
Appeals court slashes bond in Trump civil fraud case to $175 million

Former President Donald Trump picked up a win Monday when an appeals court lowered the bond in his civil fraud case to $175 million. Trump had been on the hook for a bond of over $460 million coming into the day. CBS News correspondent Errol Barnett has more. CBS News Streaming Network is the premier 24/7 anchored streaming news service from CBS News and Stations, available free to everyone with access to the Internet. The CBS News Streaming Network is your destination for breaking news, live events and original reporting locally, nationally and around the globe. Launched in November 2014 as CBSN, the CBS News Streaming Network is available live in 91 countries and on 30 digital platforms and apps, as well as on and Paramount+. Subscribe to the CBS News YouTube channel: Watch CBS News: Download the CBS News app: Follow CBS News on Instagram: Like CBS News on Facebook: Follow CBS News on Twitter: Subscribe to our newsletters: Try Paramount+ free: For video licensing inquiries, contact:

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5 days ago

all right if you're just joining us right now we have some breaking news to report out of New York this is where a state appeals court judge has just granted Trump's request to stay the $464 million judgment in his New York civil fraud case the court has granted him 10 days to pay a reduced Bond of $175 million uh and our arrol Barnett is joining us now he's outside the Manhattan courtroom covering this hearing for us arrol update us with all that you know well Vlad and Chanel this is a signific
ant win you could call it for former president Trump although it just grants him a bit more breathing room and it reduces the amount of money he would need to put up as he continues to insist that he's innocent just a recap for everyone this is the Civil fraud trial which claimed that the Trump organization that's Donald Trump his sons Eric and Don Jr as well as Al weisselberg and others um inaccurately and fraudulently submitted documents banking statements as it relates to Donald Trump's net w
orth and the value of his properties we all know Trump Tower it includes uh 40 Wall Street and many others as well now a judge already ruled that in over the course of many years Trump and his associates had overestimated their value by the billions almost two billion dollars and in the Judgment was that former president Trump had to pay at least $460 Million by today um in order to continue his appeal now what's just happened here in the last few moments is that a New York appeals court has gra
nted Trump's request to stay that judgment meaning pause it put it on hold as he continues and he's already communicated this publicly to struggle to get the cash on hand or to get security companies which facilitate getting the cash on hand um for him um they now this uh New York appeals court has reduced the amount that Trump would need to put up from 464 million down to 175 million and they've given him now a week plus 10 more days to put give that money over to uh the state effectively as he
continues his appeal so all of that unfolding just the last few minutes and separately behind me the courthouse behind IND me is where a judge is listening to uh both legal teams as it relates to a hush money payment from Donald Trump to a pornographic actress before the 2016 election so that's what's just unfolded here vladin Chanel in just the last few minutes uh all right Errol Barnett for us uh live in lower Manhattan where you are covering that hush money uh case former president is in low
er Manhattan this morning Erol we expect to see him a little bit later when he comes out I'm sure he will have words for the camera and obviously we will bring that that to you live right here at CBS News



Next time you're in court use this as an example. I'm sure they'll reduce your fine


Our “Justice” system is a Joke


One judicial system for ordinary Americans, another one for billionaires. It's reprehensible.


Now you understand how the American legal system works in favor of the rich privileged


Crime and lying pays in America


Such BS special treatment


Sooooooo, another judge bought and paid for. No surprises here, just total disgust.


its called corruption


Total BS. Reducing it to less than half. Sure. Just as they would do for any of us, right? And give him another week to post it.


Special rules for traitors.


Two tier justice system at work.


None of us should every pay a court fine again until he has to pay the full amount. The Courts are undermining themselves with the special treatment they are giving him.


Once again Justice shows it coddles the wealthy


Just a question. If it were you were facing 91 Felony counts do you think that you would be walking free or do you think that you would be in jail until all of these cases were over? There is your proof that we are living under two sets of laws in our country.


WoW, again special privileges for this traitor. He'll never be held accountable, for anything. This is extremely sad for our country.


What has Trump ever received EXCEPT get special treatment for the courts! The court have FAILED to give equal treatment of the law AT EVERY TURN!


This is an atrocity!!!!!


good thing they aren't treating him differently from everyone else in court


What a joke !


the office of New York Attorney General Letitia James, who brought the civil fraud case against Trump, noted that the original $464 million judgment “still stands.”