
LIVE on Stage & Online: Rated G Podcast's Interactive Comedy Event | Dec 29th @ AC Jokes Club!

If you want to join us in person get tickets here: Get ready for a one-of-a-kind comedy experience with the Rated G Podcast, streaming LIVE from AC Jokes Comedy Club in Resorts Casino, Atlantic City, and simultaneously streaming this December 29th at 6:00 PM! Join Comedian Gary G. Garcia and Producer Brian T. Licata for an evening that promises to be more than just a podcast - it's a full-blown interactive live event. 🔥 What Sets Our Show Apart: Dual Live Experience: Witness the magic live on stage or tune in from anywhere via our YouTube livestream. Crowd Interaction: The audience isn't just watching; they're part of the show! Our special setup allows live comments from the crowd, ensuring your voice is heard. Mic'd Up Audience: Want to comment live during the show? Get mic'd up and be an active participant in the podcast, both in-person and online. 🎤 Why You Can't Miss This Event: Unscripted Fun: With live research on trending topics, expect the unexpected as we delve into news, entertainment, and more. Real-Time Engagement: Every comment, whether shouted from the seats or posted online, steers the show’s direction. A Unique Blend of Comedy and Insight: Gary and Brian’s expertise in blending humor with live investigation offers an evening full of surprises. 🌐 Join Us, In-Person or Online: Be there at AC Jokes Comedy Club for the full live experience, or join the fun from the comfort of your home via our YouTube livestream. Participate, comment, and laugh with us – it’s Rated G like you’ve never seen before: live, engaging, and hilariously interactive. Reserve your spot or set a reminder for our livestream. This isn’t just a podcast; it’s a live comedy adventure where you have the power to influence every twist and turn! #LivePodcast #AudienceParticipation #LiveStreaming"

Rated G with Gary G. Garcia and Brian T. Licata

Streamed 1 month ago

interactive podcast please raise your hand  to be called on and a microphone will be passed to you when it's your turn thank  you and enjoy the show come on ladies and gentlemen without further Ado I'm gonna  bring your opening act to the stage come on make some noise Dan together come  on Atlantic City get [Music] excited tonight we've got an opening ComEd for you  we're very excited to be here stage as a regular here in Atlantic City keep the noise  going keep your warm welcome going [Music] [
Music] for come on guys keep the noise going get excited  we need the excitement I know I'm the same guy I'm the announcer from the corner over there it was  a it was a long walk I made it I did it and I'm happy to be here with you guys this is this  is look at all these cameras and things that they spent money on tonight a half a bottle  of titos for the show we're here in Atlantic City and I'm excited I I love this podcast who  here knows what we're here to see tonight come on make some noise
if you're here for Brian and  Gary awesome yeah man I love the Rated G podcast is one of my favorite things to watch I I love  to hear the things that Gary comes up with the guy is absolutely revolutionary if you don't  know him he has all the like craziest ideas before they go public it's the real thing  you know like people call him a conspiracy theorist a lot of people say that they're right  you know because there's two different types of like trains of thought on this right you know  some p
eople say they're conspiracy theorists they're just like researching and regurgitating  information Gary genuinely comes up with his own conspiracies okay if you don't know this uh you  should look into it Gary has proven without the shadow of a doubt that Santa is homophobic yeah  some people in the room know what I'm talking you guys need to look it up the show is wild  and I'm excited to be in Atlantic City a great place comedy yeah guys agree with that oh yeah  that's right you want the town
to kind of be a joke comedy in it helps come on look around  guys like I was going to say all the lights are on at Bley again and that was exciting and  I looked out the [ __ ] window and now the L is out like they just got the Y working again  it was balls hotel for two and a half years is out T got we got all these and some people  halfway through this it becomes a time share meeting so be prepared all right there's  Apple Air tags underneath all your chairs I know your credit scores I knew t
hem the  second you sat down okay you sir to be determined yeah man I've doing comedy in  Atlantic City seven years guys anybody here been in AC seven years I have your credit scores  this time it's something else I can't even get on the stage no not allowed tell me I have  down here you know what it's like standing at regular people in it's like I'm just looking  at a bunch of people that are going hurry up be funny [ __ ] it's it's not the same as a show  you know what I mean when you're down
on the floor like hanging out like you guys should  buy me a drink come on doing comedy people gota buy me a drink have any other options I  love I wanted my whole life to get into this you know Gary he's all about free speech he  wants to do this whole thing so that he can say the things that people don't let him say and  they get shut down on YouTube and [ __ ] I go on YouTube they're not they not shutting me down  you know what are they gonna do they're gonna stop my six followers I I'm over
there talking  about how when I was a kid I was a nervous [ __ ] just okay I got over it  I clearly don't have nervous sh problems those are some light colored jeans I wear that color not when I was a kid because  I would just get nervous and I was just [ __ ] I mean about not having having  a stage isn't this weird is it's kind of weird it's like a guy is standing  six feet from you going hey I used to [ __ ] myself how you doing toight  this nice skirt you got it teaches you confidence you kno
w that's why I'm so  confident I can do this because I was a nervous who's more confident than  a kid with a big buk of [ __ ] in the back of his pants looking you  right in the face going I don't smell anything Town Atlantic City I like a town  like this you know Atlantic City you're from Atlantic City outside of Atlantic  cities like ventner and Margate yeah it's a nice area it's the average like property  value ventner marget you're right but it's like million dollar houses right yeah propert
y  value in Atlantic City is the average house is abandoned M yeah very exciting I came here to  make my dreams come true because this time was just [ __ ] up [ __ ] up enough for me to succeed  yeah not succeed is saying words you know because that's seems a lot harder than it used to  be I don't know but you guys I appreciate every time laugh it really means a lot to  me it's like my favorite sound when I was a kid I wanted to get into comedy because my  dad was always telling jokes like every
where we went he was telling jokes he didn't know  that many so he was always telling the same ones you know smoke a lot of pot like  he was a superintendent he would come to your apartment to fix your [ __ ] but he'd  be too busy telling the jokes to actually fix anything oh it was great it worked out for  him he got to come back and fix it again I would smoke pot with my dad he would tell me a  joke hit the joint forget the joke tell me the whole [ __ ] thing all over again ridiculous  growing
up with my dad but he's the reason I got into comedy you know he was always telling  jokes everywhere we went people seem to love the interaction first couple of times but he  didn't know that many jokes right my dad was a superintendent he would come to your apartment  to fix your [ __ ] and he'd be too busy telling a jokes to actually fix anything worked out great  for him because he got to come back and fix it again out with my Dad we'd be smoking  he would tell me a joke hit the joint forge
t the joke tell me the whole [ __ ] thing all over again was gr up with but I love  him I do he's the reason I got into comedy what a day what a day I oh man I came  in tonight I was get I was at the elevator Bank you know the six shiny elevators downstairs that  can fit like 40 people there was line there was a line at the elevator I was like wow the show's  gonna be packed and I came upstairs and I was like okay it's F my way up some guy goes oh you're the  comedian right [Music] he thought I
was the guy from The Hangover legit he was like hey you're the  guy from The Hangover right I was like he Bradley shaved Ken Jung yeah there was  something wrong with the [ __ ] I didn't know what to do I just did the  impression I was like you make [ __ ] on me the chuckles are better than lefts this is good very good I'm gonna tell my th I didn't [ __ ] myself this crowd what you guys  look like you uh shouldn't have come together tonight this looks like  an accident that's my my favorite thin
g that's the beauty of radio right  you guys come from all different places like how did you guys hear of this  podcast very white group up here with the mustaches which one you on the end oh  you've known him for like five years okay and then you saw the podcast and you were  like this is crazy enough for me this why I like this oh see yeah I they've done over 180 episodes of  the podcast I saw the poster too I was like can I open for this the poster did it for me  I'm happy I'm happy that you
came out and you you you did it even with that mustache thing  going on your face you're like I'm going to go in public it is polarizing I saw you come  in and I quickly checked for an amber alert I was I saw this guy following you and I was like  oh it's okay his officer is here we're gonna be just fine that that's that thing right there  that looks like couldn't work make that like that a couple of minutes yeah you put the and you  got the extra scary going going in there you look like the guy
from Orange County Choppers if he  worked in an office that's what best Pro Shops had to Bo did you buy that on your way in you took it  from your friend is he still on the boardwalk ask change you ever you ever ask a crackhead for  a dollar before he got a chance to ask you it's a good move I told a guy the other  day he I I knew he was going to ask me he smell like belly button and I was like  that's not me I took a shower so I looked at him and I was like hey you got a dollar  yo generous gu
y he went right in his pocket like he was mad he was like that's what I  was gonna do started walking away singing his favorite song you know what a crackheads  favorite song is right I Want to Rock right now yeah funs how you doing you're excited  for the show yeah that's awesome me too those two next to you they're coming that's  why they they said hey Ray why don't you get up there and do some comedy before we get  up and a podcast we want some unrelated stuff we just need you to hold them ou
t  until those two people show up on the end they coming I like I like the that you  now like mil they call black people color people look at you you're a white lady you  just six different colors since I started looking at you it's very exciting and she she  might have [ __ ] heart attack over here you together yeah you came out tonight that's  awesome and dat night or you just wanted to see this podcast really badly you saw a poster  if you liked follow the creepy mustaches you like but what b
rings you out for the podcast  Brian you know Brian this is like a wedding this Brian's side of the family Brian T lot side  of the family over here and uh some people who bought ticket something thought was gonna be a  comedy show good yes that's what I'm here for that's I have had a lot of fun with you guys  absolutely you guys you ready you're excited for this expression of free speech tonight  come on make some noise and we'll get this thing [Music] Rock okay tonight ladies and  gentlemen we
have something very very special it is the first time that this podcast has been  performed live in front of audience you guys are the studio audience Give It Up to yourselves  for being that because that's very important all right now throughout this podcast you're  gonna hear a lot of interesting conversation this is basically what they do is is they will  argue absolutely anything in order to express their free speech and to show that we should be  able to as you talk about whatever it is th
at we have on our minds because you need to express  get that out and Gary Gary and Brian are gonna come up here tonight they're gonna bring up some  amazing topics they got planed they're gonna get you guys involved we need you to get involved we  want you to ask for the microphone just raise your hand we'll come over we'll bring you a mic and you  guys get to ask questions go back and forth have some fun banter say whatever the [ __ ] you want  that's the most important thing in fact we're g t
o test your ability to say whatever you want  right now ladies and gentlemen you want to do this with me we're gonna do a quick [ __ ] you to  the everyone who's trying to stop us doing what we want to do right on three we're all gonna just go  [ __ ] you can you show me how's that sound yeah this guy's got it all right ladies and gentlemen  come on on three we're gonna do a real big [ __ ] you one two three F you yeah see I like that  that's didn't feel good felt good let that out seeing you ha
d that in there for a long time your  husband ladies and gentlemen without further Ado I want to bring the host this amazing podcast  are you ready One More Time come on make some noise now these two gentlemen they work  together all the time they are absolutely hilarious and quite insightful your first  your host this evening we have Gary he CIA quite prolific this gentleman was once signed  to Epic Records as a recording artist and here tonight your host is producing great crying to  come on l
adies and gentlemen Make some [Music] [Music] noise uhoh I want to welcome y'all to another episode of r  g with Gary G and my partner and misinformation Briant T Lata we go live every time we do this  we play without a net and today we're not just going live we're going live live we're not just  live stream right now it's all chilling here you're all a part of the show and anytime you  guys want to say something you got um got your host running around with Mike raise your hand  you can comment
and be a part of this man we uh decided to do this because we keep getting  banned from YouTube so so YouTube sent us a a warning to behave they want us to follow  their stupid little [ __ ] [ __ ] rule yeah man couldn't do this I love you being here  we got panel bring them out because they're all getting [ __ ] up the back wilding  out our first on our panel today man a great friend of mine I started my career with  him and without him I really wouldn't have uh know what to do in comedy he jus
t dropped  a live album on what is it on Amazon is on Amazon none of this is true my man [Music] Adam excited a second member of the panel man I  love this dude he's another big influence of M man he's a [ __ ] ass rer he  doesn't do as much as he should be doing he should be working harder I love  this guy I know you guys gonna love him bu in for my boy Jason Scoopy at the P  right in give it up for my man Tristan the bubble and our last guest of the evening  man I do these dudes have done so m
uch for me man they allow me to come on their morning show  every Monday and do the conspiracy Mondays with them they're out here on W zxl these are my boys  from the morning show give it up for Jojo and [Music] Scotty I look so fad on  the screen me got stung by bees Gary is on it so come in and say Joe's  having a bad day I'm like turn it off but they but Gary's like like he's  like crack skinny but like and so is Brian right and have like like suburb  we're suburb fat right this is like our w
e have WI used to eat and all that stuff you guys are awesome do yeah look  look love you I just finished tell good just the camera you're a liar can I  be selfish here I like Scotty was really big because I was the skinny guy on  the show and I thought you know what I'm gonna go do the show after he dies but  now he's in great shape look at him I'm not Fant how was your holiday oh I celebrate that too Festivus what  do you celebrate 20% off sale I care about I don't no I don't really celebrate
holidays do  you get gifts for your kids I do get gifts for my kids so you do celebrate Christmas no I  mean I give it to them so that you get 12 of them oh my kids are half Jewish and and  half Christians so they don't really care about but I B present for my kids and you did  you see them uh uh yeah comp saw them through a screen for [ __ ] question are you a  dad or a baby dad I am not even at the level of baby daddy yet to get's a baby buddy  Christian do you celebrate Christmas celebrate wo
rd uh I don't do the whole celebr I get  gifts one person you get a tree he worked out for did a couple just a few I told you no  reason that big we were having a discussion in the back who was better looking him  or Brian because Brian looks good here like descripted Brian a good look yeah look at  him this is not real shap fake is just like I have no stamina so I have to run or chase anybody  for any reason you running those jeans you can't you see how TI [ __ ] jeans he did you see that  the
back this [ __ ] got and let those gold ass [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is he I can wear these am I  the only one that thinks that those ugliest [ __ ] yeah but look at the guy are you gonna tell  him they're ugly no he sends that three people away pass onou very nice guy guy in super  before Co and now he's just surfing that way yeah now he's like also shaking his leg like  he's gonna pun you in the face go my here's the thing he tried to make fun of me because I was  breaking on his sneakers leg cr
oss yeah I gotta Pi trying to joke on me CR is a gentleman  thing to that's what I'm saying right you can we show this somehow no that's an absolute  thing to show that Som don't my picture who's crossing their legs can't see him but he does  kind of look like a little deer in the photo a little legs I no the only ones complaining hold  on hold on hold on are we can't do it I mean like this look wait a minute WWE can anybody see that  look hold on now you're gonna see I just sent it to Brian all
right that's not terrible that's a  four no wait until you see it wait photo you gotta see the photo right now listen this guy can't  say [ __ ] he can't say nothing way he watch how he if you're doing no no no no that's not what  he did that's not what see the photo because he also if you're gonna sit like that  you better get to Target one of those tuck bathing suits because you got no balls man I'm okay with that no not at all how  you gonna bust my sneak mean it let tell I I walked in he's
talking about my  sneakers sitting like that you can't talk to anybody about any sneakers what  the [ __ ] sitting like I can see your socks know I'm you saw something was that  was that fineable tell him let him know the truth man got know let  me know was that feminine there you go a father s like that and he had  a kid yeah her [ __ ] at least once come he can't even sit like what is it Chris crossan sty Indian style who  says Indian style Indian style of course why are you tell right here's
why he doesn't that  mustache does not work before top to it works now I respect the fact though that that  you know I couldn't tell you know what like all my boys come out and then like out to me  all of a sudden is they're very flamboyant you know like they're not I'm like all right  dude you know you f i don't [ __ ] but like why did everything change were you holding  back this all your life like where did that come from you didn't do that for the five  years I known you you never went once
all of a sudden just he got mad because like his  boy like you blew me 30 times now you told me they are I'm saying way before and after  he came out you know what I'm saying I don't know maybe before he came out he was wearing  like a gold bikini got more he's the only guy who got more bass fisher after he came out  maybe he left the closet and he went into the hardware store I don't know me that's  what it was look at know what he had in his closet I don't think anybody goes Mom  and Dad I wan
t you to know something and not you like I think I don't  know let's it's never me it's always ask you what your name is  name David why is that not a gay name this though let me ask this question  though do you find it weird okay David is like the gay name now that I'm  thinking about it in like well how many gay movies have you seen yeah  what kind of movies are we what of these rated movies you're right it would be it  would be Dave how many how many people are in these do you feel know you g
uys are just making  jokes I'm like all point that I was making he even figured out that wasn't the point I was making  do you feel like C people are more accepting of like a less glamboy kind of gay man people like  all right cool let's go shoot some [ __ ] like that oh good nice doing better that's good so you hav  I'm in Atlantic City then you all right so when it comes to generation wise me and  you were about the same so like I felt like yeah like by the late 90s it like when did  you come
out I know I don't think anyone cares yeah I got a question how clean is your  house because I hear K people are super super clean and super tight oh I want you as my  neighbor yeah ex house next to you and all your friends just buy all the houses on our block  please value will go way up why wait why do get alled well there you go you're the with that guy's  mustache you have to tell people he's not gay a what what are those handlebars for what  are people holding on to for those dude what a gr
eat what a great wingman right  yeah dude the you need a girl she has a brother I don't want to [ __ ] dick yo I've been um all right now  we're gonna get into like it out you ready start talking about some serious [ __ ] we hit  record yet we been record no we haven't we've been recording um we were bugging I was talking  to Brian the other day all these crazy sports that I've been seeing on Instagram anybody know  all this [ __ ] [ __ ] is like it's like gotten that boring we got to slap each
other have you  seen that [ __ ] people slapping in the face is there anybody here that would do that [ __ ]  yes it's awesome you would do it you go first yo them dudes taking hits I got a [Music]  video it's great to watch you know that's funded man smack me in I would not like I'm little I saw garych a guy who called him  fool three times and he gonna take a slap taking a slap to the [ __ ] face  and let you do it they hold on to like you go you better come and run no you got  if I'm going ag
ainst him I want to go first fou nut I'm not going look I'm not the video you got these dudes they be lining  up their faces and I'm like kill this [ __ ] and he does what you do with somebody your same size  see those guys Che out check it out check this bigger than you there's a do is there anybody here  that would do this [ __ ] right here how much far everybody I would watch I watch look at that it does face it's like a  video I think they got I think they got Jo on their the eyes the eyes i
f  you slap someone that hard and that's I'll smack a [ __ ] like  that at a I'm not doing that where I how many times they got you knock [ __ ] out big ass bruises on the chicks be  doing it ladies ladies don't have to do everything men do we do a lot of stupid  [ __ ] like a lot of the [ __ ] we do isum follow yeah you could do whatever do do you  really want to sit there and get smacked in the face you don't like it when men do it  you're not gonna like it any better when women I'll tell you
as much in the  70s and early 80s and that was just as n that's not the same thing dude to let  someone smack you in your face that's a whole different ball game dog I used to watch as  a kid slow motion videos what it's doing to their look at that slow motion look at his ears  man ears ain't supposed to wiggle like that like riding motorcycle I'm not doing that can't way get that much because you think about it  the fighters don't get paid that much like 5,000 you get 5,000 to  smack a mother $
5,000 you can smash me in the face all God now got do we  right now can you Google that put in transgender organized it was UFC UFC UFC hosted  it and it was on like USA or TNT or now can you gamble on it that's what  I want to know can I gamble on you can gamble anything yeah do you know  they're about to legalize professional wrestling gambling how [ __ ] Up's that does  anybody here think that Sports is rigged yeah get this college degree right if you're  gonna if you're gonna go be say a law
yer for sports get sports and entertainment  degree ENT buiness well it is is put down as an ENT because that's all it my  point gambling on that's like gambling on doesn't it it's like seeing behind the  curtain yeah but what else is it that we what is lot last night it's about the story same CT Warner  story that happens yep oh it's all the story every Olympics all that stuff is by Network they decide  who they're gonna focus on and they're gonna pick up what the you know who's got the this pe
rson  and that and that influences outcome that person gets more they get more attention they get more  training they get better support those people have a better slightly better chance of winning  but I don't cover the spread and I really believe it's rigged I watched I watched the man once  drop the ball before he got into an End Zone it didn't cover a spread then I believe  it's Rigg I mean look at basketball Happ all can I tell you what I think so because  I feel I if I text my buddies I'm
like ah easy win or whatever that team come back  and they will lose because conf I feel I live a world where I can Jinxx that game  I will lose that bet but it doesn't affect anybody else is that weird it's a it's  a real Unique Kind of narcissism because I don't believe that I one person that  game I don't that game but I feel like it's t for me I lose that bet but in Another  Universe everybody else put [ __ ] weird is thate just drink pocket why you shouldn't  exactly I'll tell I once gamble
d on the par Olympics what what you never watched the par  Olympics is where they take all theic that the world and they put them in you seen that  [ __ ] right I lost I lost a lot of money yeah bet was the wheelchair right because I've seen that before it was USA versus China  and I figured legs of no legs us us taller when you take away the legs the height  kind of Advantage goes away yeah yeah wheel and yo the ace could shoot yo and the  thing is they don't theyel a lot they travel the ball t
he [ __ ] put the ball oned  a lot I'm like that's a [ __ ] travel if you got the whistle the [ __ ] they're also  good at well they're also they're also good with in China they got breaks I bet  no legs no arms swimming those guys are fast hold on a second before anyone get  mad at me where's who's your I just want you to know now he at the balls my man  but I just want you to know that I so people are already better than I could ever  imagine being okay they're like [ __ ] long dude they were
fast they like sperm dude  they were like they swim like dolphins I went with France France was all torso  dog yo France the biggest torso I ever seen win got use the right [ __ ] I'm not even lying what  I figured out hold on before you go that's corny I'm just giving you what  really happened this is what happens I went with torso right because had  a biger torso but when they hit that can I ask question it is it  the no it's not quick it's not likeing one leged biking that [ __ ]  is very he'
s racing himself I didn't no I would hate to they bring they came hopping and  [ __ ] it was crazy man they look like little I gotta ask you  a question you don't know how to swim you're a bit older than me hold on I know  how to swim I know how is done I no I just s and I both grew up in the city got I know  how to swim and he knows how everybody can swim kids or anything I'm talking like  can't tread water is all you know what saying other water s the water isn't swimming  that's drowning in m
otion that's not swimming understand what I'm saying like I can't  like sit there in the middle of and stay above water go okay so gonna Gob we're jealous  of you we're jealous of you because you are like that's awful you're poor you can't afford food  this is all compliment trash dude you're looking at him the same way right she  looking like what the [ __ ] does that mean how am I the oldest one on  this panel can someone explain I'm the oldest [ __ ] these mother like  [ __ ] now don't they l
ike here's the problemm here these arms can barely themselves  up like hanging on a skeleton I don't go anywhere in the water I mean I can swim  like I'm not gonna drown I still want to see the people tell you this if I was on I  can't but if I was on the Titanic I would you would kick her off the booat right  no I would have tied all the dead bodies together they Flo you know the belts  let's be honest out Women and Children First lot of time to like I would  have just wait JP in I would sh go
let's be honest Puerto Ricans it was all the Irish people did you see the movie I know would go through the  cold water the boat wasn't hoing onck back to this ask smacking in the face couldn't get no worse you got the punching one oh the  punching I do I do I do look at check this [ __ ] out [ __ ]  sport would you do this [ __ ] right here watch this you gotta  hold this got to be in Russia at this okay I have no problem with this this is  very UFC but without the cardio you're not jumping aro
und that that should get over  in about a minute you could bit 30 fights in a UFC I feel like we just watched that  for three minutes perect that's a perfect fight that like entertaining no right I that  [ __ ] in the pH okay here's why SE that right a pH Bo two just start thumping in a phone Bo  Listen People come on people there's a point where you gotta look and go where are we going  with wa wait that's forward to the end of that I bet you we all love The Knockout let's go to  the we knockou
t yet The Knockout we're gonna love it makes a little fck yeah because you got the reach  like the r look at those man what what's got he does but first time and you  always remember this first time you heard someone how about when thatone heard that know look the  last thing I heard when my head went through the bar and right like  how bad oh yeah dude I've been like was for me it's the same situation people used  to tell me I suck upon people a lot I disagree well I I do look there's a differe
nce between  Sucker Punch and hitting a [ __ ] first yeah a difference man look I'm five fo four okay I'm  five' four Once the argument starts going off I realize this is about physical then I'm punching  you in the face but we can tell I'm not to me a sucker pun I walk away and I act like we're cool  and then you turn around I run up and I punch you you know that's a sucker punch but if we talking  [ __ ] at what point do I have the right to punch you in your face what what is the word I'm not 
pushing you like you know talk I'm I'm probably only gonna get one punch in this fight I'm little  so I'm going for the first punch I never suuck a punched anyone but I have hit a lot of mother  first okay and I gotta tell you this fight he was talking about you know I lost that fight I  broke my [ __ ] Knuckles on his asan head I want to fight but I lost the battle was he one of the  swimmers no man he had both arms and legs yeah it was [ __ ] up man because like I won name Bruce  it makes you
feel [ __ ] was he was an alcoholic before do why did you hit him you H him call now  no doubt he was from from La West CO from La that out there but I made it very clear to him I said  I don't say that out here I don't like again I swear to God pun you in the face he thought I  was joking because he was bigger than me but I'm like a chihuahua he wasn't saying no no you said  whatever fool I have a feeling there was a Mis Mis interpretation that I didn't just hit him I didn't  way hit him I was
smoking smoking cigarette i f it and it hit him right in the nose right so then  he got mad and he Asian and he missed me when I hit him but what's [ __ ] up is the cigarette  that he flicked at I gave him the [ __ ] bummed the cigarette off of Meck cigarette War I won  that too when you hit when you hit him did you karate drop him or [ __ ] I broke my hand I  punched him in his big square head it wasn't a smart thing to do I'm trying to keep they are  people TR my anger because nowadays you do
n't know who you [ __ ] with I'm saying nowadays  a [ __ ] could look like Brian or like Adam still [ __ ] you up like you don't know that's  why I always look at the ears you gota look at the ears yo if they got those [ __ ] up shits  man don't [ __ ] with that dude yo [ __ ] you up the end of that story is now anytime an  Asian guy walks into the club G looks at me and I'm like no that's not him guy oh yeah  that's true that's true he was actually on one of my shows that I produced and I didn'
t  even know he comes up like hello Mr Garcia and I'm like why that [ __ ] Mr Garcia  he's like that's the D that you punch in the face I'm like oh that makesense  he got so used to it not being the other as confused got iate yeah I didn't get it know it [ __ ] me up when I found out that  Danny was really the dick in that movie dude he was an [ __ ] he was the complete dick in that  movie I never realiz you don't really realize it until the new show but he going through a  little to move in on
always starting [ __ ] with him he was a dip [ __ ] dip [ __ ] still  a dick because even in the news [ __ ] got the picture up with the illegal kick that he won  the [ __ ] thing with all Valley tournament get the [ __ ] out of here I hate Danny Z is that a  name no Danny Zuko is I love Dan I like Danny 30 years he he was the was very rapy Dan Rap remember  remember when he tried to to rap Zandy at the c d right because she's with me she's she's in the conversation but I'm just saying do you kn
ow  the conspiracy about that movie no they're all dead and that she and never saved the whole thing  the whole is them in that's why they fly off in the car at the end that all makes sense now damn  rewatch [ __ ] your world up guys you know what's [ __ ] up when I first saw that movie right like  I was this movie's the best then I watch it now and then you look at it and you notice that  they're all in their 40s like [ __ ] wasn't all abusive false allad yeah she's so ugly I will  song though
is the best song in Greece and I challenge anybody to tell me different  was that Bey school dropout no her song was um what was her song again I love it but  there are worst things I worst things I can do I'm not keeping the rap baby there are  worst things I can do get rid of a baby from you don't forget that he used to write some  really good lyrics y the songs in that was dope know what Johnta in a lot of rapy things man  if you think about it Saturday Night Fever hold There's an actual rape
in  Saturday R in the movie no no no even besides the actual one he rap that  dance started as a little she was with it about daning when I realiz it was really about  how acceptable date rate was in the 70s remember when when when uh how about what was his name  the guy just falls off the bridge and they're like all right cool they just drive yeah they  just drive away drive home I mean we would have did the same thing right if we were on the bridge  hanging out going to roselt Island and one
of our boys jumped off we're going home I know you're  going home one day walking our B right and do had these two bit bu and brothers they were brothers  they were running biting each next and lady out and they run right into she goes flipping in a  break her be scared ofak she anything she just said and like they ran right over and kept going  they didn't stop she in the circle the leg this [ __ ] said max let's go jump I said [ __ ] where  you going he left me there I know be out in a [ __ ]
was a got the [ __ ] out of there back business may he rest in peace may he rest in peace what you you R Pockets first  no man it was my boy anybody else know but with his wallet no he  lived he Liv hey guys remember when dad used to take some  McDonald's he heed the best way to do it if you're rolling with me  recover I know doctor what was I gonna do ambulance could well no I mean we He Lives he's still alive okay all right what does  recover yourself look like are you pum when I feel my heart
[ __ ] around listen  anybody out there with no health insurance the ghetto advice right here that's it the ghetto  defat 10 bangs and then a clear you gotta be like do you know it we're not doct up here  no one followed that advice you're watching online no look listen you can say not follow  the advice you were Loan in your house and your tickets [ __ ] with you I guarantee  you you're gonna remember what I just said and try it and it'll work I'm just running  end do do you give yourself CPR
also I think ioon I take drugs so I drugs on Christmas Eve  and I think I right hold on what kind of drugs did you do on Christmas Eve I got question I  gotta know what it was how you did it okay all right so here's what I do drugs the first person  I about is Gary it's not answering the question of what drug it was he sees Gary and Gary tells  him to do it yeah a lot people tell me I'm their guy and we just go through this world together a lot of people tell me that man  that I'm their guy well
this gu you're not on the screen D for the first time  right what is that right DMT is is you want to see godle 15 minutes if you're lucky  your last 15 minutes but you see life 15 minutes right so we  both so that's what I did and experiences like he was on the front of a  [ __ ] rocket and that they were trying to steal his soul right me I was just like  you know what I'm saying and then he's gonna tell me you did it wrong I didn't do  it wrong I'm I don't have issues that you have dog I know
I'm aie [ __ ] you're a piece  of [ __ ] I'm like tell me something I don't know let's see what's next and that's  the thing I let go you refuse to die I said I saw this is my guy this is what I  felt call you this guy sounds like a lot of fun Dr and pit what does got old now we're  talking when we were young man you let aat old woman he just ran over we got comments coms  coming comments Sam Garcia says oh my son is on the show yo Sam what's up baby a good A  P show I'm not I'm not a good role
model I disagree I disagree your kids are wonderful  people children are wonderful time ever met came that happened that happened we  talked about it I said Son what you why you keep shaking he do he just sting  it whole day and I said I said to his son I don't judge me man listen what age  what how old were you was six months ago he was SE year old that this one let's by the way you a good dick to do that  you got a bad dick first of all she was with a husband okay so it was a couple it was a 
couple it wasn't a lady it wasle what happen you tell me G tell you we pull the Dunkin  Donuts me and my son we both Drive in two different cars there's no cars in the parking  lot none I park regular my son parked right next to two handicap sections he doesn't walk  walks next to them but one of his wheel are on the blue line so this chick rolls in in F-150  big ass truck storms in and pulls all the way close to when there's when there's another [ __ ]  spot right there and I see this happenin
g and I know my son every now and then could be like  me I raise kind of so I see and I don't want my son to [ __ ] good father I don't want to get  no [ __ ] so I get out and I hear myself sorry I mov the she was already complaining right  meanwhile there was space anywhere wasn't like she did have a you know what she asked for was you couldn't just were said listen screaming  at and then when I stepped up the husband some [ __ ] and then the car and he saw my son was  big and he was like uh yo
u know so my son was like listen you guys go and get your coffee we'll  leave and his [ __ ] was like don't tell us what the [ __ ] to do and I'm like he ain't telling  you what to do you came here for [ __ ] coffee just go get your [ __ ] coffee and we'll go  somewhere else and then she keeps yelling at my son and I can see my son you know listen your  son is always your son know I'm saying she got younger and younger and younger in my eyes to the  point where I was like [ __ ] yelling at littl
e baby right he's in my balls so so then what  happened was like he kept trying to apologize she wouldn't let him she was screaming and then  I just said what the [ __ ] do you want what the [ __ ] you wanted to eat your [ __ ] it's just  what came out of my mouth real and she was on let me get my like what the [ __ ] did say suck  my dick okay I said suck your dick [ __ ] that [ __ ] suck my dick and P my out and shook it at  her and then her and the husband jump in the car and they tried to hi
t me and I just died out the  way and my son says afterwards did you just whip your dick out of and I go I go yeah sorry Sam  kind of Whi my dick out and he goes he goes over well there's a video somewhere of that on the  internet then if that's in front finded me he said dude you play every night in Atlantic City people  recognize you now man doing that [ __ ] wherever you get into arguments and I'm like but I tell  people that I'm [ __ ] up in the head from the jist maybe I was wrong for the c
lub I don't know I'm  I don't know who is right who wrong we live in a world that's too soft  you want tell me to suck your dick be afraid wa did they ever get the coffee  or they just leave no they left we got a Cofe that's drove all the way Dun video some a manager that's not on Tik  Tok be on Tik Tok it didn't get around to you yet it'll get again man you got good  dick game said d man you just pulled it out I said you don't even try you don't try  and chub up at all right do jerk off before
he that's me I'm gonna make a real  [ __ ] statement here hold on Puerto Rican abs and everything let thef  crucifix well because okay all right but all right let's talk honest all  right Gary let's talk honest Puerto Ricans come in two sizes you either got  a pop belly or you that's that's 100% true not saying a lot in attic City  you know that's true you're either having a barbecue or you look like you with a sixpack on the show put on the show who  is it who is it who is it who is it Mom oh p
lease get her to call in  I got I got questions hello Mom I'm all right I got you on speaker I  got you on my show right now live crowd I'm not said call you back Vader  you heard what she said did she said Lord bless y'all that's what she said  my mom's this crazy Christian yo like crazy like she's so Christian she  would annoy Jesus she would she'd be like Jesus can't you wash your feet been  walking around all day so what's Jer for Christmas she like Christmas Santa Claus is  taking away the
glory god I got so trying to write it know she wasn't she wasn't crazy  [ __ ] she wasn't wrong people all right here that was to get Christ out of Christmas make no  [ __ ] mistakes about it man when you're gonna talk show us on the doll do you teach your son  about Santa not really Amazon he thinks he was one I thought you got way way the Box yeah there's  no more what is it stalks they used to bring kids I told got from Amazon I heard something  about the stalks the other day that uh used bir
d I was with you that wasn't what it was right the like the one if you don't want the baby you hit the  store with a rock and it goes away what was many parents are here tonight parents  now out of y'all who who has your kids yeah wait hold on at what age you listen to me this is listen to me this is real [ __ ] to go let me text my wife to turn this  off the kids are watching hold on y' need to go you everyone else doing and I got  B up in the game but I'm never gonna lieing so listen don't get
mad now after  they figure it out that they don't trust you anymore don't mad because they forget  the too they're not gonna forget e bunny hardest K that's what she does yeah bless you all she lied to me she lied to me  till I was like in [ __ ] 90 I think that's just part of the whole thing  n it's not you gotta let your you gota let your get everything [ __ ] done is l n man be real  Puerto Rican no white people fre all right I go out there I wake up 5 in the morning I buy your  [ __ ] gifts
now I let them walk Santa like I let them watch you know Thea Claus and all that [ __ ]  but I told him that [ __ ] ain't real he not real [ __ ] know saying no now go go go go into go  into the real reason why because I think they're missing the point I mean there's a bu one they say  was after that see Nick who's kind of a piece of sh talked about on their show [ __ ] all right do  me a favor go into you came on our show a couple weeks ago and you wanted to celebrate Christmas  and you told a
ll the kids out there how Santa was because he was mad at [ __ ] like he didn't  like Rudolph Rudolph gay and he didn't like rudol okay tell the Rudolph story so so I don't know  right see we got com over hold on what is it man wow that's nice fair shot look I never said I  was a good father I'll tell you this all right my whole family likes the Yankees my son does  like the Mets my my son does like the Mets he came across to the Mets but I'll tell you this  when it comes to the Mets and the Y r
ight fine y are winners okay fine but the Mets are better  High the Mets are open better High the Yankees could be down by five runs in the ninth inning  with two outs and I'll be like it's the Yankees they'll pull it out I'm not even nervous it  could be the other way around with the Mets up by five runs two outs nobody on and you're  like is [ __ ] it up you know b gets hit two walks Grand Slam next know everyone's running  around the [ __ ] bases it's a better High we finally win again when w
e finally win again  I'm on the [ __ ] team but when they finally win again it's gonna be a lot speeter than  all your tell me more about s can I hear allary to tell why Rudolph first listen Rudolph was so they all  used to laugh and call them names they never let him play in any of the Rudolph games right  none of them he couldn't kick a ball prounce none of that [ __ ] right and then and yeah he  did because they needed him CA they needed him because it was a foggy Christmas night if  it wasn'
t a foggy Christmas night no need for Rudolph he's still getting [ __ ] with and  Santa acting like he don't know goes on to his own neighborhood and here's the thing if you  watch the movie right Rudolph you know what he must like right tired of people [ __ ]  just being like what's wrong with him right and he covers his nose and then one day this  little Doo walks up to him and she's like I think you're cute right and then Rudolph's  like she thinks I'm cute and she start he starts flying righ
t he starts flying he kicks  a ball he pounces and then he starts [ __ ] flying because a good you know ho will do that  the and then he lands no it's not blowing blit lands he lands and hisse Pops off and then s Sant tell father you should be ashed there go exactly that's a good  point he knows listen they cut that out listen you know right now you're sh  your head because you're like oh [ __ ] is so [ __ ] obvious it's [ __ ] obvious  we all knew he was a little light in the Lo it's [ __ ] obv
ious why you think hang  out with baby New Year they wasn't worried about you don't remember baby  new year with the big ass ear all straight deer rap babies is that  what you're no I'm just saying man Rudolph was different and what made him different was  the fact that the nose is just a metaphor to him being gay unless he [ __ ] oh yeah okay I  forgot this the other thing Rudolph's gay Santa yes explain that well that I just explained  we've been we've been talking about how bad of a guy Santa
is this just adds to the list  tell tell me how bad santa he doesn't like Jews either so he's also anti-semitic yes you know  there's only half the people but y' don't know that people not you don't remember in  the year without I didn't really get Hanukkah gifts either so I'm  not a good example hanukkah's corny just doings don't feel like [ __ ] a while who were like yeah don't  they 10 days first of all eight days but it'ss shoes on Monday socks on Tuesday  you got a full suit and you're lik
e this is listen that's not you guys now is this not  Point conversation that we're talking about is holidays for removed all these holiday people all  [ __ ] Pagan Heathen [ __ ] and they try to make it so that we could all enjoy it so that [ __ ]  company can make [ __ ] money off that [ __ ] all right same thing right when you think you're  out of [ __ ] New Year right we're done with New Year's hit us for [ __ ] Valentine's Day I  tell my don't expect [ __ ] on Valentine's Day don't I don't
celebrate Valentine's Day I love  you every day and I give you a gift whenever the [ __ ] I want to as long as you're a good  woman right that [ __ ] they gonna charge you 80 bucks for [ __ ] roses that are 20 bucks  for the rest of the year get the [ __ ] out of here man get CAU up in the [ __ ] man tell  put candy right in front of CBS who buys [ __ ] anyway ladies candy don't never get your wife  C she loves the you love the I get I get it for her all the time lik it like that you like  the h
earts you like the the hearts with in it really over here with a good woman [ __ ]  out of would you feel like missing that wasn't part of the experience like does anybody  really care really care why but then why would you you H day person they just celebrated  like the first day they met and [ __ ] it's like our anniversary I'm like  dude I just by the way he told meat he told me the other day it's my  anniversary I said dude I was at the wedding two months ago what do  you mean it's your anni
versary got married all because pushing for them to have a lot of  babies just so you know I am loing for them guys to have a lot of babies everybody  else out there too man listen don't be [ __ ] cool enough babies man we're not we  can't [ __ ] replenish the [ __ ] jobs are out there [ __ ] like me are going to die  and we need people to come and fill those spots did what I had two [ __ ] kids man I  know how to deal with consequences all right I had two kids I know how to deal with  consequen
ces all right got get ready to go watch the podcast we do this podcast twice a  week we're on every [ __ ] thing except YouTube keeps kicking us off so rumbles the spot to  can I before let check out some quick [ __ ] what did hold on I want to hear what my son said  before because we never read his comment it said the Gere what it say tuck a punch the family  we do what we gota do I don't ra my kid right man by the way when I got banned from B when  I got banned from man my son had my back man
I punched his big [ __ ] in the face IU because  I was like I'm just gonna hit him and he's just gonna get but it was like beautiful I him knock  out one shot I couldn't do it again if I tried but no one knew that so I just stood I got the  power but my son saw that big [ __ ] coming at me and he jumped in with me why did that  guy coming you because some chick pulled AC problem was that I had poured it on so then I  poured my drink her head okay and then some dude jumped out trying to be a hero
and you know you  know what happens to Heroes man get the [ __ ] out of here let him know that we were watching them  man gota go me the thing but good we good we good get out here real quick uh my daughter's here my  daughter Jasmine said I need the extra anxiety the Mets are gonna get as a fan okay there you go Mike  m says don't be jealous of Hanukkah because it's less Michelle Michelle what's up say sorry  Jasmine maybe they will get better although I grew up in Queens always queensy it's m
food of  the commun says what's up and that's everybody listen I don't know if people understand special  this was for me and Brian tonight Brian's still kind of quiet today but I get it there was a  lot of Alphas on the stage today he's still all man I'm not putting him down you got a  good man here I love you guys as a couple I do you're gonna be together forever all right  I want to thank y'all this [ __ ] was special to me listen we to a point where everything's  turning May got news come t
o a point the only time you're gonna hear real [ __ ] in real when  you come out to Live Events whether it's comedy which will always be the voice of the [ __ ]  people podcast like we did today first time ever doing it I love you guys for showing up  man it means the world to me what do you gotta say over there say something what do you got to  say you a part of this did you enjoy yourself if you guys have fun make some [ __ ] noise  for us man I appreciate y'all these [ __ ] showed up I said I
'm doing the podcast  I would love to have youu just jump on Val they on this show I thank  you guys for coming out man my name's that's Brian T check us out on r  g gar and Brian T Lata thank you so much [Music] man [Music] 1:18:52.920,1193:02:47.295 [Music] down [Music] [Music] your birth and you know we  don't give a [ __ ] that's your birthday you find me in the club [Music] [Music] [Music] B [Music] lwood drama [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] SC [Music] 1:21:52.640,1193:02:47.295
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