
HITMAN™ Professional Difficulty - Fatal Reaction & Cliff Diving Sapienza (Silent Assassin Suit Only)

HITMAN™ Professional Difficulty - Fatal Reaction & Cliff Diving Sapienza (Silent Assassin Suit Only) Fatal Reaction Challenge: - Complete "World of Tomorrow (Professional difficulty only). - Assassinate Francesca De Santis with the biolab gas. Cliff Diving Challenge: - Complete "World of Tomorrow (Professional difficulty only). - Assassinate Silvio Caruso by pushing him of a cliff. Read more about Professional Difficulty Level here: HITMAN: Episode 2 takes you to the sunny Italian coastal town of Sapienza, a dense location full of challenges and packed with opportunities for the creative assassin. Subscribe for more videos: HITMAN on Steam: Reddit: HITMAN Forum: HITMAN Discord: Follow me on Twitter: Twitch:

AJ Nguyen

6 years ago

HITMAN™ Professional Difficulty - Fatal Reaction & Cliff Diving Sapienza (Silent Assassin Suit Only)



I'm surprised the hazmat suit guys didn't care there was a guy standing in from of them in a restricted area. 13:35


You're a bit OCD about dead body positioning! lol


AJ - i love your hitman vids. i just wish you did commentary


Hands off to you


How badass Agent47 is- he walks into a level 4 biohazard area in polo shirt while hazmat guys are running away from the scene


Woow you Are very good to this.


you very good elite hitman


awesome video man keep it up


The use of the Crowbar. Gordon Freeman would like to have a word with you....only if I can find him. Did you kill him?


How did they not see you when you just walked in the Biohazard Area?


I like the disguise mechanic of this game. have you got a playthrough where you use disguises? (mainly asking because this video is really good, i love the expertness of your playing skills. and the lack of commentary allows for better immersion)


How did he get silent assasin, although carusos body was found?


wow i didn't know that Agent 47 was inmune to weapon grade Biohazard :)))))) Fault game design


cái đoạn trong lab em hơi khó hiểu, cái quạt để mất chất độc tự dưng tự kích hoạt lại ạ? tại kiểu em tắt đi lúc ra xong lúc vào lại thấy nó bật lên .. @@


Could you make it more realistic? Like you could literally stand right in front of someone and there is no reaction. This gameplay is NOT realistic at all. You should have been caught lol