
Minecraft Live 2023: Update Highlights

All the excitement of Minecraft Live, just speedier! Key features from 1.21, a Minecraft Legends update, Planet Earth III DLC, the winning mob, and more! Watch the full show: Audio Description: ALS: Learn more at


4 months ago

Hello and welcome to Minecraft Live 2023. We'll be there in no time! The winning mob is... the Armadillo! Digging down, down, digging down, down, digging down, digging down, down, Digging down, down, digging down Catch it all in the full show! …So lonely If you're leaving baby, let me down slowly





next year we need a mob vote with losing mobs from previous years


Part of me feels like this new structure could be the perfect home for the copper golem.


In 2024, Mojang should return the biome vote A focus on a biome as a secondary theme to an update gives it way more life, and even if you don't win, you can still get added like the Swamp




“So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause.”


Who wants all losing mobs added to Minecraft?


I love how exactly 18 seconds of this video was dedicated to ACTUAL Minecraft.


The new structure has a heavy tinkering vibe to it with generous useage of copper. This is a great place for a Copper Golem.


I highly suggest that the copper golem gets added to Minecraft using this method. The copper golem could significantly enhance the game's redstone mechanics and teach players the basics of programming. The golem can operate a copper keyboard, which can trigger a redstone signal. Punch cards, programmed in a keypunch block, provide the golem with step-by-step instructions, allowing it to perform a variety of tasks. You can name the punch cards when you program it, so you will know what it does. Copper golems could be used for automatic farms, weapon defense systems, storage sorting, and so much more. This would need to include cameras which can be activated by redstone, copper pipes, copper conveyor belts for allays, observers being able to observe if a plant is fully grown, dispensers being able to use any tool and plant seeds, and copper hoppers which do not remove items out of chests unless that specific item has been requested.


If they don't add the copper golem in this update we can pretty safely assume that mobs that don't get voted in get scrapped forever.


The armadillo won the mob vote, so here is what I think Mojang could add: - New Scute armor set This new player armor set will contain the turtle helmet, armor shell, turtle leggins and armor boots. We already know the use of the helmet, so the leggins will give you Dolphin's grace effect after 30 seconds underwater. The armor shell will have protection of chainmail armor, but high blast resistance againist such mobs as creepers. The boots will do the same thing with fall damage, but can also be put on your dog, however this armor type can be enchanted on top of it's regular use. - Аrmor for your wolf Аs it was announced, we're getting wolf armor, so my idea is that the base will be made of armadillo scutes and later can be trimmed and upgraded with cave minerals and leather, similar to horse armour. It will break over time, so players will need more scutes to either fix the armor or make more of it - New Scuted tools and shield Your sword, pickaxe and other tools can now get their handle upgraded with armadillo scute through a smithing table, for extra durability. The same thing can be done with the shield with four scutes and a crafting table, giving it more durability and knocking back players, mobs and projectiles more when hit. The new shield, however, cannot be enchanted in any way - The Аrmadillo steak I know it sounds cruel enough, but it's been a while since Mojang added a new meat type. Аs the armadillo will be a common mob in the savannah biome, they could also be breed for their exotic meat. However, this is a side suggestion and I don't think Mojang would want to add this, similar to goats and horses These things might not make it into the new update, but I hope you liked my suggestion


mojang, please add the losing mobs in the next vote 😢🙏🙏


So you're saying this entire event didn't have to be almost an hour long, but rather about a minute or two?


One year for basically 9 features announced, and no theme for the update. Reminds me of 1.10-12 when Minecraft was around it's lowest, feels like its headed back in that direction.


An entire year just to code in two mobs, a light source, a redstone crafting table, and a new trapdoor.


Mojang: We will use community ideas Community: We want all the mobs of the previous mob votes Mojang: ª


Mojang Stoduols please add mechanics to copper doors! For example: doors that are not oxidized can be opened, but doors that are oxidized then they cannot be opened.




I feel like the vote counts should be shown. I didn’t hear much of anyone voting for the armadillo. Bringing back past mobs instead of throwing them all away would also be great. EDIT: I realized me saying “I didn’t hear much of anyone voting for the armadillo” made it seem like I think they rigged the votes or something. NO, I do NOT think that! I just thought it would be interesting to see how close the voting was, as I know a lot of people wanted the crab and others wanted a 3 way tie. Sorry for the misunderstanding!