championship Center and they were interacting with a lot of the young girls from the community and it was just it was such a cool event but to see your team out there I think almost your entire team was there coming off the late night trip from you know following the went over Michigan but just uh how important was that for your team to b
e a part of and and to continue to inspire like they they do almost every single day yeah um it's important and um I think the one thing I know uh for sure is that an event like that um is as important or as fulfilling for our athletes as it is for the young girls that come out to be around our athletes um just being able to have that influence gives confidence to our players and our team and um continues to redirect them them back to what's really important and and so um just a a special opport
unity I'm so thankful to Nebraska Athletics for providing that and and Maya Felder I know was really involved in that event and organizing and and um to have something really cool like that for us to come back um from Michigan and and a late night but to be able to do that and to continue to realize uh the impact that we're having um is pretty special and we're grateful so on on National girls and women in sports day of course we celebrate the growth and and again just being inspired which now t
his your team is now inspiring a lot of the Next Generation but we've heard Alexis marowski talk about how she was inspired of course some of your Nebraska players that were inspired by players like Jordan Hooper and and all that but for you when you were growing up did you have a woman that you looked up to that inspired you as a role model well um without question the the number one role model would have been my mom and not necessarily um in sport because we tease her all the time she was um p
laying six on six basketball and only was a Defender so um every time we went to the gym with my mom like she didn't know how to shoot because she didn't have to shoot um she just guarded and so I don't know maybe that's why I became a defensive specialist um but um certainly uh so thankful to her for um just mentoring to me and showing me that I could do anything I put my mind to and just been an incredible inspiration um to me oh that's awesome yeah my mom also played six on six and we joke to
her about the same thing I mean she's got a two-handed ugly looking shot but all she had to do is play defense and then dribble it up you know she could she could handle it really well she said occasionally if she got fouled she'd have to walk down but she said that didn't happen very often when you know that to get fouled on that end of the court and so um yeah but that that again is just another example example of of how far we've come that you know it's I think probably nowadays you tell som
ebody that hey basketball used to play six on six like half court I I think probably some of the younger generation like what what are you talking about how did that even work for sure I guarantee you that none of my current players would have that would have even been on their radar oh that's awesome okay let's work at our final break here of our Nebraska women's basketball show the Huskers radio network broadcast Center is sponsored by Acres the Midwest Premier John Deere dealer supplying the
equipment and Serv to advance Agriculture and much more Acres solutions for every field we got the final segment with head coach Amy Williams coming up after this this statement has not been evaluated by the FDA this product is not intended to diagnose treat cure or prevent any disease when it comes to my lifestyle and diet I don't always make the smartest choices touchdown hey how about another round and some more chips but when it comes to taking care of my liver I do make one very smart choic
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our free Husker Visa debit card at any branch or at Huskers member [Music] [Music] FDIC hey Mom yeah I got in a crash I'm okay I was wearing my seat belt people count on you to buckle up brought to you by the ndot highway safety office hit us up on the text line text 402 413 2400 with your Husker thoughts hey Huskers it's a new day in Nebraska manzer equipment merch farm equipment and West Point Implement of Columbus have teamed up as true a and turf coach rule is bringing in inovation
and high performance standards to Husker football and true a is doing the same to your farm with gamechanging fent equipment as big red establishes power on the field true a and turf does the same in the field by welcoming fent to Nebraska for Farmers productivity isn't an option it's everything and at Valley we feel the same delivering game-changing technology and irrigation solutions that Advance agricultural productivity with the results to prove it from our leading irrigation technology to e
xpert advice you can always rely on Valley to bring out the best in your farm at Valley productivity isn't an option it's everything visit your local Valley dealer or Valley today welcome back it'ser Huskers radio network broadcaster which is sponsored by Acres the Midwest Premier John Deere dealers supplying the equipment and service to advance Agriculture and much more Acres solute tions for every field final segment here of our Nebraska women's basketball show with head coach A
my Williams we got a text on the text line for your Dr in malcol said my daughter loved last night's event and the softball bash last weekend um yeah great turnouts for both too again it's just uh you know I know we say that a lot and we kind of harp on it but just the the amount amount of support that show up and and for those types of events it's just it's really amazing yeah I mean we're so fortunate we just feel so grateful and blessed to have amazing fans and and young women and like I ment
ioned earlier I just think um a lot of people feel like that's us giving our time to give back to our community but I don't know that they realize that that Community is really fueling us when we when they come to support us at events like that that they they really want to to bring those young women around us and I just think that is equally as beneficial for both sides so the only thing I'll say is your girl station they didn't have a hoop they had to use they did a bean bag toss they played s
ome cornhole so next year or the next time we got to make sure we we have a hoop for them to shoot get some shots off right yeah I know cuz trust me on this I've watched our kids play cornhole bags and some of the yard games and so they need to stick to basketball we got we got to get Amanda on that Amanda heart next time we got to get a basketball hope all right well big one coming up on Sunday um you guys played Iowa played them tough there um for the first half to is really really close but t
ell us about the matchup and just kind of what you're looking for your team to to perhaps maybe pull off an upset here on Sunday yeah I mean we we feel like we had some really good flashes um when we played over at Iowa and so but we've got some things we're going to have to clean up and and um you know obviously everybody knows Caitlyn Clark is at the top of the scouting report but um there were some players that really hurt us I thought um Sid affalter came in Off the Bench and gave them 16 po
ints got some Second Chance points and and um you know Kate Martin a lot of backdoor cuts and and cuts to the rim and and layups and you know so we're going to have to clean up and and try to take away um some of that really veteran Supporting Cast that Caitlyn is playing with as well and and you know it'll have to be a great game for us a complete 40-minute game we're going to have to shoot it well and score well but uh we feel really excited about the opportunity that's in front of us this wee
kend soldout crowd inside PBA and um you again it's just been it's been growing and growing but have you thought about what it's going to be like to have that place just completely sold out for the first time for for one of your games um I'm really trying to still process that and I remember um talking to one of our recruits in Pinnacle Bank Arena the my first year here at Nebraska and um you know we were talking about our fan base and just how incredible it was and and that um it wouldn't be lo
ng long before we had sold Pinnacle Bank Arena out for women's basketball and and um and here we are here we are it just gives me chills and I'm really excited about it and um it's going to be Electric in there and yeah just for a a task like Iowa I mean how much this crowd getting behind you guys and kind of helping um energize you and set the tone how important is that going to be yeah I mean there's no doubt about it our team is fueled off the energy from Husker nation and so uh we will defin
itely be leaning into to that and and um counting on um a really electric atmosphere so back to the Scout a little bit more I mean we talked about this some last time but how do you defend a team like with Caitlyn Clark I mean is it something where you kind of got to know that she's probably going to get hers and try to stop the other The Supporting Cast or how do you kind of go about building a defensive Scout for Iowa well what a great question Jess my staff and I met today for about 4 hours j
ust really trying to break down um several uh aspects and areas where we could potentially do a little bit better defensively just you know a few possessions here and this and a little bit here and being able to do this we obviously haven't cracked the code on um Caitlyn Clark but um nobody has nobody has right I mean you know I think you know you you see people say okay we're GNA take away her left hand and then she goes for 41 driving right I mean she she's very um crafty and capable from no m
atter what you try to take away from her so um you just do your best to make things as challenging as you can and then um to to lock down and not have uh mistakes away from from Caitlyn Clark and and um you're going to have to play pretty good offensively to give yourself a chance huge opportunity though right you guys embracing this number two team in the country coming into Pinnacle Bank Arena you got to love that kind of opportunity oh we're so excited and after um we've watched our men's tea
m knock off a couple top 10 teams in the country this year and and do that and just the um you know that that is it was so crazy um you know after those wins and and we'd like to we'd like to participate in that as well absolutely all right best of luck thank you for your time and we can't wait for Sunday thanks Jess okay again Nebraska women's basketball and Iowa coming up at noon inside Pinnacle Bank Arena by the way the last time that these two teams played he uh just uh had just so happened
to have the largest television audience in Big 10 Network history the last time uh when they played at Iowa so going to be not only a sold out crowd inside Pinnacle Bank Arena but also no doubt a huge television audience tuning in for this one as well thanks so much to Amy Williams for joining us here over the last hour and again should mention we'll have the call for you right here on the huskar radio network um and Matt cotney Jeff GRE will be on the call for you on that one we got a whole ano
ther hour of sports nightly coming up next we're going to listen into some of that softball game the opener in Port of iarta with Nate Roar he is on the call right now so Greg sharp will join me next keep it here on Sports nightly Dorothy Lynch home style and light and lean dressing endless flavor abilities hit us up on the text line text 402 413 2400 with your Husker thoughts it's time for some Nebraska Farm facts want to know a fast way to rev up our Nebraska economy while helping the planet i
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that's made Ford FS series America's bestselling trucks 47 years straight this is the next generation of buil Ford tub now get 1.9% financing for 72 months on a new 2023 Ford F-150 only at your Midwest Ford dealers e good evening I'm Duke Ruden our Sports tickers is brought to you by the 1890 initiative the Jordy ball era has kicked off as the Nebraska softball team take on number seven Washington in the Puerto viarta College challenge the 17th ranked Huskers are looking to start the season str
ong as ball takes the mound in her first game as a Husker in Big 10 men's basketball tonight tonight only one game and that is Iowa trailing Penn State 42-34 in the top 25 Number Eight Arizona travels to face Utah and UAB hosts number 20 FAU in Big 10 women's basketball Michigan state is playing number 14 Indiana Northwestern at Illinois number two Iowa hosting Penn State and number five Ohio State visiting visiting Minnesota and in the top 25 number 16 Virginia Tech against number three NC Stat
e and number 15 Louisville leading number 12 Notre Dame by five with 24 seconds left in the game nine games in the NBA tonight including the Timberwolves at the Bucks the Cavs against the Nets Jazz vers the Suns and the Lakers hosting the Nuggets our Sports ticker is sponsored by the 1890 initiative you want to support Husker student athletes through name image and likeness if so visit 1890 coming up next next is hour two of sports nly right here on the Huskers radio network coming
to you live from Memorial Stadium it's Sports nightly all the Huskers all the time Sports nightly is presented to you by the ndot highway safety office who remind you to buckle up and put the phone down goes off the bounce goes behind your back Works foul line pots for three top of the key you betch you Natalie pots the Big 10 freshman of the week with a triple getting on it with Joan Gary Wilshire Scoops it up now to Williams across the timeline Williams to the trailing Wilshire fumbled it got
it back drives to the Baseline 15 footer up got it got it got it got it we got a Time b game eight on the shot clock Daran white right wing needs help high lob underneath marowski gets a double team kicks to the Deep left corner morar with two with one her three-pointer it's back rim and goes in you bet you kall moriarity with a triple huge shot the pump fake by mass step back three on the way got it got it got it got it holy smokes holy cow the Flying Dutchman with a victory to tie it at 65 her
e are your hosts Greg sharp and Jessica cudy on the Huskers radio network thank you great to be here with you on hour number two sports on on a Thursday night last night at this time we had handed it off to Kent and Jake so I think let's start with that game it was another tough road effort for the Huskers they drop it by 12 to the wildcat uh and you know Fred Fred hyberg I think's got a really obviously he's got a good handle on his own team Jess because he he I think mentioned this with you on
Monday that the two categories for this team rebounding and turnovers he goes if we don't do one of if we do one of them really well we got a chance if we don't do either one very well it's going to be hard they got rebounded by seven gave up 13 offensive rebounds and they turned the ball over 17 times that's not a good recipe particularly on the road yeah and buoy was out of his mind out of his mind after he did and we kind of thought that right because he just did not play well it was one of
his probably I guess you could say worst performances of the season when he was here you knew he's probably going to be a mission on a mission what was up though with the the Western theme for the crowd last night must have been like the cowboy hats they gave at volleyball here I don't know well that was tied to coach I know I don't know that there was a I did not like the mocking of Kay I thought that was low class by Northwestern of I'm losing my mind they had two players do that after they ma
de threes that's what kay has done a couple times here I thought that was kind of low class Northwestern I they I just I think to me just kind of what we were talking about just being maybe a little bit concerned about the fact that they were going to be fired up for this one they wanted that one back the one that they lost here at inside uh Pinnacle Bank Arena so they just they looked like they were ready to go they're fired up they were on a mission last night and I just I just can't help but
think that maybe fatigue is getting to this Husker basketball team and the the travel that they've had how many minutes they've had to play with the overtime wins and just um kind of the the grind of the last couple weeks I think is is caught up to them well they haven't had a byee yet that's coming up after the Michigan game Saturday where they won't play from Saturday to Saturday but I'm with you and I think coach hoyberg even told Kent and Jake in his post game he said we were a step slow get
ting out on those threes we didn't get kind of a hand in the face obviously they made them and so you credit them for that but you make it a little tougher for them to get the shot off maybe they don't make as they made 11 in the game and they made in the first half they made eight of 16 so they shot 50% from behind the line in the first half so I'm with you I did a hit this morning on our Lincoln affiliate and they were like well since we last talked we've lost these two Row games and I go no n
o no no we since we last talked we've played three games because they played Wisconsin Thursday night and then Illinois Sunday and then last night's game at Northwestern so that's three games in seven days with two of them being on thead Road and they did come back uh from Illinois back and forth we talked a little about that last night so I think this team's hitting a bit of a wall sure hope they can fight through it on Saturday because Here Comes Michigan off of a win over Wisconsin last night
yeah at least it one's that one's at home though you know like you it's such a good time to have a home game because they've obviously been proven that they're really good um I think you said Sunday I think it's it's Saturday it's the women are Sunday the men are Saturday y um but just to be able to be home and be back in the friendly Tom finds a PBA uh certainly provides that will provide him a little extra juice you'd think to to fight through it and then you get a little bit of you get some
time to to maybe regroup and and get some guys healthy I mean we were talking with coach Williams about that and even with the Women's Basketball team too it's just this time of the year I think for a lot of teams are battling with that and you you have to figure out how to manage your team and then on top of the schedule and then playing the overtime minutes they got some guys banged up that they're trying to get through this stretch with to and so it's just you got to find a way and that's wha
t coach hyberg said hey we can't do anything about it this is the hand that we're dealt we've just got to find a way to fight through it but yeah I I think um now's a really good time for them to be back home inside Pinnacle B Arena maybe you can uh get back in the wind column and then you can have a little bit of time to regroup it's a late Saturday afternoon start for that game we did last night when you and I were on the air we said we were hearing Rumblings that they might change the startin
g lineup they did Jamarcus did not start but I thought he played one of his better games he ended up with 12 points had a couple of assists um I thought and had a couple of steals I thought Jamarcus went did really well I saw coach hyberg today and he said actually Jamarcus came to him and said coach if you want to make a change in the starting lineup I'm okay with that that's that's a good sign when you got a young player that goes I'm okay if I don't start I think that's cool that's the cultur
e of this basketball team and we've heard coach hyberg talk about it I've heard a number of players I mean a guy like CJ wilcher also did the same thing whatever you need me to do and now look at how he's playing Off the Bench I think just getting guys to buy into that role whatever that role might be we just heard Amy Williams talking about Ken hake and she went to you know was in the starting lineup now she's coming off the bench just that's the Ultimate Team player that's what really can fuel
a basketball team when when those guys are all embracing whatever role but you know kudos to Jamarcus to to be okay with that and I I just I wondered too again you know for his future this has got to be a good experience for him learning to to kind of manage as a point guard but it's not his natural position so just you know what he's learned but getting back to I got to think probably at times maybe he doesn't feel as comfortable as maybe in a different kind of role because that's a lot to tak
e on and so you know maybe when you get a point guard back and you can kind of maybe allow him to play off the ball a little bit more which I you know B kudos to him and he did he M he came in and boy he made a really tough bucket like right when he came off the bench right shot yeah so just finding a way to as soon as you get in there make an impact and unfortunately they couldn't capitalize on it but yeah I thought he he played really well coming off the bench yeah so Saturday for the guys the
women will play Sunday against Iowa Michigan here F both games are sellouts and remember Trev Alberts has challenged Husker Nation to sell out those the Huskers men have four home games left he wants them all four sold out and Saturdays uh check on that speaking of ticket sales uh and I did not get an update today but Husker spring game tickets went on sale Tuesday to season ticket holders Wednesday to the general public and at at the end of the day yesterday 38,000 tickets had been sold Jessic
a for the spring game that's a pretty good start in just a two-day period again I did not check late today but 38,000 what a start people are excited they want to see these young quarterbacks that are going to be out there absolutely um what did we say what do we guess I thought we would be closer to 50 after a couple days so maybe they got there today but I'm not sure sure um and with so much time left in between I I think it'd be even closer to to filling that thing up oh I know I think I thou
ght 50 by this week I think we'll be close to 70 and then there's going to be some cool ticket sales with the the military appre lastek they got rid of those so um you know I think just and then with some some other events surrounding it it's that's got to be fun and when you talk about recruiting too which is going to be a big recruiting weekend but to be able to say hey this is what we've got on a spring game this is what you're going to play cuz a lot of those guys can't that are from out of
state it's hard for them to make it into to do an official visit during the season so to be able to show hey this is what it's all about is let's face it the spring game has become almost as much about recruiting hasn't it as it has playing that that football game so um you know certainly an opportunity but there's a lot surrounding that in terms of you know the next Huskers that could be a part of the Next Generation yeah well let's stay with football you sent me this yesterday that uh Dominic
riola went on and posted some video saying that Kirk herb Street when he heard that Dylan might be thinking about making a switch and coming to Nebraska that Kirk reached out to Dominic and said I think you need to do it if that's where his heart is that's your Alma monor you know he loves that program that would be a great move Welly that's caus some backlash at ESPN Paul fine bomb is livid he thinks that's totally inappropriate for herb Street to make that phone call and make that thing I don'
t get the problem I mean Kirk kre can call whoever he wants he's not trying to really I mean I think he and Dom know each other from some point in time down the road but I have no problem with that I don't think that's an stepping out of bounds for herb Street do you I I don't at all first of all because you're talking about someone well Paul fine bomb is SEC till he dies oh yeah so of course he's going to be mad that he's that that Dylan is leaving an SEC school but also think about you know Ki
rk and Chris and that team and and really the broadcast people they they fly in every single week and they build relationship ships they build the Rapport and you know get to know guys and I know Dylan's not part of a CO college team yet but again just you know building those kinds of relationships and understanding like that that's what you would hope I I would think that that's what Kirk would want for for players and coaches to feel like they can trust him to call him to get his opinion on th
ings and it's not like it was he's rooting for Nebraska it's just more so giving his ear and saying this is what I've seen from it but and his his opinion but it's not like he's pushing but more so just hey if this is what you're feeling go for it and that's what goes goes into building those relationships that is so important when you are on a broadcast team that they're there every they're traveling to these places every week they're sitting down with coaches and players for hours on in and ge
tting to know them and telling their stories on the broadcast and a lot of what we don't see goes on the air and just it's just you know again he invests time to get to know them I have no problem with it there's just for some reason people are mad at Kirk curve for everything these everything he does he even brings his dog to football games they're mad about people think that's wrong that he does that but I it was an interesting story I I had not seen that you sent that to me that I think you s
ent it yesterday and then so I saw and Dom has put up a video saying yeah Kirk he he talked with Kirk and Kirk says hey if that's where his heart is he needs to go there but I gosh I mean you're right fine bomb is is a mouthpiece for the SEC his show appears on the SEC network and all those type of things obviously it crosses over to the big Mothership of ESPN as well but yeah didn't seem to cause a stir and Husker fans have had their issues with Kirk in the past I'm sure they're okay with this
one right now yeah but but don't you think too just again when you're talking about a perspective Kirk herp stre goes to all these different schools the the top schools in the nation he's talking to these top players guys that have transferred guys that haven't transferred he probably would have a good perspective on hey if your heart is here that's where you should go as opposed to you know going because how many times have we heard that story here over the last few years of where guys maybe th
ink that it's a fit where they should go but then their heart's somewhere else or they they feel like it's a better fit but just kind of figuring that out and so I'm sure he's got a great perspective of that talking to coaches and players every single week during this time of the transfer portal just you know where is your heart what is your best feel and just maybe encouraging that because he's probably got a better better thumb on it than a lot of us just being that he is and going to all thes
e different places every single week interesting story though and so I can't wait to bump into Herby at some point in time and kind of ask him more about that and he's been quiet he hasn't confirmed the story so we're just getting it from Dom but I'm not sure why Dom would make that up and uh so and again I think it's I think it's kind of funny actually that fine bomb is all fired up about it I think it's kind of comical that he he's bothered that much that this was a egregious thing because her
b Street's not on our payroll it's not like this was tampering he's not he's not paid by the University of Nebraska I mean he's just he's trying to help a kid maybe do something that might be right for the kid and not only that ESPN is no longer longer carrying Big 10 games correct he's not even calling he has nothing to do with nebrask anymore and there's no ties there and especially he's not employed by he's not his employer doesn't even have any kind of say in the Big 10 Network or in the Big
10 TV coverage anymore so he has no dog in the fight to be able to have you know that kind of opinion and you know the chat's already blown up that and K curb Street hates Nebraska but you know so again if people think that he doesn't like Nebraska why would he be encouraging which I think that's a fallacy I don't think he hates Nebraska I think people all think that Kirk's picking against their team when he says make some comment about him what why where does that come from is it something spe
cific well there was a couple years ago they did a they tried to rank the best college football teams of all time and Kirk did not pick the 95 Huskers which a lot of people do and so everybody goes oh he hates Nebraska no he doesn't he just picked a different team in the history of college football that he thought was better that's fine it's his opinion people just get been out of of shape about that kind of stuff so all right we're going to be following the softball no score bble to first down
in Port of aarda as the Oscars in Washington battling a batch of ranked teams down there face first game of the year for the big red we'll listen in Nate Roars down there fired up calling the action on the Huskers app at if you want to go listen to some of that as well so we'll just a couple listens in this hour and I'm I I've been giddy all day because it's Thursday and that means Cole's joke we're not far off from Cole's joke hope he's got a good one tonight we can only hope 402 41
3 2400 I see some text we'll address those in the next segment if you want to make a phone call those lines are open as well 402 413 2400 Woodhouse Auto family they are your trusted Auto partner 20 Brands 20 convenient Sales and Service locations we're making carbine on your terms visit us online at more of the show coming up next n companies is proud to to support Husker Athletics as a leader in commercial real estate we create thriving communities discover what's new in the Build
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uipment and West Point Implement of Columbus have teamed up as true a and turf coach rule is bringing Innovation and high performance standards to Husker football and true a is doing the same to your farm with gamechanging fent equipment as big red establishes power on the field true a and turf does the same in the field by welcoming fent to Nebraska get ready to rule the field and revolutionize your farming game with Valley The Game Changer in irrigation and agtech solutions with time and labor
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nd chickens farmers and ranchers raise livestock and poultry to provide nutritious affordable protein for all ages to help build muscle and maintain energy for a healthy lifestyle keep that in mind as you prepare all that tast tasty meat on your tailgate Grill this message is brought to you by Nebraska soybean Farmers growing opportunity from the ground up that's the best way I could describe how it felt for me when I would walk out of either the casino or The Kino parlor is that you just felt t
hat wave of heat that wave of Oppression kind of hit you that wave of dread Mike is a former problem Gambler right away you would always know that that drive home would be the worst moments of why why did I do this again why can't I stop this help for problem gambling is free for Nebraskans and their families at life at groundworks we take great pride in helping our Nebraska neighbors keep their homes healthy from repairing foundations to Waterproofing basement to fixing crawl spaces o
r lifting concrete driveways we'd like to think our customers choose us because of our attention to detail or the fact that we're the nation's leading Foundation Solutions provider what gives our customers the most Comfort is we're right here in Nebraska visit groundwork .c for a free estimate groundworks Foundation Solutions crafted with pride the official Foundation company of the Huskers for Generations hardworking people have relied on Ford F series trucks to help grow businesses communities
families a legacy of capability and Technology that's made Ford FS series America's bestselling trucks 47 years straight this is the next generation of built Ford T now get 1.9% financing for 72 months on a new 2023 Ford F-150 only at your Midwest Ford dealers back inside our Huskers radio network broadcast Center sponsored by Acres Midwest Premier John deard dealer supplying the equipment and service to advance Agriculture and much more Acres solutions for every field GRE Shar Jessica kie with
you here on a uh Thursday night here on Sports nightly I'm going to check a couple of Tex came in Carlos said Greg I agree with you about the Northwestern players mocking Kay totally classless Ste Steven BTO I was watching the BTN broadcast and they were like man I've never seen that kind of Celebration then they went back to the studio and somebody in the studio goes well that's quay's kind of move he's done that a couple times where he holds his head like I'm out of my mind right now and had
two Northwestern players kind of doing that didn't like that I thought that was pretty classless move and I kind of think Chris Collins does a pretty good job with his program but I didn't like that he don't need to do that yeah well Casey just has a way about him he just plays so with so much emotion so much joy and I you know I think for him he doesn't mean it to be malicious when he's celebrating it's just kind of how he's wired and it's why Husker fans love him so much and my his teammates l
ove him so much but I think for opposing fan bases and opposing teams um you know they probably think that they don't like that very much and and especially when he's going off on them and then you know he's celebrating so but yeah you you don't have to mock let your play do the talking exactly they were making enough shots let that speak for it for itself then Tech Northwestern also played three games in seven days and the prior two were also overtime games on the road and three or four of thei
r players in the top five of minutes play can't use fatigue as an excuse okay watch that text and I don't have a name for who that that text in you're factually correct but let me add some context to your text they were playing their third game in seven days but they played Saturday Nebraska played Sunday so they had one more day of recovery and prep time to get ready for Nebraska on a Wednesday night that's big one more full day to prep and practice for Nebraska so that's big also Nebraska's pl
ayed 13 conference games northwestern's last night was 12 so Nebraska had one more extra League game on their legs than Northwestern so I'm not you know Fred would not totally use fatigue but I also thought Northwestern did get tired in the second half they didn't make nearly as many shots in the second half so you started to see their fatigue but they had such a nice lead early on so while you that you're factually correct also context that the Northwestern had one extra day of prep for Nebrask
a than the Huskers had for them and we're not just talking about um you know fatigue and the schedule it's also to some of the injuries that Nebraska is dealing with now too like rink Mast isn't fully healthy Jan Gary is coming off having missed couple week with with his injury um Jo Josiah Alec is not fully healthy um there's one more I think that's battling something but anyway so so so well Eli's not playing yeah Eli's out so I just think you know it's we don't know too just with rink has not
been 100% he I mean he had surgery in two weeks later is is playing and I I don't think his knee's 100% And so it's it's again there's and every team battles it and it's just something the grind of a big 10 season especially but for my point talking about Nebraska it's also not only the schedule and playing the overtime games and going on the road and all that and and the scheduling part of it but it's also just kind of what they're battling that we don't see that they're they've got some key g
uys that are not 100% and that's that's a lot to ask for them when they're playing a lot of minutes and then they're not fully healthy absolutely chuck chuck was the one who send that in Chuck thank you you you you rais good points but I also think that there's some other the lack of prep time and coach wyberg has talked about this I think even with Jessica and I on the air that we we've gone through a lot of stretches here where Nebraska's getting one less day of prep than their opponents that'
s a big deal folks it really is I mean because with the NCA mandated rules you have to give teams a day off during the week and so if you only have three days to prep and you can't practice one day you're down to two and so that's why this week coming up is so big for Nebraska can they fight hopefully they can fight their way through Michigan on Saturday to get to that break well and also kind of to add to that too I mean Braska was coming off an emotional loss at Illinois whereas Northwestern w
on right correct and then also Northwestern was no Northwestern lost both they lost they lost at Minnesota Saturday but they they were at home following their backto back overtime so on top of having an extra day prep they got to be back at home whereas Nebraska had to hit the road and you know again had to travel back late and just that whole scheduling part of it too but you know and coach hoyberg would not for a second use that as an excuse either because again that's what he said you've got
to yes it is a concern but you've got to find a way to kind of got your way through it at this point well the Jordy ball era is underway bottom of the first two on two outs let's listen in to Nate Roar then from Porto varda Mexico now one and two to feedler Jordy delivers feedler takes a Ryan Ball too high and the count is two and two little bit of a breeze moving the American and Mexican flags straightaway Center but not much two and two the count ball brings it home feedler takes low and Away
ball three we're full three and two Jordy has had to throw a million pitches this Center this will be the 40th pitch in fact Two on Two Out scoreless bottom of the first ball winds and Deals and swung on and popped up third Bas side foul ground gray back into to her right has room and makes the catch right in front of the wall for the third out of the inning so ball had to fight and scrap to get through it but she got through it and the inning is over without a run from Washington no so no score
after one how about that 40 some pitches in the first inning that's a long way you kept making a comment you're man this is first any second forever 40 pitches will do that but no score in that that game Huskers will play Washington tonight Duke who's ranked I think 10th or 11 tomorrow and then Long Beach State and we'll wrap up the weekend against Utah Valley those are the four games they are playing down there we'll go back down there and pick up some more action here in just a little bit you
had some fun last night that was a great event wasn't over at the HW oh it was incredible it was really cool um just again to see the all the the teams come out and be a part and how invested they were and how much they actually you know it's one thing just to sit behind a table and sign autographs but just to be able to really interact and spend time and um yeah just a cool opportunity and they were really embracing it and it it just goes to show you you know just the impact that our H our fem
ale women student athletes are making in the community and and they were great it was cool too cuz it wasn't just like the a the the girls were going to one station just the volleyball station and staying there they were rotating and kind of interacting with all the sports the the rifle station had a cool like toy type gun type thing that that you could shoot and there was a bowling big bowling like inflatable bowling and it's a lot of cool things that they could do and and um I think that the t
he kids that came out really enjoyed it very good well that was fun there all right uh I think we'll go ahead and take a break when we come back we'll be able to listen into the top of the second let's listen to the husk ERS bat a little bit in their opening softball game of the year but first time to tell you that Woodhouse Auto family is your trusted Auto partner 20 Brands 20 convenient Sales and Service locations we're making carbine on your terms visit us online at more Sports
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there the store next door powered locally at senx n companies is proud to to support Husker Athletics as a leader in commercial real estate we create thriving communities discover what's new in the Builder District in North downtown Sunnys at zarbin and Rous town homes on Lenwood nle companies is adding Omaha's first hybrid Timber building to the skyline soon to follow is Builder Green Park surrounded by mouthwatering food exciting retail and a hub of thriving businesses nle companies building a
better Nebraska for more information check us out on Facebook and Instagram go Huskers wood house has got you covered for your next car truck or SUV we are committed to making the car buying and owning experience better thanks to our knowledgeable sales staff and factory certified technicians you can discover our large inventory of new and Pre-owned Vehicles anytime at where we have made buying a car easier than ever whether you need a family hauling SUV a car to take you around t
own or a hardworking truck Woodhouse has something for everyone get ready again for some Nebraska Farm facts when there's work to be done Nebraska soybeans are on the job in many of your everyday products in fact Nebraska soybeans are hard at work and good to your tires Ford cars and trucks Sketcher shoes asphalt fuels lubricants name brand paints and stains and more soybeans are an Innovative replacement for petroleum leading to more sustainable products all over the world this message is broug
ht to you by Nebraska soybean Farmers growing opportunity from the ground up I just remember leaving that day feeling absolutely exhausted I was sick and tired of living that double life Mike is a former problem Gambler the anxiety the depression is real you start thinking about the money that where that could have went to It's never enough I could win $10 million today and I'd go back and try to win 20 tomorrow help for problem gambling is free for Nebraskans and their families at life
m at groundworks we take great pride in helping our Nebraska neighbors keep their homes healthy from repairing foundations to Waterproofing basement to fixing crawl spaces or lifting concrete driveways we'd like to think our customers choose us because of our attention to detail or the fact that we're the nation's leading Foundation Solutions provider what gives our customers the most Comfort is we're right here in Nebraska visit groundworks tocom for a free estimate groundworks Foundation Solut
ions crafted with pride the official Foundation company of the Huskers back inside our Huskers radio network broadcast Center sponsored by Acres they have the Midwest Premier John dearer supplying the equipment and service to advance Agriculture and much more Acres solutions for every field Greg sharp Jessica Cy with you Thursday night Sports iy Oscars softball underway first game of their year down in Porto varda Mexico at the tournament going on down there Oscars in Washington huskys a battle
of top ranked teams in the country number seven against number 17 Huskers are at bat scoreless game top at a second one-onone out let's rejoin Nate Roar Neil another of the important seniors on this roster Caitlyn an everyday starter last year and finished up hitting 307 five homers first one from men and that curve ball is up and in to Neil ball one 25 RBI for Neil last year after 25 RBI the year before the runner at first Bradwell with two outs top of the second scoreless game men with a one0
and Neil rolls a ground ball to short holtorf to her left has it and whips it to first to end the inning Nebraska gets a one out single but nothing more no runs one hit one left we go to the bottom of the second inning Ang Alana Johnson lead it off for Washington one and a half complete all right so Huskers got a base runner but could not push anything across we'll try to get one more listen in with Nate before we sign off here at the top of the hour tonight um you spent a lot of time at the Uni
versity of Oklahoma one of their biggest fans was Toby Keith who passed away earlier this week because of stomach cancer man I love Toby Keith I thought that was awesome and I know he loved Oklahoma Sooners Sports oh yeah he was a big supporter and and he was one of those that wasn't just a a football guy he was OU softball's probably number one fan he was all at a lot of OU women's basketball games men's basketball it was baseball I mean across the board you know um I I had a different perspect
ive too because my brother actually worked his wife they they started a a golf course in Norman belmare because Toby got tired of going to all these up country clubs where you had to have your shirt tucked in and act a certain way so kind of more of a laid-back type country country club or not Country Club but it's a it's a public course but a really nice golf course that you could kind of be a little bit more laid-back so my brother worked for them at that at the golf course and they were just
they were really good to him and he still even this past summer him and my dad both worked Toby Key's Foundation their golf tournament that he did Toby a lot of a lot of people don't know how much he gave back to he started a kind of a place in the Oklahoma City for kids that have cancer in their families to be able to go and stay it's called the Toby Keys kids C that for kids that had cancer that were having to go get treatments it was you know maybe felt a little bit more like home and and did
n't have to stay at the hospital the whole time but was right there by the hospital and and he he has a big event every year that my dad and brother still work for and and go and volunteer for but his his legacy will live on not just by his music but those types of things that he's done to really kind of establish and give back to the community and um you know kids with cancer was they were just really really close to his heart so um but yeah he just he kind of went downhill in a hurry and um he
just he was so skinny and and but really sad news but he certainly made a huge impact on on the state of Oklahoma not just the oklah Miss Sooners but the entire state of Oklahoma and he was the one who really gave and I know she's been a Hot Topic hot button topic she gave he gave tatlor Swift her first contract yeah his label signed her he was impressed by her she'd been turned down by multiple people so I mean I've not heard Tater talk about Toby since his passing but she's got she owes a lot
to him cuz somebody's got to take a chance on you and Toby Keith did yeah absolutely and um you know he was I think he he did that a lot for for people and and you know also too Jordy Jordie ball actually posted a tweet and and you know his in in memory of Toby Keith and he you know one of the after one of well after every um one of the Championships the national championships that Oklahoma softball won he would open up his Toby ke bar and grill for the team to go celebrate and they'd get on st
age and and he'd sing with the entire team and so you know just again celebrating and championing that women's sports program and and wanting to provide them those types of opportunities so you know this just kind of perfect timing when you talk about the support and you know the exposure and all those types of things he was a big advocate for that for for women's sports in in the state of Oklahoma and certainly Oklahoma softball and you saw just the outpouring from from players from the Oklahom
a softball program and Jordy ball who transferred from there just what he meant to them because of the support that he gave them he's also a huge support of our military did a lot of military shows in his career and a lot of his music was dedicated to the military as well so Toby Keith passing earlier this week all right Cole says Nate's back at work bottom of the second no score in Nebraska and Washington let's go back and listen in for a little bit as the Oscars and Jordy ball on on the defens
e right now number now the batter Brook Nelson right hand [Applause] hitter Nelson crowds the plate straight up stance first one on the way Nelson shows but pulls back takes a ball throw to second with the runner going is not in time and a stolen base for Johnson so now Washington has a runner in scoring position with nobody out runner at second no outs no score Nebraska and Washington bottom of the second inning one and0 to Nelson Jordy winds and Deals Nelson takes in the dirt the ball skips aw
ay from bredwell back to the screen and Johnson heads to third so now a little old Fly ball will put the Huskies on top and time is asked for and received by Lorie Sipple and she walks out to the circle as she does our greetings to Harmon Johnson watching along with us from the UNL dorms apparently he was out at bowlan this fall and Husker ban mom says she's expecting a lot of sarpi County strikeouts this year Well you and me both Lorie Sipple the associate head coach makes her way back to the D
ugout two balls no strikes the count to Nelson Nebraska nothing Washington nothing bottom of the second ball in a hole the infield coming in Outfield still straight up and normal dup so a lot of hitting room for Nelson to hit a little parachute to fall in runner at third Johnson nobody out the 2-0 Nelson shows but pulls back takes down and in three and0 ball through the screw ball on the fake squeeze was out of the Zone the count at 3 and0 righty to righty ball delivers 3 0 Nelson takes just a b
it inside with a screw ball ball four so three walks and a hit batter now jayen glab comes to the plate Jen the pot boiling a little bit around Jordy b scoreless game we are in the bottom of the second inning Johnson at third Nelson at first nobody out ball brings home the first one Runner goes pitch taken for a ball inside the runner Nelson steals second un opposed so two steals this inning for Washington now both Nelson and Johnson are in scoring position Jaden glab a midwesterner from debuk I
owa a freshman one and0 to glab the pitch glab takes over over the inside corner called to strike we're even at one lab was ranked ninth by Perfect Game softball in this recruiting class one and one to glab runnner second and third nobody out ball delivers 1-1 glab hits a little flare toward second can boxes around it squirts away from her she has no play Johnson scores and it's one nothing Washington in the bottom of the second little flare infield single can Dove to her left got glove on it it
was a difficult play and remember the infields in and can got glove on it knocked it down but it got away from her and as it did Johnson scurried in to score Nelson advances to third on the play so Runners at the corners with nobody out now the whole infield and Battery huddles in the back of the circle as Jordy ball tries to find her way back this inting started Rocky as ball fell down to Johnson three and one before hitting her with a pitch then a four pitch walk to Nelson that little flare s
ingle for glab Avery Hobson steps in left left hand hitter Runners first and third with nobody out and run in first pitch slap foul to the left by Hobson strike one like glab Hobson is a midwesterner native of belon Missouri she started her college career at Oklahoma State played two years there the1 on the way from Jordy Hobson shows butt takes a strike over the outside corner with a screw ball over the outside corner and the count is 0 and two Washington one- nothing we're in the bottom of the
second cat is ow and two2 Hobson Hobson started 20 games last year and hit 298 ball with the 02 Hobson slaps a ground ball to short Andrews charges throws home there's the tag it's in time to get Nelson good decision by Billy as she came in on that ball made the backand stop Nelson trying to score and Andrews made a strong and accurate throw and Ava Bradwell had more than enough time to wheel around the tag so one out and maybe the escape hatch has creaked open a little bit for ball on the Husk
ers still you flip the order over to the top of the order with Brooklyn Carter he's struck out after a nine pitch at bat balls first pitch Carter the Lefty hitter cuts and misses strike one ball had to throw 40 pitches in the first inning nine pitch at bats to Carter holor and Stewart a seven pitch it bat to feedler the Wi by Jordy one strike pitch that's slapped at and missed by Carter strike two and after the infield single to give up the run five straight strikes from Jordy ball oow and two t
o Carter Washington with a one- nothing lead bottom of the second ball to the wind her2 pitch Carter swings and misses on a change up for strike three the third sarpi County strikeout of the game and now there are two out here in the bottom of the second all right there we go Nate Roar calling the action down in Port of aarda Huskers Trail one nothing bottom of the second we'll give you one more update before we sign it off wood house Auto family they are your trusted Auto partner 20 Brands 20 c
onvenience Sales and Service locations we're making carbine on your terms visit us online at we're back with oh you know it Cole's joke of the week at groundworks we take great pride in helping our Nebraska neighbors keep their homes healthy from repairing foundations to waterproof proing basements to fixing crawl spaces or lifting concrete driveways we'd like to think our customers choose us because of our attention to detail or the fact that we're the nation's leading Foundation
Solutions provider what gives our customers the most Comfort is we're right here in Nebraska visit groundworks tocom for a free estimate groundworks Foundation Solutions crafted with pride the official Foundation company of the Huskers for Generations hardworking people have relied on Ford FS series trucks to help grow businesses communities families a legacy of capability and Technology that's made Ford FS series America's bestselling trucks 47 years straight this is the next generation of buil
t Ford Tu now get 1.9% financing for 72 months on a new 2023 Ford F-150 only at your Midwest Ford dealers hit us up on the text line text 42413 2400 with your Husker thoughts thoughts things that impair you come in many different shapes and sizes some are the shape of beer and liquor bottles others look like cigarettes but aren't cigarettes at all these are the things we know impair us the things our parents warned us about what we're not always aware of is our new perscription or the over-the-c
ounter medicine we picked up just for allergies or a bad cold see it doesn't just matter how much of a substance you take if you are impaired driving is deceptively dangerous don't drive impaired paid for by at the ndot highway safety office hi this is Husker national champion and Super Bowl champ Tony vand throughout my football career Chiropractic Care helped my athletic performance on the field and kep me in the game today regular Chiropractic Care keeps me healthy and active to do the things
I love chiropratic get safe and effective for all ages make chiropractor your first choice to reduce pain improve your mobility and feel better naturally it works for me and it can work for you too learn more at Nebraska or stay active with Chiropractic we're ins AO radio Huskers radio network broadcast Center sponsored by Acres they are the Midwest Ford Premier John Deer dealer supplying the equipment and service to advance Agriculture and much more Acres solutions for every f
ield Thursday nights and it's become kind of a beloved segment for whatever reason here on the program Cole's joke of the week and he's been hard at work throughout the day test testing these off of Duke and making sure whatever he's going to throw out there is okay I didn't need that shade of for whatever reason this part of the joke take pride in my work no it's not here's the joke here's the joke tonight it's not really it's more of a comment three men were in a boat and had four cigarettes b
ut no lighter so they threw one cigarette overboard and the whole boat became a cigarette lighter I don't get it oh boy all right folks I I'm kind of between a five and a six on this one Cole sorry that's just that's a that's a good joke okay we'll see what the folks say if you got you can fire off a text 40241 32400 okay here's crypto gol's joke ranking nine for originality seven for delivery five on the funny scale total score seven our first oh boy Jim and Columbus oh wow that's harsh that is
well the one thing I can say nobody has said that joke before no so so I'm not telling jokes that people have heard okay Jim and Columbus gave you a one that's it's better than that I I would be I'm in that five range you've had better that's fine that's okay not everything's a win and everything's home right you got a single or double in there right eth gave you a seven in the chat um Children of the Corn gave you a four so you know yeah it's like what what's your goal for your average is it l
ike are you want to hit like 300 well I don't know and here's the thing I was you don't have goals for yourself I in the fall I was doing well and and with these jokes and you know I was in a going in a rhythm now we've been everybody needs an off season yeah you know you know you know it it's one of those double meaning jokes that you threw out there and then sometimes that just takes us minute I might think of this in a couple hours and go okay it's funnier the more I think about it it could b
e like that you might D gave you a six tiger shark diver uh gave you a six so all right that's passing yeah listen we can't give you a um an offseason because people love it too much that would be ridiculous imagine you said that for football imagine you said hey we're going to play 50 games this year it's not not feasible somebody gave you a 12 they said this that joke was over most people's heads and that could be right that's why I said I'm the more I kind of think about it the funnier it get
s but I think it's over my head mine and Jim and Columbus it was over our heads right I I I might get it later people liked your offseason comment they gave that a 10 so they the non joke was a better thing for you okay how about that how about that good stuff thank you Cole yep we put Cole to work last night you you were remote we had the basketball broadcast trying to get remote Nate Roars down in Mexico was trying to test his lines last night Cole's like running around and Kint and Jake were
trying to get set up and going and they're a handful those two yes yeah they're telling jokes now in their pregame shows where did that come from they're inspired by by Cole did you inspire that Cole I mean Ken's now doing Dad joke type things there's about like two minutes before we get on air kp's telling me Cole give me a joke give me a joke so yeah so you're say you're giving Kent all your good material I'm recycling old material from the show cuz yeah Husker and Handover gave you a 5.5 I me
an that's kind of where I was I said I was kind of between a five and a six so it that could have been worse and again I think it's the more I think about it probably the funnier I I'll chuckle out loud in about two hours once I kind of process not only does Cole not get an off season he's basically like the MVP around here you know with how he keeps this thing so uh we'll give him a slide on on some of his off nights everybody's allowed to have an off night that's right absolutely all right tom
orrow night Fred hyberg has a pressor tomorrow we'll hear from him as he previews the Saturday game with Michigan we'll hear more from Jessica's interviews from girls and women sports day that was held last night at the Hawks Championship Center Nate Roar will join the show because by tomorrow night hosker Sao have played three games they'll finish this game they play Duke tomorrow and Long Beach State tomorrow as well so they'll have three games in the books by the time tomorrow night so Nate w
ill give us a preview of all that they're in the top of the third Huskers down one nothing nobody on two outs Huskers at bat uh right now thanks to Cole Duke and everybody for being a part of this one tonight enjoy the rest of your evening we're back with a full Friday show some called a party show we'll do our best tomorrow night good night hit us up on the text line text 402 413 2400 with your Husker thoughts start your next Journey with Woodhouse our commitment extends Beyond just selling car
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