
Changing input in JavaScript - Basic JavaScript Fast (70)

The video demonstrates the change event and input events in JavaScript. The change event is triggered when the input box has finished the input and the focus of it is lost. The input event is triggered when an input element has finished receiving an input. The input element can be of non-text type, such as radio buttons and drop-down lists. Playlist of my JavaScript course Playlist of my HTML5 and CSS3 tutorials Playlist of my algorithm walkthrough Playlist of my Java course Playlist of my Java examples #javascripttutorial #javascriptfullcourse #begincodingfast #javascript

Begin Coding Fast

4 days ago

Hello everybody. Welcome to the JavaScript course.  In this video I'm going to discuss the change of input. So we have two events to handle the  situation of ... of change of event. The first one is called the change event. It is triggered when an  input is finished. The other one is called input event. It is triggered when an input is altered by  any means, including the mouse action and speech recognition. Now let us see the HTML file first.  The HTML file has a number of elements. First, I ha
ve a title here. And in the body part, I have a  number of things. I have some headings, and input box, and a form actually. And I have also some  divisions to show some prompts later on. I have to link my JavaScript file to the HTML file. The  file is called myScript.js, which is put in the js folder, okay. Now let us go to the JavaScript  file. In order for me to use the strict mode, I have to say "use strict" on the first line of  the JavaScript file. And then let us talk about the change eve
nt first. It is triggered when  an event is finished. That means when I have finished entering something into the input box,  for example, the change event is triggered. But it is not triggered when element is just receiving  input. So the word "finished" here is that when the element leaves its focus or the focus is blurred,  then we can say that the input is finished, okay So let us see an example. I have already uh picked  up the two elements by using the get element by ID method. The first e
lement to pick up is  the input box shown here, okay. And the second element to pick up is the  division called some prompt, okay So how can I handle the change event with  these two elements? Let me show you my way now. Now I want to add an event listener to the  input box. And the input box is trying to listen to the change event. So if the change is done, that  means when the focus is lost for the input box, then I do something indicated by an anonymous  function. I have to pass and event obj
ect into the argument of the anonymous function. And then  I want to say something in the prompt section, which is the division shown here okay. So the  inner HTML is changed to something else. I want to show the value obtained in the uh input box.  That's why I can take a look at the change event to see ... see the content obtained, okay. So let us  see the result. Save, reload. So I type something here. So you can see that the focus is still on the  input box. So that's why the change isn't co
mplete I have to make sure that the input is finished by  losing the focus of it. When I click somewhere on the web page, the focus is lost. And you can see that  the content can be shown up here. I have typed the characters shown here; a, b, c, d, e, f. And when the  focus is lost, the change is really triggered That's why I can show the content of the uh my  input box, okay, which is just referring to the value of it. Okay. So we have to take a look at it.  Uh the input has to be finished. Tha
t means when it is still receiving input or when the focus is  still there, it is not counted as a change yet, okay The next event to consider is called an input  event. How can it be triggered? It is triggered when the input is altered by any means, including  the mouse action or the speech recognition tools, okay. So I have an example shown here. I want to use  the radio buttons to demonstrate the input event So it is not always in terms of of uh the keyboard  action; it can be just the mouse
actions that can trigger the input event, okay. So I have already  picked up the form shown here. And in the form I have a number of radio buttons together with the  labels, okay. So my form is obtained by using the get element by ID method to obtain the uh form  with ID called some form. And also I've already captured all the uh radio buttons using the query  selector all method to indicate that the input is of type radio. so I'm able to collect this input  element, this input element, and this
input element as well. So they are stored in a collection  called my radios, okay. So you can see that it is a list of elements. And the division called  some prompt 2 here is also captured by using the get element by ID method, okay. So how can I  demonstrate the input event? Let me show you my way now. Okay, you can see that I have already  got some code here. So I want to listen to the input event on the form itself, rather than  on any single input radio button, okay. So I want to do someth
ing like this. I want to loop over  the my radios collection to see that which one of the buttons is really clicked. If it is  checked, then that button would have a value of "true" for the checked uh property, okay. And then  I want to say that that particularly checked button is really checked. So I want to show the  value of that particular button, okay. The value is shown here for the first radio button. It is  just "Choice one". For the second one, it is just "Choice two". For the third one
, it is just "choice  three", okay. So the value which is this string will be shown up on the uh division, okay. So let me try  to do it. Save, reload. So I click on any of the buttons, for example the second one. So you can see  that choice two is checked. That means I'm able to pick up the radio button really checked. So the  second radio button has a value being true for the checked property. That's why I can go to the  value of that particular radio button. And then I can capture "Choice two
" as the value. And then I  print that value uh on the screen, okay. So when I click on another button, you can see that  choice one is checked. That means the input event is able to consider the mouse action as  well, rather than just for the keyboard actions, okay. So this video has already talked about  the change event and the input event. For the change event, it is triggered when the input is  finished by leaving the focus or by completing all the uh input. And for the input event  it's tr
iggered when the input is altered by any means, including the mouse action or the  speech recognition. Of course, the keyboard input is also included. This is the end of  the video. If you have any questions about my video, please leave your questions on the  comment section below the video. If you like this video, please give me a like and please  subscribe to my channel. Thank you for watching
