
Fall Asleep In God's Word [Try Listening for 3 Minutes!]

Fall Asleep in God’s Word tonight with this Abide Sleep Mediation. Try listening to for 3 minutes to find rest and relaxation. Place all of your all your worries in God's hands and remember the greatness of God. Bible story for sleep is read by James, Tyler, and Bonnie. Download the Abide App today and begin your journey toward restful sleep! 🔔 Subscribe! 📱Download the Abide App: 0:12 Fall Asleep in God’s word with this Abide meditation read by James. 15:02 Remember the greatness of God as you relax and sleep. 32:21 Peaceful sleep with Bible story of Moses speaking to Pharaoh. 49:00 Discover a serene valley with the presence of the Lord and a message of provision for a tranquil sleep in God's Word. 1:06:38 Rest securely in God’s presence with David’s meditation from Psalms. 1:38:55 The burning bush; Moses' life-changing encounter with God. 2:13:10 Place all of your trust and worries in God’s hands. 2:29:44 Meditate on God's faithfulness and justice. Meditations from the Abide App: Let Your Mind Dwell On These Things by James I Will Be With You by Tyler God's Passionate Promise by James I Will Rest In You by Bonnie Sleep in God's word and experience #deepsleep. With each breath, relax deeper into His embrace, finding solace and tranquility in His promises. The Abide app specialized sleep meditations with Bible and Meditation to relieve stress, insomnia, and anxiety. Listen as James Seawood guides you through a Christian meditation. Abide is the #1 Bible app to stress less & sleep better. Join the millions of people who download the 4.9 star reviewed Abide app to reduce stress, improve sleep and experience the peace of God everyday. Abide Sleep Meditations was started goal of making the premium content produced exclusively for the Abide app available to the public free of charge. We hope it is a blessing to you and helps you deeply relax and gently fall asleep meditating on and trusting in God's Word! ___________ Stock credit: Storyblocks ___________ #abide #sleep #meditation #mentalhealth #godspromises #scripturemeditation #bedtimemeditation #sleepmusic #shorts #psalm91 #prayer #fallasleepfast #fallasleepfast#guidedchristianmeditation #psalm23 #mentalhealth #godspromises #scripturemeditation #bedtimemeditation #sleepmusic #psalm91 #prayer #fallasleepfast #fallasleepfast#guidedchristianmeditation #psalm23

Abide - Sleep Meditations

2 years ago

welcome to this abide bedtime story  where you will be guided into a deep and peaceful sleep hearing words of peace and  comfort from the bible i'm james seawood instead of your mind being filled with anxiety  you will be encouraged to think about the things that are true and lovely honorable  and pure excellent and worthy of praise let god speak to your heart as you hear  his word so settle deeply into your bed let your head rest heavily on your pillow as you  relax every muscle in your body ta
ke a deep slow breath hold it for a moment and then release  it feeling the tension of your day fade away feel the comfort of your warm covers  the peacefulness of this moment don't let in any distractions tell them to go away this is your time to be with the lord as  he guides you into deep sleep without worry or concern keep breathing deeply and slowly as  you listen letting your body ease into sleep father god i bring this child of yours before you  today and ask you for your favor i already
know that you love them deeply and i ask that you would  give them that assurance as well i pray that as they sleep their dreams would be of those things  that are honorable and lovely and worthy of praise keep away all distractions concerns and stresses  so that they can rest peacefully may the sound of my voice telling them of the wonders of you  and your world lull them quickly into sleep that lasts the whole night through and is refreshing  and rejuvenating i ask these things knowing that yo
ur desire is for them to live abundantly in  you it's in the name of jesus that i pray amen your purpose on this earth is to enjoy god  and to serve him forever to dwell on his excellent greatness to fill your  mind and heart with his word anything else you are given to  do will be fueled by these things philippians chapter 4 verse 8  and the amplified bible says finally believers whatever is true  whatever is honorable and worthy of respect whatever is right and confirmed by god's  word whateve
r is pure and wholesome whatever is lovely and brings peace  whatever is admirable and of good refute if there is any excellence if there is anything  worthy of praise think continually on these things center your mind on them and  implant them in your heart your time tonight will be spent  letting your mind dwell on these things first here are some things that are true told  by the scriptures romans chapter 8 verse 28 and we know that for those who love god all things work together for good for
those  who are called according to his purpose all things that's a promise god will  work all things together for good first john chapter 1 verse 9 if we  confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to  cleanse us from all unrighteousness faithful and just that's who god is if he  says he will do something you can be sure that he will do it if you have confessed your  sins you are cleansed from all unrighteousness john chapter 3 verse 16 for god so loved  the world that
he gave his only son that whoever believes in him should  not perish but have eternal life o beloved rest in that truth he loves you so much lord god your word is trustworthy let this  precious child dwell on these things as they sleep tonight write them on their heart  bind your truths to them so they live and breathe them day in and day out let them hear  only words of truth your word is truth amen now let those things that are  honorable dwell in your mind let's turn to the sermon on the moun
t from matthew  chapter to see behavior that is honorable to god jesus said you have heard that it was said  an eye for an eye and a tooth for tooth but i say to you do not resist the one who  is evil but if anyone slaps you on the right cheek turn to him the other also and if  anyone would sue you and take your tunic let him have your cloak as well and if anyone  forces you to go one mile go with him two miles give to the one who begs from you and do  not refuse the one who would borrow from yo
u you have heard that it was said you shall  love your neighbor and hate your enemy but i say to you love your enemies and pray  for those who persecute you so that you may be sons of your father who is in heaven for he makes  his son rise on the evil and on the good and sends rain on the just and on the unjust for if you  love those who love you what reward do you have do not even the tax collectors do the same  and if you greet only your brothers what more are you doing than others do  not eve
n the gentiles do the same let these honorable things dwell in your thoughts  jesus you don't ask us to do anything that you don't then enable us to do so as this child  of yours thinks about doing honorable things help them to know that they are not  doing them alone in their own strength but by the power and might of your  holy spirit dwelling within them and we will thank you and praise  you for that power in your name amen let your mind dwell on that which is just  deuteronomy chapter 10 ver
se 18 he executes justice for the fatherless and the widow and  loves the sojourner giving him food and clothing and chapter 32 verse 4 of that same  book the rock his work is perfect for all his ways are justice a god of faithfulness  and without iniquity just and upright is he give justice to the weak and the fatherless maintain the right of the  afflicted and the destitute god is a god of justice it is in his very nature  to be just let your mind dwell on these things lord god thank you for y
our justice that we can  always know that you will do the right thing whether we see it today or years from today we can  trust that you will follow through on your word help this child of yours tonight  as they dwell on your justice give them hope and courage  in the name of jesus amen think about those things that are pure psalm 12  verse 6 is a perfect place to start the words of the lord are pure words like silver refined  in a furnace on the ground purified seven times let the words of god
fill your dreams as  you hear him speak to you his words are pure psalm 19 verse 8 the precepts  of the lord are right rejoicing the heart the commandment of  the lord is pure enlightening the eyes first timothy chapter 1 verse 5 the aim of our  charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith when the temple of god was being built everything  was to be made of those things that were pure there were to be no impurities in the  temple now you are the temple o
f god the holy spirit dwells in you dwell  on the lord and keep your heart pure holy lord there is nothing pure aside from you so  i pray that his beloved child listening tonight will guard their heart from all impurities  as they dwell on your word that is true just and pure thank you for promising them  your strength in the name of jesus i pray amen here is what god considers lovely  then you should dwell on it psalm 84 verse 1 how lovely is your dwelling  place o lord of hosts isaiah chapter
52 verse 7 how lovely on the mountains are the feet  of him who brings good news who announces peace and brings good news of happiness who announces  salvation and says to zion your god reigns maybe you've thought about the fact that the feet  of those who bring the news of jesus are lovely but they are dwell on those messengers on those  who proclaim the messiah the savior of the world jesus you are the messiah you are the savior  of the world and those who would speak about you to others are l
ovely to dwell on i pray  that this precious one listening tonight will be one who has the lovely feet of a  messenger of your gospel grant them peace as they dwell on the loveliness of your dwelling  and the telling of the good news in your name amen in the new testament the early church  fathers were directed to appoint people who had good reputations they were devoted  to the lord and to their families they were ones who were worthy of being looked up to they  would fulfill their duties in th
e church well proverbs 22 verse 1 says a good name is to be chosen rather than great  riches and favor is better than silver or gold first timothy chapter 5 verses 9 through 10  describes a widow who could be given help by the church it says let a widow be enrolled  if she is not less than 60 years of age having been the wife of one husband and having  a reputation for good works if she has brought up children has shown hospitality  has washed the feet of the saints has cared for the afflicted a
nd has  devoted herself to every good work let your mind dwell on what it's like to know  a person such as this loves to serve others is hospitable cares for the afflicted let the  peace such a person brings envelope your heart father we praise you for your gifts that  allow us to serve others and to serve you i ask your blessing on this  beloved child as they sleep tonight that you would bring to their mind that  which is of good repute that they would dwell on that and not on those who do not 
honor you it's all for the sake of jesus amen here is what is excellent and should  fill your thoughts psalm 150 verse 2 praise him for his mighty deeds praise  him according to his excellent greatness titus chapter 3 verse 8 the saying is trustworthy  and i want you to insist on these things so that those who have believed in god may  be careful to devote themselves to good works these things are excellent  and profitable for people hebrews chapter 8 verse 6 but as it is christ  has obtained a
ministry that is as much more excellent than the old as the covenant he mediates  is better since it is enacted on better promises excellent greatness excellent works a more  excellent covenant think upon these things dear heavenly father there is so much excellence  in your name and your character and your mighty works help this loved one tonight to dwell  on the excellent greatness of your name and the excellent ministry of our  lord jesus is they rest in you tonight it's in the matchless nam
e  of jesus that we pray amen and now we will close with the words of  revelation chapter 5 verse 11 through 13 which tells us why the lord jesus  above all else is worthy of praise then i looked and i heard around  the throne and the living creatures and the elders the voice of many angels numbering  myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands saying with a loud voice worthy is the lamb who  was slain to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing and  i hea
rd every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea and all  that is in them saying to him who sits on the throne and to the lamb be blessing and  honor in glory and might forever and ever amen and amen sleep in peace dear  one dwelling on the things of god god speaks the words for you tonight  that he spoke to moses i will be with you he wants these words to burn bright and clear  before you like the fire that burned before moses he wants his words to break through your 
darkness to penetrate deep into your inner being to grow in you confidence and love god is a blazing fire of goodness warmth and  hope yet it is often difficult for us to see him and to hear his faithful words i will be with you  these were words that moses had trouble hearing and trusting too his life before the burning  bush had been strange and messy nothing about his life made it obvious that god would choose  him to lead his people out of slavery to freedom he was the baby sent down the ri
ver in a basket a  hebrew raised in the palace of the egyptian king moses was a murderer who hid in the desert if there had been a job opening  for hero of the israelites moses would not have had a strong resume to our minds moses was an unlikely leader yet  god blesses he embraces he uses unlikely people moses doubted himself he doubted god too he was lost in the desert in the  despair of his terrible mistakes and even still god says to  him moses i will be with you and god will be with you too
god is with you  your life doesn't need to make sense to you or to others your life can be messy and strange  and even still god says to you i will be with you allow these words deeper into your  heart and mind i will be with you rehearse this good news in your breath allow the burning fire of god's voice to  shine into your darkness by breathing in and saying to your soul god is with me and then also breathing out pray  meditate and trust saying again god is with me when i say moses's  life wa
s strange and messy i mean that his life did not move  in a nice clear clean straight line his life's journey had many twists and  turns many layers of confusion and suffering his mother took a papyrus basket and covered  it with tar and pitch so that it would float she placed moses as a baby inside and set  the basket among the reeds of the nile a wide long river his mother didn't  know where the basket would be found she sent her daughter to  follow it as it floated away it was the egyptian ki
ng's daughter  who drew him out of the water the egyptian king the pharaoh had ordered that all  hebrew baby boys were to be thrown into the nile and it was pharaoh's daughter who drew him out  of the water that is what moses's name means drew him out of the water how have you  been cast into the waters left to drown how have you been lost among the reeds  caught in the perilous current of life how have you been abandoned thrust out  of the safety of home jesus says to you i will be with you i h
ave been with you i will not leave you alone you are named moses too you are the one i draw out of the water i will draw you out of the pit out of the  miry clay and set your feet upon a rock you have been in the current of today's  dangerous rapid waters call out to god for help allow him to draw you up from the soul-numbing  currents of busyness rush and self-dependence as you allow yourself to go to sleep give yourself to god's care become god dependent in this story of moses we have a foresh
adowing  of what we gain in the waters of baptism the waters that are meant for death turn out  to be instead cleansing healing waters yes our enemy prowls around like a roaring lion  seeking whom he can devour yes like the egyptian king our enemy wants to drown you he wants you  to be covered by the dangerous waters of life yet through this danger through these  very same waters jesus meets you he reaches out to rescue you he  draws you out of death into new life allow these waters to wash you 
ending a day giving yourself to sleep resting in god's love this is sacred holy precious as you are being washed you are more and more  free to be near god to enjoy his presence to trust in his watchful care rest sleep believe allowing these words deeper  into your heart and mind i will be with you see the burning bush of god's presence  speaking goodness into your heart rehearse this good news in your breath  breathing in saying to your soul you are with me and then also breathing out pray med
itate  and trust saying again you are with me moses's life had been strange messy and  confusing when he came of age he began to sort out the things that mattered most  to his life he understood in deeper ways that he was an alien and a stranger in the house  of pharaoh he was a hebrew one of the oppressed benefiting from the riches of the oppressor was  troubling how could he enjoy any good thing when his own people were enslaved working tirelessly  for the brutal king of egypt when he saw an e
gyptian beating one of his hebrew brothers one  day he was given a chance to prove his identity as an israelite in a fit of rage and  vindication he killed the egyptian hid the body in the sand and then fled into  the desert to hide from pharaoh's wrath years later moses had married raised a family  and was working for his father-in-law jethro tending sheep on the backside of mount horeb  moses was no doubt content to be removed and hidden from his previous life  as the son of pharaoh's daughter
he had no expectation that god  had any special plans for his life he had no idea that his life was about to  change there on the backside of mount horeb this was a wilderness place where  god spoke to moses in a burning bush you likely have not experienced  a literal burning bush but you have had some kind  of burning bush experience this would be that turning point when  you came to accept the truth of god in a way that changed the direction  of your life this would be a moment when he especi
ally revealed himself through a  person an experience maybe a worship service a time when you were serving someone perhaps  a time of prayer or even a powerful sermon something shifted inside of you  and you haven't been the same since you might protest here but i haven't  taken god as seriously as i should my life hasn't changed that much i still struggle  i still don't know how to trust god with my life i continue to resist him each day i live  more through my strength than god's love moses pr
otested too he said who  am i that you would speak to me be worried about his weaknesses i can't  speak for you i stutter when i open my mouth moses would drift away from god too  he would become impatient and angry with the people he was leading he would  continue to struggle with fear and doubt even still god says to moses i will be with you  and god still says to you i will be with you no matter how much doubt or fear that stir  inside of you god still says i will be with you no matter how mu
ch stubbornness and  anger god still says i will be with you once again place yourself before  the burning bush of god's presence rest sleep believe these words deeper into  your heart and mind i will be with you rehearse this good news in your breath breathing  in saying to your soul my god is with me and then also breathing out pray meditate  and trust saying again my god is with me as we bring this meditation to a close i invite  you to consider one more part of moses story god instructs mose
s to say to  pharaoh let my people go moses fusses but how can i go back how can i speak for  you why would the king of egypt listen to me god replies tell pharaoh that i am sent you i am the great i am is with you the  great i am sends you he is the true true he is the real real god is being behind and before  all other things he is the one by whom everything else in the universe was created he is the one in  whom all things hold together and have their being the great i am says to you tonight
i am with  you i am the being who will always be with you in peace give yourself to sleep rest in god's faithfulness for he  alone can make you dwell in safety may the lord bless you and protect you  as you sleep may his face shine upon you like the radiance of a burning bush may he be gracious and kind granting you deep  healing sleep may you be filled with peace continue to allow yourself to let go of today by rehearsing in your breathing in and breathing  out my god is with me my god is with
me my god is with me amen tonight our sleep story is  about god's passionate promise our story reveals how god pours out his spirit  upon all his people you will hear the comforting message from god's word but before we begin get  comfortable breathe deeply inhale god's peace as you relax you feel god's amazing  love for you as you sink into your mattress your breath becomes deliberate relaxed your muscles go from being  tight to soft like cotton close your eyes imagine god's  holy light washing
over you picture yourself giving him all of  your burdens your thoughts and concerns breathe in his hope exhale his love the bible says that god will pour out his spirit  upon all people that sons and daughters will prophesy and young men will see  visions old men will dream dreams with that join me as we explore this  passionate promise god has given us when you receive christ into your  life his spirit lives inside you however that is just the beginning god longs for you to understand the dep
th  of what this means to experience his power to move in the miraculous to extend his  grace and to shine his light into the world ask god to open the eyes of your heart  let his light flood you with truth feel his heavenly touch his love  filling every part of your being as you do this breathe deeply inhale is love  exhale your burdens and cares keep breathing slowly and steadily as you listen to my voice  and feel the presence of the lord with you embrace the stillness around you listen for g
od in the silence  experience the rest you have longed for dear heavenly father i am ready for more of you i am grateful  for every prayer you have answered every blessing you have bestowed on  me the very life you have given me i also know there is so much more for me  to learn so much more of you to experience the bible says that your people perish  for a lack of wisdom make me wise god make me more like you forgive me of my sins  show me where i am missing the mark i want to be everything you
created me to be so that i can one  day hear well done my good and faithful servant help me to fully grasp what your  promises are to me i love you i trust you deepen my trust as you deepen my sleep  tonight in jesus name i pray amen your eyes are closed your head  rests gently on your pillow you continue breathing deeply and slowly relaxing the sound of the wind blowing eases your soul you think about the dreams and visions  that god has promised to give to his people you long for that you ask
god to  show you himself in your dreams you ask god to show you himself in your dreams i'm so glad you asked for that says a far  away voice come you look around wondering who is talking to you no one is there but  feel a presence a warm glow growing inside you you step outside and begin  to walk slowly down a path on one side glimmers of sunlight shine upon  a river flowing with crystal blue water tall trees full of life and bearing  fruit you've never seen decorate the bank brightly colored f
lowers of purple red  orange and pink burst through the ground the other side of the path is full of flowers and  trees as well but there is no fruit on the trees the flowers are wilted the colors fading some  are tangled in weeds the river is stagnant you come to a fork in the path and pause you  listen for the voice that beckoned you out of bed but there is only silence i'm still here you look up and even though you don't see anyone  you realize this is the voice of god i pour out my spirit on
everyone  but not everyone recognizes me the two sides of the path are examples  of what happens when you believe in me and when you try and do things on your own  when you spend time with me listen to my words pay attention to the signs wonders  dreams and visions i send you every day you will survive every storm life brings every  day you will get stronger when you share my love with others you will experience miracles  you will do great and mighty things in my name guide motions to the other
side of the path when you do things the world's way  you don't follow in my footsteps and listen for my voice life is harder  you don't have the peace i promised i created you to soar on wings like eagles i  am always blessing my people with signs wonders visions and dreams but some are too busy to listen  others have let their hearts become hardened some people have an idea of me  but that idea is only a part of me they like to keep me in a box they dismiss  the supernatural power the very nat
ure of me therefore when the rain comes  and the storms of life hit they aren't able to experience  the fullness of me within them it is my deepest desire that all of my  people experience the fullness of me i send them just like i am sending you tonight dreams  visions signs and wonders to stir their spirit i want to renew your heart and revive your soul i want you to walk in victory and in power  this is my will my purpose and my plan for you you hold on to god's voice it leads you over a stee
p hill mist fills the  foggy air you pause to wipe the dew from your eyes you hear the laughter of children you take one more step up and stand still in awe  majestic mountains surround you people of all ages colors and nationalities dive  into breathtaking turquoise water their smiles exceed their faces  it's as if they are diving into life they throw their heads back laughing  and rejoicing in glorious glee there is a white beach the sun shines  brilliantly the sand feels like silk children si
t at a small white picnic table  while adults read with them they're shaded by enormous trees draped with spanish moss that  looks like tinsel hung on a christmas tree you reach down and dip your hand into the  water instinctively you pull your hand back the water is electric powerful it feels like love are you in heaven you've  never felt like this before love penetrates through the air it radiates from  the heart of every person you feel it in the water you want to stay here longer but like a 
soft breeze you feel yourself drifting away you now find yourself in a forest full of tall  thick trees there is very little light you're on a path but sometimes that path is hard to see  you squint trying to see through the darkness you smell the sharp scent of decomposing  leaves the wetness of a recent rain the gravel path under your feet seems firm  enough but not being able to see concerns you you take a timid step forward when you find your  feet still firmly on the path you take another
step then you feel the presence of the lord beside  you taking your hand gripping it firmly yet gently you can trust me he says i will not let you go i know the way perfectly i will  walk with you through this darkness i will walk with you through this darkness your heart is calmed your breathing slows  you begin to notice the light filtering through the swaying branches the birds  calling to each other through the leaves the small yellow flower poking its  way through the thick underbrush god i
s showing you beauty where  you thought there was just darkness his presence has shown the light  on this dark path you are filled with peace once again you are swept away to a green lush  valley the sun shines brightly there is a small stream running swiftly through the center of  the valley bubbling crisply over small stones it's idyllic brown gray black and tan horses graze  peacefully there are no signs of fear in them you breathe in the scent of warm grass feeling the softness under your  f
eet you sit and wait for something and then beside you is the  lord his eyes soft and kind i lead you beside streams of water i  provide everything that you need he says bright red birds race by  fluttering and chittering happy the birds of the field don't  worry about what they will wear or what they will eat they  have everything they need he turns and looks at you and the kindness and  love that you see in his eyes bring tears to yours my beloved child you have  everything that you need too i
n the next moment you find  yourself back in your soft warm bed in your room in your home safe surrounded by peace i pour out my spirit on people says the soft voice  from above i bless them with dreams and visions so that they may know my love my power so they will  remember my desires for them while on this earth and to remind them that  there is so much more to come will you share the dream  i've blessed you with tonight the sound of your own voice  crying yes yes fills you for a second you w
onder where you are you  must have been dreaming but it felt so real it was real whispers god i made a  passionate promise to you when i said ask and it will be given to you seek and you will  find knock and the door will be opened for you you asked me to show you what it was like  to experience more of me and i answered now it is up to you to believe you're still for a second longer lingering  in god's presence basking in his love dear heavenly father help this dear one sleep  peacefully tonigh
t may you bring sweet comfort thank you for revealing yourself in our  dreams may the silence of the night bring revelation and clarity of thought rising in the  morning refreshed rested thank you for your word your passionate promises they are a love  letter to me and i am forever grateful help me be open to all of your ways god align my will with yours help me shine your  light into the world in jesus name i pray amen i hope you enjoyed this abide bedtime story we look forward to spending time
with you again  tomorrow until then may you abide in christ this is a sleep meditation  inspired from the scriptures to help you relax release the worries of  the day and find rest in the presence of god please remove all distractions from the room  and get comfortable take a few steady breaths and clear your mind from all other thoughts  as we focus on resting in the lord tonight allow every muscle in your body to relax  release the tension you've been carrying all day let go of any worries or
  concerns that are troubling you now invite the holy spirit to cover you  tonight ask him to fill you with his peace let his presence comfort you and calm you as  you rest securely and safely in his loving care so many times we try to find rest and  relaxation without the peace of god we wind down the day by watching tv or reading  the latest novel but when the lights go out we find that our minds are circling with thoughts  we toss and turn but sleep continues to elude us dear one if this desc
ribes you  take this time to re-center your thoughts on the lord stop the cycle of unwanted  thoughts and focus only on the presence of god there is true rest in him feel the  peaceful presence of the lord now before we hear the comforting words from the  scriptures let's pray a prayer of invitation heavenly father i long for your  presence come lord and fill this room cast out anything that doesn't belong  here and cover me with love and peace please remove all doubt worry and fear  tonight let
all of my anxieties fade away as they are replaced by the comfort and security  you give i want to find true rest in you father true rest true peace thank  you for being with me tonight i surrender my life my breath my  sleep to you in jesus name amen it was moses in the old testament who had personal  conversations with god in his tent which he had set apart as the tabernacle of meeting because  the tent was placed outside the israelite camp everyone who sought the lord had to  go out to the t
abernacle of meeting let that imagery surround you tonight as you  picture your own tent of meeting with the lord by his grace you are given the freedom to  have conversations with him at any time and in any place right here right now you can meet  with god what wondrous freedom you have been given through jesus sacrifice by his death on the cross  jesus tore the veil of the temple in two allowing you to enter the holy of holies and meet with god  rest in that marvelous truth for several moments
in exodus chapter 33 verse 11 we are told that the lord spoke to moses  face to face as a man speaks to his friend the lord spoke to moses as a man speaks to his  friend let that imagery sink in for a moment the creator of the universe spoke to moses as  a man speaks to his friend how we long for that kind of intimacy with god and through jesus christ  we have that kind of closeness with our creator we are invited to communicate with him to pour  our hearts out to him and to hear from him let t
hat peace and joy of communing  with your creator surround you tonight moses was so accustomed to speaking with the lord  he was bold when he said show me now your way that i may know you and that i may find  grace in your sight the courage moses had to request god's provision was founded  in reverence and honor of a most holy god let those words most holy god settle  deep in your heart for a few moments after moses made his request to  find grace in the sight of the lord listen to the beautiful
way in which god  responded he said my presence will go with you and i will give you rest let's hear that again my  presence will go with you and i will give you rest beloved do not forget that god always  keeps his promises when he says i will you can be absolutely sure that  he will do what he says he will do in the song i will rest in you  the lyrics start out by saying shepherd of my weary soul  you're my comfort you're my hope dear one god is your comfort he is your hope he  shepherds your
weary soul to find rest in him just as god assured moses that his presence  would go with him and he would give him rest you can have that assurance tonight  so take a deep breath in and let it out let's pray together holy god i am amazed  by you that you would care so much about me you would bless me with rest tonight it's so  comforting to know that you are here i don't have to worry about a single thing no i can release  everything to you and know that you will handle it i trust you god i tr
ust you with every fiber of my  being in the precious name of your son i pray amen when sleep seems like a distant wish  and we struggle to calm our minds it's often because we are trying to solve our  problems rather than trusting god to handle them however bedtime is not the time to do  battle with the thoughts in your mind remember the battle is the lord's so release your  thoughts your worries and your concerns settle your heart rest your soul and fix  your mind on the promise that god will
handle everything in your life for  his glory and your good you can stop the cycle of thoughts that steal your rest by  centering your whole being in god's presence here and now re-center your  thoughts on the presence of the lord he loves you he cares for you and he is with you a bit further in exodus chapter 33  moses had some concerns for god's people he admitted those concerns to the lord  he told god all about them and once again the lord encouraged him by saying you have  found grace in my
sight and i know you by name think of what you just heard i know you by name  what a marvelous thing to hear that god knows you by name you are not a stranger to him you are  not just another person he knows you by name find peace in that truth for several moments i can hear you call my name  lead me to that quiet place make that your silent prayer tonight i can hear you call my name lord  please lead me to that quiet place after god comforted moses  by saying i know you by name moses answered
with another courageous  statement please show me your glory please show me your glory allow the courage  of that statement to settle you tonight as you rest boldly in the glory of god and respond  as moses did lord please show me your glory let's pray lord blessed be your name fill this  room with your glory the glory of your presence we love you we glorify you we  cherish the blessing of rest in you thank you holy father for being  with us thank you for knowing us by name we are your children
and we rest fully  in you tonight in jesus name amen feel the comfort of god's love wrapped around  you like the softest blanket you've ever felt god's love covers you in perfect peace like a newborn baby swaddled  and held by his mother so we are safe and secure in our father's arms let your head sink deeper into the pillow  pull the covers around you breathe softly in and out in psalm 62 david says yes my soul  find rest in god my hope comes from him truly he is my rock and my salvation  he is
my fortress i will not be shaken my salvation and my honor depend on  god he is my mighty rock my refuge trust in him at all times you people pour  out your hearts to him for god is our refuge david's song of encouragement rings true for our  lives as well as he sings a melody to his own soul to find rest in god he then declares who god  is in his life focus on who god is in your life he is your rock he is your  salvation he is your fortress allow the melody of god's truth  to sing to your soul
tonight truly he is your rock and your salvation god  is your fortress and you will not be shaken you will not be shaken in the lord jesus you are safe secure  held protected guarded and loved let those comforting words surround  you in peace for several moments as david encouraged his listeners by saying  trust in god at all times pour out your hearts to him let us trust god with our sleep  tonight trust him as these words flow over you i will rest in you king of  heaven i will rest in you now
please let me pray over you tonight  king of heaven i come before you asking you to bless your beloved child  with peace and rest lord i pray that they will be able to cast aside all other  thoughts and focus only on your presence justice moses courageously asked to  find grace in your sight i ask that you will have mercy and grace on your children  please help them to trust you in all things assure them with your love continue to call  them by name and lead them to that quiet place that quiet
place of peace and rest  in the precious name of jesus i pray amen welcome to this abide bedtime story where  you will be guided into a deep and peaceful sleep hearing words of peace and comfort from the  bible i'm james seawood instead of your mind being filled with anxiety you will be encouraged  to think about the things that are true and lovely honorable and pure excellent and worthy of praise  let god speak to your heart as you hear his word so settle deeply into your bed let your  head res
t heavily on your pillow as you relax every muscle in your body take a deep slow  breath hold it for a moment and then release it feeling the tension of your day fade  away feel the comfort of your warm covers the peacefulness of this moment don't let in  any distractions tell them to go away this is your time to be with the lord as he guides  you into deep sleep without worry or concern keep breathing deeply and slowly as you  listen letting your body ease into sleep father god i bring this chi
ld of yours before you  today and ask you for your favor i already know that you love them deeply and i ask that you would  give them that assurance as well i pray that as they sleep their dreams would be of those things  that are honorable and lovely and worthy of praise keep away all distractions concerns and stresses  so that they can rest peacefully may the sound of my voice telling them of the wonders of you  and your world lull them quickly into sleep that lasts the whole night through and
is refreshing  and rejuvenating i ask these things knowing that your desire is for them to live abundantly in  you it's in the name of jesus that i pray amen your purpose on this earth is to enjoy god  and to serve him forever to dwell on his excellent greatness to fill your  mind and heart with his word anything else you are given to  do will be fueled by these things philippians chapter 4 verse 8 and the amplified  bible says finally believers whatever is true whatever is honorable and worthy
of respect  whatever is right and confirmed by god's word whatever is pure and wholesome  whatever is lovely and brings peace whatever is admirable and of good repute if there  is any excellence if there is anything worthy of praise think continually on these things center  your mind on them and implant them in your heart your time tonight will be spent  letting your mind dwell on these things first here are some things that are true told  by the scriptures romans chapter 8 verse 28 and we know
that for those who love god all things work together for good for those  who are called according to his purpose all things that's a promise god will  work all things together for good first john chapter 1 verse 9 if we  confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to  cleanse us from all unrighteousness faithful and just that's who god is if he  says he will do something you can be sure that he will do it if you have confessed your  sins you are cleansed from all unright
eousness john chapter 3 verse 16 for god so loved  the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him should  not perish would have eternal life oh beloved rest in that truth he loves you so much lord god your word is trustworthy let this  precious child dwell on these things as they sleep tonight write them on their heart  bind your truths to them so they live and breathe them day in and day out let them hear  only words of truth your word is truth amen now let those things that a
re  honorable dwell in your mind let's turn to the sermon on the mount from matthew  chapter 5 to see behavior that is honorable to god jesus said you have heard that it was said  an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth but i say to you do not resist the one who  is evil but if anyone slaps you on the right cheek turn to him the other also and if  anyone would sue you and take your tunic let him have your cloak as well and if anyone  forces you to go one mile go with him two miles give to the
one who begs from you and do  not refuse the one who would borrow from you you have heard that it was said you shall  love your neighbor and hate your enemy but i say to you love your enemies  and pray for those who persecute you so that you may be sons of  your father who is in heaven for he makes his son rise on the evil and on the  good and sends rain on the just and on the unjust for if you love those who love  you what reward do you have do not even the tax collectors do the same  and if yo
u greet only your brothers what more are you doing than others do  not even the gentiles do the same let these honorable things dwell in your thoughts jesus you don't ask us to do anything  that you don't then enable us to do so as this child of yours thinks about doing  honorable things help them to know that they are not doing them alone in their own strength  but by the power and might of your holy spirit dwelling within them and we will thank you and  praise you for that power in your name a
men let your mind dwell on that which is just  deuteronomy chapter 10 verse 18. he executes justice for the fatherless and the widow and  loves the sojourner giving him food and clothing and chapter 32 verse 4 of that same  book the rock his work is perfect for all his ways are justice a god of faithfulness  and without iniquity just and upright is he give justice to the weak and the fatherless maintain the right of the  afflicted and the destitute god is a god of justice it is in his very natur
e  to be just let your mind dwell on these things lord god thank you for your justice that we can  always know that you will do the right thing whether we see it today or years from today we can  trust that you will follow through on your word help this child of yours tonight  as they dwell on your justice give them hope and courage  in the name of jesus amen think about those things that are pure psalm 12  verse 6 is a perfect place to start the words of the lord are pure words like silver refi
ned  in a furnace on the ground purified seven times let the words of god fill your dreams as  you hear him speak to you his words are pure psalm 19 verse 8 the precepts  of the lord are right rejoicing the heart the commandment of  the lord is pure enlightening the eyes first timothy chapter 1 verse 5 the aim of our  charge is love that issue is from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith when the temple of god was being built everything  was to be made of those things that were
pure there were to be no impurities in the  temple now you are the temple of god the holy spirit dwells in you dwell  on the lord and keep your heart pure holy lord there is nothing pure aside from you so  i pray that his beloved child listening tonight will guard their heart from all impurities  as they dwell on your word that is true just and pure thank you for promising them  your strength in the name of jesus i pray amen here is what god considers lovely  that you should dwell on it psalm 8
4 verse 1 how lovely is your dwelling  place o lord of hosts isaiah chapter 52 verse 7 how lovely on the mountains are the feet  of him who brings good news who announces peace and brings good news of happiness who announces  salvation and says to zion your god reigns maybe you've thought about the fact that the feet  of those who bring the news of jesus are lovely but they are dwell on those messengers on those  who proclaim the messiah the savior of the world jesus you are the messiah you are
the savior  of the world and those who would speak about you to others are lovely to dwell on i pray  that this precious one listening tonight will be one who has the lovely feet of a  messenger of your gospel grant them peace as they dwell on the loveliness of your dwelling  and the telling of the good news in your name amen in the new testament the early church  fathers were directed to appoint people who had good reputations they were devoted  to the lord and to their families they were ones
who were worthy of being looked up to they  would fulfill their duties in the church well proverbs 22 verse 1 says a good name is to be chosen rather than great  riches and favor is better than silver or gold first timothy chapter 5 verses 9 through 10  describes a widow who could be given help by the church it says let a widow be enrolled if she is  not less than 60 years of age having been the wife of one husband and having a reputation for good  works and she has brought up children has shown
hospitality has washed the feet of the saints has  cared for the afflicted and has devoted herself to every good work let your mind dwell on what it's  like to know a person such as this loves to serve others is hospitable cares for the afflicted let  the peace such a person brings envelope your heart father we praise you for your gifts  that allow us to serve others and to serve you i ask your blessing on this  beloved child as they sleep tonight that you would bring to their mind that  which
is of good repute that they would dwell on that and not on those who do not  honor you it's all for the sake of jesus amen here is what is excellent  and should fill your thoughts psalm 150 verse 2. praise him for his mighty deeds  praise him according to his excellent greatness titus chapter 3 verse 8 the saying is trustworthy  and i want you to insist on these things so that those who have believed in god may  be careful to devote themselves to good works these things are excellent  and profit
able for people hebrews chapter 8 verse 6 but as it is christ  has obtained a ministry that is as much more excellent than the old as the covenant he mediates  is better since it is enacted on better promises excellent greatness excellent works a more  excellent covenant think upon these things dear heavenly father there is so much excellence  in your name and your character and your mighty works help this loved one tonight to dwell  on the excellent greatness of your name and the excellent mini
stry of our  lord jesus as they rest in you tonight it's in the matchless name  of jesus that we pray amen and now we will close with the words of  revelation chapter 5 verse 11 through 13 which tells us why the lord jesus  above all else is worthy of praise then i looked and i heard around  the throne and the living creatures and the elders the voice of many angels numbering  myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands saying with a loud voice worthy is the lamb who  was slain to receive powe
r and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing and  i heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea and all  that is in them saying to him who sits on the throne and to the lamb be blessing  and honor in glory and might forever and ever amen and amen sleep in peace  dear one dwelling on the things of god god speaks the words for you tonight  that he spoke to moses i will be with you he wants these words to burn bright and clear  before you lik
e the fire that burned before moses he wants his words to break through your  darkness to penetrate deep into your inner being to grow in you confidence and love god is a blazing fire of goodness warmth and hope yet it is often difficult for us to see him and  to hear his faithful words i will be with you these were words that moses had trouble hearing  and trusting too his life before the burning bush had been strange and messy nothing about his  life made it obvious that god would choose him t
o lead his people out of slavery to freedom  he was the baby sent down the river in a basket a hebrew raised in the palace of the egyptian  king moses was a murderer who hid in the desert if there had been a job opening  for hero of the israelites moses would not have had a strong resume  to our minds moses was an unlikely leader yet god blesses he embraces  he uses unlikely people moses doubted himself he doubted god too he was lost in the desert in the  despair of his terrible mistakes and eve
n still god says to  him moses i will be with you and god will be with you too god is with you  your life doesn't need to make sense to you or to others your life can be messy and strange  and even still god says to you i will be with you allow these words deeper into your  heart and mind i will be with you rehearse this good news in your breath allow the burning fire of god's voice to  shine into your darkness by breathing in and saying to your soul god is with  me and then also breathing out p
ray meditate and trust saying again god is with me when i say moses  life was strange and messy i mean that his life did not move  in a nice clear clean straight line his life's journey had many twists and  turns many layers of confusion and suffering his mother took a papyrus basket and covered  it with tar and pitch so that it would float she placed moses as a baby inside and set the basket among the reeds  of the nile a wide long river his mother didn't know where  the basket would be found s
he sent her daughter to  follow it as it floated away it was the egyptian king's daughter  who drew him out of the water the egyptian king the pharaoh had ordered that all  hebrew baby boys were to be thrown into the nile and it was pharaoh's daughter who drew him out  of the water that is what moses's name means drew him out of the water how have you  been cast into the waters left to drown how have you been lost among the reeds  caught in the perilous current of life how have you been abandone
d thrust out of the safety of home jesus says to  you i will be with you i have been with you i will not leave you alone you are named moses too you are the one i draw out of the water i will  draw you out of the pit out of the miry clay and set your feet upon a rock you have been in  the current of today's dangerous rapid waters call out to god for help allow him to draw you up from the soul-numbing  currents of busyness rush and self-dependence as you allow yourself to go to sleep give yoursel
f to god's care become god dependent in this story of moses we have a foreshadowing  of what we gain in the waters of baptism the waters that are meant for death turn out  to be instead cleansing healing waters yes our enemy prowls around like a roaring lion seeking  whom he can devour yes like the egyptian king our enemy wants to drown you he wants you to  be covered by the dangerous waters of life get through this danger through these  very same waters jesus meets you he reaches out to rescue
you he  draws you out of death into new life allow these waters to wash you  ending a day giving yourself to sleep resting in god's love this is sacred holy precious as you are being washed you are more and more  free to be near god to enjoy his presence to trust in his watchful care rest sleep believe allowing these words deeper into  your heart and mind i will be with you see the burning bush of god's presence  speaking goodness into your heart rehearse this good news in  your breath breathing
in saying to your soul you are with me and then also breathing out pray meditate and trust saying again you are with me moses's  life had been strange messy and confusing when he came of age he began to sort out  the things that mattered most to his life he understood in deeper ways that he was an  alien and a stranger in the house of pharaoh he was a hebrew one of the oppressed benefiting  from the riches of the oppressor was troubling how could he enjoy any good thing  when his own people wer
e enslaved working tirelessly for the brutal  king of egypt when he saw an egyptian beating one of his hebrew brothers one day  he was given a chance to prove his identity as an israelite in a fit of rage and  vindication he killed the egyptian hid the body in the sand and then fled into  the desert to hide from pharaoh's wrath years later moses had married raised a family  and was working for his father-in-law jethro tending sheep on the backside of mount horeb  moses was no doubt content to be
removed and hidden from his previous life  as the son of pharaoh's daughter he had no expectation that god  had any special plans for his life he had no idea that his life was about to change there on the backside of mount horeb this was a wilderness place where  god spoke to moses in a burning bush you likely have not experienced  a literal burning bush but you have had some kind  of burning bush experience this would be that turning point when  you came to accept the truth of god in a way tha
t changed the direction of your life this would be a moment when he especially  revealed himself through a person an experience maybe a worship service a time  when you were serving someone perhaps a time of prayer or even a powerful sermon something shifted inside of you  and you haven't been the same since you might protest here but i haven't  taken god as seriously as i should my life hasn't changed that much i still struggle  i still don't know how to trust god with my life i continue to res
ist him each day i live  more through my strength than god's love moses protested too he said who  am i that you would speak to me he worried about his weaknesses i can't  speak for you i stutter when i open my mouth moses would drift away from god too  he would become impatient and angry with the people he was leading he would  continue to struggle with fear and doubt even still god says to moses i will be with you and god still says to you i will be with you no matter how much doubt or fear th
at stir  inside of you god still says i will be with you no matter how much stubbornness and  anger god still says i will be with you once again place yourself before  the burning bush of god's presence rest sleep believe these words deeper into  your heart and mind i will be with you rehearse this good news in your breath breathing in saying to your soul my god is  with me and then also breathing out pray meditate and trust saying again my god is  with me as we bring this meditation to a close
i invite you to consider  one more part of moses story god instructs moses to say to  pharaoh let my people go moses fusses but how can i go back how can i speak for  you why would the king of egypt listen to me god replies tell pharaoh that i am sent  you i am the great i am is with you the great i am sends you he is the true true he  is the real real god is being behind and before all other things he is the one by whom  everything else in the universe was created he is the one in whom all thin
gs  hold together and have their being the great i am says to you tonight i am with  you i am the being who will always be with you in peace give yourself to sleep rest in god's faithfulness for he  alone can make you dwell in safety may the lord bless you and  protect you as you sleep may his face shine upon you like the  radiance of a burning bush may he be gracious and kind granting you deep  healing sleep may you be filled with peace continue to allow yourself to let go of today by rehearsin
g in your breathing in and breathing  out my god is with me my god is with me my god is with me amen tonight our sleep story is about god's  passionate promise our story reveals how god pours out his spirit upon all his people you  will hear the comforting message from god's word but before we begin get comfortable breathe deeply inhale god's peace as you relax you feel god's amazing love  for you as you sink into your mattress your breath becomes deliberate relaxed your  muscles go from being t
ight to soft like cotton close your eyes imagine god's  holy light washing over you picture yourself giving him all of  your burdens your thoughts and concerns breathe in his hope exhale his love the bible says that god will pour  out his spirit upon all people that sons and daughters will prophesy and young  men will see visions old men will dream dreams with that join me as we explore this  passionate promise god has given us when you receive christ into your life his  spirit lives inside you
however that is just the beginning god longs for you to understand the  depth of what this means to experience his power to move in the miraculous to extend his  grace and to shine his light into the world ask god to open the eyes of your heart  let his light flood you with truth feel his heavenly touch his love  filling every part of your being as you do this breathe deeply inhale is love  exhale your burdens and cares keep breathing slowly and steadily as you listen to my voice  and feel the p
resence of the lord with you embrace the stillness around you listen for god in the silence  experience the rest you have longed for dear heavenly father i am ready for more of you i am grateful  for every prayer you have answered every blessing you have bestowed on  me the very life you have given me i also know there is so much more for me  to learn so much more of you to experience the bible says that your people perish for a lack  of wisdom make me wise god make me more like you forgive me o
f my sins show me where i am missing  the mark i want to be everything you created me to be so that i can one day hear well  done my good and faithful servant help me to fully grasp what your  promises are to me i love you i trust you deepen my trust as you deepen my sleep  tonight in jesus name i pray amen your eyes are closed your head  rests gently on your pillow you continue breathing deeply and slowly relaxing the sound of the wind blowing eases your soul you  think about the dreams and vis
ions that god has promised to give to his people you long for that  you ask god to show you himself in your dreams you ask god to show you himself in your dreams i'm so glad you asked for that says a far  away voice come you look around wondering who's talking to you no one is there but feel  a presence a warm glow growing inside you you step outside and begin  to walk slowly down a path on one side glimmers of sunlight shine upon  a river flowing with crystal blue water tall trees full of life
and bearing  fruit you've never seen decorate the bank brightly colored flowers of purple red  orange and pink burst through the ground the other side of the path is full of flowers and  trees as well but there is no fruit on the trees the flowers are wilted the colors fading some  are tangled in weeds the river is stagnant you come to a fork in the path and pause you listen for the voice that beckoned  you out of bed but there is only silence i'm still here you look up and even though you don't
see anyone  you realize this is the voice of god i pour out my spirit on everyone  but not everyone recognizes me the two sides of the path are examples  of what happens when you believe in me and when you try and do things on your own  when you spend time with me listen to my words pay attention to the signs wonders  dreams and visions i send you every day you will survive every storm life brings every  day you will get stronger when you share my love with others you will experience miracles 
you will do great and mighty things in my name guide motions to the other side of the path when you do things the world's way you don't  follow in my footsteps and listen for my voice life is harder you don't have the peace i promised i created you to soar on wings like eagles i  am always blessing my people with signs wonders visions and dreams but some are too busy to listen  others have let their hearts become hardened some people have an idea of me  but that idea is only a part of me they li
ke to keep me in a box they dismiss  the supernatural power the very nature of me therefore when the rain comes  and the storms of life hit they aren't able to experience  the fullness of me within them it is my deepest desire that all of my  people experience the fullness of me i send them just like i am sending you tonight dreams  visions signs and wonders to stir their spirit i want to renew your heart and revive your soul i want you to walk in victory and in power  this is my will my purpose
and my plan for you you hold on to god's voice it leads you over a steep hill mist fills the  foggy air you pause to wipe the dew from your eyes you hear the laughter of children you  take one more step up and stand still in awe majestic mountains surround you people  of all ages colors and nationalities dive into breathtaking turquoise water their smiles exceed  their faces it's as if they are diving into life they throw their heads back laughing  and rejoicing in glorious glee there is a whit
e beach the sun shines  brilliantly the sand feels like silk children sit at a small white picnic table  while adults read with them they're shaded by enormous trees draped with spanish moss that  looks like tinsel hung on a christmas tree you reach down and dip your hand into the  water instinctively you pull your hand back the water is electric powerful it feels like love are you in heaven you've never felt like this before love penetrates through the air it radiates from  the heart of every p
erson you feel it in the water you want to stay here longer but like a  soft breeze you feel yourself drifting away you now find yourself in a forest full of tall  thick trees there is very little light you're on a path but sometimes that path is hard to see  you squint trying to see through the darkness you smell the sharp scent of decomposing  leaves the wetness of a recent rain the gravel path under your feet seems firm  enough but not being able to see concerns you you take a timid step forw
ard when you find your  feet still firmly on the path you take another step then you feel the presence of the lord beside  you taking your hand gripping it firmly yet gently you can trust me he says i will not let you go i know the way perfectly i will  walk with you through this darkness i will walk with you through this darkness your heart is calmed your breathing slows  you begin to notice the light filtering through the swaying branches the birds  calling to each other through the leaves the
small yellow flower poking its  way through the thick underbrush god is showing you beauty where  you thought there was just darkness his presence has shown the light  on this dark path you are filled with peace once again you are swept away to a green lush  valley the sun shines brightly there is a small stream running swiftly through the center of  the valley bubbling crisply over small stones it's idyllic brown gray black and tan horses graze  peacefully there are no signs of fear in them yo
u breathe in the scent of warm grass feeling the softness under your  feet you sit and wait for something and then beside you is the lord his eyes soft and kind i lead you beside streams of water  i provide everything that you need he says bright red birds race by  fluttering and chittering happy the birds of the field don't  worry about what they will wear or what they will eat they  have everything they need he turns and looks at you and the kindness and  love that you see in his eyes bring te
ars to yours my beloved child you have  everything that you need too in the next moment you find yourself  back in your soft warm bed in your room in your home safe surrounded by peace i pour out my spirit on people says the soft voice  from above i bless them with dreams and visions so that they may know my love my power so they will  remember my desires for them while on this earth and to remind them that  there is so much more to come will you share the dream  i've blessed you with tonight th
e sound of your own voice  crying yes yes fills you for a second you wonder where you are you  must have been dreaming but it felt so real it was real whispers god i made a  passionate promise to you when i said ask and it will be given to you seek and you will  find knock and the door will be opened for you you asked me to show you what it was like  to experience more of me and i answered now it is up to you to believe you're still for a second longer lingering  in god's presence basking in his
love dear heavenly father help this dear one sleep  peacefully tonight may you bring sweet comfort thank you for revealing yourself in our dreams  may the silence of the night bring revelation and clarity of thought rising in the morning  refreshed rested thank you for your word your passionate promises they are a love  letter to me and i am forever grateful help me be open to all of your ways god align my will with yours help me shine your  light into the world in jesus name i pray amen i hope
you enjoyed this abide bedtime story we look forward to spending time with you again  tomorrow until then may you abide in christ this is a sleep meditation  inspired from the scriptures to help you relax release the worries of  the day and find rest in the presence of god please remove all distractions from the room  and get comfortable take a few steady breaths and clear your mind from all other thoughts  as we focus on resting in the lord tonight allow every muscle in your body to relax  rel
ease the tension you've been carrying all day let go of any worries or  concerns that are troubling you now invite the holy spirit to cover you tonight  ask him to fill you with his peace let his presence comfort you and calm you as you  rest securely and safely in his loving care so many times we try to find rest and  relaxation without the peace of god we wind down the day by watching tv or reading  the latest novel but when the lights go out we find that our minds are circling with thoughts 
we toss and turn but sleep continues to elude us dear one if this describes you  take this time to re-center your thoughts on the lord stop the cycle of unwanted  thoughts and focus only on the presence of god there is true rest in him feel the  peaceful presence of the lord now before we hear the comforting words from the  scriptures let's pray a prayer of invitation heavenly father i long for your presence come  lord and fill this room cast out anything that doesn't belong here and cover me wi
th love and  peace please remove all doubt worry and fear tonight let all of my anxieties fade away as they  are replaced by the comfort and security you give i want to find true rest in you father true rest  true peace thank you for being with me tonight i surrender my life my breath my  sleep to you in jesus name amen it was moses in the old testament who had personal  conversations with god in his tent which he had set apart as the tabernacle of meeting because  the tent was placed outside th
e israelite camp everyone who sought the lord had to go out to the  tabernacle of meeting let that imagery surround you tonight as you picture your own tent of  meeting with the lord by his grace you are given the freedom to have conversations  with him at any time and in any place right here right now you can meet with god  what wondrous freedom you have been given through jesus sacrifice by his death on the cross  jesus tore the veil of the temple in two allowing you to enter the holy of holie
s and meet with god  rest in that marvelous truth for several moments in exodus chapter 33 verse 11 we are told that the lord spoke to moses  face to face as a man speaks to his friend the lord spoke to moses as a man speaks to his  friend let that imagery sink in for a moment the creator of the universe spoke to  moses as a man speaks to his friend how we long for that kind of intimacy with god  and through jesus christ we have that kind of closeness with our creator we are invited to  communic
ate with him to pour our hearts out to him and to hear from him let that peace and joy of  communing with your creator surround you tonight moses was so accustomed to speaking with the lord  he was bold when he said show me now your way that i may know you and that  i may find grace in your sight the courage moses had to request god's  provision was founded in reverence and honor of a most holy god let those words most holy  god settle deep in your heart for a few moments after moses made his re
quest to find  grace in the sight of the lord listen to the beautiful way in which god responded he  said my presence will go with you and i will give you rest let's hear that again my presence  will go with you and i will give you rest beloved do not forget that god always  keeps his promises when he says i will you can be absolutely sure that  he will do what he says he will do in the song i will rest in you  the lyrics start out by saying shepherd of my weary soul  you're my comfort you're my
hope dear one god is your comfort he is your hope he  shepherds your weary soul to find rest in him as god assured moses that his presence would  go with him and he would give him rest you can have that assurance tonight so  take a deep breath in and let it out let's pray together holy god i am amazed  by you that you would care so much about me you would bless me with rest tonight it's so  comforting to know that you are here i don't have to worry about a single thing no i can release  everyth
ing to you and know that you will handle it i trust you god i trust you with every fiber of my  being in the precious name of your son i pray amen when sleep seems like a distant wish  and we struggle to calm our minds it's often because we are trying to solve our  problems rather than trusting god to handle them however bedtime is not the time to do  battle with the thoughts in your mind remember the battle is the lord's so release  your thoughts your worries and your concerns your heart rest y
our soul and fix your mind on  the promise that god will handle everything in your life for his glory and your good you can  stop the cycle of thoughts that steal your rest by centering your whole being in god's presence here and now re-center your  thoughts on the presence of the lord he loves you he cares for you and he is with you a bit further in exodus chapter 33  moses had some concerns for god's people he admitted those concerns to the lord  he told god all about them and once again the l
ord encouraged him by saying you have  found grace in my sight and i know you by name think of what you just heard i know you by name  what a marvelous thing to hear that god knows you by name you are not a stranger to him you are  not just another person he knows you by name find peace in that truth for several moments i can hear you call my name  lead me to that quiet place make that your silent prayer tonight i can hear you call my name lord  please lead me to that quiet place after god comfo
rted moses  by saying i know you by name moses answered with another courageous  statement please show me your glory please show me your glory allow the courage  of that statement to settle you tonight as you rest boldly in the glory of god and respond  as moses did lord please show me your glory let's pray lord blessed be your name fill this  room with your glory the glory of your presence we love you we glorify you we  cherish the blessing of rest in you thank you holy father for being  with u
s thank you for knowing us by name we are your children and we rest fully  in you tonight in jesus name amen feel the comfort of god's love wrapped around  you like the softest blanket you've ever felt god's love covers you in perfect peace like a newborn baby swaddled and held by his  mother so we are safe and secure in our father's arms let your head sink deeper into the pillow  pull the covers around you breathe softly in and out in psalm 62 david says yes my soul  find rest in god my hope co
mes from him truly he is my rock and my salvation  he is my fortress i will not be shaken my salvation and my honor depend on  god he is my mighty rock my refuge trust in him at all times you people pour  out your hearts to him for god is our refuge david's song of encouragement rings true for our  lives as well as he sings a melody to his own soul to find rest in god he then declares who god  is in his life focus on who god is in your life he is your rock he is your  salvation he is your fortre
ss allow the melody of god's truth  to sing to your soul tonight truly he is your rock and your salvation god is your fortress and you will not  be shaken you will not be shaken in the lord jesus you are safe secure  held protected guarded and loved let those comforting words surround  you in peace for several moments as david encouraged his listeners by saying  trust in god at all times pour out your hearts to him let us trust god with our sleep  tonight trust him as these words flow over you i
will rest in you king of  heaven i will rest in you now please let me pray over you tonight king of  heaven i come before you asking you to bless your beloved child with peace and rest lord i pray that  they will be able to cast aside all other thoughts and focus only on your presence justice moses  courageously asked to find grace in your sight i ask that you will have mercy and grace on your  children please help them to trust you in all things assure them with your love continue to call  the
m by name and lead them to that quiet place that quiet place of peace and rest in  the precious name of jesus i pray amen welcome to this abide bedtime story where you  will be guided into a deep and peaceful sleep hearing words of peace and comfort from the bible  i'm james seawood instead of your mind being filled with anxiety you will be encouraged to  think about the things that are true and lovely honorable and pure excellent and worthy of praise  let god speak to your heart as you hear his
word so settle deeply into your bed let  your head rest heavily on your pillow as you relax every muscle in  your body take a deep slow breath hold it for a moment and then release it  feeling the tension of your day fade away feel the comfort of your warm covers  the peacefulness of this moment don't let in any distractions tell them to go away this is your time to be with the lord as  he guides you into deep sleep without worry or concern keep breathing deeply and slowly as  you listen lettin
g your body ease into sleep father god i bring this child of yours before you  today and ask you for your favor i already know that you love them deeply and i ask that you would  give them that assurance as well i pray that as they sleep their dreams would be of those things  that are honorable and lovely and worthy of praise keep away all distractions concerns and stresses  so that they can rest peacefully may the sound of my voice telling them of the wonders of you  and your world lull them qu
ickly into sleep that lasts the whole night through and is refreshing  and rejuvenating i ask these things knowing that your desire is for them to live abundantly in  you it's in the name of jesus that i pray amen your purpose on this earth is to enjoy god  and to serve him forever to dwell on his excellent greatness to fill your  mind and heart with his word anything else you are given to  do will be fueled by these things philippians chapter 4 verse  8 in the amplified bible says finally belie
vers whatever is true  whatever is honorable and worthy of respect whatever is right and confirmed by god's  word whatever is pure and wholesome whatever is lovely and brings peace  whatever is admirable and of good repute if there is any excellence if there is anything  worthy of praise think continually on these things center your mind on them and  implant them in your heart your time tonight will be spent  letting your mind dwell on these things first here are some things that are true told 
by the scriptures romans chapter 8 verse 28 and we know that for those who love god all things work together for good for those  who are called according to his purpose all things that's a promise god will  work all things together for good first john chapter 1 verse 9 if we  confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to  cleanse us from all unrighteousness faithful and just that's who god is if he  says he will do something you can be sure that he will do it if you have
confessed your  sins you are cleansed from all unrighteousness john chapter 3 verse 16 for god so  loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him  should not perish but have eternal life oh beloved rest in that truth he loves you so much lord god your word is trustworthy let this  precious child dwell on these things as they sleep tonight write them on their heart  bind your truths to them so they live and breathe them day in and day out let them hear  only words of trut
h your word is truth amen now let those things that are  honorable dwell in your mind let's turn to the sermon on the mount from matthew  chapter 5 to see behavior that is honorable to god jesus said you have heard that it was said  an eye for an eye and a tooth for tooth but i say to you do not resist the one who is evil  but if anyone slaps you on the right cheek turn to him the other also and if anyone would sue you and  take your tunic let him have your cloak as well and if anyone forces you
to go one mile go with  him two miles give to the one who begs from you and do not refuse the one  who would borrow from you you have heard that it was said you shall  love your neighbor and hate your enemy but i say to you love your enemies  and pray for those who persecute you so that you may be sons of  your father who is in heaven for he makes his son rise on the evil and on the  good and sends rain on the just and on the unjust for if you love those who love  you what reward do you have do
not even the tax collectors do the same  and if you greet only your brothers what more are you doing than others do  not even the gentiles do the same let these honorable things dwell in your thoughts  jesus you don't ask us to do anything that you don't then enable us to do so as this child  of yours thinks about doing honorable things help them to know that they are not  doing them alone in their own strength but by the power and might of your  holy spirit dwelling within them and we will tha
nk you and praise  you for that power in your name amen let your mind dwell on that which is just  deuteronomy chapter 10 verse 18 he executes justice for the fatherless and the widow and  loves the sojourner giving him food and clothing and chapter 32 verse 4 of that same  book the rock his work is perfect for all his ways are justice a god of faithfulness  and without iniquity just and upright is he give justice to the weak and the fatherless maintain the right of the  afflicted and the destit
ute god is a god of justice it is in his very nature  to be just let your mind dwell on these things lord god thank you for your justice that we can  always know that you will do the right thing whether we see it today or years from today we can  trust that you will follow through on your word help this child of yours tonight  as they dwell on your justice give them hope and courage  in the name of jesus amen think about those things that are pure psalm 12  verse 6 is a perfect place to start th
e words of the lord are pure words like silver refined  in a furnace on the ground purified seven times let the words of god fill your dreams as  you hear him speak to you his words are pure psalm 19 verse 8 the precepts  of the lord are right rejoicing the heart the commandment of  the lord is pure enlightening the eyes first timothy chapter 1 verse 5 the aim of our  charge is love that issue is from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith when the temple of god was being built e
verything  was to be made of those things that were pure there were to be no impurities in the  temple now you are the temple of god the holy spirit dwells in you dwell  on the lord and keep your heart pure holy lord there is nothing pure aside from you so  i pray that his beloved child listening tonight will guard their heart from all impurities  as they dwell on your word that is true just and pure thank you for promising them  your strength in the name of jesus i pray amen here is what god co
nsiders lovely  that you should dwell on it psalm 84 verse 1 how lovely is your dwelling  place o lord of hosts isaiah chapter 52 verse 7 how lovely on the mountains are the feet of  him who brings good news who announces peace and brings good news of happiness who announces  salvation and says to zion your god reigns maybe you've thought about the fact that the feet  of those who bring the news of jesus are lovely but they are dwell on those messengers on those  who proclaim the messiah the sav
ior of the world jesus you are the messiah you are the savior  of the world and those who would speak about you to others are lovely to dwell on i pray  that this precious one listening tonight will be one who has the lovely feet of a  messenger of your gospel them peace as they dwell on the loveliness of your dwelling and  the telling of the good news in your name amen in the new testament the early church  fathers were directed to appoint people who had good reputations they were devoted  to t
he lord and to their families they were ones who were worthy of being looked up to they  would fulfill their duties in the church well proverbs 22 verse 1 says a good name is to be chosen rather than great  riches and favor is better than silver or gold first timothy chapter 5 verses 9 through 10  describes a widow who could be given help by the church it says let a widow be enrolled  if she is not less than 60 years of age having been the wife of one husband  and having a reputation for good wo
rks if she has brought up children and shown  hospitality has washed the feet of the saints has cared for the afflicted and has devoted  herself to every good work let your mind dwell on what it's like to know a person such  as this loves to serve others is hospitable cares for the afflicted let the peace  such a person brings envelope your heart father we praise you for your gifts that  allow us to serve others and to serve you i ask your blessing on this  beloved child as they sleep tonight th
at you would bring to their mind that  which is of good repute that they would dwell on that and not on those who do not  honor you it's all for the sake of jesus amen here is what is excellent and should  fill your thoughts psalm 150 verse 2 praise him for his mighty deeds praise  him according to his excellent greatness titus chapter 3 verse 8 the saying is trustworthy  and i want you to insist on these things so that those who have believed in god may  be careful to devote themselves to good
works these things are excellent  and profitable for people hebrews chapter 8 verse 6 but as it is christ  has obtained a ministry that is as much more excellent than the old as the covenant he mediates  is better since it is enacted on better promises excellent greatness excellent works a more  excellent covenant think upon these things dear heavenly father there is so much excellence  in your name and your character and your mighty works help this loved one tonight to dwell  on the excellent g
reatness of your name and the excellent ministry of our  lord jesus as they rest in you tonight it's in the matchless name  of jesus that we pray amen and now we will close with the words of  revelation chapter 5 verse 11 through 13 which tells us why the lord jesus  above all else is worthy of praise then i looked and i heard around  the throne in the living creatures and the elders the voice of many angels numbering  myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands saying with a loud voice worthy
is the lamb who  was slain to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing and  i heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea and all  that is in them saying to him who sits on the throne and to the lamb be blessing and  honor in glory and might forever and ever amen and amen sleep in peace dear one  dwelling on the things of god god speaks the words for you tonight  that he spoke to moses i will be with you he wants these wor
ds to burn bright and clear  before you like the fire that burned before moses he wants his words to break through your  darkness to penetrate deep into your inner being to grow in you confidence and love god is  a blazing fire of goodness warmth and hope yet it is often difficult for us to see him and  to hear his faithful words i will be with you these were words that moses had trouble hearing  and trusting too his life before the burning bush had been strange and messy nothing about his  life
made it obvious that god would choose him to lead his people out of slavery to freedom  he was the baby sent down the river in a basket a hebrew raised in the palace of the egyptian  king moses was a murderer who hid in the desert if there had been a job opening  for hero of the israelites moses would not have had a strong resume to our minds moses was an unlikely leader yet  god blesses he embraces he uses unlikely people moses doubted himself he doubted god too he was lost in the desert  in t
he despair of his terrible mistakes and even still god says to  him moses i will be with you and god will be with you too god is with you  your life doesn't need to make sense to you or to others your life can be messy and strange  and even still god says to you i will be with you allow these words deeper into your  heart and mind i will be with you rehearse this good news in your breath  allow the burning fire of god's voice to shine into your darkness by breathing  in in saying to your soul go
d is with me and then also breathing out pray meditate and trust saying again god is with me when i say moses's  life was strange and messy i mean that his life did not move  in a nice clear clean straight line his life's journey had many twists and  turns many layers of confusion and suffering his mother took a papyrus basket and covered it  with tar and pitch so that it would float she placed moses as a baby inside and set the basket  among the reeds of the nile a wide long river his mother di
dn't know where  the basket would be found she sent her daughter to  follow it as it floated away it was the egyptian king's daughter  who drew him out of the water the egyptian king the pharaoh had ordered that all  hebrew baby boys were to be thrown into the nile and it was pharaoh's daughter who drew him out  of the water that is what moses's name means drew him out of the water how have you  been cast into the waters left to drown how have you been lost among the reeds  caught in the perilou
s current of life how have you been abandoned thrust out  of the safety of home jesus says to you i will be with you i have been with you i will not leave you alone you are named moses too you are the one i draw out of the water i will draw you out of the pit out of the  mirey clay and set your feet upon a rock you have been in the current of  today's dangerous rapid waters call out to god for help allow him to draw you up from the soul-numbing  currents of busyness rush and self-dependence as y
ou allow yourself to go to sleep give yourself to god's care become god dependent in this story of moses we have a foreshadowing  of what we gain in the waters of baptism the waters that are meant for death turn  out to be instead cleansing healing waters yes our enemy prowls around like a  roaring lion seeking whom he can devour yes like the egyptian king  our enemy wants to drown you he wants you to be covered by the dangerous waters  of life get through this danger through these very same wat
ers jesus meets you he reaches out to  rescue you he draws you out of death into new life allow these waters to wash you ending a day giving yourself to sleep resting in god's love this is sacred holy precious as you are being washed you are  more and more free to be near god to enjoy his presence to  trust in his watchful care rest sleep believe allowing these words deeper into  your heart and mind i will be with you see the burning bush of god's presence  speaking goodness into your heart rehe
arse this good news in  your breath breathing in saying to your soul you are with me and then also breathing out pray meditate  and trust saying again you are with me moses's life had been strange messy and  confusing when he came of age he began to sort out the things that mattered most  to his life he understood in deeper ways that he was an alien and a stranger in the house  of pharaoh he was a hebrew one of the oppressed benefiting from the riches of the oppressor  was troubling how could he
enjoy any good thing when his own people were enslaved working  tirelessly for the brutal king of egypt when he saw an egyptian beating one of his  hebrew brothers one day he was given a chance to prove his identity as an israelite in a fit  of rage and vindication he killed the egyptian hid the body in the sand and then fled into  the desert to hide from pharaoh's wrath years later moses had married raised a  family and was working for his father-in-law jethro tending sheep on the backside of 
mount horeb moses was no doubt content to be removed and hidden from his previous  life as the son of pharaoh's daughter he had no expectation that god  had any special plans for his life he had no idea that his life was about to change there on the backside of mount horeb this was  a wilderness place where god spoke to moses in a burning bush you likely have not  experienced a literal burning bush but you have had some kind  of burning bush experience this would be that turning point when  you
came to accept the truth of god in a way that changed the direction of your life this would be a moment when he especially  revealed himself through a person an experience maybe a worship service a time when you were  serving someone perhaps a time of prayer or even a powerful sermon something shifted inside  of you and you haven't been the same since you might protest here but i haven't  taken god as seriously as i should my life hasn't changed that much i still struggle  i still don't know ho
w to trust god with my life i continue to resist him each day i live  more through my strength than god's love moses protested too he said who  am i that you would speak to me he worried about his weaknesses i can't  speak for you i stutter when i open my mouth moses would drift away from god too  he would become impatient and angry with the people he was leading he would  continue to struggle with fear and doubt even still god says to moses i will be with you and god still says to you i will be
with you no matter how much doubt or fear that stir  inside of you god still says i will be with you no matter how much stubbornness and  anger god still says i will be with you once again place yourself before  the burning bush of god's presence rest sleep believe these words deeper into  your heart and mind i will be with you rehearse this good news in your breath breathing  in saying to your soul my god is with me and then also breathing out pray meditate  and trust saying again my god is wi
th me as we bring this meditation to a close i invite you to consider  one more part of moses story god instructs moses to say to pharaoh let my people go moses fusses but how  can i go back how can i speak for you why would the king of egypt listen to me  god replies tell pharaoh that i am sent you i am the great i am is with you the great i am  sends you he is the true true he is the real real god is being behind and before  all other things he is the one by whom everything else in  the univer
se was created he is the one in whom all things  hold together and have their being the great i am says to you tonight i am with  you i am the being who will always be with you in peace give yourself to sleep rest in god's faithfulness for he  alone can make you dwell in safety may the lord bless you and  protect you as you sleep may his face shine upon you like  the radiance of a burning bush may he be gracious and kind granting you deep  healing sleep may you be filled with peace continue to a
llow yourself to let go of today by  rehearsing in your breathing in and breathing out my god is with me my god is  with me my god is with me amen tonight our sleep story is  about god's passionate promise our story reveals how god pours out his  spirit upon all his people you will hear the comforting message from god's word but  before we begin get comfortable breathe deeply inhale god's peace as you relax you feel god's amazing love  for you as you sink into your mattress your breath becomes d
eliberate relaxed your  muscles go from being tight to soft like cotton close your eyes imagine god's  holy light washing over you picture yourself giving him all of your burdens your thoughts and concerns breathe  in his hope exhale his love the bible says that god will pour out his spirit  upon all people that sons and daughters will prophesy and young men will see  visions old men will dream dreams with that join me as we explore this  passionate promise god has given us when you receive chri
st into your  life his spirit lives inside you however that is just the beginning god longs for you to understand the depth  of what this means to experience his power to move in the miraculous to extend his  grace and to shine his light into the world ask god to open the eyes of your heart  let his light flood you with truth feel his heavenly touch his love filling every  part of your being as you do this breathe deeply inhale is love exhale your burdens and  cares keep breathing slowly and ste
adily as you listen to my voice and feel  the presence of the lord with you embrace the stillness around you listen for god in the silence  experience the rest you have longed for dear heavenly father i am ready for more of you i am grateful  for every prayer you have answered every blessing you have bestowed on  me the very life you have given me i also know there is so much more for me  to learn so much more of you to experience bible says that your people perish  for a lack of wisdom make me
wise god make me more like you forgive me of my sins  show me where i am missing the mark i want to be everything you created me to be so that i can one  day hear well done my good and faithful servant help me to fully grasp what your  promises are to me i love you i trust you deepen my trust as you deepen my sleep  tonight in jesus name i pray amen your eyes are closed your head  rests gently on your pillow you continue breathing deeply and slowly relaxing the sound of the wind blowing eases yo
ur soul you think about the dreams and visions  that god has promised to give to his people you long for that you ask god to  show you himself and your dreams you ask god to show you himself in your dreams i'm so glad you asked for that says a far  away voice come you look around wondering who is talking to you no one is there but  feel a presence a warm glow growing inside you you step outside and begin  to walk slowly down a path on one side glimmers of sunlight shine upon  a river flowing wit
h crystal blue water tall trees full of life and bearing  fruit you've never seen decorate the bank brightly colored flowers of purple red  orange and pink burst through the ground the other side of the path is full of flowers and  trees as well but there is no fruit on the trees the flowers are wilted the colors fading some  are tangled in weeds the river is stagnant you come to a fork in the path and pause you listen for the voice that beckoned  you out of bed but there is only silence i'm sti
ll here you look up and even though you don't see anyone  you realize this is the voice of god i pour out my spirit on everyone  but not everyone recognizes me the two sides of the path are examples  of what happens when you believe in me and when you try and do things on your own  when you spend time with me listen to my words pay attention to the signs wonders  dreams and visions i send you every day you will survive every storm life brings every  day you will get stronger when you share my lo
ve with others you will experience miracles  you will do great and mighty things in my name guide motions to the other side of the path when you do things the world's way you don't  follow in my footsteps and listen for my voice life is harder you don't have the peace i promised i created you to soar on wings like eagles i  am always blessing my people with signs wonders visions and dreams but some are too busy to listen  others have let their hearts become hardened some people have an idea of m
e  but that idea is only a part of me they like to keep me in a box they dismiss  the supernatural power the very nature of me therefore when the rain comes  and the storms of life hit they aren't able to experience  the fullness of me within them it is my deepest desire that all of my  people experience the fullness of me i send them just like i am sending you tonight dreams  visions signs and wonders to stir their spirit i want to renew your heart and revive your soul i want you to walk in vic
tory and in power  this is my will my purpose and my plan for you you hold on to god's voice it leads you over a steep hill mist fills the  foggy air you pause to wipe the dew from your eyes you hear the laughter of children you  take one more step up and stand still in awe majestic mountains surround you people  of all ages colors and nationalities dive into breathtaking turquoise water their smiles exceed  their faces it's as if they are diving into life they throw their heads back laughing  a
nd rejoicing in glorious glee there is a white beach the sun shines  brilliantly the sand feels like silk children sit at a small white picnic table  while adults read with them they're shaded by enormous trees draped with spanish moss that  looks like tinsel hung on a christmas tree you reach down and dip your hand into the water instinctively you pull your hand back the  water is electric powerful it feels like love are you in heaven you've never felt like this before love penetrates through t
he air it radiates from  the heart of every person you feel it in the water you want to stay here longer but like a  soft breeze you feel yourself drifting away you now find yourself in a forest full of tall  thick trees there is very little light you're on a path but sometimes that path is hard to see  you squint trying to see through the darkness you smell the sharp scent of decomposing  leaves the wetness of a recent rain the gravel path under your feet seems firm  enough but not being able t
o see concerns you you take a timid step forward when you find your  feet still firmly on the path you take another step then you feel the presence of the lord beside  you taking your hand gripping it firmly yet gently you can trust me he says i will not let you go i know the way perfectly i will  walk with you through this darkness i will walk with you through this darkness your heart is calmed your breathing slows  you begin to notice the light filtering through the swaying branches the birds 
calling to each other through the leaves the small yellow flower poking its  way through the thick underbrush god is showing you beauty where  you thought there was just darkness his presence has shown the light  on this dark path you are filled with peace once again you are swept away to a green lush  valley the sun shines brightly there is a small stream running swiftly through the center of  the valley bubbling crisply over small stones it's idyllic brown gray black and tan horses graze  pea
cefully there are no signs of fear in them you breathe in the scent of warm grass feeling the softness under your  feet you sit and wait for something and then beside you is the  lord his eyes soft and kind i lead you beside streams of water i  provide everything that you need he says bright red birds race by  fluttering and chittering happy the birds of the field don't  worry about what they will wear or what they will eat they  have everything they need he turns and looks at you and the kindne
ss and  love that you see in his eyes bring tears to yours my beloved child you have  everything that you need too and the next moment you find yourself  back in your soft warm bed in your room in your home safe surrounded by peace i pour out my spirit on people  says the soft voice from above i bless them with dreams and visions so that they  may know my love my power so they will remember my desires for them while on this earth and to  remind them that there is so much more to come will you sh
are the dream  i've blessed you with tonight the sound of your own voice  crying yes yes fills you for a second you wonder where you are you  must have been dreaming but it felt so real it was real whispers god i made a  passionate promise to you when i said ask and it will be given to you seek and you will  find knock and the door will be opened for you you asked me to show you what it was like  to experience more of me and i answered now it is up to you to believe you're still for a second lon
ger lingering  in god's presence basking in his love dear heavenly father help this dear one sleep  peacefully tonight may you bring sweet comfort thank you for revealing yourself in our  dreams may the silence of the night bring revelation and clarity of thought rising in  the morning refreshed rested thank you for your word your passionate promises they are  a love letter to me and i am forever grateful help me be open to all of your ways god align my will with yours help me shine your  light
into the world in jesus name i pray amen i hope you enjoyed this abide bedtime story we look forward to spending time with you again  tomorrow until then may you abide in christ this is a sleep meditation  inspired from the scriptures to help you relax release the worries of  the day and find rest in the presence of god please remove all distractions from the room  and get comfortable take a few steady breaths and clear your mind from all other thoughts  as we focus on resting in the lord tonigh
t allow every muscle in your body to relax  release the tension you've been carrying all day let go of any worries or  concerns that are troubling you now invite the holy spirit to cover you tonight  ask him to fill you with his peace let his presence comfort you and calm you as you  rest securely and safely in his loving care so many times we try to find rest and  relaxation without the peace of god we wind down the day by watching tv or reading  the latest novel but when the lights go out we f
ind that our minds are circling with thoughts  we toss and turn but sleep continues to elude us dear one if this describes you take  this time to re-center your thoughts on the lord stop the cycle of unwanted  thoughts and focus only on the presence of god there is true rest in him feel the  peaceful presence of the lord now before we hear the comforting words from the  scriptures let's pray a prayer of invitation heavenly father i long for your  presence come lord and fill this room cast out an
ything that doesn't belong  here and cover me with love and peace please remove all doubt worry and fear tonight let  all of my anxieties fade away as they are replaced by the comfort and security you give i want to  find true rest in you father true rest true peace thank you for being with me tonight i surrender my  life my breath my sleep to you in jesus name amen it was moses in the old testament who had personal  conversations with god in his tent which he had set apart as the tabernacle of
meeting because  the tent was placed outside the israelite camp everyone who sought the lord had to go out to the  tabernacle of meeting let that imagery surround you tonight as you picture your own tent of  meeting with the lord by his grace you are given the freedom to have conversations  with him at any time and in any place right here right now you can meet with god  what wondrous freedom you have been given through jesus sacrifice by his death on the cross  jesus tore the veil of the temple
in two allowing you to enter the holy of holies and meet with god  rest in that marvelous truth for several moments in exodus chapter 33 verse 11 we are told that the lord spoke to moses  face to face as a man speaks to his friend the lord spoke to moses as a man speaks to his  friend let that imagery sink in for a moment the creator of the universe spoke to  moses as a man speaks to his friend how we long for that kind of intimacy with god  and through jesus christ we have that kind of closene
ss with our creator we are invited to  communicate with him to pour our hearts out to him and to hear from him let that peace and joy of  communing with your creator surround you tonight moses was so accustomed to speaking with the lord  he was bold when he said show me now your way that i may know you and that  i may find grace in your sight the courage moses had to request god's  provision was founded in reverence and honor of a most holy god let those words most holy  god settle deep in your
heart for a few moments after moses made his request to find  grace in the sight of the lord listen to the beautiful way in which god responded he  said my presence will go with you and i will give you rest let's hear that again my presence  will go with you and i will give you rest beloved do not forget that god always  keeps his promises when he says i will you can be absolutely sure that  he will do what he says he will do in the song i will rest in you  the lyrics start out by saying shepher
d of my weary soul  you're my comfort you're my hope dear one god is your comfort he is your hope he  shepherds your weary soul to find rest in him just as god assured moses that his presence  would go with him and he would give him rest you can have that assurance tonight  so take a deep breath in and let it out let's pray together holy god i am amazed  by you that you would care so much about me you would bless me with rest tonight it's so  comforting to know that you are here i don't have to
worry about a single thing no i can release  everything to you and know that you will handle it i trust you god i trust you with every fiber of my  being in the precious name of your son i pray amen when sleep seems like a distant wish  and we struggle to calm our minds it's often because we are trying to solve our  problems rather than trusting god to handle them however bedtime is not the time to do battle with  the thoughts in your mind remember the battle is the lord's so release your though
ts your worries  and your concerns settle your heart rest your soul and fix your mind on the promise that god will  handle everything in your life for his glory and your good you can stop the cycle  of thoughts that steal your rest by centering your whole being in god's presence here and now re-center your  thoughts on the presence of the lord he loves you he cares for you and he is with you a bit further in exodus chapter 33 moses had  some concerns for god's people he admitted those concerns t
o the lord he told god all about them  and once again the lord encouraged him by saying you have found grace in my  sight and i know you by name think of what you just i know you by name what  a marvelous thing to hear that god knows you by name you are not a stranger to him you are  not just another person he knows you by name find peace in that truth for several moments i can hear you call my name  lead me to that quiet place make that your silent prayer tonight i can hear you call my name lor
d  please lead me to that quiet place after god comforted moses  by saying i know you by name moses answered with another courageous  statement please show me your glory please show me your glory allow the courage  of that statement to settle you tonight as you rest boldly in the glory of god and respond  as moses did lord please show me your glory let's pray lord blessed be your name fill this  room with your glory the glory of your presence we love you we glorify you we cherish  the blessing o
f rest in you thank you holy father for being with us  thank you for knowing us by name we are your children and we rest fully  in you tonight in jesus name amen feel the comfort of god's love wrapped  around you like the softest blanket you've ever felt god's love covers you in perfect peace like a newborn baby swaddled  and held by his mother so we are safe and secure in our father's arms let your head sink deeper into the pillow  pull the covers around you breathe softly in and out in psalm 6
2 david says yes my soul  find rest in god my hope comes from him truly he is my rock and my salvation  he is my fortress i will not be shaken my salvation and my honor depend on  god he is my mighty rock my refuge trust in him at all times you people pour  out your hearts to him for god is our refuge david's song of encouragement rings true for our  lives as well as he sings a melody to his own soul to find rest in god he then declares who god  is in his life focus on who god is in your life he
is your rock he is your  salvation he is your fortress allow the melody of god's truth  to sing to your soul tonight truly he is your rock and your salvation god is your fortress and you will not  be shaken you will not be shaken in the lord jesus you are safe secure held protected guarded and loved let those comforting words surround  you in peace for several moments as david encouraged his listeners by saying  trust in god at all times pour out your hearts to him let us trust god with our sle
ep  tonight trust him as these words flow over you i will rest in you king of  heaven i will rest in you now please let me pray over you tonight king of heaven i come before you asking you to  bless your beloved child with peace and rest lord i pray that they will be able to cast aside all  other thoughts and focus only on your presence justice moses courageously asked to  find grace in your sight i ask that you will have mercy and grace on your children  please help them to trust you in all thi
ngs assure them with your love continue to call  them by name and lead them to that quiet place that quiet place of peace and rest in  the precious name of jesus i pray amen i feel like when i listen to the sleep  meditations that i have a friend next to me you



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Marking my attendance so i can always come back again to listen when someone likes my comment


I have been jobless for 3years and been sleeping on my bro couch with two kids, last month God showed up and blessed me with a good now planning to move out this coming month.....Father take all the glory you did it for me, am greatful


Dear God, Please cure my schizophrenia and depression so my mom won't be sad. Thank you God. Amen.


Whoever is reading this message, I pray for whatever your going through gets better and that God can comfort you and that those that are sick and are not feeling well are healed in Jesus name Amen 🙏💖💙😇


My husband Stephen is in Papworth hospital Cambridge after a triple bypass heart surgery and tonight he led a nurse to the Lord and prayed together and a true salvation took place. Keep praying for the lost souls to come in before it's too late for them and please pray for my husband's complete and full healing so he can return home to his family. He's my best friend and Kindest man I know.


Whoever is reading this I pray this will be start of new blessings, new doors opening, healing and peace


I'm suffering from dementia and schizophrenia please Lord heal me so my kids can be with me again


My prayers to all who are suffering, may God heal your heart and mind, Amen. 🙏




Lord, i just wanna be happy again and find purpose of my life. please help me


whoever is reading this: may God’s peace and comfort be with you. i know how hard it is to be i’m pain, internally and externally and i’m glad you’re choosing God as your source of help. Be blessed❤


If you are reading this know God loves you and He has a plan for you🙏🙌


Whoever is reading this, I pray for you a heart free of sadness, a mind free of worries, a life full of gladness, a body free of illness & a day full of God’s blessings.💙💙💙


i find it so comforting reading everyone’s blessings !!!! God lives in all of us !!!! i love all of you and praise the LORD !!!!!!


I’m in a point in life where I’m lost and not sure what to do but I know the main thing is I need to get closer with god. I’ve never said out public before but I thought I’d comment here. Genuinely want to change, lord please lead me onto the right path


I pray tonight my daughter and granddaughter snd grandson will be free from prescription drugs and all drugs and free of fear and anxiety and fear


Thank you, I recently lost my job because I reported illegal activity and I am dealing with identity theft. I am praying for complete healing, provision and restoration. I am so grateful for this prayer and I pray for God's grace and protection. Thank you


I hope everyone who are going through financial problems get recovered soon!!! And also who are suffering from mentally and physically emotionally will be at peace and it will make sense oneday for everything you went through even at least when we make cup of tea and think “God gave his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers” ✨❤️


Whoever is watching this video, God is aware of what you are going through, it will make sense one day.. Hang in there