
How Well Do We Know Celeb Culture? | Smosh Mouth 31

Amanda, the unofficial spokesperson for, shows Shayne and Spencer some of the top celebrity gossip headlines. 0:00-1:04 Intro 1:05-9:22 FNAF talk 9:23-28:40 28:41-52:39 Recent People headlines 52:40-1:13:44 Other websites we check daily 1:13:45-1:20:35 Smart Mouth AUDIO VERSIONS: SUBSCRIBE: WEAR OUR JOKES: WHO YOU SEE Shayne Topp // Amanda Lehan-Canto // Spencer Agnew // OTHER SMOSHES: Smosh: Smosh Pit: Smosh Games: El Smosh (Spanish Dub): FOLLOW US: TikTok: Snapchat: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter:


1 month ago

[Music] welcome back to Smashmouth I'm Shane and I'm Amanda and we have our special guest here Spencer U that's right Spencer is back uh Spencer you haven't been here since um we lied Amanda into believing Five Nights at Freddy's is a true story since the bite of 23 you no the bite of 23 that's good man since you straight up lied to me and then um we had to play Five Nights at Freddy's you were forced yeah I was forced and I had so much fun Shane gave me the controllers and didn't tell me how to
play and I had so much fun no that was it's it's one of my favorite videos we've done in such a long time oh dude it was so good it I watched I I watched the whole thing and I was dying laughing yeah I can feel the tension it's a really scary game but I can feel when I get the controller that I'm just like you guys both yeah I mean to me it's almost like and I hope we can do way more of it because in a way it's really fun to see you especially it's like showing someone like one of your favorite
movies not that like it's one of my favorite games but it's it's so great seeing it's like taking someone to Disney for the first time it's like oh like no you got to see this ride like you got to see this ride like you got to like and seeing their reaction like that's it's almost better than like doing it yourself yeah yeah no and I it did really well and we were we said we get 50,000 likes we'll play Five Nights at Freddy's 2 we surpass that by a lot Y and people loved it cuz I think it's it'
s a game that so many people have played at this point that watching someone play it for the first time is very rare nowadays so it actually was kind of perfect and um your comments were so great like people were pointing out you had certain like quotes where you're like is chica a baby or a woman and people are like exactly very if she's a baby it's very there was a comment that was like they nailed the like Five Nights at Freddy's checklist of like getting one of the names wrong getting one of
the genders wrong uh like doing something wrong with the power uh overusing the power underusing the power we did everything we did perfectly right um it was it was insane my favorite part is when you give me the controller to the end you're like Yay Amanda's playing Five Night at Five Nights at Freddy's yay hey and then I'm like yeah I'm killing it and then Amanda is actively playing Five nightes at Freddy's what's his name Wy the coyote foxy foxy I was here was the thing I was not going to le
t that video end until you guys got the foxy jump scare cuz that's the most iconic the like everyone like not everyone remembers but it's like you know the shot of Foxy like running down the uh the hallway is so iconic cuz the rest of the game like and there's such a big chance that you don't even even see that like you never see them move like it's always like kind of an implied movement so for them just like do like a fullon Sprint down the hallway is so funny it's insane and then we also appa
rently got like a one in a thousand chance uh Easter egg when we first played when the when Freddy's face appears like the glitches things glitches Apparently that is like one in a thousand okay wait did we figure out what the little like white thing was towards the door um it looks like a little skeleton that's just you going crazy yeah that didn't happen that didn't happen man okay let's wait until we play Five Nights at Freddy's version two is there a name to it it's Five Nights at Freddy's 2
okay by Scott cathon uh yes hey you're you're basically a FNAF fan now Matt Pat and I are bud did did you see Matt Pat commented on it no Matt Pat commented on the video he said uh please you have a chance at normal normal healthy lives don't go down this path oh I'm too Beyond like once I was like okay but who are we what are we about and then you like that's her map Pat and I was like oh cuz if you play all the games I don't think you're going to know all that lore it's it's something you kin
d of have to actually I now need I think I need to go and watch Matt Pat's YouTube about the lore about who we are you could I'm I'm going to advise against that why initially like because like I think at this Games first yeah like I want you guys to play them all first and like kind of come up with your own like explanation um that because like that would be really cool I know it all I know too much but I want to hear your I what's her name again Mike Mike Schmidt right Mike Schmidt I kind of f
eel like Mike Schmidt did something not so great and he still lives with his mom and he like got this job like on a whim or something like that and he's just like trying to find meaning in his life and he got this job and he's like I guess I I guess I'll do this job and then it's just his nightmare but it is his goal to be like Mom I did something that you're proud of and he has to survive it's an interesting Theory that's what you think the the protagonist yeah either that or he's just like a s
lobbery nasty maybe a bit of both I mean his desk is disgusting but also maybe he's just stressed or maybe it was left from the other guy who keeps calling yeah I have I had so much you know me I love the backstory of everything but I was really interested in chica wait cuz there's like in the in the I think it starts in five night FS 2o but there's a lot of like flashbacks and that's where you kind of first like start piecing together like the wait there's flashbacks okay I'm not going to resea
rch anything because I want to be surprised how many uh in the official games there's two there's three is that and there's four and five and then there's like security breach one and two oh my gosh their sister sister location might be like a numbered one um but yeah there's there's a lot we have it makes me think that I read really messed up true crime stories to think that that was real um that this guy not killed kids and put them in animatronics is that it's not I will say unfortunately I d
on't think it's that far-fetched oh like I don't think it's I I I've heard true crime stories that are worse than that sadly yeah but um you guys lied to me but it it is still yeah it's it's more insane what was funny about it was that the Five Nights at Freddy's movie was out and then like um that this game is just so it's just so in the Zeitgeist but and we're going to get into this in a second it's on specific parts of the internet that you're just not on like it's it's it's certain communiti
es on Twitter and Reddit and YouTube that know all about this and it's talking about Non-Stop and you're just not you're not into those places so you're not going to know about it but you had such you had a great time playing it you actually are a fan of playing the game I had so much fun playing it and I shared the video to my sister and she was like dude this video is so great I want to play this game is that how she talks kind of that's C she does kind of talk like that she always we like a a
forward cap awesome yeah who you look just like my sister Spencer thank you thank you are you Amanda's sister yeah are you my mother yeah but uh I loved playing it I love playing it because it was all my favorite things it was like horror weird things and then like playing it with you was so fun because I kept ruining your life I was giv the contr explain to me what is happening you're were like H I don't know and like Alex and Spencer were there and it was just I loved it I like watching Shane
play these games cuz he does not have to play up getting scared at all like he's truly just that scared of the I I I get I I get so tense I hate jump scares I hate jump scares especially in a video game where you are in control right a movie you're just watching it you're like okay like I'm watching this movie a video game you're like okay if I make the wrong decision then it's going to jump out at me and you're just sitting there like oh and the headphones brutal it's bral cuz there's so much
to do with sound in that game and I was like yeah you and me play very differently like you're like and I I'm kind of like that too but I I was watching back when I got the controls I was like you lock you locked in I was so locked in that's why I feel like if I go down the video game route you're never going to see me no and that's what that's what I'm trying to do no I'm going to be addict I'm trying to ruin your life you're going to become a gamer your your husband's going to come home you're
going to be playing Resident Evil 8 no get out I can't him he plays DOTA and then watches DOTA on his phone and I was like no no that's an intense game that's he's a gamer he loves DOTA G that's some intense man that's beyond me that's on another level but you aren't in those spheres because and you've explained to us and I've made fun of you a bunch in recent episodes uh what you love is correct uh you check it every day every day we got here this morning at 9:00 a.m. and you said y
oud already read everything I've already read everything but guess what it updates okay and there's top stories that change okay so I have to you know check it at the end of the day I Spencer what are do you keep up with celebrity gossip at all I I feel like I just hear about it I don't look for it I you don't I don't look for it but I hear about it just because it ends up on the Internet like it ends if it ends up on Twitter or Reddit I'm going to see it at some point I feel like that's cool ce
lebrity news whereas like is the celebrity news that like 50 and above love hearing about and me do you know what I'm saying and also me Spencer there there was a moment I saw uh I saw both of my parents over Christmas break and my dad knew that uh yeah Flex uh no and uh and my dad knew my dad knew that uh that juwel was seeing yeah uh uh uh not not Dennis Quaid the other guy not Dennis Yellowstone yeah Kevin jul and Kevin that's old and my mom was like I don't and my mom was like rea
lly like that's and I I just thought it was really funny that my dad knew and that my mom did not I thought Kevin cner was married apparently not until like Shane get your together they went through a tumultuous divorce over weeks she wanted the house she wanted money consistantly he was so upset he a he left that was the article he left Yellow Stone in parenthesis and has that what a he left Yellowstone he left Yellowstone he's done with Yellowstone oh bro he went to uh Sequoia you're you're du
mb new show he started a new show literally everyone said like oh why is Kevin ker leaving he's on the actual Water World ride now that's where he's working you're so dumb he dies the first day of working I had no no I just so that's the typee of stuff I don't know so you just don't know I know like slight things wait I can keep riffing on this he's he's rebooting the postman oh good wait what wasn't that not him no he's rebooting Tin Cup uh in real life can I tell you can I tell you that Tin Cu
p so we used to go to like uh drive-in movie theaters that's like a big thing on the East Coast you probably know that right I know what I've seen Greece ma'am what he's from Florida so anyways we went to a drive-in movie theater I was too young my dad had this like big white beat up Van and he we had to like not watch the movie him and my mom wanted to go see Tin Cup up thing I've ever heard him and my mom wanted to go see well we were on vacation in the cape him and my mom wanted to go see Tin
Cup and they were like it's too they make you look the other way are you girls have to like play cards in the back of the van your girls you can't know what golf is exactly go to the back so we play cards or whatever play like spit and the moment yeah the moment I get up to be like Dad I'm tired is when Kevin goer has a gun in hisou I I thought that movie was about golf yeah what the hell it gets really dark for one scene um and that's the only scene that I've seen I okay that makes me think of
something though cuz I was at my parents house for Christmas and I was like watching I was watching blue-eyed Samurai Lex best show ever that show is so awesome but I knew from the first episode I'm like oh there's nudity in this there's there's nudity in Sex and stuff lot and I'm watching it and I'm just like my parents are they are it's I don't know what it is they're going to show up right when people are naked is it animated it's animated but it's dude nice seen it no it's actually it might
be my favorite show of last year is my favorite show of unbelievable they're already renewed for a season two is it an anime yeah it's anime dude I like anime her anime era insane I loveim I did not know this oh yeah really good I didn't love the animation at first but I towards the end I was like they had to animate it this way for how they shot it that's my that's my favorite type of Animation I love it but um CU it's like this like pseudo 3D it's like a it's like an interesting but um no my
my parents are so good at walking in right at the worst Parts oh God and they're like God dang it like what are you watching what is this okay it's was like I it's not this all the time that I really want to know which part but it's there there are several sex scenes yeah it's very and I remember that you were like oh I finished blue samurai and I remember recommending it to you and then I remember thinking it is extremely sexual show very sexual seual but it's so good the the lead is from um P5
P5 Mr Mrs Smith Oh Maya and a Disney star did not know married to M Ken that's Brenda Song Brenda Song is also Brenda Song is in uh Samurai she's not the lead though no I know she's not the lead she's the princess yeah I Shane I know okay I I know did y'all see asteroid City I tried oh well there's a scene where I was watching it with with both of my parents and there's a scene where uh where scet your hands gets completely naked I'm like when does this stop being weird like with my parents but
there's a really funny cuz she's like oh like I'm about to do a nude scene like in the context of the movie she's like I'm about to do a nude scene and uh what's his name he's in every West Anderson movie Jason Jason schwarzman has the funniest reaction to someone saying that they're going to get naked and I was like yeah that was that was that was good I no it'll never be not uncomfortable though well actually I I have watched a lot of movies where like it's wild and my dad's are he's like who
a wow and like does that help does that make it better it helps so much to acknowledge it when they're silent you're sitting there just like a nightmare with my Dad we can watch it with my mom she goes oh I remember when my dad my dad told me to watch True Blood he was like you got to watch True Blood on HBO back in the day and I was like okay it's two vampires having sex and one of them breaks the neck and turns it back to look at them while they're having sex and my mom walks in and she goes w
hat is this and I said it's dad's favorite show she's like this is awful yeah they're vampires wait so does the head fix or yeah yeah yeah head fix says itself that's crazy have you never seen True Blood uh no I I I watched like one episode and I was and there was already crazy sex in it's it's yeah it's that was back in HBO's just fullon sex era yeah it really was anyways okay this episode is about it's not about sex uh Amanda when did you start checking every you sick whe
re you when did you start getting into celebrity gossip cuz we've seen your diary and from when you were a kid and it had a lot of celebrity gossip on the front here's the thing I think it's less about the gossip but every time I'm obsessed with movies since I was little but every time I watched a movie I was so interested in the celebrities and their life so that's why when I watch movies I'm like oh like someone's like oh yeah that's Scarlet your I'm like no it's not that's blah blah blah like
I'm so so I'll like go and research like oh I don't know that guy yet and I'll research and I'll know who he dated what other movies he did maybe he did this movie or maybe that director and I just go on that's my like search I don't doit social security number I just do like who they're dating what other things they've done and then I'll watch that movie and then I'll like that actor so I think I got really into actors and like their lives and then the only thing is sometimes the the hot Goss
of it all is like too much like I don't watch reality shows I don't watch Real Housewives watch any of that you don't watch Love Island okay I'll watch Love Island do you watch Bachelor no I've never watch golden Bachelor no but I definitely have a story from Golden Bachelor I here's the thing I researched golden Bachelor but I didn't watch it I think that's crazier than watching I'm so weird I think that's I think that's more I think crazy but here's the thing it's just like date line with Keit
h Morrison I listen to it as a joke to start because the way he is is so ridiculous ridiculous yeah and then it kind of like the the like oh God this is so silly turned into like okay oh go oh God this this is the thing I can't I can't on what you're saying because when I was young my mom was obsessed with like Access Hollywood extra all that on all the time and and I will say and it's the same with like a reality TV show or uh or like Date Line someone would watch that stuff too is you can scof
f at it if you watch five minutes of any of them you're then kind of like invested all right well I got to keep watching you're invested I I yeah it's true they they hook you and then they follow their story yeah although I'm over the Taylor Swift Travis Kelce like I don't care on this podcast I think everyone's over I don't care about their timeline I the amount of photos they have her sitting in a box watching his game in red I'm like good for you I don't care anymore I I so I watch football a
ll the time and they always show her a bunch during these games it's so funny she seems genuinely into it I think she's genuinely a fan like genuinely they're doing great I think it's why I think it's why it's kind of boring cuz she like yeah they're just in a relationship literally it's like every good show when the people when the two lovers actually end up getting together and get married you're like all right show needs to end you know we all love we love like the conflict like will they won
't they and I think like hot gossip and they do it so well like their like titles are so how long have they been doing it for oh has been around yeah I I remember seeing it like you know as a kid yeah people in US Weekly of the grocery store people was they were huge and they were also huge on like the Royals like was like I'm I don't understand the Royal stuff at all I I'm over it I'm over it cuz I don't watch the crown or anything but I but people but I heard t
he crown Crown is amazing the crown is good I I watch the crown I just get to a point where I get oversaturated with that I just don't really I'm not interested I'm just like they're just people who I don't know people people they're just a tourist attraction yeah kind of thing but they were like huge so it was like people Star Magazine don't don't read Star Magazine it's all fake that's fake that's like that was like aliens landed in Angelina Jolie like and let them in her home or something now
I'm that was that was what fascinated me in the grocery store like as a kid cuz You' always see like you know You' have like People magazine like Life magazine and then you would have something where it' be like I have two weeks to live like I know why I'm laughing but yes no I mean but it'd be like it'd be like this like you know where like clearly they were just like feeling sick that day they walked outside Paparazzi took a picture they're like this and they're like like I'm dying like I am
actively dying and then you had like the the soap opera magazines like the soap or reader digest remember readers digest what is the deal with reader digest what is the deal with the soap one too Readers Digest was about like TV channels it was like when TV was a thing yeah they were like that was TV Guide I think it was both I think that was both well I don't know about readers D were the soap books though for like literally they would summarize the soap operas would they do like fan theories h
ere's the thing I never picked up a soap opera Tumblr before Tumblr guys I did not read the soap mags I don't know anyone who watches a soap opera uh but that isn't 70 years old yeah I I I don't I don't watch like Days of Our Lives ever like comment down below if if you watch a soap opera like an American soap opera because I'm sure I I think they're big in other countries but yes here in America I feel like they're past their you like your Turkish soaps I was just going to say that I will say I
'm watching a new Turkish show right now on Netflix it's a limited series it's called creature and it's based on uh the book Frankenstein oh that's and it's really really good but it also has again like most Turkish TV shows which I'm like oh God do I love this it has a soap element to it like o like over-the-top acting like like the world like slowmo scenes like violin comes in at random times and I'm like oh I don't know why this is that's close enough no I love that but like Turkish shows are
very soapy so I'm like okay I can see since I love Turkish shows I'm like I can see why people like soap operas but Days of Our Lives well they're hard I think it's I think it's a spectrum because I mean look at like Gray's Anatomy is that not a soap that's definitely right actually it's not technically not technically a soap cuz a soap is a show that comes out every day every day um and they film constantly there's like technicalities but it is soapy mm very soap I definitely have I've auditio
ned for a soap opera I've auditioned for some soap and they want you to like hold that's the thing about when you're done with it you have to hold like I that's crazy working on soap opers I think it's the hardest acting job in you only get one shot because you get one take and it's like you have to memorize like 90 Pages a day or something like that there's a reason why we make fun of soap opera actors for not being good it's because you don't get a second take they don't get time with just hav
e to a ton of they're just a doctor it's so hard no basically I love love soap operas and um I'm obsessed with them um so yeah I didn't read the soap mags and I didn't read people mags really that often maybe in the airport when you're like bored you read through them but I don't know how is now subscribed like through my email I don't know when I made that leap so you've been you've been looking at it every day for years um for your whole life no since you're a baby I think I think y
ou're a little baby shut up I honestly don't think that long like I think like 2 years I was a baby so at smos at smos you began this you you sent them your email because I've been at smos for four years I know but but while you're at SM really that's crazy that sucks sucks I'm just kidding I've been here I've been here for way too long that sucks um um yeah so now that I have it but before we begin what's the celebrity story over these past two years that was your favorite what's the is there o
ne story story line that you were most obsessed with story line cuz like back in the day no I remember back in the day the first celebrity story where I remember just not being able to not hear about it and I was a little kid was the original uh JLo Ben Affleck romance back in like the 2000s and it just like you couldn't go a day without hearing about it for like years bener bener bennifer lasted for years and everyone talked about it and I was like I remember as a little kid I'm like I don't ca
re about this why is this talked about all the time I I will say that actually because I can't quite think of like one cuz there was a lot but the the benifer getting back together it is pretty and their wedding was a big part Ben part two is different than benifer and my my favorite things about is they're not super super mean but they're mean enough to have you go oh and the amount of pictures and like weird videos that they have of penf like like they pull up to like a a red carpet
or whatever pen half like just opens the door and just like rushes out and JLo's like like trying to take pictures it's very clear that Ben aff's like I don't want to be in front of cameras like he's said this and it's all it's JLo's it's her world right like she's built her world in front of camera she's comfortable with it but harped on that like uhoh like Ben is not comfy in front of cameras and that's where JLo lives and it's just these videos of Ben like pushing through the crow
d I where it's like it's like it looks like he's have they're having an argument yes and it's like he's making like the meanest faces he's like pointing and stuff like that but then you watch the video and it's just clear he's just like talking he's like no that's just like literally how Boston well there is there was a one of them at an award ceremony where I think they actually are having an argument because it's them talking and he's like yeah whatever whatever he's saying and then
JLo looks like glances the cameras at her and then she immediately smiles and like pushes his hand down and maybe it's nothing or maybe she just knows like they're going to take photos and make this look like a fight and then it did yeah of course that's what they do um but people they're not as mean as like oh some of the others are so awful I remember TMZ is like predatory people have people TM is horrendous people have brought it back but I always remember even as a kid seeing the magazines
at the front it was like some celebrity in a in a swimsuit and they're literally they took like an unflattering photo and then they would Photoshop it to make him look worse and they'd be like like what is this and what's crazy is people have been showing those photos and they're like wait they were actually hot like like I remember I remember when like Jennifer Love hwit just got on by these magazines for a few years that happened recently to her on dude dude no but people but like y
ou look back at those photos where they were on her and you're like wait she was hot as hell here's the thing though people this is why I like people is because they're not they they weren't on her recently they they're very they're they're not nice but they're the nicest I think and their whole thing was you're the nicest bully you're ever going to meet in your life their whole thing was Jennifer Love huitt they always say slaps back or snaps back love that strikes back she sna back at fans bec
ause she took a photo of herself and she used a filter and fans were like oh my God what is she hiding underneath that filter which is awful also celebrities stop responding to these fans like just stop like whatever and I mean that might be hard but she snapped back at her fans and was like Aging in Hollywood is really hard because you know she was a hottie she was a hottie and so people they were defending her I don't even know why I'm defending people stop um okay do we want to want to like w
hat are some headlines okay so this is the top headline like I said I didn't watch the golden Bachelor did you Spencer no I watched a few episodes of Bachelor it was very funny so for for cont for context this is the one where it's one old guy and a bunch of old ladies yeah yeah okay well they all they were all they were all older no he they're older he's 70 something that's no I thought golden bachel I was like oh are they going to be like in their like cuz this is Hollywood I was like are they
going to be in their 40s and 50s no they're all in their 70s and 60s some are like late 50s but I was like damn Bravo like okay you can't get much older than Bravo or else it's starts to get are you sure it's not on Bravo it might be on Bravo it's not on Bravo it's on ABC well okay so this is the golden Bachelor so spoiler alert he has chosen his bride his mate and they got married and her name is Teresa Nest uhhuh Teresa Nest Teresa nest and is they've already shared all of they sha
red her previous wedding dress or whatever but here's this this um headline here's the hot Goss okay Teresa nist has Bridal ma wardrobe malfunction mid golden bachelor wedding ceremony but Jerry can't look away yeah bro I'm trying to see see those Jerry that's what Jerry said in the photo is him like a like a looney too see here's the thing the way they put it they're not like oh my God they got fat they're like a can't look away wait let me see this picture no there's no picture of t
he malfunction it's just them getting married what's the malfunction what's the malfunction well let me get let me get into it guys see they they hooked me already they hooked me now I got to know what this malfunction was chose a dazzling dress for her wedding to Jerry Turner Jerry spelt with a G heads up okay that makes it a little better on Thursday night but the night wasn't without one little mishap before the couple could seal their nuptuals with a kiss one strap on N bad glean Mishka gown
broke nothing could rain on the happy coup's parade though and the rest of the ceremony went off without a hitch and he didn't Look Away in fact Turner couldn't take his eyes off his bride well I picture nothing bad happened it was a cheap dress and it it snapped see I would have thrown my iPad at the wall if that was the reveal the golden Bachelor 72 and his bride 70 exchanged vows live on ABC following their engagement on the finale of last year's show let's see if he said anything cuz I love
their quotes I like what it's like he couldn't take his eyes off her it's like you're at the podium and you're facing each other what are you going to do she stands up there and he's like got nervous see you've got to remember Teresa didn't get her first time around she didn't have much time to plan and really I didn't either Jerry Turner said we didn't have a whole lot of time and we were pretty broke both of us so this is kind of big we want to make it so we don't miss any of those moments is
he broke I don't think he's broke at all I think he's very very rich I think he's extremely rich so yeah that um that's a good one that's a good start I know I know this stuff though because I watched golden Bachelor a little bit of it so I I know I know this K's told me about it a little bit K's locked in she uh K's locked into every part of the amount she like I'm truly in awe of the amount that a lot of people just in this office alone consume like any of those shows like to me I couldn't li
ke keeping up with one of those shows is almost like a I'm hesitant to say a job but like you know like K Watch is like big brother and to me I'm like that's such a the reason commitment that like I agree the reason a lot of our content is so good is because a lot of our crew behind the scenes are so versed on the internet um I can think of a few but Kiana absolutely there's not much that Kiana doesn't know yeah she knows everything it's truly kind of scary she knows everything truly is a charac
ter from The Matrix like we need to go visit the the knower it's like it's Kiana and she's like hey bestie so yeah she's like oh yeah already saw that already saw that I got it don't worry but does she know that Billy ish brings the crew socks and loafers Trend to the red carpet that's pretty sick plus a Playboy bunny bag what Billy Billy oh literally she's just wearing white socks and big shoes that's it let me see the shoes those are cute yeah I've been I've been looking at get back into the b
aggie clothing Billy I don't think she ever left did she never leave she continues to command the red carpet bringing the creu socks and loafers Trend to Palm Springs on Thursday the 22-year-old sing what was what was in Palm Springs I don't know how crazy the International Film Festival Awards if she was accompanied by her brother and fellow musician Phineas oconnell the ocean ey okay that was a long ago song singer I that's why I love CU they feel a little like sixy old she's had ma
ny songs since ocean eyes even I know that I feel like a bunch of six-year-olds are like hot gos so you know the ocean ice song that we can't stop playing well let me tell you about Billy ish that's why I kind of like it you guys know Maroon 5 they they did this love Sunday morning you know you know Maroon 5 from Sunday morning the ocean eyes singer wore a black red and gold headscarf tied to the back that complimented her two-toned black and red hair and shades with yellow lenses wa so you're y
ou how far away are we from AI writing all of this oh God I don't know she then reflected on the resonation what was I made for which was the big song in Barbie has had with audiences especially in how it has brought women together in this way that I feel like I haven't felt part of like that and it made me feel really good iish said and I also felt like it was bringing people together it felt like we were all experiencing the life experience you know I do love Billy eish I I I like Billy Elish
too I always love these answers though on red carpets is that like they ask these questions and I'm like my thought is always like what what answer are you expecting it's and what it actually reminds me of is in sports um yes uh every time when like they ask the coach or players after like a loss they're like so what happened and I'm just like what do you think they're going to say like yeah um lost we did bad we lost the game I'm just like what what is this like how do you feel about this movie
it's like I feel good about it and then is like she feels good about the movie that's why I kind of love it I actually have a lot of respect cuz at at um def we were right next to like the Clever TV people and they do a lot of celebrity stuff and I actually was I really admire the work so I'm like I couldn't do it cuz you have to be they have to be be locked in all the time they have to be following stuff but I'm also like I'm just not into it and clearly there's a Fascination it's a
lso like local it's like when you were when I worked for local news you had to be on the local news all the time and then you had to come up with a catchy way that 99% of people can read and go ooh what's that I mean is that so different from like what we do not really we play FNAF yeah no it's literally like Amanda and Shane play FNAF for the first time it I think the title was we play FNAF for the first time yeah yeah it's pretty much little thing yeah just like how Kate Middleton is spending
her 42nd birthday weekend tea parties Country Life and family they did not try on that one are are they no they're kind of giving up on the Royals a little bit they're not as hot because Harry's book is already out yeah and Megan Markle and Harry they felt pushed out by the Royals who do you like more Megan Markle or Kate Middleton oh God and there is a correct answer there is a correct answer Amanda don't answer I feel like Kate is under some spell where she's like everything is fine like there
was like a that made me laugh so hard there was a there was there was article on people that made me my gals at people it was Kate Middleton was standing next to some like great person or something like that and she wanted to get close to her yeah her husband no no she wanted to get close to her but she didn't want to like scoot over so she like scooted her feet in like a weird like dancing that sounds awesome like a weird like tap dance thing just to get close during the
picture and people were all over it there it's so insane that's why it's so funny I also look I'm a I'm aware to some degree cuz I've watched a lot of the crown and uh you saw the fo thing the the life they have to live is truly a nightmare yeah it's it's I would not last I would not last oh me as a royal not doing so good you wouldn't there they'd catch me playing video games one day they catch bro you're a king come on bro you're a prince you can't play video games do you think Harry games Har
ry has to be gaming now because he lives in California now who Harry Styles Prince Harry I was like Harry's we're talking about the Royals I've already moved on buddy what happened to already moved on what happened there oh Harry yeah they're in LA because they don't feel they don't feel welcome they don't feel welcome in England I you got I I think a lot about what Prince Harry is probably doing out here in in California now he jacking off he's jacking off he's smoking weed's playing you're out
ofing fornite you think he's gotten a victory for Royale a victory Royal what are you saying what are you saying do you think do you think he unlocked Peter Griffin do you think he watches Family Guy oh okay you're gonna love this one give us another Adam Sandler plays impromptu pickup basketball game with Universe Arizon always doing that he's always I know I what I love about Sandler is that outside of movies he wears like the same outfit the baggiest shirt him and Kevin Smith th this is awes
ome this is why people makes me laugh the future Saturday night the future Saturday night Liv star he's not a future Saturday livar don't know that see they're predicting they're now they're telling the future group as an avid basketball fan playing for his Jewish community center's youth team before playing high school basketball for Manchester Central High School in New Hampshire basketball started for me when I was a young man Sandler said yeah he's always saying that well you know I really l
ike basketball shut oh are you likeing the basketball that's pretty good that is my favorite was what's his face is uh who's the guy date all the Pete Pete Davidson his impression of Adam Sandler was just going okay here here's another one pelaton instructor invites Christopher Nolan to take her class insult free after she complains about his movie you can critique my class we'll have a good time I promise you it'll be insult free did you see the I promise it'll be an atomic blast did you see di
d you see the clip from the of the pelaton class of actually really so funny we know more than you Amanda what we we're locked in see we see the actual Clips on Twitter it's so great she's doing the pelaton class she's on the bike and she's just like I saw that movie I don't know what the was happening D I didn't I didn't know they were like that on Pelon I didn't know czy on pelaton Cody rby honestly at first I was like I don't know and then I got on there and I was like oh he'd be like you the
y read off people's like names like whatever they're like Twitch streaming and they'll be like you got to change that name that is awful honey that is a they are essentially twitch streamers they are so some of them are really hilarious like she was her on tenant I was like girl same oh so it was tenant that she on oh yeah so here's what I want to say tenant Su this is what she said so here's what I want to say I may not have understood a minute of what the hell was going on in tenant that went
right over my head but I have seen Oppenheimer twice and that's six hours of my life that I don't ever want to give back she continued so Mr Nolan I'm inviting you to come take a ride with me in my pelaton studio you can critique my class we'll have a great time you'll sit in the front row and I promise you it'll be insult free let me know take me up on it Christopher Nolan in a pelaton class sounds so funny no yeah wait he responded oh oh update we have an update oh what he say Nolan mentioned
hearing Sherman's criticism during the New York Film critics Circle Awards Gala on Wednesday okay I think this is what kicked it off I was on my pelaton I'm dying and the instructor started talking about one of my films and said did anyone see this that's a couple hours of my life I'll never get back Nolan said while accepting the Best Director award so that's it that's all he said so wait Christopher Nolan was on his pelaton oh when when film critic Rex yeah he he does the pelaton when film cri
tic Rex reads you not hear that context I I heard I I just now I did from hey man did you not hear what she just said now wait there's more when film critic Rex Reed takes a on your film he doesn't ask you to work out joke Nolan okay and today today's world where opinions are everywhere there's a sort of idea that film criticism is being democra democratized yeah but I for one think the critical appreciation of film shouldn't be an instinct but it should be a profession huh whatever that means d
ude okay okay nerd so he did read it and he is going to get back on his P's going to quit making movies so I think he said I think he said that first and then she saw that he had seen her criticism and that was her response yeah so he said that first and then she said that yeah I think she I think she came out on top of this I think yeah I think she was right I think you guys are gonna get hooked on people uh what yes I'm not going to watch tened again no dude that movie was bad also Gypsy Rose
Blanchard she's everywhere yeah she is out of prison that is currently the story I admittedly I told you I didn't know anything about it but I have been seeing her all over the place and it's just stories that are just like she was spotted at this concert or here's what she's doing and I'm like I'm like who is this person people are freaking out but now that I know the story I'm almost like a little more sad that I keep say I'm like leave her alone like oh my god well she's kind of putting herse
lf out there a little bit she she was on The View she was on The View she's pictured with her husband Ryan Scott Anderson I guess cuz she's being seen in a good life people are kind of well I mean cuz I mean it was she had to go through she had to go through so much so I think like in a way it's almost cathartic for people to see like oh she's literally getting to do everything that she was denied for like her entire life and she's getting these opportunities it's like hey like yeah you are goin
g to get to go see all these games you are going to so like in a way I see that framing as like something positive but I also do see where it's like okay like let's also give her space like I mean she she has a show I mean the act on Hulu was is about her all of this was happening while she was in prison and so when she got out she got I don't how long was she in prison like nine years nine years whoa yeah well her and her boyfriend murdered her mother but her mother was also God former former b
oyfriend current boyfriend ja husb current husband D is on fire yeah I saw that one so so Gypsy says don't listen to the haters and that the couple doesn't owe anyone anything so she's protecting herself but before adding besides they jealous because you are rocking my world every night yeah said it the D is fire she was so real for that wow holy man so she's free she's living her life and then she says I was never one of those children that wanted to be famous I didn't want to be a singer I did
n't want to be an actress I wanted to be something that made a difference and she did she murdered her mom yeah big difference no but did you see sorry awful mom her mom tortured and abused her her whole life did you see the clip from The View no holy look it I have a friend spenc Spencer's just like what's the clip uh basically one of the hosts I don't I don't know the the different host on The View but she's like oh like you know um I can't even I can't even uh okay I can't like can
we pull the Jamie can we pull up the clip but what's what's the recap of it basically the lady was like oh you didn't even do anything wrong and one of the other was like what about the murder and she was like oh yeah well oh my God that's the view though well you said Good Morning America well I maybe I meant the view oh that's good morning America honestly those morning shows are the ones that ask the craziest questions yeah because not because they know that they have to get in there because
I feel like nighttime uh new shows people watch right they just already sitting down I found the clip ladies and gentlemen we have the clip oh my God out um I just my words that you are not alone in in in this you know situation there are other ways out um I did I did it the wrong way um so you know don't say that I did I I did something wrong and I I paid my dues for it you mean that part yes the part of it you know that part of it you know so I did something Mur wrong she said it oh my God I
don't even know what other part you would have been referring to Mur is wrong no you didn't no no you didn't do anything but oh the murder oh oh W yeah wow well yeah so gypsy's having a Time on people Kelly Clarkson is having a Time on people what's going on with Kelly Clarkson Kell her husband she's having explosive information about her husband saying that her husband said that she was never pretty enough to be on the voice is this her ex-husband this is her ex-husband who tried to steal every
thing oh sorry husband wasn't sexy enough to peer on The Voice and she is taking her power back she lost weight which I'm like you don't need to lose weight to take your power back but that's what she is saying she's like I got healthy is what she's saying but yeah she's coming out about her husband saying okay was she on the voice though she I thought she was I don't want she's the winner of American Idol and she has her own show and did she win American Idol yeah she was the first winner she w
as the first winner I wasn't sure if it was like this I wasn't sure if it was her or Justin Spencer youum idiot Justin didn't have a chance Kelly Clarkson was the original winner Justin and Kelly did a movie together I know they did a Justin to Kelly I wasn't sure cuz there were some people like came in second place I just remember like if you won American Idol like you were famous but even if you didn't win American Idol you were famous Ruben stuttered I'm sorry for 2004 the K he that's all he
did and she was a coach on The Voice so okay so she was on The Voice so I guess she was sex to be on The Voice budy but yeah she was on The Voice and she's coming out with a lot of stuff about her ex-husband who she must pay so her ex husband must pay her over 2.6 million for unlawfully procured where the hell is he getting that from business deals I have no idea but basically when they were when they were getting divorced and it wasn't announced he was trying to do business deals saying that oh
her husband husband but they were divorced so she sued him for $2.6 million imagine having to pay Kelly Clarkson millions of dollars she's got millions of dollars not good but that's that's what you get for being a yeah that's what you get dude Kelly Clarkson is big and also White Lotus is Big it announces season three cast actually I'm I'm actually very curious oh wow now you're ready I actually need to know about this it's including stars from Harry Potter and Mission impossible oh baby who's
in Mission Impossible well now I'm listening Henry caval and Daniel Radcliffe the Stars on Friday HBO announced a brand new cast for the highly anticipated third installment of the Anthology series I love this show the star studded they love those two words together star studded is used every Artic star studded cast will includes will include Leslie bib okay lesli [Music] bib Jason isacs who's from Harry Potter yeah yeah Michelle how do you say her name Monahan Monahan oh I love she's amazing P
arker posie so excited Natasha Rothwell okay okay um yeah so pretty good Big Stuff Big Stuff Happening Here guys Mike White see that's how people get to you you guys are like I I love that Mike White is the creator of that show from Survivor from Survivor from Survivor and School of Rock yeah and commercials what was don't tell me his school of rock name oh I forget his name in School of Rock it's a really good one okay it's bugging me Amanda is there any other last juicy story okay any other la
st juicy I mean this the thing about people is that one person will usually take over and it's right now it's Gypsy Rose so yeah and Emma Stone and by the time this this episode airs it's probably changed well Emma Emma you know she did poor things but she is giving an update on kruella sequel hopefully sooner rather than later which means it's never going to happen everyone knows that [Music] um well I guess that's it I think that those are the top ones I mean there's stuff but I feel like ther
e's some stuff that we don't even need to uh discuss I think you should give updates on this stuff um on every podcast Instagram and stuff and and you could bring it back here for sure whenever you want I mean you're allowed to do you guys want to know do you guys want to know the name from School of Rock what's the name what's the name did you guys not know no Ned Schnebly no Ned Ned remember yes because it's Jack Black's roomate he he gives the name Ned schneebly to be the teacher yeah to be t
he teacher God have you seen the movie recently it's great so good anyways those are the top stories of today but let me tell you this baby changes every day um could I can I see that iPad I you may I looked up some of my I have a couple I have a here you go I can't give it up my baby wood on the way here um Spencer do you have like websites that you check every day yeah do you yeah oh he does not want to tell us he do he's not going to say oh I can yeah I wake up 6:00 a.m. check out
PornHub yeah check out what's on the feed you know I'm I'm out here with Prince Harry you know we're we're doing our thing Harry Styles yeah uh uh no uh yeah you know honestly I will check like a few subreddits like for the gaming news aggregation pretty good yeah there's like our our games I'll sort by new and I'll I'll see what people are talking about oh about like games that have come out or games that are just happening usually well okay so honestly Twitter has kind of uh like there will be
Twitter like for lack of a better word like news things I'll follow like for like gaming news and things like that and that's where I will honestly get a lot of my like gaming news and updates um and are they kind of saying like what's coming out next or like what's the up what's coming out next like things that are like updated like oh this like feature was announced like this person was announced for this game like this game has been cancelled this like that's been delayed um that's fun yeah
that's you and um pretty badass what I love is uh who in charge of our pit channel uh Emily she is so locked in to gaming like news like so locked that she'll be talking about I'm like I don't know where you heard about this but she she's like the celebrity gossip but with video game news I showed up here one day at at early in the morning and I walk in and she she like is walking into and she goes did you hear and I'm thinking like this is on a Monday I'm thinking it's something like smos relat
ed like oh cuz this was like after the the live show and stuff so I was like what did something did something happen and whatever she go goes E3 is cancelled and I was like I was like oh for sure what can and I know E3 it actually for gaming news it's actually insane like it actually was a big deal so I understand um and I'm into gaming but I'm not into like certain Realms of it so like I don't think she understood when she was telling me that I'm like oh yeah I I know about it you're like oh I'
m like oh damn that's cool crazy um you know you know Comic Con yes you know like San Diego Comic Con yeah it's like if that was cancelled kind of yeah it's a big deal oh that would suck it is actually a huge deal and she's very much in the industry of gaming she yeah she comes from the gaming industry so it's like it's it's de massive it's like if VidCon was cancelled it's like no longer doing vid that was a better example it'd be like damn it's like if dine was done that it would be the same n
ews probably for you I would be mortified I wouldn't even come in to work you wouldn't see my face for weeks you'd be bedridden for months I'm s I'm going to kill you I check a couple websites every day uh but I X I'm just kidding uh what I checked I I I just so a few years ago I started being like I want to figure out my style better I want to just get I want to like yes your style has more a gentle your style has been on point so one of the websites I I still check I don't I I just kind of che
ck it cuz like they're just it's whatever Esquire I mentioned this you guys were saying this is no different than and I'm like it is not the same is no different than what okay how is it it's more focused on fashion and like watches there are watches sometimes watch I think it's more product based what do you think Spencer is it the I don't know I used to read my dad's Esquire magazines and flex yeah do any mention of parents okay uh hey Flex yeah and I I mean it was kind of
all over the place it is all over the place okay so what's your favorite thing about it like what do you I like I see Jeremy Allen White on there so they have they often like interview someone and like Jeremy Allen White is starting the year strong like because he's got his Calvin Klein ad and stuff no I'm actually is he wearing a big watch in this picture he's not wearing a watch he's wearing basically he's weing his Calvin oh okay I I gotta say Jeremy Al White he's bringing in this year this
year is for the short Kings he's already he's killing it did you but there'll be like 20 best polo shirts for men oh stuff like that it's like buying guides is there anything for women out there 18 Hoka deals to Kickstart your New Year's running resolution many dude okay I have hokas there's a lot of stuff that's not for me right the 75 best golf gifts of 2023 like they're just it's a lot of stuff because I'm like I need help gu stuff so you know on they say best gifts this year Oprah
's gift list this year 10 things on Amazon that are trending so it's pretty much the same thing boo then I also check um I check polygon for like that's for like more gaming and pop culture in my sphere that I care about so this is like gaming news gaming polygon polygon so it's like gaming TV shows movies you know it too I know it he knows it oh is it TV shows too or TV shows only about so like arcane season 2 is adding a big bad wolf and seemingly confirming a tragic fan I know Arcane did you
watch it mm I watched the first episode and then I got distracted League of Legends 2024 plans revealed from Arcane to a baby dragon whoa uh the 50 most anticipated new games of 2024 okay well that's fun yeah dude you know what this kind of reminds me of you know what else I get on my email IMDb so it'll be like shows that have been cancelled best movies that are coming out dude I have a friend that like checks IMDb like it's a news site and that's crazy no but there is there is a new site about
I'm just like that's that's just a funny place to go for news mear Solid 3 and Silent Hill 2 remakes coming in 2024 I'll be I've heard of Silent Hell yeah can we play that isn't that scary yeah I've never played uh it's a movie oh yeah it's uh it's by the the guy who did uh it's the guy who did What's that name rules of a attraction you ever seen that movie of course that movie rocks Rules of Attraction is kind of wild isn't it's a crazy movie Katy Holmes in that no it's like all the big like i
t's like it's like James Vander uh but uh Jennifer not Jennifer um who was in I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry I oh um J Jessica Jess she's in that for like a couple a little bit Shannon sh Shannon dhy no the really the really pretty one who's in a nights tail she's so hot oh my God she was in the holiday too she was in the holiday which was she was mean in that she was mean she was a little mean in night's tale this happened in the last episode that you were here but I love how it always end
s up with you guys being like who was in that who was that who that actor and you guys sit here cuz you did that with the guy who was you did it last time Spencer and I are like an old because it's like it's like if you it's like being if I can't talk about who this person like what movie this person was in it's like I'm on one of those medieval stretchers and they're just cranking that drawn in quarters I will say Spencer and I connect so much on older movies cuz there's not a lot of people tha
t have seen like movies like that if I said that people like what and then I'm like oh well I'll just go down this route on my own but I feel like you've seen a lot of movies that I've seen yeah so that makes us really cool people all those Kevin cner films no I I'll be r with y'all I didn't really know what Tin Cup was well I only knew that one I only know of it CU Rene Russo is in it reference you just know them all uh I do check Rotten Tomatoes oh Rotten Tomatoes I think it's just I think I s
tarted I started checking it like that's forever ago and so I just still kind of like do do you agree with I don't agree with a lot of I just kind of check it more so to see what's out because it's just like oh here's here's the movies that are out right now you got to switch to IMDb honey cuz then it tells you all the shows that are cancelled I don't want to know that they both have really ugly like what if they had cute interfaces that'd be crazyb is yeah it's yeah Rotten Tomatoes feels very l
ike a kids Rotten Tomatoes it's just like kind of hard to navigate like there's just like it's gotten worse too cuz now they do like TV shows and stream well they they start off they start at first with TV and shows that are uh movies and shows that are streaming and then you go down to what are like recent releases and I'm like that's stupid to do the releases first do you want to know what you can do I just go to YouTube and type trailers 2023 that's insane that's crazy but you know what it me
sses me up because there's a lot of fanmade trail I remember when Courtney last year was like guys Anastasia is coming out it is happening it's a liveaction Anastasia and she showed me the trailer and I was like court is this a fanade and she was like nope and then she texted me I think two months ago and she was like oh my God it's a fanmade it's a fan-made and that actually hurt me cuz I was like oh no like we were both so excited about it cuz we love it Anastasia I've had it happen no that I'
ve had that happen so many times where on April Fool's Day they'll make a fake trailer for things and my thought is always I'm like oh yeah cool you psyched us with this project that would do really well that you guys are for some reason not going to do like and then I'm reminded of just like oh yeah that's right production companies don't know how to make good all times it's like Snow White I watch the trailer and it's it's fan-made it's just galado from Wonder Woman and Rachel Zigler Zigler fr
om mhm Westside stre or Shazam too Hunger Games yeah oh yeah she was in Hunger Games yeah yeah birds of Ballads of snakes and soong birds of balance of snakes and whatever Brian um Brian the last the last thing that I check that I'm not going to bore you with is Sport stuff honestly there's a lot of people who love sport stuff it just doesn't excite me uh and that's okay look man the the MVP race this year who knows man Rock was going to potentially take it but I I think Lamar might end up Sweep
ing in see Marcus is in the room and he so Lamar is a Marcus I know cares cuz he's a 49ers fan and by the time this episode airs who knows what's going to be happening right now the Super Bowl be right around the corner I know no it will be it will Super Bowl is February 11th the Super Bowl and the 49ers are in a good position this year they're in a good position but they're they're not locked in for the number one seed yet as of recording this seed yeah okay you got to get the number one seed b
ecause then you get HomeField advantage throughout the playoffs actually so crucial so who's performing at the Super Bowl who's performing at the Super Bowl uh if you don't know I don't know who you are wait actually uh uh wait I do know this who who was it uh um sounds like you don't know this sounds like you don't know should I ask people I do know I forgot is it is it Usher Yeah it's Usher that's crazy what it's Usher urer baby it's Sher um oh also really quick going back to pop culture stuff
I remember I said I'm going to start listening to albums more like I'm like I'll be like I'll listen to an album every week yes I said that is one of my I've been doing it I've been doing it I my my first one that I listen to I was like cuz I just went on to Spotify and I was like what you typed in music I was just like I'll do music music for men first music what's music what music should I list guys I'm looking to get into music this year the first album I listened to wa
s uh that Olivia Rodrigo album it's great it's actually really great she is a very talented singer that could have been released in 2005 and it would have just fit I know vampire it was it was really dope that first song um All Is All American whatever is that is that that's what the name of the song is can I say can I say that can I say that can I say that she is a powerful that song is straight up a 2005 it is that's that's her vibe honly vampire is my favorite one the the songs are really dop
e then I also listen to that mitsky album uh the the Earth the everything is dude can we get a can we get a wellness check on this guy what what he's just land is he's going through his early 20s white girl face the land is inhospitable and so are we that's I'm picking kind of random I actually haven't heard the these are like big albums from like this past year so they were just kind of there and I was like okay I'll listen to these and you listen to I'm getting lot of I'm getting a lot of wrec
ks from people I did I listened to that mitsky album while I was working out and it is not it's not a workout album that's crazy I was like here I am doing bench press with like the saddest song playing you know what though Shane I love you because you're so committed you're like I'm going to listen to this album cuz I only listen to music when I'm working out I don't really listen to it much otherwise you don't listen to when you cook you cook all the time no I I usually have a TV show or somet
hing on when I'm cooking you know what you gotta listen I don't know you know what you know what I've been listening to recently is Bonnie rap radio not Bonnie rap radio Bonnie Tyler Bonnie oh my God what's her name you're losing your mind Bonnie Tyler I think they're I think I think those are both Tyler radio so it's like Journey it's all these like old school things and I'm like oh my God I'm like an I'm like a dad but it's great yeah I'll do that when I'm 60 okay wait what's your newest wreck
of albums so I can listen to it oh I've gotten so many wrecks from people I I I I need to go what's the one you're going to go to next uh I have one that I because like I also did like uh oh I have a couple I have one that maybe you would like uh Spencer um I have Okay computer by radio head that I've never listened to what that's one of my favorite albums I've listen to some songs from probably like that cuz computer's in the title no you're right you're right G came on and that's the buzz you
destroyed him that's the buzz you destroyed him dude or nose I love I don't know I I I'm saying fans have been like uh commenting a lot of Rex and I I haven't like written them down I need to just go through and look at all these comments again and if I gave you an album would you listen to it yeah I need tell me what album I'm trying to listen to I don't know man is it going to be Weezer I've listened to some Weezer albums back in that's crazy back in the day I had them no that's just that's s
o like I just like when we were doing like the top three albums that was I was so it's just oh yeah it's or not top three albums we were doing top three artists like it's it's just so funny the the ways that people like diff everybody listens to music differently and that is like so fascinating to me like you just like kind of jump you like jumping into mitsky is like really funny to me I just am picking yeah that's that's like crazy I'm just like all right that one I'm kind of picky I can't jus
t listen to a whole album unless I'm into it yeah same see I'm committed I'm like C because I don't listen to albums so it's not a thing I do so any album I'm like it's GNA be hard Alum are so good from certain like but you don't you don't really even listen to like musical artists for the most part like I find I'll just listen to like a I'll get served a song about like I like that song and I'll listen to that I'm not like into like oh this artist and their their their sound or their lyrics or
something I'm just not I'm not like a music person I love music but I'm not like you're not nerdy about understand about it like the way I'm into movies or TV shows do you go see live I have I've seen I've seen like Florence and the Machine live the first concert I ever went to was Hillary Duff uh which was insane this was back forever ago that's crazy uh I've seen a Rolling Stones concert whoa whoa okay I've seen a couple concerts uh yeah I've been to I I actually got to one of the sickest ones
was uh it was like a um was one of those like recorded things so we got to go for free and be like the audience for this like TV spot recording for um uh uh oh they sing Black Parade oh chemical Rance My Chemical Romance yeah and that was rad that was rad cuz we were like right there that's incredible that was fun no I I I like music I just not I'm not a nerd I believe you that you like I like music I'm just not fing weird about it I just not like there's not a I'm not I don't listen to albums
I don't like sit and listen to music like that is I'm also just not good at deciphering lyrics like genuinely bad I will listen to songs and I I don't hear the words do you use apple music or Spotify I need to switch I've heard Apple music is better oh I I just I'm locked in on Apple music it's it's carried my music library since I was literally middle school so I've got like 20 years of Music on wait what was your first concert my first concert that I like kind of went out of my way to go to wa
s probably the Red Hot Chili Peppers that's cool wow hey man that's really cool that's really cool yeah no unfortunately I like I I um I listened to them the other day I was like you honestly like I know they get on a lot but like they're pretty fun yeah dude Danny California but see how I would be not Danny I'm I'm not listening to the Red Hot Chili Peppers but they'd be they'd have a song that I'll be like oh yeah don't stop I'll listen to that stop I'm addicted to the shin I can't i i r Chili
Peppers um they're they're fine but I listen to individual songs I've never listened to be like this artist I listen to their music once you listen to their whole album I feel like you understand them do you want to know what my first concert was first 1996 with my mother Michael Bolton you told me this before rad okay it was before Lan it was go that was Prime big yeah that was Prime supposed to live without you yes thank you see I know that one song but I don't know anything else Len to whole
album said I loved you dot dot dot but I lied I will I will I will listen to Michael Bolton's 9s albums please do not waste your time said I loved you dot dot dot but I lied I miss '90s can I give can I give my biggest concer Flex yes uh it was it was uh they did this thing over at Pasadena and it was like I they like tweeted about it and they're like hey we have like 200 spots for this and as The Lonely Island was doing their they were doing a test for like their big live show which was going
to be like the next month or something and it was like kind of their first time like really playing live and so it's this really small venue in Pasadena Lonely Island like it was just like it was so loud it was the smallest room and then they brought out Michael Balton at the end and he couldn't remember any of the lyrics no that makes it so much better and it was great cuz they were doing like one of my favorite songs which is whatever the Pires of the Caribbean song is like Jack Sparrow like t
his is a t of CA Jack Sparrow and I was like he couldn't remember like any of his but they were they all sounded so good they were killing it it was amazing it was one of the best like you were right there and like they're one of my favorite pands that's so fun I would have loved to see that because when he joined up with them I was like hell yes it's still it's so funny he's so good that that I said I loved you but I lied that music video he's wearing jeans and he's walking on water he this oh
man '90s music videos insane I always think about like seal uh Rose and stuff where like intertwines with the Batman that was Batman I remember being obsessed oh good good okay well I'm going to continue listening to albums and I'll listen to I'm I'm gonna continue de diving listening to music for chance I'll give you some reck okay Selene Dion Oh Michael Bolton obviously Selen Dion Sher Bonnie Tyler hello Journey honestly I will say that sounds so Boston to me but journey is fantastic can can I
say something controversial what uh I I do not like Don't Stop Believing neither do I you don't like the family episode where they all sing it I just I think I've heard it too much over my life everyone I was the impression that everybody was obsessed with that song cuz I swear to God I can't go to a karaoke bar without it well that's just because people are afraid and they only choose like the known songs but Faithfully Faithfully a that's my high school song dude love and love and touch and s
queezing that one's great that one gets me hyped as hell um uh the lights uh lights Wheel in the Sky oh wait I know that I think I know that one lights in the city yeah I know that one oh isn't that from no I'm thinking of another song all right wow all right we could talk forever but we have a little end segment we wanted to do oh yeah smart mouth where Amanda and I try to say facts that the other person doesn't know and if the other person knows it they lose um Spencer if you if can you think
neither of us know mine are going to be all celebrity facts you only need one but okay I I struggled CU I forgot that we were doing this and then I was like but I had something that occurred to me this morning or that I saw this morning and it actually blew my mind even though it's something that we all should know I can begin oh here how many weeks are in a year I know I I like if I did the math I would know it but it actually shocked me so much that I was like no what yeah 52 that's is that no
t the answer yeah you got it 52 when I saw that was your fact but when I no okay I didn't have I didn't I said I forgot dud did you know dude how many days are in a week this is the answer may surprise it's obvious it's obvious it's easy but when I thought about it and I was just like 52 weeks feels way like I swear last year had 300 I swear there were that's because there was I swear there was 300 week there I saw that and I was like there's no way there's and I actually had to calculated on my
phone and I was like there actually is there that's impossible and I'm still struggling with it that's impossible music is imp possible so guys I was I was checking out this thing called music and I found out there are 52 weeks in a year Music 52 who am I guys remember that Jackie Jackie Chan movie who Am I S I love that movie me too I was obsessed with on VHS me too oh my god dude I've seen so many sings the theme song at the end I forget he sings the theme song at the end let's watch a Jackie
Chan I would love to watch who am I oh I probably who am I yeah it's when he sucks the snake venom out of the woman's uh dude movie I remember when he goes to like Egypt and discovers this whole underground like you're thinking of Operation Condor yeah wasn't that Jackie Chan yeah yeah okay oh I thought you were talking about a yeah when when they get the Nazi gold Nazi gold yeah music just happened dude when wait when he rolls down the hill in that ball thing when he rolls down the hill in tha
t ball thing you know those like you know those things we did in summer games where you guys getting the ball they send him down like a mountain in one of those yep did you ever watch Jackie Chan's first strike with the the with the the skis yep he does all of his own stunts what other Jackie Chan Rush Hour Rush Hour rush dude at the end when he runs over the guy's house in a hovercrafts and it ends on a freeze frame that's so good okay so that's that's that's Jackie CH let's see if I can if I c
an nail some of this celebrity gossip stuff which female actor turned down Saturday Night Live I don't know why I'm creating this into a question but I'm just doing uh uh um I saw SAR shonin turn down uh the role in um s shiron Twilight no uh the the Marvel you know why because she doesn't want to get stuck in a franchise she wants to keep doing these who turned down Saturday Night Live uh female big female actor huge she's older uh older um huge I'm gonna go with um uh what's her name from home
alone and um I was going to say Judy Dench honestly this person is not who you'd expect to get on Saturday night life you'd be like but they got off they so they went through the whole audition process of Saturday live they turned Oh Oh I thought they turned down like a guest spot no they were going they were be on it they turned down being a cast member I think this was like back in the day like think less of like the auditioning Nows Chevy Shad well not not 70s 80s maybe 80s yeah they turned
it down because they were like I heard women aren't respected on this show a valid they were Dum they said they were dumb young dumb and young I don't know she's on a huge sitcom ranne bar no currently no was one of the biggest syndicated sitcoms sitcoms oh Elaine Ellen degenerous no I don't know Jennifer Aniston whoa what yeah did I know that pretty cool huh pretty cool stuff she actually would have crushed on Saturday Night Live so I think she would too she's so funny I and in alternate univer
se if Jennifer Anderson became famous now I think she would have gotten to do way wackier comedy stuff I'm trying to think of like any wacky movie I've seen her in though she's always but she always had mean she always had to play she had to play the she had to play Jim car's wife she she was in um Horrible Bosses she wasy good in that but that's like when those types of roles I feel like were offered a little bit more I think if she became famous now she would have been able to do more of the l
ike insane stuff and we would have been like wow do you want to hear two quick ones sure Nicole Kidman has a phobia of butterflies she's just like Olivia Olivia and Kesha claims she had sex with a ghost that's that's crazy yeah and Ashton Kutcher's real first name is Christopher and that's all I've got for you on smartmouth well I didn't know any of can you imagine Chris Kutcher yikes Chris Kutcher get out of here 52 weeks man um well Spencer let's go play Five Nights at Freddy's and we will be
playing Five Nights at Freddy's 2 very soon yeah I think you can expect it in the next week or so on games Channel go watch it support it and then we'll end up having to play Five Nights at Freddy's 3 oh my God oh my God okay start put together your lore theories no yeah but I won't look anything we should we should do at the end we should do like okay now you explain the lore to us and dude I like honestly stretch goal we get mat pad on and we have her explain the goal to matap or like you expl
ain the lore to Matt Pat and he and he and he just has to sit there and listen yeah he cannot say anything yep this this is the plan I think we can do it I think we can get Matt Pat we can do this all right let's get Matt Pat and Scott cothon maybe not him okay yeah not him just Matt Pat all right that was all for today and I hope you enjoyed the celebrity gossip yeah the hot Goss and I hope that you enjoyed Spencer as well thank you always lovely to be here thanks Spencer great and I hope that
you enjoy music hey man I I will keep enjoying music good luck on your musical Journey thank you guys I have I have uh 50 about 50 weeks to uh listening to music okay bye bye I don't why I was started clapping bye I'm going to get roasted on that so much



Amanda watching all 20 hours of FNAF Game Theory videos would eat away at her sanity like an ancient Lovecraftian book of forbidden knowledge


Shayne not knowing there’s 52 weeks in a year is giving Arasha not knowing what mammals are.


petition to get kiana on the show!! just cuz she sounds like such a cool and interesting person by how these guys admire her and talk about her


I would LOVE to see Kiana featured on the pod, weve heard so much about how amazing and cool she is but almost never get to see her on any channel! If shes open to being on camera id love to see it!


"And she did! Sher murdered her mom!" Delivered entirely deadpan with conviction by Amanda is one the hardest laughs I have ever had.


“…and she did! She murdered her mom!” Amanda, I choked laughing 😂😂😂😂




shayne's big fact being that there's 52 weeks in a year had me CRYING


spencer's immediate "can we get a wellness check on this guy he's going throigh his early-20s-white-girl-phase" after learning he listened to mitski is how i know spencer is chronically online (just like me)


shayne’s 52 weeks/yr fact is killing me, he’s never living that down


Amanda being hilarious "And she made a difference, she killed her mom" and Spencer yet again exposing himself as more girliepop than meets the eye is amazing. Such a nice episode. What I love about both of them: They are open about learning and looking into stuff to give an assessment - even if its not their thing, they wanna know whats up and I relate to that.


Matt Patt saying “don’t do this to yourselves, live your normal lives.” It’s just gonna make Shayne and Amanda wanna play more FNAF!


Spencer and Shayne is my favourite combo, it’s like they could evolve into the chosen any minute


Shayne saying he gets stuck on specific songs and doesn't hear lyrics of songs is the most ADHD thing ever😂


32:18 spencer can’t understand the commitment to watch so many shows and yet has also managed to play every video game in existence


I dont think it's that I'm invested in these People magazine stories, I'm just enraptured by Amanda's passion with them. I'd watch a full show of her telling these stories to people.


1:06:33 it’s kind of adorable how Shayne thinks that Spencer, an avid “music fan”, haven’t heard of OK Computer 😂


To answer Shayne’s question about soap operas. My mom (who is over 50) still watches “Bold and the Beautiful” and “The Young and the Restless”. She also used to watch “Days of Our Lives” when she was younger.


amanda has been killing the hair game recently, she looks so good


1:15:29 - 1:15:51 Shayne’s face while Spencer and Amanda are nerding out was so funny 😂😂