
How to Remove Microplastics from Water | Future Technology & Science News 0

👉 Watch more ▶ ------------------------------ TRANSCRIPT Researchers have discovered a simple method to remove microplastics from water by boiling and filtering it, effectively reducing nanoplastic concentrations by up to 90%. This approach, tested on both soft and hard tap water, leverages the natural precipitation of calcium carbonate in hard water to trap plastic fragments, making it accessible for household use. The study highlights the potential of drinking boiled water as a long-term strategy to mitigate global exposure to microplastics, urging further research into its health implications and widespread adoption as a preventive measure. Source: ------------------------------ ABOUT Finite Future brings you the latest future technology and science news that can disrupt the world we live in – for better or worse. • We are concerned about the future of humanity. • We care about our planet. • We want to make the world a better place. You are here because you share the same values. Please become a Supporter! 👉 Subscribe ▶

Finite Future

3 days ago

Researchers have discovered a simple method  to remove microplastics from water by boiling and filtering it, effectively reducing  nanoplastic concentrations by up to 90%. This approach, tested on both soft and  hard tap water, leverages the natural precipitation of calcium carbonate in  hard water to trap plastic fragments, making it accessible for household use. The  study highlights the potential of drinking boiled water as a long-term strategy to mitigate  global exposure to microplastics, u
rging further research into its health implications and  widespread adoption as a preventive measure.



There's small spelling mistake in the thumbnail


why does the video have such an uncanny vibe?