
"Endless Suffering" Short Trailer | Genshin Impact

Long ago, there were people in Liyue Harbor who caught a glimpse of a shadow. This solitary shadow was fleeting, and would quickly conceal himself amongst the lanterns. All the hardships in the world have a name. This one is a millennium of doom that cannot be quelled nor eradicated. Even the occasional respite is but ephemeral, and cannot give rise to hope. Download FREE: #GenshinImpact #HoYoverse ↓ Follow us for the latest news ↓ HoYoLAB: Official Website: Official Community: Facebook: Twitter: Twitch: Instagram: Reddit:

Genshin Impact

1 year ago

凡妖魔邪祟,皆持业障 或化为鬼怪,蟠伏仙山洞府 为祸苍生数十载 或化身疫病灾劫,贻害世间百余年 我等夜叉族类,尊奉契约,降妖除魔 然历经千年杀伐,累积千年业障 旦夕不慎,此身亦有堕为鬼神之患 恍惚其间,此身亦是殊为可怖之敌 「千年劫数,无边杀伐」 「生死炽然,诸相非相」 你已经昏睡了一整天,不过好在你现在醒了过来 不然就要错过今年的海灯节了 我把你,背回来的 我去给你,拿药 吓到你了吗,大哥哥?没事的,傩面是用来震慑妖魔鬼怪的 可厉害了,你不用那么害怕它 大哥哥你是不是累了 爷爷!给大哥哥来一份酒酿圆子吧 哟,朋友,这么好的日子,不来喝一杯么 哦?好像你身上,已经有一点点酒气了 不必了。今晚…我想休息一下 呵呵,真是不错 唉…一晚也好,偶尔就把面具摘掉吧



Venti’s sentence about taking the mask off was excellent. Because i definitely think he’s talking about both himself and Xiao. Venti isn’t the happy go lucky bard he pretends to be in mondstadt all the time, and i’m looking forward to seeing way more of him being serious. Also, this trailer was so damn good.




Loved the detail of Venti's appearance causing a tonal shift in the music, it's softer, gentler even, symbolising how he relieved Xiao of suffering all those years ago. A beautiful touch


Xiao and Balladeer have the most interesting story in the whole game so far. Their past is full of emotions and their story always gives me goosebumps.


The scene when Xiao was walking through liyue harbor and got startled by the little girl wearing a mask later saying that it is supposed to scare only monsters made me shiver, i think it was a small hint about XIao becoming what he swore to destroy, a monster. At least in my opinion.


2:21 Personally, this was the moment, accentuating of tune, of that painful and beautiful melody, that struck me the most in this trailer. Yes, 2:06 is undoubtedly cinematic wise beautiful, but the 2:21, with the little girls smiling happy face, holding up a mask of one of his fallen brother yakshas - it just *hurt*. How the tune twirled almost at the mention of what the “mask” is supposed to do - tingle from the past. How the theme itself represents Xiao - an old instrument playing, signifying his ancient nature; a beautiful melody, his canonically true beautiful nature; and just how sad and lonely it sounds - his reality. And later, at 2:38, a flute takes over the sad and lonesome melody - perchance Venti’s, a reference to how his music saved Xiao. Throughout this whole trailer the music changes - I absolutely adore Mihoyo’s use of music for storytelling, even in such short clip.


Venti's hint about taking the mask off was very clever and well done. Its clear he's also referencing himself, and how Xiao knows exactly who he is. He's relishing in being able to present as himself rather than just some anemo bard. Looking forward to seeing more of him in this light.


You have to give the Genshin writers a lot of credit. From the moment we saw Venti with Stormterror, I thought I knew what his entire character was going to be. But instead he has surprised us at every turn, being very multidimensional and complex. All the archons have been like this, and most of the other characters too.


a lot of people seem to think this is the first time xiao and venti met, other than venti saving him. but it's actually implied in both the Mondstadt Mansion description (in the teapot) and in this interaction here that they are familiar with each other and hang out more than we think. it says "...Madame Ping had arranged for [Tubby] to prepare this particular villa after hearing that a certain bard had visited another adeptus' abode recently...." we weren't 100% sure which adeptus it was referring to before, but considering xiao doesn't seem particularly surprised to see the anemo archon hanging out at his place, i think it's safe to assume it's talking about him lol. idk i love xiao and it's sad to see him suffer, so it kinda makes me happy to think that venti comes to visit him when his karma gets bad and plays music for him to make it better. :')


The animation quality never fails to impress me. It's nice to see story-based videos and not just teasers/trailers for upcoming characters. We need more of these!


Xiao's story makes me so sad. I think why his experience feels the saddest to me, is that with most characters their story is still continuing and theres a chance for peace or acceptance for their experiences, but Xiao's karma will never go away or become less


Xiao in this trailer is explaining how his karma is so powerful and so torturing and demanding that he no longer has any recognition from reality to dreams. As you can see in the trailer, he keeps waking up over and over again. His karma is demanding more death, asking him to kill and become a monster thirsty for blood. The two Xiao fighting represent two parts of himself, him wearing the mask is the Xiao tainted by Karma and on the verge of losing his humanity and the other is the General Yaksha hired by Rex Lapis to kill monsters and demons. There's an inner battle in himself between wanting to protect Liyue from monsters and him turning into the monsters he is supposed to kill. It feels like a warning, that Xiao would not hesitate to kill himself if it ever came to him harming humans. Plus when the little girl said the mask is to scare away monsters, you notice that Xiao got indeed scared, reminding us that his karma is slowly turning him into a monster. THIS IS SO SAD SOMEONE SAVE XIAO


Qiqi carried him all the way back to the pharmacy 😭 how could anyone hate her, even if she ruins all your 50/50s she's just so sweet!


The erhu's ability to capture feelings of weariness and longing is heart wrenching


When i was listening to the ost of this trailer, i realized how sad that even such fictional stories can reflect someone's life. There are people fated to suffer their entire life with little to no hope left. The only way they can make peace with themselves is to accept their own fate and reality. I thought of losses and terminal illnesses. The unfulfilled dreams that one must let go, or burdens that one carries while going through such conditions, I wish for everyone who's experiencing this to find their peace.


i love how it shows how xiaos walls are breaking and he’s slowly allowing people to witness the toll that his job takes on him. i feel like xiao has such a deep and compassionate soul and he’s getting tired :(


Всегда , когда смотрю истории с Сяо . Мне его так жаль и сама реву . Так жаль его , что он мучается и не может найти спокойствие и гармонию в своей души....


I really love how genshin are making more characters from different regions interact and giving underrated characters more screen time too


I love how Xiao always talks about being alone, but when you look closer, he has not one but two archons looking after him. Zhongli sees him as a son and it seems that Venti will always have his back as well.


the music really is so beautiful, you can literally hear xiao's pain and sadness like damn at 0:35 and 2:06, the way it builds is so good man