
Managing your Inbox | Live with Google for Nonprofits Ep. 4

Want to get your email organized before the end of the year? Feeling overwhelmed by you inbox? Tune in to this episode for tips and tricks to manage your email and stay organized. Our special guest will be answering your questions live. Join us every other Thursday on YouTube to hear from the Google for Nonprofits team, get tips from experts, learn about upcoming events, and get your questions answered live.

Google for Nonprofits

Streamed 3 years ago

hi everyone welcome to the fourth episode of live with google for nonprofits my name is alessia i'm a program manager um at google for nonprofits today we're gonna talk about how to manage your inboxes so we're gonna share a few tips and tricks to have a clean and perfect inbox um my colleague meredith is going to walk you through a lot of demos today so stay tuned we have um piloted this live with google for nonprofits episode during the past few months and we received great engagement so the g
ood news is that we are going to continue live with google for nonprofit next year if you check on our channel you can find the recordings of all our past epidemics last time we talked about inclusive meetings you'll also find episode um about giving tuesday and then um online learning with applied digital skills so i encourage you to check our channel subscribe if you always want to be updated on what's new and what's happening next and also enable the notifications you can use the chat on your
right to ask questions uh meredith at the end will save some time to answer questions live but we also have our great team that he is um going to answer questions in the chat as well so with that said i'm gonna pass this over to meredith is going to start the live demo all right thank you so much alessia hello everyone i'm excited to be hosting and to talk about an area that's near and dear to my heart which is what does it look like to get to inbox zero this is how i manage my own inbox and we
wanted to share a bunch of tips with you as everyone sort of you know wrapping up their year and hopefully maybe getting some time off over the holidays and planning for coming back in january being refreshed and ready to go and and hopefully having an inbox that's organized and makes you feel a little bit more zen at that point so we're going to go ahead and share an example inbox so this is uh not not my current inbox um i only have 43 emails here but if your inbox looks like this and has a l
ot more emails maybe you have thousands and i know that that's true for people um we're going to talk a bit about how you can get a little bit of decluttering space and time with some tips so first and foremost we are going into the holiday season if you're taking some time off in the next week or two you might want to think about setting your vacation out of office so what does that look like in gmail if you head on up here to the little gear in the top right you're gonna see some quick setting
s which you can always play with at your leisure but if you go to see all settings there's a bunch more detail here and on the very first tab here under general if you scroll down you'll see an option for setting your vacation responder so there's a lot of great different ways that you can do this i actually personally just did this for my own email and set it to start tomorrow so let's say like me that you're taking a bunch of time off over the holidays it's been a really busy really crazy year
for a lot of people i'm gonna set my vacation responder to start tomorrow on the 18th and i'm actually going to set a last day you don't have to because you can always come back into your gmail settings and turn vacation responder off but if you want to make sure that it doesn't keep going even when you're back checking email let's say you're coming back on the 4th of january right i'm gonna have my autoresponder turn off on the third because hopefully no one's emailing me on a sunday anyway an
d i'm gonna say um out of office i'm gonna put this in quotes because let's be honest we're all out of the office until the new year and here oftentimes best practice is to let folks know that you're out of office and what day you'll be back and then what sort of the contact options are for you um on our team a lot of times we'll say if there's someone else that you know the person can contact um or in the case of uh if your organization uses chat or things like that you could always say hey you
can get a hold of me on chat or here's my cell phone number if it's really an emergency i'm just going to keep it plain and simple and say i'm out of office until jin got a spell january 4th i will answer your email when i return so live typing so i'm not sending this person who's potentially emailing me anywhere else we'll just call it and say i'll get back to them in two weeks now the options that you have after this point first you can only send a response to people that are in your contacts
up to you if you want to use this as an option if you tend to get a lot of emails from folks external to your organization you might want to keep this unchecked you can also choose only to send a response to people in your domain so this is our demo nonprofits account which is why it says that here but imagine that your your g suite or your workspace account for your organization is at if you click this box this autoresponder will actually only send to people that also have that
domain and also have an email at that domain this can be helpful if your response and your out of office is really specific to something internal so you may not want to tell everyone your your cell phone number for example to text you but you may want to set a vacation responder that tells your co-workers how to get a hold of if they need to so i'm going to click save changes here and show you what this looks like so remember i set my vacation responder to start tomorrow when i save changes not
hing looks different and that's working as intended if instead i had actually set my vacation responder because i'm out of office today if we go back in to see all settings and we scroll all the way down i'm going to change this first day to be today the 17th let's say i'm coming back the same day and i'm going to save changes now at the top you see this yellow bar that says out of office until the new year that's the subject line and if i send an email if someone sent an email to me they would
actually get that about out of office response so if you want to end it you can just click end now here or you can always click this vacation settings link and that'll take you back to the page that i just showed you so i'm going to end this because i'm not out of office quite yet so you have your out of office set you're kind of getting ready you're still preparing right you may also want to think about modifying your email signature so if like me you're still working today tomorrow maybe a cou
ple of days next week you may just want to preemptively let folks know in your email signature that you're going to be out for a number of days or you may actually have something that's kind of fun to share maybe your organization's end of year sort of wrap up newsletter or any exciting news about you know the donations and fundraising that you've been doing this month so if you want to set a signature for your email right now if i go to compose you'll see that my email is blank i don't have a s
ignature setup so i'm going to go ahead go into settings and click see all settings and that same general tab if you scroll part way down not all the way to that vacation responder section whoops i skipped it here we go signature and you'll see a little create new button so i'm going to name my new signature i guess work one perhaps you can have more than one signature if you're interested in that and you'll have a box here that allows you to just type straight in if you want and put your name y
ou can put your role organization name and you could save it just like this and some of this functionality lets you modify the text size shape all of that font a best practice i would suggest though is actually to create your signature in a google doc or any other kind of format and design it there and then copy that into this box so i'll show you what i mean if i come up here to drive and i open my drive i actually have an example non-profit email signature template that i created so i'm going
to open this up and here it is it's a little small zoom in so imagine your non-profit has a logo maybe you have your work phone number your email sometimes non-profit well signatures just in general can include things like social media links or that kind of thing so this is just an example template that i created the sneaky trick here if i highlight this is that this is actually a table i made a table with two cells one cell for this picture and one cell for this text and i just formatted it all
in google docs i added in my non-profit logo you know i changed the font color and bolding so all i need to do if i want this to meet my signature in my email is highlight it i'm just going to right click copy that i'm going to go back over to this empty space i'm going to right click and i'm going to paste and there it is so i'm going to go ahead and i was going to say save this i think it's automatically saved oh save changes always check ah you know what i skipped a step this is why we alway
s have to check so i'm gonna come back down here to my signature where did it go default text scrolling too fast there we go so i skipped the defaults piece of this so you need to set your signature defaults because you remember i could create multiple signatures here i'm going to just keep it simple and say for all new emails use work one and if i'm ever replying or forwarding use the same signature and i'm going to go ahead and check the box to insert this before the quoted text because that w
ill make sure that my signature always appears right below the response i'm putting in an email as opposed to way at the very bottom if it's a big thread and the last thing i'm going to show you is if you're thinking about kind of a vacation notice for people one option can be in your signature to just type in please note i will be out of office until the new year and maybe we make this a little bit smaller and maybe we make italics just as a quick fyi to folks when i'm sending them emails today
okay so i'm going to scroll to the bottom and click save and now if i email alessia for example and i want to send her a note i can include here's my whole signature and here's that quick note that i made about being out of office until the new year um you could also share an upcoming exciting article or something happening in q1 sometimes we see people share um you know news and and links and things like that that they want to be sort of intrusively included in emails that they sent okay so we
have our signature we have some notes on being out of office here we have our out of office set up what's next if you are working through the last couple of action items that you have before you're taking off for a little while you might have emails that you're getting ready to send so there's a bunch of stuff you might be trying to wrap up today tomorrow but you know that like most other folks the people you're sending these emails to are probably out of office or otherwise just not going to r
espond right away scheduling your emails to send later can be an amazing trick to actually getting the action item off of your plate and your to-do list you wrote the email you shared the document or whatever it is and gmail will take care of hanging onto that draft and sending it whenever you tell it so i have a draft email that i wrote a little bit ago well i just wrote this one but here's a draft email that i wrote to alessia about our 2021 marketing plan and i'm excited about working with he
r on it here's a first draft this is something that we often do at google but you can do it anywhere if you're using g suite is to link to the google doc that you want somebody to take a look at you don't necessarily have to attach it as long as alessia has access to this dock i've linked she can open it from here and i'm saying hey i'd love for you to review and provide comments by january 10th there's a lot of time for this maybe alessia is already even out of office and i don't want to add mo
re email to her plate for when she comes back so what i can do instead of clicking send now and shooting this off to her and adding to her inbox backup is i can click this little button to the right of send and click schedule send lots of options i'm going to pick a date and time in the future because i know that alessia is going to be out of office for the holidays so i'm going to have this send to her on january 4th let's say we'll do it at 12 o'clock so she'll get at midday maybe she's back o
n the fourth she's going to work through her email backlog then she'll be fresh and ready to go and once i click schedule send you'll get a note down here telling you when you scheduled that email to send and you'll see that it disappeared out of my drafts so it's not a draft email anymore it is waiting in the scheduled list over here and you can see the 1 4 21 whoops to the right of the text of the email saying the date that it's going to send so this can be a really great trick if you want to
get through lots of your action items but you kind of know that you're just going to add to you know the backlog of inbox um backlog of emails that your co-workers are going to come back to schedule those emails to send when folks are back from from the holidays okay now we are going to dig in to one of my favorite things so imagine that you have set up you're out of office you've scheduled all your emails to send sometime in the future now you're just trying to figure out how do i land the year
end the year in box zero right or close to it how do i organize all this stuff that's in here right i have a lot of emails going back a long time there's some stuff in here from 2019 and 2018 that i still haven't taken care of so labels and filtering are going to be your huge tool to be able to organize some of these emails labels are a bit like folders in your email system but better because an email can have more than one label so let's take an example i know for example that i get a bunch of
emails from this non-profit marketing group at my organization and they're all important and i need to read them but i don't necessarily it's not that easy to see them kind of in the flow of all my email and they might be the kind of thing that i actually just want to sit down in action all at one time so what i'm going to do is create a label for this type of email particularly from this group so there's two different ways to create labels the easiest way if you're just going through and clean
ing up your inbox like this is to click the emails that you want to label and come up here you see this little labels button and if i click it i'll see kind of the default labels that google gives you but i'm going to ignore these and i'm going to create a new label here if i click create new i'm going to call these marketing and i'm not going to nest them under anything it's going to be its own label and i'm going to click create and you can see right away that two things happened both of these
emails got a marketing label and a new marketing label showed up in my left hand navigation so these are still in my inbox they're still unread and i also can access them by going to this marketing label and looking at them let's imagine that i'm not really ready to reorganize things yet i just kind of want to label everything so that's fine you've taken care of the labeling as a starting point i'm also going to label a couple of emails that i knew came through from isha she sent me an email th
at she said was an interesting article so i'm going to come back to that later i think i want to set aside some time to read that particular email i'm also going to label a couple of newsletters that i tend to get from outside organizations so philanthropy news digest great kind of more informational i want to set aside separate time to read that maybe news articles if you get you know news to your inbox things like the guardian i'm going to create another label for these and i'm going to label
it something like um read through i want to set aside some time to just read this stuff so i could create the label up here as i showed you before but i'm also going to show you a different way to create labels which is if you go to that settings button at the top and you click see all settings here you can go to the labels tab just to the right of general and see all the labels that you have here's that marketing label i just created and i could create a new label here so i'm going to go ahead
and create a read through whoops through label and i'm going to click create and you can see there's no conversations associated with it yet because i haven't labeled anything and now i'm going gonna go back to my inbox i'm gonna grab those three emails i mentioned so my news and the interesting article from isha i'm gonna click the label button and i'm going to oh there it is read through i was like gosh i thought i just made this and now i'm just going to click read through from the list so no
w you can kind of see different things labeled in different ways if like me you're very visual and everything in gray is not a good way to do it for you i'm going to make marketing pink i'm going to make read through let's make it yellow so now visually i can see the distinction in my inbox so that's a starting point helps you organize you can have things in more than one label if you want to so you could have something that's marketing and read through you can really be flexible with how you us
e it but the next step you want to think about is actually moving things out of your inbox so that when you choose i'm going to sit down and read through something you just open that read-through label and see all the things that you need and it doesn't clutter up your inbox necessarily with things that you're going to action at a different time so i'm going to show you what this looks like let's imagine let's keep our three read through that i know we'll get to these i'm not going to do it righ
t now and i kind of want to clear them out of my inbox so i'm just going to click archive now this sounds scary this doesn't get rid of the emails it doesn't delete them once i click this they're going to disappear out of my inbox but if you see over here it still says read through and it still says three and if i click all three of these emails that i mentioned earlier show up and are still unread so nothing's disappeared nothing's gone anywhere i can click through to isha's email take a look a
nd i can say you know what amazing i read this great article i'm done with it now and i actually don't even necessarily need to keep it because this article you know we'll come back to it at a later time but i don't need this in my email anymore and i can remove this label from the conversation and now it's gone out of read through it's also gone out of my inbox right so that's kind of how i have actioned that particular set of emails now if like me you get a lot of emails from groups or newslet
ters and they're always going to come in maybe every day maybe multiple times a day and you always want them to be labeled in a certain way that's where filtering comes in so if you remember my nonprofit marketing group that i get these emails from i label them both in marketing so i'm going to go ahead and archive these as well out of my inbox remember my inbox number is going down this is positive they're in the marketing label so i can always come back here and see them but imagine i want eve
ry single email i ever get from this non-profit marketing team group to have this label and maybe also to always skip my inbox and always just go to the label for me to look at later that's what filtering does so i'll show you how to set up a filter two different ways to set up a filter there's lots of different ways to do most of these steps if you check the email i want to filter things that look like this email and you come to the top to this little three dots more menu filter messages like t
hese is where you want to go so gmail will sort of helpfully provide you with some options um for how to do this filter i'm gonna go ahead and just say you know what i know that every single email from non-profit marketing team at is always going to be an email i want to have that label applied to like imagine that you always get a particular newsletter or something like that from a particular email i'm going to say i always want to take this email and i'm going to create a fi
lter with it down here you could pick um certain context in the subject line or has the words you could pick emails of a certain size just be aware if you pick things like has the words sometimes you can end up with things inadvertently filtered into that list um your best options are really specific from you know from specific aliases or with very specific subject lines so i'm going to create this filter and i'm going to pick a couple of characteristics to do with this filter so for me as a sta
rting point i always want to apply the label marketing remember that label that we created you could also um always mark the emails as important you could always delete them if you want to you could ensure that they never get sent to spam maybe you have someone who for whatever reason their emails always end up in your spam folder and you want to make sure they never do um you could always mark it as read so you have many options here but the important thing is when you're doing this big inbox c
leanup that hopefully you're thinking about doing before the end of the year you can click this button at the bottom that says always apply filter to the matching conversations so if i had let's say 50 emails in my inbox from this group and i clicked this button it would automatically label all 50 of those so i'm going to go ahead and create this filter and nothing's going to change here because i had already kind of manually picked these two as marketing right now the next step is i'm going to
decide do i just want it to filter everything in my inbox or do i want it to move things around and i think we already talked about i want to move these non-profit marketing group emails out of my inbox right away and straight into this marketing label i'm going to go back to that filter i just created and let me show you how to do that go to settings see all settings whoops let's try that again we're going to go to settings we're going to go to filters and blocked addresses so this tab will a c
ouple of a couple tabs over from general and you can see whoops i did this twice i'm going to delete this one for the purposes of being streamlined here so here's this filter that i created and i told it to apply the label marketing i'm going to edit this so it's going to show me the email that i filtered it's going to show me that i said imply the label marketing i'm actually gonna say skip the inbox just go straight into the marketing label don't even show up in my inbox and i'm gonna update t
his filter so if i go back to my inbox and i ask my colleague alessia to maybe send me an email from that group we'll see it should show up in marketing and this number should go whoops this number just to the left of my cursor should go from two to three and i should have a new email from the non-profit marketing group that actually never came into my inbox but did end up exactly where i wanted it to go which was into the marketing labels that i can action it at a future time so we'll give ales
sia a little bit of time to magically send me that email and for it to magically arrive in my inbox and then i'll show you from there how we actually use the concepts of labeling and a filtering to create multiple inboxes and don't worry multiple inboxes sound scary it's actually it's the key to using your inbox to sort of set up what you need to action what you're waiting on from other people what you need to read through and engage with in the future all right excellent so we were refreshed an
d now i magically have three if you can see it to the left of my cursor didn't show up in my inbox went straight to marketing and alessia just sent this email at 12 28 pm pacific time so that's what it looks like to filter something skip that inbox and archive it into the label that you care about okay so this is what multiple inboxes looks like let's show you the steps here's a normal inbox your list of emails all in a row organized by date for the most part if you want multiple inboxes click o
n the settings and click see all settings again and you'll see up here in inbox so two tabs over from general a bunch of options for how to organize your inbox so right now i'm set to default and you can see there's lots of options right you could have unread first you could have start or priority i'm going to click multiple inboxes and now interestingly i have five different sections that i can set up alongside your normal incoming email inbox so i'm going to make one of the sections for that m
arketing label that i just created and i'm going to make another section for read through so how do you set up the sections each section is associated with a label so you can see here section one we're going to make this label i'm going to delete the word strategy i'm just going to borrow the exact same text as the label marketing and then you can name the section whatever you want so i'm going to say marketing action items because i want them all to go in one place and my second section which i
s going to show up for me to the right of my inbox i'm going to make this be the read through label that i just created with those articles so the label is going to be just type label with a colon and then it's going to be read through same text as the label and then in the section name i'm going to just say read later if you're like me and you like to sit down in the morning you know with your cup of tea or coffee and just sort of get started reading things this can be a really great way to jus
t go to that part of your inbox so you can scroll down and see some of the other features throughout you can see how many conversations show up for the different sections if you want a lot versus a little you can move the position of your other inboxes so i'm going to keep right of the inbox checked and you'll see what that looks like but you could always have above or below when you have multiple inboxes turned on you don't have a reading pane which is something that i think sometimes folks who
've used outlook are used to so keep that in mind you'll have to click into an email to read it and last but not least i'm not going to override filters i'm going to keep everything the way it is and i'm going to click save changes and you guys are going to see what this looks like aha so now all of a sudden i have a lot going on right i have my inbox on the left my normal inbox that everyone already saw then i have two more sections i have marketing action item marketing action items with those
three emails same emails that are in this label if i click here i also have my read later from the guardian and philanthropy news digest and if like me you want to know you know what do i need to do today one thing that you can think about doing is creating multiple inboxes on the right or above or below depending on the layout you want and then filtering everything into the right place and then using your inbox sort of as your to-do list so i'll show you what this looks like we already talked
about read later here's another philanthropy news digest it's a news article um i could make a filter for this or i could just as i'm cleaning up my inbox say you know what i want to put this in read through see how it shows up over here and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to click archive on this pnd news it's going to disappear out of my left hand inbox and it's only going to be in my read later so now i'm moving things around i'm organizing what's otherwise kind of a crazy unorganized
inbox right so that i have all the things i want to read later in one place um so i'm going to check out you know this review proposal that fiona sent me that's great if she wants me to review it i'm going to go ahead and decide to read through that on a later date so i'm going to apply and hit archive and now fiona's email is over here and if i know that i'm going to get to read later eventually but i don't even want to see it right now i can just click the little chevron read later doesn't go
anywhere just visually cleans things up for me last but not least the one thing that i do so so now for example um if i get another non-profit marketing group email it's going to automatically show up over here in marketing action items because this part of my inbox is defined by that marketing label so the last thing i'm going to show you and then we'll hop over to q a questions from folks any other ideas or thoughts people want to see demoed i'm going to show you my tip and i learned this from
somebody else at google who is a productivity guru um and i learned it probably well gosh i don't know six or seven years ago it like changed my life is having part of your let's go to labels having part of your inbox be a to-do list so i'm going to create a new label because remember multiple inboxes are defined by those labels and this label is going to be just to do really straightforward and now i'm gonna go to my inbox tab and i'm gonna create a section well in a normal world where i want
this in a different order it would have been section one for me but we'll make it section three it's fine i can always move it later and i'm gonna make this to do and i'm just gonna call this i'm just gonna call it to do we'll keep it straight forward so now what i can do so you'll see my to-do box here has nothing in it is i can very quickly every morning a couple times a day depending on your setup go through my incoming email and just quickly filter it into the right place is this something i
have to read right now or can i read it later great put it in the read later folder is it a marketing action item great put it in the marketing action item kind of area and look at that inbox later and for me i use the to-do part of my multiple inboxes to just say i need to action this pretty quick like basically this week so i can move a bunch of stuff into that to-do list so i'm going to say eric's asking for feedback fiona would like me to look at this feature request and i'm going to say th
at this upcoming volunteer training i have to review and maybe alessia needs an update on the donations that we've been capturing this month all of these i have to action this week or maybe before the end of the day i'm going to label them all to do and i'm going to archive them over to my to-do list and now if you really want to get you know you could make the to-do label like really bright red or something like that so that as you're moving things and archiving them you can see where they're g
oing so you can slowly start to pare down what seems like a really intractable number of emails in your inbox into stuff that's more actionable for you the other tip i will say this is one of my favorites as well you can create part of your inbox that is emails you are waiting for other people to respond to and i know that sounds a little bit silly but um for example if i have a proposal and i'm waiting for fiona to give me feedback via email i don't want to forget that i've asked her to give me
feedback because maybe fiona's busy and it's going to take her a little while and i may need to ping her again but i also don't want it cluttering up my inbox i can create a label and i have this in my own inbox personally that's called waiting and i will filter messages that i've sent into that waiting folder and like once a week i'll just pull it up and look and see like oh do i need to ping this email again to remind this person and once fiona responds with their feedback i take it out of wa
iting it's gone out of my inbox or maybe it goes into my to-do so all tips for how to think about organizing things and moving them around and remember once you're done with your to-do list right so alessia wants to know about our plan to increase donations let's say that i've worked on it i reply or working on it also love that my signature is showing up i can send this or remember i can schedule it to send later and then maybe i take it out of my to-do well this is maybe a bad example because
if i'm going to get back to her in january it's probably still on my to-do list but imagine that i just linked the plan and i said hey i already have a plan here it is all i have to do is click to remove this label and if i go back to my inbox my to-do list is now getting shorter so that's how you should definitely think about coordinating organizing and i hope that you have a lot of fun moving things around in your email if you get stuck you've never deleted anything right like as i showed you
when you archive out of your inbox it ends up in a label if you take the label off where does the email go if you click the little chevron to the left on your left hand pane and look at more you can always look in all mail everything you've ever had is in here oh my gosh it's all in one place you can also check trash if instead of archiving something you might have deleted it but unless you've literally gone to your trash and clicked to empty it your email's never gone it's just moved around to
different parts of the experience okay i'm gonna hop over and see if there are any questions and i see as a starting point um that we had a live question from terry how and where do you add contacts and create groups excellent question so if i wanted to create a group so that non-part nonprofit marketing group that i created you actually do that in google groups so there's two different ways to get there one is just in a chrome browser just open a new browser and it's groups an
d then when you click through if you're logged in to your g suite account or your workplace account um as a as a nonprofit organization you'll be taken to the group's interface and it looks like this ah so there's the group that i was showing you all so this is where you'd create a new group the other option is if you go up to this little nine dot icon up here and click it you can see all the other connected apps associated with your g suite or workplace account and if you scroll down you'll see
groups and here's where you'll also see contacts and you can start building out your contacts in that way as well all right another live question can you just drag and drop from your inbox to the other folders an excellent question i actually don't know the answer so we're gonna try it live what do we want to filter eric's notes from our last team meeting if i grab this and i pull it over to read through it works so yes i love it this is what we have to do live i learned um filtering and labels
and multiple inboxes a long time ago so i have like keyboard shortcuts and stuff that i use but yes you can drag and drop as well and i'm not sure if you can do it with more than one email at the same time let's try what if we want to take eric's hmm let's get a good example fiona's vacation schedule and fiona's happy holidays and let's see if we move them both to oh yeah you can do it with more than one email well there you go excellent live demonstration of dragging and dropping all right any
other thoughts or questions happy to cover other things alessia do you have any favorite email tips that you use in your own gmail yes i use a lot the important label it's automatic so you can actually teach to the system what's important for you and that's very useful to me yeah that's a great one so you can see it's this little chevron i guess it's a chevron to the right of the star and when you click it you get a little kind of interstitial that says click to teach your so demo nonprofits is
our kind of domain but your account that this conversation is or is not important um so if i said like everything from esha is important then probably over time when isha's emails come in they're actually going to be marked as important and if you remember in the email settings when i showed you in inbox so i have multiple inboxes set up right now but you can have an inbox type that is important first and so that will divide the emails you've marked as important and that kind of gmail learns ov
er time you care about as slightly separate from everything else that comes into your inbox so that can be a slightly different way of organizing yeah that's a really good one whoops now i need to leave settings so i'm going to cancel other thoughts alessio i think there is another question could you show people how to enable the reminder to reply oh is that the nudge is that what we think i think so okay so if you go into your settings in general there is a in general in the general tab there i
s a lot of really good stuff in here i would highly recommend you play around with a lot of the different features and functionality i believe that the nudge reminder is in here yeah okay so if you scroll down about part way down the page you'll see nudges and you can click to learn more you'll get a little pop-up that tells you more about what nudges are this is actually really good to know as well all the stuff where it says learn more throughout gmail will pop up a help center article that wa
lks you through that feature in more detail so nudges will both suggest emails to reply to so something that gmail thinks is important that it seems like you just didn't respond to and we all know this happens like things get kind of quote unquote lost in people's inboxes um nudges will also suggest emails to follow up on so if i send something to alessia and it's been a couple of days sometimes it'll nudge and it'll show up on the top of your inbox and just basically say you emailed alessia fiv
e days ago did you want to to remind her about this and then you can click and it will take you into the email and then you can go ahead and remind so that's a great feature and probably on the on the other side i would also receive an ad yeah my performance replied my email exactly the email looks like i need to take an action on something but i didn't follow up yeah absolutely let me show a couple of other things in email that i find super helpful undo send this is maybe one of the most import
ant gmail settings you will ever enable if you've ever had an email that you've sent where you've realized after you've clicked the sent button that like you spelled your own name wrong in your signature or you you know forgot to link something or you forgot to add somebody in to the email undo send is is the savior i think on my email i have it set at either 20 or 30 seconds it's also a really good um gut check because if you send something and then like a second later you're like i shouldn't r
eworded it like that this helps you get it back so if you have the send cancellation period set to a couple of seconds what'll happen is if i save these changes and i go back to my inbox and i compose a note to alessia's getting all my email today um here's an important thing and then i just move in too fast and i click send and then i realize like oh my gosh i didn't include a link down here message sent i can click undo for up to the number of seconds that i specified and if i have there we go
if i click undo i'll get the email back and then i can add in the link that i don't have top of mind right now let's say that i'm sending alessia the non here's the template to set up your own signature and i'm gonna hyperlink this whole phrase and i'm gonna put in the url and now i'm gonna send it now i don't have to worry about it if you never click undo in the number of seconds you've specified that email will show up in alessia's inbox so that's a really important tip as well all right last
but not least one more question will those groups i create show up when i schedule meet sessions they should you should be able to well so in calendar for example you can invite a group to a calendar invite and then that'll have a google meet link in that invite and anyone who's in the group will get the calendar invite and then be able to access that google meet link so great question okay well obviously i'm excited about gmail and inbox zero and being organized so i could talk about this fore
ver but i'm sure everyone has to get back to other things um so yeah thank you so much for joining us hopefully we answer some good tips for you and best of luck organizing all of your email going into the new year thanks meredith for the great presentation we're gonna keep the chat open for a couple of seconds so in case there are questions they're still being answered um important thing we post most of our external engagements whether it's live streams or resources that we create for nonprofit
s on our social channels so make sure you do follow our social channels and you engage with them because we we try to make sure that we share relevant content you can also post your questions on our community and you other nonprofits might be jumping in to help you and give you advice very important this live show was born because we heard your feedback and we knew that you need tips from us on how to manage inbox or like you want us to connect to to different organizations so that's why we host
ed a live stream with given tuesday so it's important that we hear from you and we know what's useful to you so share your feedback about this session let us know what you would like to see in the future and thanks everyone happy holidays and we hope to see you soon on this channel next year bye you



Thank you Meredith and Alessia! Great tips


Thank you, that was a useful overview.