
Filter Data by Colour

To filter data by colour in Excel, first, select the range of cells that you want to filter. Then, click on the Data tab in the Excel ribbon and select the Filter option or use the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + L or Alt + D + F + F. This will create drop-down menus in the header of each column. Next, click on the drop-down menu for the column that contains the colour-coded cells you want to filter by. From the drop-down menu, select Filter by Colour and choose the desired colour from the list of options. Excel will then filter the data to show only the cells that are coloured in the selected colour. Please like and subscribe and don’t forget to hit the bell icon. filter data by color in excel,how to filter data by multiple colors in excel,colour filter not working, excel unique function,get unique values,advanced excel tricks,excel online course,excel tips and tricks,excel for analysts,microsoft excel tutorials,microsoft excel,excel hacks and tricks,microsoft excel for beginners,can i filter by multiple colors in excel,conditionalformatting,filter by colour not working,shortcut of filter, Other Related Videos You May Watch: Flash Fill : Embeding Excel : VLOOKUP: VLOOKUP Not Working: SUBTOTAL Function: Links Facebook Link : Facebook Group : Blog : #excel #filter #conditionalformatting

Excel ASPC

4 days ago

One useful feature in Excel is the Filter  data and the shortcut is Alt + D + F + F or Ctrl + Shift + L to quickly filter the  data. We can not only filter data by text or number but can filter data by colour. To filter data by colour in Excel, first, select the range of cells that you want to  filter. Then, click on the Data tab in the Excel ribbon and select the Filter option  or use the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + L or Alt + D + F + F. This will create drop-down  menus in the header of each colu
mn. Next, click on the drop-down menu for the column  that contains the colour-coded cells you want to filter by. From the drop-down menu,  select Filter by Colour and choose the desired colour from the list of options. Excel will then  filter the data to show only the cells that are coloured in the selected colour. Please like and subscribe.
