
Casually Explained: Donald Trump

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Casually Explained

7 years ago

the 2016 presidential primaries continued to be led by Trump and Clinton for the Republicans Donald Trump has trailed by Ted Cruz and for the Democrats Hillary Clinton has trailed by Bernie Sanders the presidential primaries are extremely significant as winning the primaries essentially means that you're the presidential nominee for your respective party now I can understand Hillary being the representative for the Democrats but what I don't understand is what the hell is going on here how can T
ed Cruz even compete with the Trump because not only is Donald Dino Trump arena one of the greatest businessmen of all time he's proposed tried-and-true strategies for making America back into the glorious country at once was as an example he wants to build a one thousand mile wall along the Mexican border that's been likened to the Great Wall of China I don't see any Mexicans in China another one of the Trump alums tiptop proposals is to ban entry to the US for all Muslims in order to stop the
threat of terrorism the press has criticized the Don Tron saying that his plan infringes on the basic human rights of an entire religious group and only further promotes a horrid erroneous stereotype but let's see what they have to say to this press you're liars are terrible people terrible people and I know what you're thinking big Don's got it all figured out but I want someone who represents America well someone that people can relate to well let me ask you this have you ever gone through a b
reakup Trump has have you ever lost money on a business venture Trump has have you ever wanted to have sex with your daughter Trump that anyway what I'm trying to say is that no one knows the struggles of America's citizens quite like the Trump and even if you aren't American the election is still a big deal no matter where you come from in the world whether it be England or Mexico or America light the election is going to affect you this is simply because America is a tremendously powerful infl
uential country that has political and trade ties with pretty much everyone else in the world so don't think you won't be affected and for those who don't follow American politics I'll see you at the polls let's make America great again just a quick reminder to everyone to please raise awareness for the selection using Donald's official hashtags get America out of this hashtag dump of a slump with a bump in the rump from the one pump Trump thanks guys



"I don't see any Mexicans in China". Fucking killed me.


"Well I don't see any Mexicans is China" has to be the best joke I've heard all month


This vid needs a 2020 update.


"I don't see any Mexicans in China" You do have a point


"If Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her" Well that's one way to get the southern vote.


It's funny that Canada is America Lite. I mean, it is true. We do have at least 50% less fat. Just saying.


Im actually surprised i expected more angry comments from people that don’t understand sarcasm But then again why would you watch Casually explained if you don’t understand sarcasm


Ah yes, England has expanded its Empire across all of Europe. God save the Queen.


Hey everyone, my apologies to the people who got the sneak peek of this video :\ Honestly, I decided I wanted to shift the focus and make it just about the Trump without the intro. Sorry for any confusion and replacing the old one, hope you still enjoy it!


"And if you don't follow American politics, I'll see you at the polls" lmao


I can't even tell if this aged incredibly well or incredibly bad


Trump is like that villain at the end of the game who looks easy but just has a chaotic move set


"And for those who don't follow American politics, I'll see you at the polls." Holy shit that was such an amazing line.


I lost it with Canada labeled as America lite


Yt recommending this to me 4 years later: oh yeah


"And for those who don't follow American politics, I'll see you at the polls." I peed my pants lmao


America Lite lmao


i love how canada is called america lite and england is the whole of europe lol


“The DonTron” “D money” “The Big Don”


It's so hard to tell how sarcastic he was being.