
Astera Labs CEO on Nasdaq Listing Day

Astera Labs CEO Jitendra Mohan joins Caroline Hyde and Ed Ludlow on the company's Nasdaq listing day to discuss demand for their AI and cloud infrastructure connectivity solutions. He speaks on "Bloomberg Technology."

Bloomberg Technology

6 days ago

You own about 6% of a company that's going to rocket to more than about a $10 billion valuation. How do you feel? Feels great. Feels awesome. It's not about me, though. It's a if you think of what I said, it's really all about the people who have helped us get to this valuation. And it's the people who are going to push us to the new heights. So very excited. Jitender. Good morning from San Francisco and sorry to interrupt you. Just a few minutes before you joined us on the program, Bloomberg re
ported that your stock is indicated to open at $52.56 a share. That's a 46% premium on where the IPO priced. What's your reaction to that? I think stock market prices are something that we should be aware of, but not let them drive us. It's my philosophy. I think it's an indication of the confidence that our investors are placing in us. So we are very, very glad that we have a lot of gratitude for them. But we'll keep our heads down, continue executing, continue building products. And let's talk
about that execution that's driven your revenue to last year, $116 million, almost doubling, but you still got a net loss of $26 million when you think you will be able to provide that profitability that so many investors want to see. So we declared that the last quarter we were indeed profitable. A focus for us, Tellabs from the inception has been to build a strong business, one that can stand on its own two feet without without external support. And that's what we have been doing for the last
six years. We turned in a profitable quarter last quarter and we will continue to drive our business forward in the coming quarters and years to come. JITENDRA There were no fewer than 271 mentions of the word I in your most recent SEC filing before this morning, and I think it's worth discussing what is there actually does right? You make the hardware or the chip that allows for the high speed connection between different parts of the server rack. Well, as is now more commonplace to call it th
e computer to compute platform, how are you actually benefiting in the real world from this air infrastructure build out that we're seeing before our eyes? Yeah, that's a great question. And then let me give you a little background. So whenever you enter equating to a charge, GBD or you look for a recommendation coming from Netflix or Amazon, what happens in the back is in a data center, thousands, hundreds of thousands of computers, you know, many times based on GPUs come into action and they t
alk to each other very, very rapidly at very, very high rates. And in fact, the it answer so much that they are not able to talk very well together. And that's where our products come in. We enable these CPUs and GPUs to talk to each other. And that analogy might be one of running a race. If you want to run really fast, you will get tired. And so you run a relay race, you start from one point, you run very fast, pass the baton on to the next guy and continue forward. That's what our products are
. Do they enable all of these brains that are behind the AI to talk to each other very fast and very lively? Briefly, you've raised $730 million. What are you doing with it? Chandra Oh, we have so much opportunity in front of us. We are in a very unique position where our customers are coming to us and telling us, Build me this, build me this. You guys are good at semiconductors. You can build hardware, you can do software. We've earned a trusted advisor status with our customers and so much opp
ortunity in front of us. So we will use this money to to really accelerate the product development that we've done. Hire more people. If you're watching this and you're looking for a job at the start of labs, please apply.
