
Lackadaisy Stratagem (Animated Short)

Another month, another vignette! Mordecai and Viktor demonstrate practical strategies for neatly wrapping up a chess match. Rocky and Mordecai Plushies are now available in the store at Missing from the credits: Production Manager - Ashe Wagner - Background Design - Kasey Schiavone - Special thanks to the Translation Team: Spanish Language Translation - Walter Tomas Vitola - Spanish Language Proofreading - Nerlyn “Tomb” Galan - French Language Translation - Marie “Eseralie” Leininger - French Language Translation - Charlotte “Isyldia” Abert - ------------ Support Lackadaisy -- Read the Comic -- Join the Community -- ------------ #lackadaisy #lackadaisycats #animation #indieanimation #2danimation #cartoon #animatedshort #cats #1920s #chess


4 weeks ago

[brush broom sweeping] MORDECAI: Wait. What is that? What are you doing? VIKTOR: I take your bishop. MORDECAI: I mean your strategy. What strategy are you playing? The Pelagatti Attack? The Archizer-Meyer Countergambit? Der Hammerschlag? The Zugzwang Zigzag? The Poached Penguin? The Drunken Tartakower? Some half-cocked variation of the Dizzy Whippet Defense? ...Checkers? VIKTOR: Viktor. Takes. Your bishop. MORDECAI: Where'd you learn to play? In a cave? VIKTOR: In a trench. MORDECAI: Right. In t
he dirt. That explains everything. [chessboard rattles] [chessboard crashes] [off-camera scream] MORDECAI: There it is. "The Viktor Offensive" I wonder why the ballistic aspect of this game was never formalized. [old fashioned music]



"Where'd you learn to play? In a cave?" "In a TRENCH." That line was COLD.


"In a TRENCH..." It's amazing how one simple line can teach you so many things about someone...


"The main thing that puts me off of playing chess is that there is 2000 years of gameplay that hundreds of people with higher IQs than me have spend thousands of hours studying the history of, so much that when I put the pawn forward they say 'Ah, I see you're going for the bulgarian somersault.' and then I try to take their bishop with my knight and they go 'Ah, rookie mistake, you've played the frenchmans cumsock, and in approximately 37 moves I'll have won.'" Anon


Art before: Dogs playing Poker. Art now: Cats playing Chess.


Props to Sung-Won Cho for saying all those strategy names without cracking up.


"Viktor. Takes. Your. Bishop." Do we need a better explanation for his strategy? He was kind enough to give it.


A LOT of soldiers became extremely proficient at chess in the trenches. WWI was often weeks/months of extreme boredom broken by sudden outbursts of mind-shattering horror.


The off-screen startled cat noise is common in media, but has completely different context here and I love it.


"The ballistic aspect of this game" is a phrase which will now officially join my lexicon.


i find it very funny that mordecai is so expressive with his tail, in comparison to viktor, whose tail doesn't move at all. even though mordecai likes to play poker face, viktor's the real deal


I love how absolutely LAYERED the in a trench comment is. Viktor just tried to bluntly remind Mordecai that he once spent years fighting in the worst conditions imaginable and that he should know better than to annoy him. I wonder if he threw the chessboard because he was genuinely insulted or just frustrated that Mordecai missed the threat.


The fact that Viktor is a world war 1 veteran, and horrifical traumatized by it, makes Mordecai's trivialization of his chess education all the more vicious.


Never in my life have I been excited to watch two cats play chess lmao


The idea of the cold soldier and intelligent socialite dynamic has never been as well-expressed in media as these 2 are. You make me excited for when the show is finally released.


He knocked off the chess set from the table. This really is a show about cats.


The small detail of Mordecai pushing up on Viktor's hat from getting too close is part of why I heavily respect this series.


When he said "In a TRENCH", I was actually quite shocked. Serious and cold moment right there.


Love the classic ‘throwing something out of the scene and it hits a cat’ aspect where the cat with the broom is on the ground lol


Mordecai listing every strategy that Viktor could possibly be using and Viktor just saying “Viktor. Takes. Your. Bishop.” is a whole mood and I’m here for it


"In a trench." That singular line coupled with the way it's told tells you so much about Victor.