
Anti GMO activist and ecofeminist Dr. Vandana Shiva about the impact film THE STORY OF A NEW WORLD

We are thrilled to welcome an extremely inspiring woman as an ambassador of THE STORY OF A NEW WORLD: Dr. Vandana Shiva! 🌿🌎🙏 Dr. Vandana Shiva is an environmental activist, food sovereignty advocate, ecofeminist and author. Some call her the “Gandhi of grain” because of her international activism in the Anti-GMO-movement. 🌽 Vandana knows how to reach the masses with her direct and clear communication style. Her detailed explanations for her opinions are highly convincing to many which gave her the status of a role model and leader in the environmental and anti-gmo activist-scene. We feel elevated by your encouraging and heart warming video message, dear Vandana! 🙆‍♀️ #storyofanewworld #filmmaking #sustainablechange #antigmo #vandanashiva #changemaker #inspirational #rolemodel #foodsovereignty


11 months ago

My name is Dr. Vandana Shiva, I started out as a physicist did a PhD on hidden  variables and non-locality in quantum theory but for the last five decades I have been  working on ecological issues both through research and activism. I think the next step  for a regenerative future has to be to undo the illusion and blindness that made us think  that the Earth is just dead matter, raw material to be exploited. Regeneration means something has generative power. The Earth is a creative being, a sel
f-organized being, she's Gaia and  we have to work in co-creation with the Earth, her different organisms, realize that we are not  their masters, their owners, but we are members of one Earth family, related to each other through  the most fundamental relationships of life, of food, of water, of breath, of consciousness, of  compassion. I support any initiative that tries to make a difference and brings positive stories of  what people are really doing in their lives rather than a handful of ri
ch billionaires and their  stories which we are bombarded with every day. The potential for the film is allowing  people in remote areas to connect to each other and realize that things are  happening, change is happening and we don't have to slip into hopelessness and fear.  The potential for life is sprouting everywhere.
