
Dimash Qudaibergen - "When I've got you" | Reaccion Vocal Coach | Ema Arias

Dimash Qudaibergen - "When I've got you" | Reaccion Vocal Coach | Ema Arias Espero que les guste y como siempre les dejo mis redes y opciones para colaborar con el canal. besooos ===================================================================== MIS REDES: MI CANAL DE VLOGS : TWITCH: INSTAGRAM: TIK TOK: ===================================================================== MANDAME UN EMAIL: ===================================================================== PARA COLABORAR CON EL CANAL: PAYPAL: CAFECITO ( ARGENTINA) : ALIAS UALA (ARGENTINA) : 07EMAARIAS.UALA ===================================================================== CONTACTO: ===================================================================== VIDEO ORIGINAL: ===================================================================== DESCRIPCION DEL CANAL: Este es un canal de análisis y reacción a diferentes artistas y los analizamos desde el lado vocal y algunos otros aspectos desde el humor y la técnica vocal. Soy docente de música recién recibido (2021), pero desde hace muchos años doy clases de música en escuelas gracias a otras dos carreras que llevé a cabo. Soy vocal coach desde el 2013 y en 2021 abrí este canal con el fin de divertirnos, disfrutar de diferentes artistas y aprender algo de técnica vocal, reaccionando a cantantes de todas partes del mundo como, Kazajistán, Corea, Filipinas, México, Argentina, Rusia, entre otros. siempre abordado desde el buen humor, 0 solemnidad y buena onda.

Ema Arias

5 days ago

finally finally my Chiquis div bash has just released the video for good Gap we are going to be watching it analyzing it we are going to react we are going to see what on Firstly I want to say that I am happy that you have released a video of this song in particular which for me is the The best thing he released in a long time, he broke it all, it seems like a spectacular song, it has everything good, we're going to be talking about the song anyway. I want to say that I'm happy that he released
a video for this particular song without much else. Let's see what We meet Obviously if you like these types of videos you can subscribe to this channel activate the bell like this video and down here in the comments leave me some recommendations for a next video to see what we find you know I never thought I would be something half Thriller themed or horror themed I never thought that I thought it would be something more romantic I thought it would be something like more no s but no with nothin
g it's TR it gives me a very 80's horror movie God it's long guys this is in the preview in the teaser that we made the long tiktok for M is a reference calmly lar something happened there someone died Oh God why is there so much tension guys the attention it is getting is spectacular I love this video I already love it the one received no Oh God what a great song Please it's a topic More than that, he got off and got off on the piano. My God. Besides, you realize that it is a real organic piano
, that is, what does the hammer feel like touching the string? There, the look. Let's talk about that, also throwing a little bit of Michael Jackson into it. Thriller, tell me that I don't also understand that he is a fan of Michael Jackson, eh, but I can't, I can't with this profile, say, I can't, it's not that it's the most control. I think that in this song it's like that tension and that semi-seductive thing. which now also has like that other sensation Maybe a little more suspense something
a little more esoteric is perfect it's perfect this thing that the voice has that subtle movement that it seems like it's going to go up Turn up the intensity and resolve into something ss soft fundamental the management of the intensity It's beautiful not the one in charge said oh talk about it my God let's see the reaction and the analysis to his voice we already did So if you want to go look for that video it's on this channel this one The video is going to be more about reacting to the vide
o but it never ceases to surprise me. I still feel that it is different. I feel that what we were listening to has some other things. It has a different sound. There is something else there with different sounds to fit it more to the aesthetics of the video. auditory aesthetics with visual aesthetics medium this has to do with medium unit seconds that it is there it is like a soul in pain or like a thing there like the spirit that stayed in that mansion that no one can avoid anymore when he has
her It is when you can also communicate and express I feel like you are alone there in that place is the feeling it gives me but it is clearly that you can leave your interpretations Also here in the comments that we are going to be seeing it together does that I don't know if you know Teresa is a very famous medium, most mediums do this. Oh boy, I'm all disheveled, it's 7 in the morning, guys, they record by sound and all that stuff, and they can also write to try to capture all the information
they can channel into that. moment eh And there everything telling its story as a spirit like this being that was left there Trapped in that place and telling how God is that apart from the ural sounds that are also characteristic of when it represents you maybe when a body when a spirit takes a body or things like that That voice is half distorted like half broken and rotten well it's going that way I think it's wonderful it seems wonderful I love it I just don't understand I don't understand
the versatility God in styles in proposals you understand we come from Story of one Sky, which was like the great great video that came out with an incredible blockbuster, it's been Sunday to hear, I mean, it's wonderful how eclectic it can be, how the lyrics mean it too. Cos, I love it, I think. I think it means it. I love, I can't stand, I can't stand, I repeat the analysis, the deeper analysis of the voice is in the other video, so you can go see it, maybe it has different things, the story s
plits my heart, I love the story, it also reminds me a little of the game from Manos de scissors like this feeling of being a person who is alone eh Like not understood and that inside that person there is like a sweet being you understand me like it tells you Look I'm not going to deny that I feel a little lonely sometimes here the feeling of The story gives me a very nice feeling and a little sad and this is the training that the letters can be adapted to anything because I never thought that
it could be adapted to this. You understand me, that is, how the letters are resignified. depending on how each one takes it, you understand me, that is, I took something that was something romantic and had nothing to do with it, I love this video, I love this video, it seems like everything you saw, it has everything, it has everything, this video is very happy, it makes me very happy. the story now because I'm asleep but it's super captivating the story is super captivating and it's a bit of w
hat I was telling before medo that it's a story that happens only on the other plane you understand and that she can only connect with it and in the end she ended up falling in love, you understand, I mean, she met him and he kind of took her, you understand, and she too, because she fell in love with that being on the other side. Oh, please , this is too much, this is too much for me. Okay, it really happened, it happened. true God no no no no no it's just that I was left eh stiff we're going t
o be talking about this clearly on Twitch live So if you want come over there we're going to be talking about this a lot more eh developing it among all my Chiquis thank you for having reached this point in the video, as I tell you, it's always a lot for me. I send you a huge kiss and we'll see it in the next video, kisses.



Nadie que esté acá NO vio el video antes peeero aca les dejo el link para que vayan a ver esta obra de arte! aunque esta en la descripcion como en todos los videos


Красивая и эмоциональная реакция на ДИМАША ! Спасибо Вам ! Голос ДИМАША завораживает ,это магия какая-то! ДИМАШ - наш драгоценный мостик между странами ! Всем любви ,добра и мира ! С наилучшими пожеланиями из Москвы .


Димаш тебя напугал😂😂😂. Спасибо за реакцию, ты красавчик❤.


Hola Ema!!!Te doy mi impresión,ella es una periodista que tiene que entrevistarlo y todo pasa por su imaginación mientas va en camino a la entrevista.Me encantó!!El principio con ése tinte de película de terro de los años!!!Dimash está nuy sexy😍y la canción muy sensual 🤯Saludos para vos y todos los Dears!!!🤗❤🇦🇷


От Ваших эмоций невозможно оторваться. Особенно хороша Ваша улыбка.


Ваши реакции супер! Спасибо за Димаша! Он уникальный, обаятельный, талантливый! Этот мир нуждается в нем!❤❤❤❤


we ask the listeners and all dears to look at the official YouTube page of Dimash and listen to the whole song with an advertisement in support of Dimash, please also leave a short comment under the song ....Thank you for supporting Dimash🥰❤💯.


Una masterpiece única e incomparable. Su voz te sube a lo más alto y te baja al inframundo, es increíble la versatilidad de Dimash para crear obras de arte. Este video es de los mejores y más completos que he visto en mi vida, la escenografía, la historia y como la cuenta te pone los pelos de punta y te activa la ansiedad al 1000%. Dimash es el más guapo y hermoso de los vampiros. Y la voz del Príncipe que hace fondo a este video te deja en shock y debes esperar mucho rato para regresar a la realidad. Gracias Ema por tu increíble reacción por tu cariño y respeto al artista. Feliz de coexistir en el mismo tiempo de este genio, conocerlo, seguirlo y ser su fans es lo más hermoso que me ha pasado. Bendito sea Dios por haberlo conocido. Desde Venezuela ❤️🇻🇪 Tierra de Gracia. El Mejor país del mundo 🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪❤️❤️❤️❤️🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪❤️❤️


Это просто Супер, Супер, Супер💯💯🔥🔥🔥Бог мой, это новый уровень, уровень мирового хита🎉🎉. Вокал превосходный, нет слов, абсолютный восторг ❤❤❤Димаш, ты уникальный талант 💯💯 Эма, спасибо за отличную реакцию и всего наилучшего🙏🙏👍👍Всем добра и мира🥰


Este video es simplemente e s p e c t a c u l a r !! Dimash es lo mejor que se ha visto. Bravo Dimash!! 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐


Dimash es Único, Original e incomparable. Con todo el amor y respeto del mundo por favor dejemos de compararlo con MJ, aunque el fue el mejor en su momento y es uno de los grandes que recordamos con amor. Dimash es otra dimensión! No hay ni habrá otro como él!


Очень люблю ваши реакции на талантливых людей! Вы искренне радуетесь и это дорого стоит! 🥰🤗🤗


Para mí la canción es poderosa, todo es espectacular y es un vampiro hay bondad y maldad en el! Dimash siempre sorprende. ❤❤❤❤


Esa guitarra ....❤ Y el Genio de la voz de Dimash


Димаш прекрасен,спасибо вам за вашу реакцию,очень люблю наблюдать за вами ,как реагируете на Димаша.Спасибо.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Спасибо за реакцию на новый клип космического Димаша 🤩☝️👍👍👍🔥🔥🔥😍😍😍💞💓


Ошеломляющие клип и песня. 💥 Спасибо, Эма за реакцию! Дух захватывает. ​​​​​​​💕


Gracias x el madrugón !!! 😂😂 Un geniooooo Dimash !!! ❤❤


You know when somebody say " Freddie lives forever" now we all can say "Dimash sounds forever" 💛🧡❤💖 This is, what my Heart feels!!


Класс! Офигеть! Оболдеть! И голос и аккомпанемент - огонь! Теперь я точно сошла с ума ❣️😆🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏👏👏😁👍👍👍👍👍🦹😯🙃😋🤯👻💯💥💥💥🔥Даже в неадекватном состоянии, я не забыла. Чмоки, Чмоки. 😂😂😂😂😂🥰😍😘💋💋💋💋💋💋💋🪐