
Memory Technology - the True Enabler of the AI Era

The Changing the World with Chips - Introduction to Semiconductors is an interactive, seminar based, one-credit hour course to introduce semiconductor technology, its role in our life, impact, and career opportunities to science and engineering students. Every week there will be one fifty-minutes session where industry representatives will discuss relevant semiconductor products, company profiles, career prospects, and answer questions from students. The course is open to students from the College of Engineering, School of Engineering Technology, Computer Science, Physics and Math.

Semiconductors @ Purdue

23 hours ago

(upbeat music) (upbeat music) (bright music) (bright music) (upbeat music) - Before I go and introduce our, his team and special guest today, I would like to ask, how many of you folks are expecting to graduate around the horizon of 2028? Just roughly? You know, maybe at least half of the class, right? So I guess just one hour ago, we actually wrap out a very exciting event, hosting our guests from SK Hynix, including their CEO. So we are, you know, they announced very exciting development right
here in Indiana, which basically will be their second home in US for the leading edge memory chips production, what we call HBM, I believe our guest speaker today will, you know, shortly introduce this technology as a core of today's AI revolution, right? So, you know, by the end of, I guess 2028, around your graduation, there will be, you know, hundreds and thousands of new jobs, exciting career opportunities in this domain, you know, right here in Indiana. So very exciting times indeed, and l
ook forward to, you know, seeing new generation of workforce joining this very important evolution, right? So how we can make our future AI models more powerful, empowered by a fundamental technology, which we will talk about today. So if we look at this chart, right? Briefly, we have seen an explosion of AI model sizes, right? Driven by the increasingly large foundation models or, you know, transformer models, empowering today's chatbots like ChatGPT. But if you think about the data movement re
quired to move the training data around supporting the training workloads, and as well as inference workloads, there is huge demand for memory, right? It is almost like how would you support, you know, like heavy traffic between West Lafayette and in Annapolis. So it's not only about capacity, right? Holding as much data as possible on chip in the system, but also the bandwidth, right? How do you communicate through all this tiny but powerful course inside of a GPU into the center and edge devic
es? So it's almost like if you expand your number of lengths for the I 65, right? From bus Latvia to Indy, you know, from two to three lengths to let's say eight or 16 or even more lengths, you'll get a much better traffic, right? As a result, your efficiency will be higher to support many of these emerging workloads, right? And at the core of this technology, our guest speaker today is Dr. Hoshik Kim. Dr. Kim is the vice president and fellow of the memory system research at SK Hynix, one of the
leaders in the memory chips, right? Memory technologies for today's AI hardware revolution. It's our good pleasure today to have him on campus to co-announce our special, you know, development in Indiana for the future jobs and opportunities for you folks, as well as giving us this very exciting lecture and talk about what's really behind this wave of AI revolution, and what's the role of memory technologists behind, especially behind SK Hynix. Let's welcome Dr. Kim. (audience applauding) - Tha
nk you, Professor Lee, for introduction. My name is Hoshik Kim. I am leading research memory systems and path finding research at SK Hynix. My team is based in San Jose, California. So I was originally based in Seoul, Korea until last year, but now I'm relocated to San Jose to work more closely with our customers and partners in the ecosystem. So, because most of our customers in the AI field are, you know, in the United States, you know, hyperscalers and partners like Nvidia, Intel, all those p
artners are in United States. So we need to work more closely together with our customers and partners here. Also, we, as Dr. Lee also has announced it, we have announced, we had a monumental announcement today. We are gonna build a big HBM fabrication facility in the state of Indiana. And then we are expecting to open the operation around 2028. You know, it's just about the same time as you guys are graduating. So we are gonna have good jobs and offering a good industry in the east state of Ind
iana. And then we will also invite a lot of ecosystem personal into this area to make this a reality. So memory technologies. So how many have you guys heard about DRAM and NAND? Oh, you know DRAM and NAND. Oh, good. Then how many have you heard about HBM? All right, good, good number. I didn't know anything about HBM when I was in sophomore, freshman. As I said, I got a C on my computer access class when I was in sophomore, and now I became a computer architect. So even if you are not good at i
t right now, you can still change the world with chips. Alright, before I start and talk about memory technology, I'd like to talk briefly about my journey into this semiconductor industry. So I graduated my undergrad school in Korea and then moved to California to study my master's in PhD degrees. And at the beginning, I studied in electrical engineering, and then later I was attracted to computer engineering. So when I was in college, when I took my first computer architecture class on my soph
omore, I didn't feel interested. I was not interested, attracted to computer architecture, so I was a poor student. And then later as I studied electrical and computer engineering in California, I found, I started enjoying my computer architecture class, and then attracted to this area. And then I started delving into that area more and more, and then later started VLSI systems and then design automation. And so I got my PhD in computer architecture and then computer design of VLSI system. So du
ring these years, all the years, I learned about computer architecture, VLSI and software algorithm, those kind of basic stuff. So I never imagined at that time I would work in a memory industry at the time. And then I, my interest and specialty has evolved. So after finishing my school, I joined Intel as a CAD engineer. These days, they don't call it CAD engineer, they, people start calling about EDA, electronic design automation, because CAD, mechanical CAD, architecture CAD, all day call CAD.
So they start to differentiate CAD of electrical system as an EDA system. So I was a CAD engineer because I majored, I specialized in CAD when I was in school. So I developed a lot of tools, format verification tool, timing analysis, and even spice circuit simulators. And then I worked on a defining design automation methodology for Intel's own proprietary CP products. So during that time, I learned about hardware design and software development skills because CAD is basically a software tool,
which is automating design of VLSI circuits. So it's in between software and hardware side. So you have to understand the hardware circuit, and then you have to understand the software and algorithm, computational theory. So it's in the middle, it's the good mix. So I studied CAD and then studied my career as a CAD engineer, and then I wanted to do more than that. So I wanted more, I want to involve design myself rather than, you know, setting, supporting design as a CAD engineer, tool engineer.
So I joined the design team, SOC design team, and started working on SOC design. But leveraging my background in CAD, I started working on SOC design as a design automation engineer, which means using variety of automation tool like EDA tools. I was setting design flow and methodology from the big, from spec to final chips. So I was working on the design automation flow, and then I also worked on a pre silicon verification of SOC and IPs. When you fabricate your design into real chips, it's gon
na take millions of dollars, right? Hundreds of millions of dollars. So you need to make sure your design is correct, otherwise you are wasting a lot of money. So in fact, Intel, for a company like Intel, about 70% of design cycles and resources are spending on verification. So designing verification takes more time and resources than designing itself because you have to make sure. There was a famous incident in 1994, which you probably would know, nobody knows about it. So Intel at that time, I
ntel developed a Pentium processor and produced it. And then there was a famous 14-point error incident. So they actually sold a lot of chips and then some mathematicians found the, some error in 14 points calculation. And then they record it, and then it was costing huge amount of dollars to Intel. And then they started in recognizing verification is very important. So they started investing a lot methodologies and automation to verification. So I was part of that. And then moving from a design
automation engineer at that time, I decide to go back to Korea for my family reasons. So I joined LG Electronics, SOC division, as an SOC design engineer. So at that time, LG was a very good at mobile phone business and TVs. Nowadays, LG is not doing business in mobile phone, but at the time it was very weak. So LG decided to build their own mobile AP, mobile application processor. So I joined the team and I led the development there. So I moved from automation to design side and architecture s
ide. And then I did a lot of SOC platform architecture design, and also developed a memory controller. So SOC needs a memory controller, memory interface. SOC also needs a DDL, DRAM. So all the electronics need DRAM. So I started designing a DRAM controller and DRAM interfaces. That's why I was introduced to memory from CAD engineer to here. So I developed a lot of chips for phones and TVs. If you buy LG TV these days, no, that is including my IP, my SOC I developed. So I learned that process, I
learned during that process, I learned how to design SOC product, actual product and the high volume manufacturing. High volume manufacturing is also very important. Designing is one thing, but when you actually produce it and manufacture in high volume, it's totally different stories. You need, a lot of things that need to be taken care of. So I learned that product engineering and it's high volume manufacturing. And then because of this, my exposure to memory controller, later I joined SK Hyn
ix. The currently working, I'm working at, working for. Now, I became a memory systems architect. So I'm currently leading various research and path finding activities in the area of memory systems and solutions, including software solutions for mostly data center architectures and AI, and hardware and software. So these days, you are relying on, your daily life is relying on a lot of data centers and cloud service providers, right? You are using Google, Facebook, Instagram, every day, right? So
those, all the service are now being supported by cloud service and data centers. And every data centers needs memory. And actually the most computing bottleneck, computation bottleneck is actually memory bottleneck. So if you later, if you further study computer architecture, almost half of computer architecture topic is about memory architecture, memory system architecture, because of Von Neumann architecture, have you heard about Von Neumann architecture? Do you know Von Neumann? Right, righ
t. Von Neumann architecture is basically all the data and programming code this in memory, and there's a computation unit and the memory unit, there always have to be a transfer of data between computation unit and memory unit. So because of that definition, all the current computing devices based on that Von Neumann architecture concept. So memory is the bottleneck. - Sorry, just that a little bit because, can you try? Can I see if it's on? Yeah, it's on. - Okay. So, yes. So if you think about
A plus B equals C, right? Let's say you do the computation, right? You need to retrieve road A and B from memory and do the computation. And then again, you have to write back the C to the memory, right? So A plus B is now very quick, is very, can be done very quickly, right? Because of the advance of CP technologies, they can compute very quickly, but actually loading data from A and B and then writing back to see is taking more time. So all the bottlenecks and memory interfaces. So, I'm workin
g on, right now, our customer systems rather than working directly on the device itself, I'm working on more like a memory systems, which is our customer system, like a data center, AI, hardware training, inference system. So that I analyze those system and then where the bottleneck is, and then mostly it's a memory system, right? Memory bottleneck. So I propose a new architecture and solution, how to optimize our customer's system, have better performance, better TCOs, better, low capacity, low
power consumption. So I propose those ideas, and then we do a proof of concept verification with our customer systems. And then designing, basically designing future memory solution products. So my team is responsible for defining new solution, next generation products for data centers, AI systems, and ET devices on IOT device. So during this process, I learned about AI system, hardware, and software. Also, I learned about data analytics and database systems because data analytics and database
system is, if you may not, you may not heard much about data analytics and databases, but today in data centers, all the datas, your Instagram data, Facebook data, all the datas are stored in data analytics platform. And then if you want to do an AI inferencing service, all the data, you have to retrieve all the data from data analytics and database system, it consumes a lot of memory and storages. So we study data analytics systems and cloud computing data systems, all those heavy memory users,
I learned about it or learned about system. So I evolved from CAD engineer to a verification engineer and SOC designer and now a memory systems architect. And I don't know what will be the next, my journey. So I'm personally interested in these days on an advanced packaging and interconnect technology at the chip level and silver level. So my interest is still evolving and my personal expertise and career is I think evolving. So be curious, what I want to say to a (indistinct), is be curious an
d open and willing to adapt to new challenges and then always work to learn. So every time I change my jobs, I change company, the reason, the criteria I chose to the next job and next company was, what can I learn, right? Rather than just whether they give more money, more salary. That's not my choice criteria. So my choice of criteria is how I can grow professionally, technically, right? So, yes. So when I worked at LG at designing SOC, I found that memory is a bottleneck of all the performanc
e. So I started to understand and appreciate the technology of memory interfaces and then I like to contribute to that, and I like to learn more about memory. So that's how I joined it, joined the SK Hynix. And then now I started to realize that, oh, all the bottlenecks and performance gap, personal gap is between interconnect at the chip level, inside the chip, there's a multiple IPs, right? The interconnect between multiple IP is also important and chip to chip interconnect is also important.
And in the data center, solve node to solve node is, solve to solve interconnect is also very important. That's actually another bottleneck, performance bottleneck in the system. So everything is very hard topic these days. So I'm personally interested in that area. And then the risk facility we have actually announced today is about advanced packaging manufacturing facility. So advanced packaging is all about actually interconnect. Packaging nowadays, packaging requires heterogeneous integratio
n like logic process, memory process. And due to limitation of Moore's law, Moore's law is actually nearing the limitation. So we cannot scale and we cannot put a lot of new transistors into single dye anymore. So whether we have to assemble multiple dyes, dye to dye, right? We have to assemble multiple dyes. And we have even talking about stacking multiple dye in 3D. So that's what advanced packaging facility and manufacturing does. So to do that, everything is about interconnect, how do we int
erconnect multiple chips, multiple dyes. So this, that's HBM, actually, that's HBM. So HBM is High Bandwidth Memory. HBM is a crucial ingredient of today's AI hardware, including GPU. This is actually picture of HBM, GPU, Nvidia GPU, the left side pictures, Nvidia GPU. In the center, there's a golden dye, right? That's Nvidia GPU. And then on above and below that, there are three each, right? Black dye, three on top, and three on bottom, right? That's HBM. So HBM and GPU are tightly integrated t
ogether into single package to serve better, to serve GPU better in terms of bandwidth and power and latency. So that's how you integrate and interconnect between GPU and HBM. So in between, there's a silicon interposer, there's another technology which is integrating GPU and then HBM. And also inside HBM, if you look at this right hand side, this is a 3D view of HBM. HBM is basically stacking multiple dye on top of each other. So it goes up to like a 12-high right now, 12 stack. And at the bott
om there's logic dye, logic dye is actually, include peripheral logic, IEO (indistinct), and those kind of logic process, which is communicating with the DM dye. So that's another interconnect. So we call the TSV through silicon beer, if you see these little things. So basically we drill holes in multiple dyes of memory chips, and then connecting each other through a metal layer. So, that's another interconnect. So this is a particular technology, which is very challenging to implement and in ma
nufacturing. So SK Hynix is actually number one leader in this domain. So that's why current Nvidia chips, if you buy Nvidia and Nvidia GPU chips, a hundred percent of HBM is from SK Hynix. We are the sole provider of HBM. So that's why this HBM is a crucial ingredient of GPU and AI system. So now that we talked about SK Hynix and memory industry a little bit. So I'd like to show where we stand in terms of top 10 semiconductor makers by revenue. If this is our last year's record. So we ranked nu
mber six in total top 10 semiconductor makers. Intel was number one, and then Samsung, Qualcomm, Broadcom, Nvidia. Actually, we were number three last year. And then we moved to number six now because of last year was a historic downturn of memory industry. So memory industry has interesting. So memory is high capital expend, require high capital expenditure, meaning it's a very equipment heavy, investment heavy. If you start building a facility, you have to invest like billions of dollars, righ
t? And then let's say you decide to increase the HBM capacity, HBM manufacturing capacity more today, then it takes more than, like more than a year. It takes about two years, two to three years to produce a new memory in manufacturing because you have to build the fabrication facilities and then you have to install the equipment. That's why even though we have announced the big investment in Indiana today, the actual operation will be happening in 2028. So predicting future is very difficult. W
e don't know what will happen in three years, right? So this rapidly changing AI world, I don't know what will happen. And then what kind of new processing technology or what kind of new algorithm will happen in three years, right? So right now, AI is heavily dependent on GPU and HBM. But will it continue to depend on HBM and GPU in three years? Do we know that? I don't know, right? No one knows that, but we have to decide to invest our investment today. So let's say we decide to invest, we fore
casted that HBM will continue to prevail in this industry, then we decide to invest HBM and expand our capacity. Then later, three years, actually no one uses HBM anymore. Then we are in big trouble, right? So predicting future is very difficult, but very important for many companies. So that's why our team is researching future system, future AI, where this AI will go to help our company to make a decision, important decision, and to predict the future and prepare the future. So last year becau
se of that, so that's the nature of memory company. Because of that, there is always you know, supply and demand issue, right? So every time we increase our facility, then at some point there's oversupply, then memory industry goes downtown cycle, and then later the demand increase. Then we are insured, with supplies insured, and then our prices go up, you know, then we make a lot of money, right? And then there's a cycle every two years or some or so. So last year was a history downturn, so tha
t's why our company's revenue declined to six in the rank. But traditionally we are in within five, within top five. So, but interestingly, if you've seen top 10, oh, this year, Micron has dropped below 10. It was actually, Samsung was another big memory, in memory manufacturer, and Hynix was another second actually. And Micron was also among top five until last year. But now because of that historic downturn, Micron bought off from this list, and then Nvidia, Nvidia and Broadcom jumped into top
five, right? Nvidia and Broadcom was below nine, below top five before. But Nvidia is because, obvious because of GPU, and Broadcom hit up because of Broadcom produced a lot of AI accelerator for bigger companies like Google and Microsoft, those kind of big companies are developing their own AI chips, but actually that design service is being done by Micron are broken. So that's why their rank went up. So the point I want to make is, among these top 10 or top five, top semiconductor in manufact
urers, memory companies are among top five, top 10 companies. So when I was in college or my early career, I didn't even thought about joining memory. I never imagined I would work for a memory company. Frankly speaking, I was interested more like SOC design and computer design, and as a CAD engineer, CAD engineers are dealing with automating complicated chip design by modern advanced computer algorithm. But memory was to me at, when I was, earlier when I was younger, to me, memory looks like a,
it's a fairly structured design and full custom circuit design. So that was some, that looks a little boring to me. So I decided to join CPU company and SOC company, and then later I learned that, oh, memory is very complicated, there are various technology and also it dictates, and then it dominates all the overall performance. And then nowadays, because of this AI, event of this AI technology, people started to realize memory is a key component because all GPUs, as you know, Nvidia GPU is ins
ured right now, but one of the big cause of that short supply, short production is because of HBMs supply issue. So they need more HBM, even though they have GPU production. If HBM is, they don't have enough HBM, they cannot produce a GPU because GPU and HBM has to be integrated together in same packaging. So, and there are a lot of AI hardware accelerator companies and startups, including hyperscaler, many big tech companies like Google, Microsoft, those companies are also building their own AI
chips. They try to diverge from Nvidia, but they all need, at the end of the day, they all need HBM, all the, they realize that all the bottlenecks and memory interfaces. So we are in, we need to expand our production of HBM. So that's, people started to realize the importance of memory technology. And then we are actually working with many, many companies, many, many chip companies, including hyperscalers, Nvidia, you know, Intel, startups, they all request more memory interface, more memory s
upply from us. And then they want to research together to innovate the AI hardware system together because they realize this memory is a key component. So that's the point I want to make here. And then talking about memory company and SK Hynix, we are second in DRAM market. Samsung is about 40%, we are about 35%. And then there's a NAND business. So do you recognize the difference between DRAM and NAND? DRAM is a volatile memory. So it's basically, it's used for computation. And NAND is a non-vo
latile memory, meaning that once you store some data in NAND, even if you turn off the power, then the data is reserved. So NAND is used for storage, right? So DRAM is used for computation. So if you think about your iPhone, if you store your photos, those photos will be stored in NAND and then if you do, if you want to do text messaging, if you want to do, if you want to unload your posting, or if you wanna do something gaming, then those data is from DRAM. So DRAM is for computation, but NAND
device can have a higher capacity. They can hold more data in a smaller spaces. But DRAM, but NAND interface is slower, accessing data from NAND is taking more time than DRAM. That's why DRAM is used for computation. And DRAM is more expensive and NAND has a relatively higher capacity than DRAM, and then more cost effective. So we are also number two to three depending on the time. So we are about number two to three in NAND business right now. So memory, I said memory is everywhere around our l
ives, right? Memory goes to cell phone, AI system, and even head mount display like Oculus and your cars, automotive, computation, data center, and everywhere, everywhere needs, if you need, if you have compute device, memory is everywhere. So now we are relying on, our life is heavily dependent on our data centers and cloud services, right? They are heavily using memories and DRAM. Data centers are crunching and producing massive amounts of data every day in real time. So even though, I mean, t
hey are using a lot of memory and data, but they are also making new datas every day and every time, right? You put more data, especially in this AI world with generative AI technology, they are generative AI itself is producing new datas, new information. So that all goes through memory and storages. So this AI, big data, cloud computing, all requires increasingly higher bandwidth and capacity from memory to manipulate this ever-growing amount of data. Higher bandwidth, meaning as Professor Lee
talked about, they need more data in a certain period of time, right? In a second, we need more data to be consumed and processed. That's high bandwidth and capacity is a large amount of data to store. However, this memory is very expensive. If you think about data, server costing, overall server costing data centers, about 30 to 40% of data center server courses, a memory cost. That's why this memory company's making good money and at least among top five to top 10 companies in overall semicon
ductor company. So nowadays, because of this data center world, world is heavily relying on memories and the data centers and AI. Now memory takes the center stage of the computer game. It was in the center from the beginning, but no, but for the time being, people concentrate on CPUs and CPU. Now because of this AI systems, AI world, people started to realize the memory is a key component. So memory goes to the center of the stages. Now we call it memory centric computing era. So one makes AI,
data makes AI, right? So to make AI system smart, you need to train your system. Motion learning is training your system and data, you have to, machine has to understand your action, your history, right? Everything, best data in the form of data. And then data is making AI possible. And also, again, AI with generative AI, especially, generative AI is making new datas and producing new data every day, every time, every hour, every second. So there's a cyclic transformation of data. Data makes AI,
AI makes data. These AI, these data are all residing in memory devices. So however, so this AI and machine learning technology is a very memory intensive technology. It requires a lot of memory operation, memory data read and write activities. This AI algorithm requires a large data sets to train this neural network models. And also GPU, when GPU inference do inference operation, GPU requires high bandwidth, high capacity memory for this memory intensive training and inferencing of this large l
anguage model, right? Large language model has a huge amount of motor parameters that those motor parameters need to reside in memory, especially in HBM to be processed by GPU. So this is heavily memory dependent technology. So now, in order to make this AI system very costly, I mean, AI system means very expensive system right now. So it requires, if you wanna do training, it requires like thousands and million, tens of hundreds of thousands of GPU, which is, you know, causing a lot, right? So
we need to find more cost effective way to process this AI training and inferences. So to do that, memory needs to play a key role to make it more high bandwidth and high capacity in more cost effective manner. And then we have to, we even have to design the whole system together with the GPU companies and CPU companies to better utilize our memory rather than just focusing on producing more capacity and more memory, more bandwidth into the memory device itself. We have to work with our customer
s and AI systems overall. Sometimes we have to work with the software algorithm guys to innovate the way we handle memory traffic in computer computation. So that's actually my team is doing, right? My team is not working directly on the DRAM itself. We are working on a software ecosystem and overall system level. So AI is still, but AI as Jensen, Nvidia CEO, Jensen Huang said, AI is still at the beginning of the workload stages. Actually, AI started to boom last year, right? We talked about DNN
and computer vision and speech recognition about like several years ago, but suddenly it boomed up because of this ChatGPT announced last year, right? Because ChatGPT or everyone is talking about AI system, right? And no more people like us started to pay attention to AI until last year, we didn't, we heard about AI, but we didn't really use AI, right? Itself. But nowadays, everyone is using ChatGPT right now. So it's gonna go up, right? At least for 10 years, right? Jensen predicted that this
AI boom will go like more than 10 years and then this is actually second year, right? Or this AI boom. So we need to continuously invest hardware system that makes our AI service possible, right? That's why OpenAI has invested this, publicly announced that they are gonna build a whole ecosystem and whole hardware system themselves, and then it started to invest no astronomic amount of money to their hardware system. However, I don't know, this can be sustainable, right? This, it simply needs nuc
lear power plant to support these AI training data centers. And then we need like millions of GPUs, which is very expensive these days, and then a lot of power, real estate to build that data center in this land. So we have to figure out how to make this AI hardware system more cost effective, more or less, consume less power. So in that innovation, GPU guys also has to invest a lot. And then software algorithm, AI model, and model developer has to also invest a lot. But we have a memory company
, memory technology also has a key role and responsibility to make it more cost effective. And we have to lead the innovation. So only with that help of AI memory, advanced of AI memory, we can truly boost up the efficiency of AI system. Otherwise, we can't sustain this kind of system anymore. I don't think so. So to run a typical data center, they say about 500 megawatts of electricity. This is about half of a nuclear power plant. Typical nuclear power plant is one gigawatt hour, but 500 megawa
tt hour is about half of them. But now advance of our LLA models, if we're talking about GPT-5, GPT-6, then the power costs, the amount of power consumption will go exponentially. So we probably cannot sustain and support. So that's where we as a semiconductor engineers, including GPUs, CPUs and AI memory, we have to innovate and then brainstorm out together, working with the software engineers. So with that investment into AI memory solutions, AI, SK Hynix has a multiple variety of AI memory so
lution portfolio. The most important thing is HBM and then HBM is very essential part in data center AI, but nowadays people start to talk about AI or only device AI. So if you want to use AI route these days from your phone, your request actually goes to data center and cloud service providers and then the AI inferencing training is done from the data center and then retrieved back to your device. But that's, people start thinking that that might be inefficient, right? Why don't you just proces
s your AI process, AI inferencing at your phone? That's why we call, what we call on device AI. To do that, we might need less bandwidth, but we definitely need a higher efficiency in power consumption because smartphone cannot sustain that high power consumption. So that says low power memory is important, that this low power PDL memory is coming at. So this low power is a more like a device level or your notebook, laptop level AI solution. And then you also need high capacity of memory to stor
e the large, huge amount of training data rather than the computation. So that's why this high speed, high capacity storage device is important to store the train data, and then we have to also innovate how we compute. So this is interesting point, I told you earlier about Von Neumann architecture. Von Neumann architecture has a distinct differentiation between those compute logic and then memory logic, memory unit. But people start to realize that, oh, why don't we just do the computation at th
e memory, inside the memory, right? Rather than moving data, transfer back and forth between a compute and a memory, we can just do computation inside the memory. Memory has a very structured and multi parallel design inside the chip. It has arrays of bank and cells, you know, rows and columns. So it has, in here it is inherently very parallel structures. If we can do little computation inside that memory cells and banks level, then we can internal, we can utilize this heavy, high internal bandw
idth. So that's where we start to think about processing in memory. It's a, we have a first product. It's not in mass production, it's a first, something like a prototype kind of concept product. But memory companies start to think about this processing in memory devices. A couple of years ago, we have announced a GDDL based memory processing in memory, we call the AIM. AIM stands for accelerator in memory. This specific device is designed for AI computation. So AI computation is, if you think a
bout this AI computation theory a little bit, at the end of the day, it boils down to metrics, multiplication, and accumulation. So it's all about metrics, multiplication and addition, multiplication, addition. That multiplication, addition is rather simple logic, but it requires a lot of data computation in parallel. So that's a very good target example of processing that can be better done in memory. So that's pin. Oh, we have time, right? So that's high bandwidth memory. Yeah, I'll move fast.
So this is, I talked about high bandwidth memory. We achieved the high bandwidth by adding more IO pins to memory and then stacking multiple dyes so that we can achieve higher bandwidths and higher capacity. So I'll move fast and then, even though we are expanding bandwidths and capacity by stacking multiple dyes in 3D manners. So chips still need SOC and GPU still needs more bandwidth and more capacity. So that's why we start to integrate multiple HBM cube around this GPU SOC. And depending on
the application, training requires more capacity and more bandwidth. So we, in training system, typically we add more HBM cubes and then inferencing, we put less HBM cubes. So HBM market forecast, you know, HBM market will continue to grow even more in a higher rate than AI accelerator because AI accelerator, the requirement, the amount and the number of HBM cube required by AI accelerator is continuously growing. So we are expecting even higher growth rate. So I also want to mention about new
opportunity with CXL. I talked about HBM a lot, but CXL is a new opportunity for memory companies and new opportunities for data centers. So basically between CPU and DRAM, they all require parallel interface, DRAM interfaces. If you see, if you look at CPUs, there are around the CPU dye, there are DRAM interface, which is parallel interface, which is very costly and then takes a lot of spaces. So even though, even if you want to add more DRAM, you cannot simply add more DRAM because it'll explo
de the chip size, which is very costly. So, but however, so we need more, SOC are adding more computation core inside the CPU and GPU. They require more capacity and more memory, more memory bandwidths. But there's no way to add more memory. So the system architect, what system architecture do is they simply add more GPU, they require more GPU not because GPU competition needs more resource, just because they need more memory. So more in order to achieve, in order to get more memory, they have t
o replicate and increase the number of GPUs to consume more memory, which is very costly and inefficient. So people have proposed a new standard using a new interface to add more memory besides the DRAM channel. So CXL is basically utilizing PCI express lane, which is traditionally used for IO devices, IO device, IO peripheral device extension. Then the industry actually propose an idea about the CXL interface to add more memory. So because of this, there's a new area of growth and opportunity f
or memory companies to expand and then contribute to this system. So yeah, I will, yeah, I have a little bit of time. So because of this CXL, it will create new opportunities for computer system, overall computer system, which is beyond what is possible today in server platform. Because of the new interface, we can have a way to expand memory, bandwidth and capacity. And with the CXL technology, memory controllers comes from, move from a CPU site to memory device site. So we can have a more room
for different memories. And then we can also, it can easily integrate computational core, processing core with memory. So it'll make possible the, it'll make a computational memory possible. And finally, it'll also allow computer system to disagree memory from compute note to memory note. So SK Hynix actually preparing a new kind of concept memory solution products to address each of these. And then working with data centers and hyperscalers to test and do a proof of concept, they work with our
customers. And then I will, I say this will be a big change and big shift and change in system architecture and data center architecture in five years, from five to 10 years right now. So yeah, so memory now, this is a very great time, great opportunity, it's a good time for all of us to work on, working in the memory industry and then drive the innovation together in this data center world. So HBM and AI memory solution will be the key enablers of AI technology. And then the CXL will create a
new way, whole new way to design and use our memory system in data center structures. So this is a really exciting time to work in a memory company and memory industries. So having said that, I want to briefly talk about SK Hynix. We have four manufacturing sites in Korea and China until yesterday. And then we have announced today a big announcement and investment in the United States, in the state of Indiana. We are gonna have a big manufacturing site in the United States, and then four RD cent
ers located in US, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea, right? So there is a plenty of opportunity for all of you, can contribute to this memory industry. And yes, this is a facility here, Professor Lee talked about today. We had a monumental announcement to that. We are gonna build a big HBM packaging fabrication and also research chief fab, and R and D fab in here in Purdue research park, Purdue research science park, near in within West Lafayette. So it'll be about 90 acres in research park. And then st
arting the second half of 2028, we are gonna do mass production of HBM here in the Indiana state. And then we are expecting about thousand of engineers, R and D engineers to this manufacturing facilities. So by having constructed, by producing new memory manufacturing fab in United States, so we can better work with our customers and partners, and then we can build the ecosystem, whole industry, semiconductor ecosystem in the United States, and then we can hire more talented people like you, rig
ht? And then let contribute to this industry together. So Hynix requires many engineers from different backgrounds. About 30% of our engineers are electrical engineers. But about 18 to 20 people are chemical engineering, material science, mechanical engineering. And even these days, computer science engineer, computer scientists are very important to work with the AI systems. So we have number of opportunity and from diverse backgrounds, specifically the SK Hynix in California, San Jose office.
We are looking for these kind of engineers right now. There's an immediate career opportunities. I know you guys are still, you know, undergrad and first year, second year students, but we are expecting and recruiting actively AI, ML system architect, SOC designers, system software designers, not just a DRAM and then device designers. We are actually working in our LinuxCon community because if we want to, if we divide device, if we produce a new type of memory devices that needs to be supported
by LinuxCon, right? Current LinuxCon is only supporting DRAM and NAND. But let's say we design, we propose a new peel of memory between DRAM and NAND, which is not being supported by LinuxCon right now. So we have to divide, we have to develop our own LinuxCon and then propose, and then contribute to the LinuxCon community to support the that ecosystem to support this new type of memory devices. So that's why we need systems of engineer, LinuxCon developers, those things. So that's it. So that'
ll be my lecture today. So please join us to change the world with chips. So, thank you. (gentle music) (audience applauding) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)
