
HSN | Healthy You with Brett Chukerman 03.26.2024 - 04 PM

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2 days ago

[Music] [Music] now that's tasty [Music] all right that burger makes me hungry every time I see it I'm in the mood for a i at at that burgers tonight hey everybody I'm Guy this is now that's tasty I'm going to be with you uh for this hour and then we got another hour outside I have the steel of the year in my second hour on the ninja XL Grill go check go check the internet right now look at the price for the ninja XL we have the lower lowest price by $100 I'm buying it today that's coming up in
the second hour first hour is all about yummy treats and delicious food and let's take a look at today's menu so we got a little bit of everything today okay we're going to start you off we've got the most amazing coffee that comes from a wonderful company that actually helps benefit the manatees that we all love here in Florida and the coffee is ridiculous so good delicious tasty that's brand new that's the HSN launch first time on air that's coming up in a little bit we've got keto peanut butt
er cups my favorite thing on the planet uh with Cheryl she's coming up too we've also got lobster mac and cheese and take a look what I got over here I don't want to step in front of the let me back up oh now I'm in the shot keep back I'm I'll go this way is what are you guys saying I have a big head I can't get out of the way all right these ribs are ridiculous okay I have them on auto ship I don't have a lot to go around they lower the price by $10 it was I think when we launched it it was $11
9 it's down to 99 you're getting three full jumbo racks from kg barbecue it's award-winning this is not the crud that you buy at the supermarket right that's pre- Sauced in a plastic bag okay this is real kg award-winning barbecue and look at how many racks you get three jumbo racks so keep them in the freezer pull one out you can heat it up in the oven or if you get the ninja Grill and the next hour you can heat it up on them as well that is my pick my big bite in the show but let's get started
because I get to work with Stacy Phillips who I love I've known Stacy for many many years you are an incredible foodie like me yes we love we just we love anything that's rich and delicious and tasty and you know when it comes to coffee and you know how much I love coffee I I told you about my machine yes I have a very expensive machine at the house the mac daddy the mac daddy machine and I love love love love coffeee so really quickly let me tell you about it it's what they call high altitude
whenever you buy coffee beans or harvest beans higher altitude is always better the conditions are better for growing 100% arabica beans which these are they are roasted all right they are Blended to Perfection this coffee is on another level I always say this is not coffee this this is an experience you like that Cheryl it's an experience Stacy is with us to tell us all about it and I love the fact that when we buy the coffee we kind of help the manatees oh my gosh kind of that's what this is a
ll about so you're getting ready to try the Caribbean Delight so if you like coffee and you like saving the manatees this is a win-win right I'm on board I'm on board too this is what it's all about this is called Caribbean Delight the number one right stop it the number one seller for Manatee coffee by far so we have two choices yes tell everybody what we got okay so you can get the island dark which is that rich bold robust deep color deep flavor and then you also can get the Caribbean Delight
and that is um so delicious it's this has a little more of a flavor to it like and I taste caramel and hence of hazelnut oh my God and coconut but it's very mild right doesn't it make you feel like you're kind of taking a trip to the tropics it's so good so delicious it's very I mean you get the big great Rich coffee taste 100 but then you get that kind of full body flavor of like that roasty toasty car taste that's the Caribbean Delight everybody that orders are going to get two uh two bags of
coffee let me tell you something and I said this to you before coffee has gone through the roof in price I used to buy a bag of coffee for $9 from the supermarket my same bag of coffee is $16 isn't that oh my goodness so you're getting these bags at 11 about $11 per bag which is a steel and this is high-end gourmet coffee and remember there's a reason there a manatee on there because every time you buy it the company itself is going to help out with the manatees which I think is a wonderful thi
ng it is a wonderful thing whether you live in Florida or you've just maybe gone to um an aquarium and you've been able to experience manatees I mean manatees are amazing living in Florida you have had a manatee experience if you go by the water I had one like tickle my toes one time with the whiskers it's the cutest thing they come up to the docks I mean this company loves two things coffee and saving the manatees and what this is all about do you know what tomorrow is Manatee appreciation day
is it just by accident that we're going on today talking about Manatee coffee you got you got to try it listen whether or not you love manatees or not the coffee is ridiculous all right you know I'm a big coffee guy you know I had to cut back when I was dealing with some issues in my throat but I still appreciate a fantastic cup of coffee and this is you know what what I really love about it what low acid yes and not bitter it's you know I don't like bitter coffee it's because it's handcrafted a
nd also slow roasted that is really important so you don't get that bitterness now you've tasted the Caribbean Delight now this is also the Caribbean Delight if you like iced coffee okay so there's this option love ice coffee okay so it's even good if you like to make it cold especially getting ready in Florida we're talking about Florida the hot weather that's what you're going to want right now do you light cream in your coffee cuz this is the the dark dark without it because I can taste the c
offee a little CLE this the island dark this is going to be a very bold Rich smooth you can sort of see the difference well I added cream there's a little cream in there but even even when you first poured it this has got a deeper sort of a up you're going to see more of a kind of chocolatey taste I can show you what the comparison is so just a little bit lighter but if you like a flavored coffee you're going to see so good Rob and I don't normally drink black coffee that's really good and that'
s I would say richer in in if you're a coffee coffee person you might like the dark if you're a casual coffee side by side yeah can you see a difference in the color there just a little bit right so this is bold and Rich if you like the Colombian dark coffee that's what I drink every day and then if I want a treat or it's something in the afternoon I like the Caribbean Delight but again the Caribbean Delight is the number one so people really really love this now you may be saying well what make
s this coffee so great right well it really does depend on where the coffee comes from so we choose places around the world that have high altitudes um Rich dense soil because that's where you're going to get the nutrients from the soil right tropical climates so predominantly Brazil and Colombia then we import the beans again handcrafted slow roasted which is again crucial so that you don't have that bitterness and have you ever had an upset upset stomach from coffee okay you're not going to ge
t that with this because of the way that it's brewed so that is really really crucial like what coffee kind of gets me going on in the morning I mean let's be honest we love coffee right get your get your motor running sure here's another thing I love Cheryl's laughing at me over here here's another thing I get excited when I get to try new coffee yes like new coffee to me is like like you know just trying a new experience and if you're a coffee lover you got to try this it it honestly it tastes
different than any other coffee that I've T I've had here and we do the little pods yes you can do that and those are all flavored but nothing beats just a pure roasted great flavor of coffee absolutely and you may be thinking well does is this going to work in my K cup have you ever um realize that you can actually buy these washable cake cups so what you do is you take either the Caribbean Delight or the dark roast you can use a spoon or you can just kind of be a little bit like me and wing i
t and then you put it in the Kake cup okay then you put it in your machine and this is the dark brew and you put it in your machine and you can use your ground coffee in your K Cup machine and you are absolutely going to still experience the richness and the depth of this coffee uh time and time again regardless of how you choose to brew I'm hooked on this Caribbean Delight I know isn't that so yummy it's just yeah I got it you want me really okay you know what else I oh come on now that's not a
good SL all right hold on let me smell it first let's go oh man come on man fine it petered out on did you know what you got to love live TV that is I tried no that is delicious I I put more cream in it just cuz I like it that way I'm going to hide that Hey listen whether you like black coffee or coffee with cream or coffee with your favorite Lor the bottom line is you need to start out with good coffee yes and and you always look for 100% Arabica of beans you prefer your beans to come from hig
h altitude just cuz the soil is better um which is why when you watch on the native people picking coffee beans they're way up on top of the mountain somewhere right that's the best coffee grows the conditions are best for it that's where all this coffee is grown it is very low acid so if you have issues with your stomach that's going to be great for you as well and there's no bitterness everybody gets two Jumbo bags choose Caribbean Delight I I tell I couldn't tell which one I like better um or
you can go the original dark roast everybody gets two bags we'll ship them right out hey uh Rick do we have this available on auto ship too okay if you want auto ship you need to sign up cuz I only have a few dozen of those to go around so grab it while you can thank you my dear you're welcome I hope everybody enjoys this and you know think about it is you're going to drink coffee anyway so you want to get a really good coffee and then save the manatees it's coffee with a cause has anybody ever
seen love that I I'm sure you have Cheryl cuz she's a she's a Florida girl I have kayaked over at doodo they come right up to your kayak and you just give them like a piece of lettuce and they just take it right at they're the most harmless creatures yet they're always run over by boats they're always you know their their um habitat gets messed up so you're doing the right thing thank you supporting the manatees and manatee appreciation day tomorrow man that's great buy some coffee and support
the manatees it's a win win wonder if there's ever going to be a guy F van appreciation thank you st all right every day all right so we're going to shift but we're gonna we're going to kind of go along the same thing of of very very very intense wonderful flavor but before we get to that people are already buying the ninja Rick is my producer today Rick did you see the price so I was talking to the folks back in the back let's just say that and they said this is not supposed to happen but for w
hatever reason we have this at $39 if you go on any website and look at the XL 4 in1 it's $429 we are $100 and then some off what does it do it'll Grill anything Burgers steaks fish if you like to smoke your salmon or if you like ribs and you want to smoke that or brisket you can do that you could put two Jumbo racks of ribs on it because this is the larger size it has a little sleeve where you put the wood pellets and we give you some it heats the wood pets pellets up so now you can use it to s
moke pork salmon a mullet whatever it is we eat a lot of smoked mullet down here um it's all electric so you don't have any propane no charcoal mess yet you get charcoal flavor I have four colors to choose from I am buying one after the show and Rick we also have the stands available too I'm going to buy a stand so the money you're saving over $100 you can buy the stand to get it up off the ground so you don't have to put it on a table that's coming up in a bit all right my best buddy ever Chery
l Bo is with me she was my best buddy even before she brought me the peanut butter cups but here's what I'll tell you how many of you out there love the classic peanut butter cup you all do don't pretend you don't frozen out of the freezer fantastic how many of you like the little minty treats you know the ones that have chocolate on the outside and mint well no sugar keto cups to the rescue these have zero sugar you would never ever know that to taste them the peanut butter cups and I blame it
on the peanut butter the cups are great all right they're sugar-free the peanut butter is so Heavenly it's a 100 times better than the peanut butter that's in the classic one I think it's creamier I agree it's not gritty it's super sweet but not with sugar so we used to offer this in a 30 pack all right we said you know what so many people are buying it let's do the 60 pack so what you're going to get and you have your choice you can get all peanut butter cup and you get five boxes with 12 in ea
ch that's 60 or you can get the fudgy mint where you'll get two boxes of 30 I'm doing it right that's right but the most popular is the combo where you're going to get 15 of the mint excuse me for reaching in front of you uh 15 peanut of the peanut butter and then you get 30 of the fudge brownie that's right these are on sale $34.95 by the way did I mention everything in the show is free shipping if you need a fix after lunch after work well after anything you need to try these and the peanut bu
tter is to die for they're all good they're amazing but the peanut butter go hi everyone Hi everybody share the peanut butter is undoubtedly if you're a peanut butter person it is a Ready set go the no sugar keto company they really knocked it out of the park with these I am that person who needs that little bit of something sweet like that little bit of something sweet after a meal these do it 70 calories one net carb zero sugar this is this this is this is the best stuff it is that cream that'
s inside so good is so good and then look at the lacquer on top you know it's well-made chocolate um and they use an incredible sweetener in here that leaves zero aftertaste absolutely it's clean you will never know they don't have sugar in them stock up now I I about once a month I buy the peanut butter because I'm like Danny eats them like Tic Tacs pops them in his mouth you have there's no guilt there's absolutely no guilt and there's no way you I mean I don't know about you but I'm that pers
on who needs that little something sweet right after a meal or you kind of have a hankering or you're in the car and you're reaching for something this has zero guilt the treat without the cheat 70 calories one net carb zero sugar but they are so creamy and delicious you will not know that they have no sugar in them and we actually use coconut oil so there that is that creaminess you're not going to take that dip down because it doesn't have sugar in it so you're not going to chase that high all
day long read the ingredients on the famous cups oh and you're going to see well here's what you're going to see you're going to see hydrogenated oils oh yes you are worst thing you can put in your body and listen I'm not poo pooing I'm not poo pooing them I eat a thousand of those things every Halloween I know but when you're as old as I am oh please she's young we're the same age yeah when you're as old as me you can't just throw a peanut butter cup in a couple times a day this no but now you
can talk to me about calories 70 calories one net carb zero sugar gluten gluten-free so if there's people out there that are are gluten intolerant these are great for you gluten-free keto friendly but you don't need to be keto I always tell people this is just a better choice yeah it's one better choice and over time it makes a huge difference but you're not sacrificing the flavor they're so delicious and creamy you're not going to know trust me take them out of the wrapper I love that they're
individually wrapped but take them out of the wrapper put them in a candy jar nobody's gonna know what does it is that the chocolate is it's not a dark like what you would think of as a dark choc not bit no it's almost like if you took dark and milk and you mixed it together correct but what makes it so good is when you bite through and you get into the filling whether it's mint or fudge or in this case peanut butter the peanut butter is supercharged with sweetness and not bad no in a good way a
nd that's what gives the chocolate agreed that that little extra kick so here's how they come and you saw in the little foil packages you're going to get five boxes for3 $4 I mean five boxes will probably last you a couple months maybe I eat them I eat them every day but yes those should last you a really long time I mean if you eat one every day which trust me you're going to fall in love with these and I don't know if you guys have noticed but I keep licking the product that I'm showing to cam
era because it's that good I promise you I'm the person who eats these every single day they're delicious these are the mint I just want to show you the ratio of filling to CHOC chocolate again these are made with coconut oil that's the creaminess the AR rol we use which is found naturally in grap chairs and watermelons no aftertaste I understand People's First hesitation is Cheryl but it has no sugar it does it have that coly sweet it doesn't these no sugar keto cups are so delicious they melt
in your mouth let them melt trust me you will take that wrapper turn it inside out what I do and you will lick it I promise oh no doubt and and by the way we don't get to do these all year because these are real chocolate we can't ship them when it gets warm so right now is the time to stock up if you want peanut butter it's going to be the first to sell out most popular always in the combo pack if you never tried ever tried it before get it because you get that dark the dark fudgy one which is
incredible I love the mint because it reminds me of the little Andes treats from years ago and those are great they're delicious but again full of sugar correct so and if you want to know the the comparison you can eat probably 16 of these versus one traditional peanut butter probably true yes for sure and and you're getting that Spike that sugar that nobody wants cuz then you feel like crap afterwards right because then you crash so that's why people chase the sugar high all day long right so t
hey have a little bit of sugar and then they're like oo I'm down again I need a little bit more sugar but not with these no sugar keto cups right so because there's no sugar because it's got that coconut oil you're going to feel satiated I promise I know it's a it's a weird thing to think about but you're going to feel like like oh that was perfect it hit the spot brilliant now this this is the fudge brownie I wanted to show you this is the one I put at the bottom of my coffee and with that mana
te tea coffee we just had on there that would be a brilliant mocha coffee to have if you like hot chocolate right it's like a truffle and you want it like cuz you know I the only I drink teaf coffee now with almond milk I don't even put water in it like I I put the almond milk in the microwave and then I use the crystals yeah because they're telling me I can't have caffeine so I do that you could take one of these things and put it in like a cup of hot almond milk oh and now you low carb you're
getting that hot chocolate 70 calories you have a hot chocolate that tastes absolutely decadent and delicious for 70 calories I'm not telling you and and Cheryl says the same thing it's about choices you're not going to live like this throughout your entire life I mean I got I got ribs coming up yeah they're loaded with fat and yumminess I got lobster mac and cheese that's where I'm going to indulge but the the and and the good thing about those two items that's real pork and that's real lobster
you don't know what's going in the candies that you eat no I will tell you I know one thing it's sugar and a bunch of things you can't pronounce yeah stabilizers that's what they do yeah you're doing a bad milkshake just making a milkshake SH now you can I mean I like to repurpose my things because I feel like when you find something that tastes this delicious why not and this is actually a protein shake so you can add your favorite protein powder a little bit of milk um and your and your uh ke
to cup so this has two keto cups in there you can put three again 70 calories one net carbon zero sugar would you use almond milk uh this is almond milk so think about what a regular milkshake has in it and don't get me wrong go to an ice cream place on the weekend and I want to have a milkshake I'll do it but when I'm home it's like to put now you're yeah I know it's ridiculous that's so good this is such a guilt-free treat 70 calories one net carb that is a delicious you could give this to any
body they would and they think they'll think you got it at the golden arches correct or they they'll think it's this is like a great fast food milkshake but it doesn't have all the crud in it exactly it's so delicious and so creamy and look again the the fudge brownie is like your rich dark chocolate truffle the mint is like your favorite mint C I grew up on those mint patties my father used to keep them in the freezer that's what I do with my mint and then the peanut butter and I'm telling you
it's great for children because sometimes we need to cut back on sugar yeah give it to them and if you've not had those treats since you were a kid because you know they're full of sugar this this is like a whole new world opens up again it's like I can have peanut butter cups I can have the peppermint you know what the peppermint thing I can have those again without having to feel guilty about it one net carb zero sugar all right I have to upate everybody Rick how many on the combo 120 sets of
the combo left remember combo gives you all three flavors correct if you want to get the others I only have a little bit more the peanut butter is out selling all the others if you've never tried these before I would say go with the peanut butter definitely if you're a peanut butter person go with the peanut butter are there people that aren't peanut butter I don't know I don't know you if how can you not like peanut butter some people maybe they want maybe they want mint I don't know it's it's
like mayonnaise I'm like I but I know like I could eat mayonnaise out of the jar I'm telling you no one would know no one would know that that doesn't have sugar in it they're so rich and creamy they are I mean where's peanut butter here up front this is peanut butter these are all your peanut butters everyone that you split open and I'll do it again I'm going to do it's that rich I bite it first with my Tean but every time you open it up the peanut butter that's inside is unbelievable it is so
ridiculously creamy it's not like the peanut butter in the peanut butter cup that you're used to no it is this is almost like it almost has like a peanut peanut butter icing taste to it like it's that melty you know like really good icing made with butter melts in your mouth because this is this is coconut oil based that gives me a great idea yeah you I could melt this down and top like a like a note sugar-free ice cream and have like this delicious dark chocolate I'm telling you you can use the
se for so many things cuz once you find something that is delicious and guilt-free you can melt it down put it in your coffee put it in a hot chocolate you know what I like we're almost out of time you know what I like two about these when I'm done I don't have that sugary Coating in my mouth because I don't like that and remember we all know what sugar and don't get me wrong I know there's sugar natural sugars and lots of things of course it's really the added sugar we don't want because we fru
its and vegetables I'll have sugar the problem with sugar is in case you don't know sugar feeds bad things it feeds disease it feeds when you're making beer you put a malt in there a malted type of of of mted barley which is sugary and what does it do it the yeast eats it up and it percolates exactly that's what it does makes everything grow it makes everything grow and if you have bad and I'll use the word Flora uhhuh you don't want to eat a lot of sugar any of that stuff you want to be careful
with it all right that's right we are crazy busy thank you last call on the combo pean butter fudge or that beautiful mint you can't go wrong thank you D thank you so much good job love you all right what am I doing oh okay Rick says read the prompter no I'm not reading the prompter this is just coming off my head all right known for its iconic bestselling products like good Jean CEO vitamin C serum and Luna Sunday Riley products are loved globally by celebrities makeup artists editors offer th
eir transformative ingredients Sunday Riley brings HSN exclusive configurations and sale prices including the six-piece travel set and the power couple set both sets are a great way to try the best sellers uh from Sunday Riley or you can stock up on all your favorites all HSN or at HSN all Sunday Riley products ship for free fantastic all right where's my buddy Stephanie Roberts hi Stephanie how are you oh good I just bought the sampler of the cops they're so good I know they're I mean I love do
ing this show because I love all the food George is coming up with the lobster mac and cheese which is one of my favorites I got ribs from kg barbecue right now we're going to talk about soup and this is a company readywise simply kitchen right simple kitchen by ready Wise by ready wise so this company basically you know makes its Bones by developing incredible food that you can use traditionally in an emergency exactly power goes out you don't have you know stores are closed what are you going
to eat well they do this better than anybody else and this is what we call their I basically call it their soup Buffet it is simple kitchen's 64 serving of the most yummy satisfying soups you've ever had what they do is they dehydrate and take out the water okay why pay for water exactly why pay for the bulk of storing it not only that when soup sits in a can the noodles the beef whatever's in there turns to Mush they get gunky gy you are making fresh soup and let me tell you something this soup
is kick butt it is and soup a lot right and so we get 64 servings um I can save this in my cupboard how long three years three years three years so this is kind of The Best of Both Worlds to guys Point ready wise is known for longer lasting food food with a good shelf life how does that work well it has a lot to do with this pouch you see right here this is the magic pouch as we call it this seals out the oxygen the moisture things that make food go bad so with simple kitchen readywise has take
n top-of-the-line vegetables top-of-the-line proteins pastas Rices grains beans anything that you might want and preserved it in their magic scientific pouch so that you can enjoy it for up to 3 years now what I like so much about this is that listen I'm a busy working mom soup is the best thing ever as as a base too so I can go home on a night like tonight when I'm going to get home right at dinner time I can grab a pouch of the chicken nle soup the chili whatever it is you want and give you gr
eat tasting food in a matter of minutes let's go through the flavors you want to do that absolutely so you're getting eight pouches each of eight servings so 8 * 8 is 6 one p serves eight people it does eight cups of water is what you're going to add why would you pay to ship water why would you pay to have to buy water when you can just have it like this and you're going to reconstitute it so you are getting two chicken noodles the ultimate Comfort I want to try that two hearty chilies and oh b
y the way and I really like this the Chili's vegetarian it's made with just beans if you want to add beef add beef but if you've got someone in your family that doesn't want the meats it is not in there already I think that's a great point and then you've got four different ones that you're going to get one each of you are getting a vegetable beef again you can always add more more of any of the ingredients you're also getting a hearty tortilla that is personally my favorite oh I love tortilla t
ry as many as youve got ready a little bit of Kick the ministr and then you're getting the creamy potato guys free shipping and handling $39.95 for 64 cups of soup what is that 4 45 cents a cup crazy all right which can I try oh you can try absolutely everything Whoa We are hot here we are boiling we are boiling over to off we go from zero to very hot very quickly all right so again all I did was add eight cups of water right and the soup reconstitutes itself I'm going to have you try the one th
at wasn't boiling right so we save your tongue is this can I try this here yes you may that one fresh I want you to look so we put some aleno some cilantro yep over here and I'm going to grab this one and you'll kind of see how it's going to look right there when you put all the stuff on it all right I'm excited now it's had it this one's also had a chance to thicken up a little bit yep so that makes I want to get a little sour cream in there too all right there you go and I want to hear about t
he quality of the ingredients the texture it's phenomenal isn't that wonderful but a good chili on the stove I CH how long does it take you hours yes my chili actually my chili Tes all day I don't know you may not have all day you might not have power in your house maybe you got a A little um propane burner or your gas GRL and you want to heat up some water do it this is vintage absolutely so then you start to think about all the different ways you could use that for me it's a Tuesday night when
I'm working right this is an amazing dinner to give my family this is the chicken noodle now we added a little extra Chicken on top you know why cuz I made chicken over the weekend and I had it this is where you throw in any little extras look from the top doesn't that look yummy I want everybody to see the noodles and how chunky this look at this you got rotini in there you got veggies there's carrots all that is in there here we go again tell me about the texture any mush are not mushy yes an
d that's so key they're still they still they're all dtic yes which is what you if you got soup in a can it would be mush you know it and don't get me wrong when I was a kid you know i' trade whatever for for can of Spaghetti O but you're a kid and you ever see how much sugar and crud is in a lot of the canned food and don't get me wrong like I said I love SpaghettiOs but that's not that's food that's that's been sitting in a can exactly knows how long and again this pouch is why the texture is
so good the vegetables have a little bit of Pop right a little bit of crunch because we're able to freeze dry them at the peak of freshness so you're getting every bit of nutrition you have ever wanted in your Minon soup you are getting there's the chicken tortilla go into that one yeah cuz the flavor in that one is what gets me these are carefully spiced to be exactly what you would expect for the name chicken tortillas got a little bit of kick there it is I love the avocado in there put a wedg
e of lime in there exactly go you can do as little or as much with these as you want that's awesome see why that's my favorite and that is not alog together that easy to make hot sauce on there too yeah well you put hot sauce on everything I know that about you I know that about 64 servings for 30 what $39.95 even if you're just in a pinch and you want to make soup for somebody's not feeling well one b bag makes eight cups of soup think about cuz a regular can of soup is what two serving but it'
s two servings right it's two servings maybe two cups cup and a half exactly and this you make fresh you still feel like you're making soup and there's no difference in The Taste let me tell you I will tell you this all right I'll tell you something and this is it I was in the restaurant business 1820 years Northern Italian I did sports bars I did Irish bars I did all that stuff you want to know how I could tell a chef was good taste their soup taste their soup y if a chef can't make a soup is n
ot easy to make soup is hard got to make the stock you got to know how to season it you don't want to put too much salt you got to use fresh ingredients a lot of prep time lot of prep time lot of prep time we used to do a seafood chowder it was the hardest thing my chef had to make he's like it takes 2 and a half hours to make it this is 2 and a half minutes at the most instant you just got to wait if you're putting noodles in there you got to wait till they reconstitute exactly 10 and 20 minute
s depending on the soup um this one is going to be very hot but this you should try this is the potato the cream of potato another very good test because imagine reconstituting both potato and cream in the same pot I will eat cold potato soup cuz that's vua oh oh of course visha I think I said that right just made that very fancy for simple kitchen but that is okay again add more potatoes is that one your favorite that's the chicken noodle was wonderful the the chili was good this is fantastic y
ep like and I love that you put bacon in something you can put like a big potato absolutely well think about when you go to a restaurant and you order a bowl of soup cuz I'll be honest I eat soup a lot at restaurants cuz I'm trying maybe not to eat a full meal you'll pay $10 for a bowl of soup at a restaurant and I get it a lot of ingredients lot of Chef time you don't have to this is restaurant quality sealed in a pouch so that you have it a cup of my Seafood chatter at a restaurant called Tomm
y okay was $6.95 in 1989 $7 it had shrimp and scallops and clam it had all good stuff the point is you're getting this for what do we figure out Stephanie it's got to be like 40 or 50 cents a cup of soup absolutely if you're on a budget and you just want to stretch if you're an empty nester and you want the taste of homemade soup and by the way I love well Stephanie you know what I love to about it you can Jazz it up any way you want you can do whatever you want heat spice when you look in this
bowl I see rice I see beans I see vegetables if I wanted to see beef and sausage and all of that I could add that too again some are gluten-free some are vegetarian you have so many different options that you can do with these soups but start with a good base make your life easier and know that your ingredients are simple and good that's why I love this use express ordering we are very busy everybody's like 39 bucks for 60 cups of soup and it's good it's so good really good oh and if you're a ca
mper or a Boer tailgating tailgate tailgating take it on the road all right summer camping 076 788 you and I come can I talk really quickly for two seconds Rick about what's coming up in the next hour cuz you're the guest we're going to be busy you and I had a little chat before the show yes we I went on every website I could find she has the ninja 4 inone smoker grill everything with free it's free shipping too I free shipping online it is $100 off any price I could find I'm buying it I'm buyin
g it today if you've always wanted a ninja we have the lowest price anywhere in the country all right we are getting ready outside we got ribs out there chicken we got so much food 309 write it down crazy it's got to be the XL that's the bigger one you're saving 26 bucks with free shipping I believe it is the day to buy that today is the day and it will sell out eventually I don't know how we got that deal we we won't talk about it yeah we won't cuz you're never going to see it again let's just
say that thank you love all right we'll see youit see you in a little bit all right hey you know we got a secret sale going on have you heard about that excuse me soup um The Secret sale is on all your favorite crafting Brands all you need to do is know the secret phase phrase which is make it all make it all you get an additional 40% off of crafts all you have to do is good and type in the phrase make it all into the search bar and you can reveal our secret s sale but you got to do it q
uick cuz all these deals are just a very short limited time all right come on over it's mac and cheese time mac and cheese then ribs there's Carrie mac and cheese then ribs all right so this is a company called new Point Lobster Company these guys are up in Maine they harvest the Lobster fresh I I am telling you the lobster is incredible the macaroni and cheese has to stand up to it it's some of the best macaroni and cheese I've ever tasted it um it's finally back it's here it is now at the lowe
st price that we've ever done all right and you are getting jumbo delicious chunks of lobster and you're getting them it's flash frozen flash frozen all you got to do is pop it in the oven and you can have lobster mac and cheese like they serve in the restaurant George Ricos my good friend is here George do we have which sizes do we have today we have all three sizes all right we have all three sizes today and I'm telling you one of the things that's so exciting is that we're back by popular dem
and okay and the reason we're back but go you go ahead you do your part on my part no I so we have the one pound tray we have the one PB 10 o tray and then we have the 40 o tray which is the jumbo one jumbo it's loaded with lobster when's the last time you had Lobster you go to you go to a restaurant and get a side of lobster M side of of lobster mac and cheese it's $21.95 for a little tiny side you're getting up to 40 o of the stuff George you're getting a half pound Lobster in jumbo that's a h
alf pound half a pound of main lobster now the beauty about and one of the things I'm so excited about being back is at newpoint Lobster Company okay we use only the highest quality sour sourced lobsters and then once we get the lobsters we handpick every bit of meat out of it so you're not getting shells you're not getting those I know those you're not getting any c you're getting just pure sweet main lobster meat so I just that rhymes it doesn't matter where you break in not anywhere I'll brea
k in I wait you get the shot of mine wherever you break in you're going to see chunks of lobster okay we've spread them out into little ramkin so if you want to do look at the the first the first spoon fork I'm just so excited look at mine look at this there's mine mine there's mine look it get it close to George's and and by the way the macaroni and cheese is delici ious as well you get big chunks of knuckle and Claw which is the sweetest meat yes it is uhuh five cheeses that's that creaming as
she taste you have provolone so good you have parmesan cheddar you have mozzarella and the one that always gets me is is the Mascarpone cheese that gives it that little sweetness that actually hand me one of those plates over there guy okay and the mcar pone cheese to me look at this is just really kicks it up look at the look at this I mean look at this everywhere you look wait can we get all I did was just dump it out yeah can we get a shot of this right here that's nutsy oh yeah look at that
all we did was just dump this out and this is the this is the small one I would dump the large one out but we don't have a plate big enough and they do a half a pound half pound of of of main Lobster Claw knuckle meat okay highest quality sourced handp take meat it's it it is it's amazing this is one of those presentations where I I don't do a lot of talking that's I that's why I like doing this one with you I get to talk more you get to talk now listen we also have we also have the holidays co
ming up Easter's coming up you have family over you can you can repurpose this in so many different ways you could use it as a side if you want to do like a you know like a surf and turf excellent for the family if you want to pass some appetizer around look these beautiful little little uh cups of lobster yeah eat that too yeah yeah yeah it's oh you know and by the way it's Su sustainably sourced from Maine yeah and there's something about main lobster this is not Caribbean Lobster which can be
rubbery it can be gritty yes this is the northern Atlantic Lobster which is the only kind you really should get it is like guy down here and in the Caribbean we really don't get main lobster which you're going to what is called the spiny lobsters they don't have the big claws okay not the claws like this and for a lack of a better phrase spiny lobsters are like overgrown or shrimp on steroids this is sweet tender just lovely lovely Lobster and when I say we handpick all of the meat out of every
one of these lobsters we get and that's why you get that extra that's a beauty about new Point uh new Point Lobster Company yeah familyowned and operated American company yeah everything they do they do they're really setting the standard for the lobster industry you know I I said to you last time I I love this for like my mom my mom whenever I go over there yeah she'll put she give me a little guilt trip and she'll be like I can't remember last time I had a filet Manan cuz she's on a fixed bud
get all that stuff my brother my older brother does all their finances or she'll say you know remember when we were kid we were younger and we take and we do Lobster cookouts yeah now my mom is 91 years old Gody she's not going to boil up lobsters and pick it and pick all the lobster meat out but and if you're in the same position where you're like I haven't had Lobster in so long you need to try this okay buy just the sampler it starts at 57 I I like the jumbo because I think you get the most L
obster but try it out and remember it's not just the lobster the macaroni the five cheese recipe you can see just by looking at it it's loaded with cheese now heating it up in the oven that's it yeah all you got to do you want to throw it's going to come flash frozen just set it out the night before let it thow throw it in the oven 375 for about a half hour every oven's a little different so you just want to just make sure we're done all the way through but it it's a it's a really an amazing ent
ree or side that says basically set it and forget it the work is done for you at new Point Lobster with Mike and all of this stuff let's not eat let's not eat all of it you want to share some maybe Carrie who wants to try car try car I could we couldn't do it without get me with the lober course go you can go anywhere you want last time I took a whole thing it was wonderful I ate it all now God back by popular demand they they are flying we're getting bigger we've done what three show in a row L
obster new Point Lobster new isn't it just taste that creaminess the cheeses the chunks of lobster it's the chunks of lobster because you know ideally mac and cheese mac and cheese is you want that creaminess and it's there but then it it's like the flavor of that Lobster because it's it's not just like small little pieces right no you get a good you get a good chunk in there so then it really like and and it has a sweetness to it that that it complement it's perfectly with the mac and cheese al
l right if you want it very limited on the jumbo a lot of people are ordering that right away thank you car for coming in and eating lobster um but here here's what I'll tell you listen what I really really really love about this from my standpoint I'm once in a while I will go there's a seafood store okay they're they got lobsters over there yeah like $30 a pound it is I mean it's crazy cuz the yield on that is maybe a half a pound of meal exactly for $30 and the work don't forget your work her
e that's the point is by the time I cook them and picked them and get ready I'm not in the mood to eat it anymore exactly I want it all done and and George this is all ready to go right out of the container just eat it up guy I got 30 plus years in the restaurant do you know what I would have to charge for something like this I would have to I mean I'd have to it have to be a real nich type restaurant this is not a believe it or not this is not a meal that restaurants make a lot of money off of
no because they can't charge they they want to charge $100 you can but and the high-end ones do it and they do but they also take a lot of risk if you if something happens if someone sends one back okay you're an all all right I always get sad when George leaves cuz I love this lobster mac hey by the way I love the idea of mixing in fresh spinach yes that's delicious too all right we're going to step away we come back we got our big pick and it's ribs thanks Georgie you see buddy all right be ri
ght back Global Chic is all about fashion Freedom new Fabrics pattern and soft Silhouettes with spicy details so be free Iman global she only on HSN we have a special offer for you take 15% off your next single item purchase when you sign up for HSN Tax Plus stay up toate on the latest promos and events love to save just tax HSN to 70514 happy shopping get the best deals on the things you love with the HSN card as an HSN card VIP you'll get all kinds of perks like VIP financing on so many items
plus extra Flex on every item under $369 all day every day and at least eight VIP savings events a year includes fraud protection and there's no annual fee apply now and instantly get $10 off when you're approved call 800 695148 or visit card April is customer appreciation month and to kick it off we're celebrating with a big 48h hour party just for you discover new arrivals and Deals you don't want to miss plus our first ever epic appreciation pricing all to say thank you and join t
he customer appreciation month launch party with Amy starts Monday at midnight on [Music] [Applause] HSN can't have a now tasty show without my wonderful best buddy over here Carrie Carrie malletto has been with us for years and years although I know she still looks like she's 18 years old um but she has a lot of experience in all kinds of things especially when it comes to food and cooking and I will tell you she's helping us out with kg barbecue if you love ribs and I'm talking about fall off
the bone deliciously juicy competition winning ribs these are not the ribs that are $25 a bag at the grocery store which tastes awful and with their ketchupy sauce this is competition look at it look at it competition ribs and you are getting three oh yeah jumbo racks let me show you show the racks they come first of all they come in a bag I want to show you it's a lot of food gang so this is and I order these I'm on auto ship with these because I love ribs I don't like cooking them because agai
n like with the lobster mac and cheese by the time I'm done I'm not hungry it's a lot of work it's a lot of work you get three jumbo bags I'm going to put this I don't know where I'm going to put this I'm just going to put it underneath feet this is how they turn out when you roast them in the oven if you want to finish them on the barbecue I've got a I've got the 4 in one uh uh Ninja coming up these are amazing I'm going to hold them up and I want you to see how beautiful that rack of ribs is o
kay top and bottom it is gorgeous they are fully smoked fully cooked all you need to do and if it's just two of you I will tell you one rack is plenty for two people so you've got at least right you got at least six to eight meals for $99.95 I used to go to a rib joint in Arizona called Tony Roma great place right sure back then and I'm talking 25 years ago ARA ribs was $25 at the restaurant oh yeah easy peasy you are and that this is real barbecue all right this is kg barbecue with our buddy Br
ian teters this stuff is amazing look at the smoke ring look at the bark all I can tell you is order as quickly as you can because I don't know Rick my producer keeping me posted so I'm going to I'm going to take a piece okay I'm pulling that was just the meat off the two sides of one have you ever gotten ribs like and only on one side did it have meat and then it was like or or hardly any and it was very chewy Um this can happen if it's not done right this is kg's barbecue killer grillers as yo
u just say Brian teters JB Smith these are awardwinning ribs Brian just sent me pictures by the way two days ago of him doing up the ribs he says I'm getting ready for competition season so here they are doing their thing and what it's all about is that low and slow method that they use the right seasonings the right cut of meat as you can see what you're getting here these are ginormous racks you're getting three racks and each one's about 2 lbs each when you look at a rack of ribs you can cut
that up if you're looking at these guys we can cut that in about four I mean I if I'm really hungry I can eat a half rack of ribs but if you're doing side dishes with it you've got plenty to go around with these three racks so I take the racks I put them in the freezer when you're ready to use them just pull them falls apart look at this and look at that look at this and look at you see the red color right there that reddish that's Smoke Ring yep these are slow smoked and then they have a little
bit of a Char on the outside you pull some of this off have a side of klaw I mean you will feel like you're at the best barbecue joint in town we lowered the price it's the lowest price we've done it is it's our weekly deal drop it's free shipping listen you need to try now Carrie when you get them they already have they already have sauce the sauce is inside and we have extra sauce so they're already saued right cuz they've already been cooked but then there's extra sauce in the package now lo
ok I'm taking in between look at how much meat was in between just those two bones right there and what you're looking at when you look at the bark the Bark's what's important that's when we pull it from the grill so you're looking at an up to 14-hour cook which that low and slow is what's really important here right because you want to get that perfect bark and then as Brian says he puts it to sleep so he gives it a little it puts it in the bed you know and so they wrap it with the foil and let
it continue cooking now when you get it this is a true heat and eat situation so all you're going to do again look at how much have 200 left single ship I have 200 my gosh yeah look at that meat come off and see how clean those bones are see these are not like a St Louis rib a St Louis rib Memphis you want it to be a little chewier you want it you you want it to be when you bite it you want to see your teeth marks baby backs you want that bone to fall out you want all meat it's a leaner cut Bel
ieve It or Not than the St Louis okay all right St Louis got a little more fat on it these are going quickly all right we lowered the price it's free shipping I just like to RI I like to just rip them open I know I'm trying to cut it to make it neat but forget it okay look here what I wanted to do I wanted to pop this here cuz look that's just me taking pieces look at this look inside look how beautiful see that red color and then watch how it just it'll just tear SM R it just tears just like th
at comes upart ever bought these I used to buy some in the store cuz I didn't want to go through all the work okay and as Brian says he does all the work for you he's making this easy for you if you want to put this on your grill that's how we recommend that you heat this up and it takes about 5 minutes on each side if you put it on your grill the way and people will smell it and be like oh what you doing and you can pretend like these are your ribs that's totally fine Brian did the work for you
on purpose but if you want to place this into the oven it's about 30 minutes okay and then that's it you these are heat meat so you don't have to do anything else and I love that about these so like look here this is just one rack that I've broken into pieces look how much food that is okay that's one of your three racks going across here so when you're serving this understand if you're doing side dishes these are very meaty so you can you can cut a rack into three or four depending upon how ma
ny you're serving and that's what it's going to look like you're getting three of these I can't even leave it you know I I have a smoker in my backyard and I do ribs here's the process first I got to get the smoker going so I got to put the pellets in y fill the tray with water I got to turn it on get the gas going the ribs I have to take them out of the package y cuz I'll buy them in a big package raw I have to peel the silver skin off the back all right otherwise they're tough which is hard to
do then I rub them down with mustard then I put my own spice blend on them right then I put them in my rack you already and I smoked them for an hour and a half so now I'm in it I'm already in it 2 hours yep smoke them for an hour and a half then I got to bring them inside which is messy cuz they're drippy then I got to wrap them in foil you got to wrap them mhm then I got to put them in the oven so now I've used two appliances yep they sit in the oven for another 2 and 1 half hours I'm in it f
or 5 hours and do you know when they're ready you know what's the last thing I want to eat ribs you're like I am so over it because of the smoke and all the work is done look at that color you heat and you eat that's it you know these are good on the barbecue too that's said we do the work for you so killer gers you know if you're not familiar so again memph from Memphis Tennessee this is a competition barbecue team you are getting all of their experience all of that delicious special seasoning
that they do you're getting extra sauce so when these come out you will have extra sauce in the package so that you can take that extra sauce how I have here so let's come over to these guys and you can extra sauce it up so it's ready to go for you after you've heated it up you extra sauce it up and you serve I love that about this everything comes ready for you get out of here I know you're a rib eater come on so I I got you one does that one look like a good one can you want to grab it with yo
ur hands I'll get you a towel too afterwards all right just go is so good go Ahad yeah that's right good money hold on hold on hold on all right here here here's a towel for you I know you're going to need one she's working I got to make sure she stays clean we are Rick how many left in single ship here we go 150 orders 150 left in auto ship guys 99 bucks you've got you've got enough to serve six to eight to 10 people czy right and you know what our customers love to Carri they show up Frozen ye
ah so you just take out what you want pull one r one rack of ribs out this is all I'm pulling the meat from it that was the meat just from the one side so we're talking full meat this is not I've gotten ribs before where I've bought them ready made and there's no meat and then when you get in there it's really really really chewy and it's because I bought them from the store but they're not fully cooked oh right and it say you buy them and then you read in the bottom line says oh by the way put
these in the oven at at at 325 for another 3 hours and you're like what because they're par cooked the hard part with ribs is that part is making them tender oh my gosh if they tell you you need to do that don't buy them I wouldn't buy any ribs in sauce in a plastic bag from the supermarket first of all you don't know where they come from you don't know who made them and not only that the sauce is always ketchupy it's never good this sauce is is not super sweet exactly it's not sweet at all I me
an it has some sweet blend yes so you know that's what kg is known for so they got their special seasoning so you know they're trimming the first off High Quality Meats because with competition you got to have the best cut of meat so then they're trimming it for you to make sure everything's trimmed up just right I can't stop eating it then they're going to do their special seasoning then it's going to hit the grill and then we're talking minimum 6 hours but up to 14 hours and then they're going
to take it off and they're going to put it to bed that's what it's called gets wrapped up and then letting it sit there and finish off that cooking I'm just going to get a drink of water that's so good that flavor is embedded in there and that's what you're tast in and that's what I've never gotten from a store bought you know readymade rib and very rarely I mean that's why we go to very specialty restaurants that we know do ribs right wait like you ribs is like an experience right so like when
you say is rib night it's like oh yeah here we go these are easily they're better than mine I will tell you I do good ribs yeah but with me it's it's sourcing the pork like my ribs are better when I get a really good rack of pork but it's hard to pick that out look at these racks look at these racks do you see the even thickness that's a big deal so you're not going to have big fatty chunks y perfectly butchered and when you get in these I mean I'm not there's no fat happening in here whatsoeve
r so what you're getting is you're getting that excellent trim on on the ribs to begin with but then it's that kg sauce it's that special flavor getting that smoke ring getting that flavor embedded deeply and that again has to do with that cooking process so you know when Brian does competition he has he started practicing now he's sending me pictures they understand in this team how to get you the most high quality best tasting pull apart ribs that you can possibly get so look how I'm just pull
ing that right off I'm going to pull this here the bone just fell off of this one and then the Bone's coming right off of this one but look at again this is all the meat that I just pulled off of one side of so there's the bone here's the meat check that out that is a huge chunk of meat very minimal on the fat you're getting really the best best choice cuts the best embedded flavor I'm pulling one apart again just so you can see and just remember it's about that smoke ring is telling you what's
going on if you want to place this onto your grill that is how we kind of recommend that you do it because that's going to really just again bring out and punch out that flavor only five minutes on each side so flip it over to heat it up but if you want to do in the oven you completely can do that as well so the thing that you want to really look for on here is that choice cut of meat again that bark that we look for to get it to that Perfection for you and then that fall apart off the bone so t
his is giving you three racks of ribs I can't stress that enough because if you go out and just buy even a half rack of ribs anymore they are super duper expensive so being able to get three full racks look at all this I'm pulling off this is an incredible experience when you want to have rib night you don't have to do any of the work let Brian teters do that for you competition style you know you're going to get the yummy yummy yummy [Music] stuff all right Carrie hi guys hi Dar thank you so mu
ch we're outside now having fun out look at this glorious day please excuse the shades but I wouldn't be able to see you I can barely see you anyway because it's so so bright out here but Welcome to our second hour so I had a long talk with Stephanie before the show cuz I went up to her
