
Mother's Vengeance - Deadly Women - S07 EP12 - True Crime

In this gripping episode of Deadly Women, delve into the stories of Ellie Nesler's relentless pursuit of justice for her son, Jean Harris's fatal obsession with her lover, and Amina Chaudary's tragic love affair. Witness how these women's emotions spiral into shocking acts of vengeance, obsession, and defiance, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. ------- Deadly Women is a gripping and thought-provoking true crime series that takes viewers on a captivating journey into the disturbing realm of female killers. Each episode unravels the intricate web of deceit, manipulation, and violence woven by these deadly women, showcasing the chilling tales of their crimes. With meticulous research and compelling storytelling, the series delves into the psychological and emotional factors that drive women to commit acts of murder. From calculated poisonings to ruthless acts of violence, the show explores a wide range of cases from different eras and regions, highlighting the unique dynamics at play in each story. Viewers will be engrossed by the chilling narratives as they uncover the dark secrets, twisted motives, and the chilling aftermath of these shocking crimes. With expert analysis and firsthand accounts from investigators and experts, "Deadly Women" offers a deeper understanding of the complex factors that contribute to these acts of extreme violence. The series not only sheds light on the darkest corners of the human psyche but also raises important questions about gender, power, and the nature of crime. Prepare to be captivated by the suspenseful storytelling, detailed investigations, and the shocking revelations that await in each episode of Deadly Women. ------- Welcome to Banijay Crime, the ultimate destination for true crime fans! Our YouTube channel features the best true crime documentaries and crime series from around the world, including the UK's top crime documentary series. Our channel provides a captivating insight into true crime stories, offering a wide range of crime documentaries and murder documentaries for your viewing pleasure. Whether you're a die-hard fan of the true crime TV genre or simply looking for the best crime series to watch, we've got you covered. Our collection of true crime documentary series features some of the most intriguing cases from around the globe, including the UK's most notorious murder cases. So, if you're looking for the best crime documentary series, look no further than Banijay Crime. Subscribe to our channel today and be the first to watch the most gripping true crime stories from the UK and beyond. Don't miss out on the best crime documentaries and murder documentaries – click on this link to subscribe now! #truecrime #crimedocumentary #crimeinvestigation

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[Music] it is never a good idea to scorn a woman  you can never predict the consequences a mother makes her son's attacker pay and  I think all her protective instincts kicked in to eliminate the threat a respected  head mistress acts like a love sick teen felt dependent on him like she couldn't  survive without him I'm going to India and a jilted lover turns on an innocent  a little boy who thought of her as his auntie she wanted what she wanted  only a psychopath could do that deadly women lov
e with all their heart but  cross them and they will seek vengeance please 1988 in the small mining town of  Sonora California [Music] 36 year old single mom Ellie nestler supports  her family as best she can [Music] never had any real high paying employment and she 'd periods a  time when she was on welfare but just had various kinds of jobs and Mommy's going next door for a  while okay and stay put by day a caring mother no slithering outfit her family portrayed her  as a very loving mother a
very engaged mother at night a Wilder Ellie emerges she left her children a lot [Music] involved with  the biker Community there's a one-on-one [Music] so she was a methamphetamine dare  I say an abuser come on [Music] and we had a drug problem most of  her adult life if not all of her adult life and so there is Ellie nestler  is not the only one in town with secrets oh your resume looks good day  31 year old Daniel driver is looking for work as a kitchen hand at a  Christian summer camp for kid
s [Music] I take it with me everywhere well that's  great Daniel impresses with his knowledge of the Bible I haven't worked in a couple  months though [Music] oh I've been away oh but his resume is missing one crucial  fact Daniel has just got out of jail he was convicted of child  molestation are you a Google kids he was in jail for three months and then he was on  probation for a period of time let's uh let's do [Music] it Ellie wants the best for her  seven-year-old son Willie [Music] you wan
t to go to a Christian Camp  when you come back our little angel in 1988. she decides to let him go to the camp hi there you must be Willy I'm Camp leader Steve  for a predator it's a perfect hunting ground have a good time [Music] people thought he was just  a normal kind of good person he's gonna have a great time he's in  great hands thank you pedophiles will do anything to get to a child nothing  will get between them and their target nothing hey boys where two or three under the guise of a
religious  man Daniel shares his love of the Bible he will what is it it's a surprise no I gotta show Willie  maybe later every decision a child molester makes about his life I wonder what it is is for the  purpose of getting access to potential victims [Music] seven-year-old Willie becomes Daniel's  next victim [Music] it's a brutal attack I've dealt with a number of victims who have been  molested it is a very traumatic thing [Music] the little boy is paralyzed with fear you  tell anyone I wil
l kill you and your family the psychological emotional and behavioral damage  that a child rape victim suffers is profound and can have lasting effects on the victim [Music] Willie keeps the assault a secret but the emotional pain surfaces in his sleep he has nightmares please Mom can I just stay many child rape victims that are  unable to disclose what happened can feel anxiety and depression silence for a year but soon he will face his  demons and turn Ellie's world upside down any parent woul
d be very upset upon  finding out that their child was raped [Music] 1989 in The Faded Gold Rush town  of Sonora California [Music] 37 year old single mom Ellie nestler  is dealing with one of life's Horrors can you tell me what happened  he did nasty things to me her young son Willie has been sexually assaulted Ellie said that had really traumatized him and  that he wasn't responding to counseling [Music] she claimed that this was going to ruin him for  life you're gonna go with this officer [M
usic] learns her son isn't Daniel's only  victim at the summer camp [Music] another three boys are coming forward four young boys are abused police issue a warrant for Daniel driver's arrest problem was by then the driver had been fired from  working at the camp and he had actually left the area and so nobody knew where he was for three  years Daniel escapes the police Dragnet [Music] until officers in a nearby County arrest him  for petty theft and discover he is a wanted man there was a warran
t for his arrest out  of Tuolumne County for the bus station of the boys he was then transferred back [Music] the trial is set for April 2nd 1993. in  the small city of Jamestown California with no official courtroom justices  served in the Community Hall in handcuffs comes driver he gives this  arrogant you know look a symbolic kind of stare she interpreted that as did others  that he was smirking at them waiting in the hall kitchen things only get worse  when another victim returns from the co
urtroom what she meant was it was very hard on her son  to have to testify Ellie interpreted that as oh we're not going to hold this guy to answer  we're not going to be able to get him to trial Ellie thinks her son's attacker could walk free she won't let that happen and  makes a life-altering decision she went out to the car [Applause]  he came back with the gun [Music] he walked about 30 or 40 feet and shot him multiple times five of the bullets going into his head just dropped the gun she ha
d done what  she was going to do and she arrested [Applause] Ellie was motivated to kill Daniel driver out of a sense of Revenge you hurt  my son you damaged my son now you're gonna pay she was a woman on a mission  a mother on a mission she killed the bad guy in 1993 Ellie nestler is found guilty a voluntary  manslaughter and sentenced to 10 years in prison [Music] then three years later it is overturned  due to jury misconduct and she is set free [Music] but it's not long before Ellie  is back
in prison for trafficking drugs she was found with ten thousand pseudoephedrine  pills that she possessed for sale she was convicted of that and she  was sent back to State Prison [Music] Willie's left to grow up without a mother but the seed doesn't fall far from the tree at  the 823 he settles a dispute with a neighbor by taking the Law into his own hands [Music] he beat that man to death with a pipe [Music]  he got convicted of first-degree murder and he will he is currently in prison on  a
25-year to life sentence for murder just as Ellie leaves prison for drug  dealing her son enters it for murder [Music] the two are never together again in  December 2008 Ellie dies from breast cancer [Music] her son's child molester and a lot  of people saw her as a hero but we can't have people running around with guns acting as  judge and jury and that's what Ellie did [Music] it's dangerous to pin all your hopes on one  man's only in two weeks but it's something she was willing to do because
she loved him  you can be let down tears would frequently rolled out her face and you can snap he created  a monster and the monster turned on him [Music] December 1966 Purchase New York 42 year old divorcee Jean Harris does what  many women have done before her [Music] she falls for Dr Herman tarnauer  he's a notorious womanizer of torn hour he was one of the foremost  cardiologists in the country one of the best started a group called The Scarsdale  Medical Group which is very very successful
Herman will go on to create garsdale diet  [Music] first he is in to do he was quite a Charming individual he could walk into a room and  he was the magnet for all the women in the room so you had that kind of a personality and Charisma  about him [Music] so why haven't I been introduced Gene is the head Mistress of  an exclusive girls school and the two make an impressive couple  tell me I'm a humble man Fine Lines he made her feel very very special he  just swept her right off her feet [Music]
that one's vagina an exotic World opens up to Gene when we go she becomes  doctors new travel companion Jane the doctor would travel  around the world [Music] there's just one catch [Music] a lifelong bachelor he liked it apparently  the single life this was who he was [Music] the headmistress will not be Dr  tarnower's only love okay next weekend bye he made it pretty clear to Gene [Music]  unless they could continue to have a relationship but to do so she would have to  turn a Blind Eye To th
e Other Women [Music] it's hard to describe a bigger  slight than that oh [Music] Gene puts up with Herman's  infidelity for five years [Music] what's the problem I'm  snacking at the girls at school by 1971 it takes an emotional toll I can't eat  but the source of her depression may have a cure train not a marriage proposal but  amphetamines what is this action some people would call it an upper but  it's known to the public as speed take it [Music] to use these drugs which she  used for more t
han 10 years it'll make you feel better [Music] for close to a decade the drugs placate Gene only within two weeks Gene now you  remember our little arrangement but her addiction is making her more unstable and  less tolerant of the doctors womanizing [Music] she saw you know a lot of little  personal belongings and she was Furious she tried to get rid of all of it turnout was very annoyed with her for doing that and he said you're banished you  can't see me for weeks [Music] Gene was distraught
and see how you're going in about two weeks sorry thanks Mrs Williams Gene  plagues Herman with phone calls she's around five times but  he is no longer interested the woman now by his side day and  night s his young assistant [Music] it was humiliating here was this younger blonder prettier woman taking her place  in torn hours affections gelato Gene was independent and capable intelligent and  had her own money none of that mattered she was desperately in love with Herman tarnower  and he did
n't want her anymore [Music] but soon Jean will make sure she  never shares Herman again [Music] 1979. Purchase New York how does it feel Dr Herman tarnauer is the  successful author of The Scarsdale diet [Music] it raised his stature because now he was the  number one New York Times best-selling author is making Mill s from his book and has a new lover how about we do one  with my assistant his young assistant it is too much for his lover of  the past 10 years foreign Harris tell him I called a
nd I'll be calling again it  tore her to pieces she felt dependent on him like she couldn't survive without him the then  she turned around and feel resentful [Music] heavier gets worse when she  runs out of her medication Jean was in a really bad place she was anxious she  was nervous she's been hooked on amphetamines for a decade the withdrawal symptoms are severe  why didn't you take my calls not to call me in the office the most common byproduct of  amphetamine withdrawal is a severe depress
ion can feel at times very very desperate  I've got a patient I'm coming over [Music] Jean came up with a solution  she would go to tarnower's home she would confront him and then  she would kill herself all right late in the night of March 10 1980. Jean prepares to end it all  in front of her lover oh when she got there Gene  you're crazy she found yeah and hair curlers which in a peak she threw out hit her and that's when  things are really not awkward the bullet passed between  his thumb and
First Finger her tried to call for help and she shoots it's not Gene's life that ends tonight he created a monster and the monster turned on him Gene admits to shooting the doctor but says it  happens accidentally when he tries to stop her from committing suicide that still didn't explain  the four shots found in tarnower's body [Music] the entire case boiled down to whether or not  there was intent on the part of Mrs Harris that's really what the jury had to decide  the bald facts of the case w
ork against Gene put five rounds in a six round cylinder  and she brought extra bullets with her none of those bullets went  in her head or her heart in 1981 the jury decides its second-degree  murder Gene Harris is sentenced to 15 years she got all caught up in the love of a man and  used it to distort her whole thinking process and sow the seeds of her own destruction a combination of amphetamine withdrawal and  obsessive love killed the author of The Scarsdale diet that his murderer is a resp
ected head  mistress makes it all the more shocking I learned from this case that the perception of the strength  in other people is often a mask that is hiding serious emotional problems [Music] Gene Harris was  not dangerous to anyone except [Music] he got him First Love Can Be all-consuming  Amina couldn't live without Vijay he was everything to her I'm going  to India what and being dumped she was Furious can drive a girl crazy she was  clearly striking back at the man who jilted her 1980 To
ronto Canada life for 18 year old beauty Amina chattery  is full of new and exciting Ventures [Music] two night club with friends  Amina was a attractive girl no later yes Baba she enjoyed going out dancing  and and visiting all the hot spots in Toronto you can't let it go out dressed like that amina's  Western ways concern her brother [Music] he thinks she has too much freedom I'm 18 years old amina's family we're Sikhs and their religion was  very important to them in fact their whole lives re
volved around their religion and their tradition  to this family for this traditional Sikh family their daughter's future must be  with someone of their own faith in early 1980 she meets 19 year old Indian  born Vijay Gupta the two have a lot in common but not their religion [Music] BJ the Sikhs and the Hindus  were at odds with each other and yet these two fell in love [Music] are you sure positive their relationship was doomed from the  beginning because of the religious differences it was a b
it like a Romeo and Juliet  kind of thing where these families did not want these young people to be together [Music] this is a story as old as time [Music] amina's  father has a solution to end the affair [Music] an arranged marriage I I mean free-spirited Amina disobeys her family's wishes her Defiance angers her brother her relationship with Vijay was  shaming the family no give it to me you will not see him again try to stop me amina's  brother became so enraged he was so against it that he
actually stabbed her in her left arm all the way through to her chest  injuring her extremely badly in his mind sure he was entitled  to save the family's honor amina's will is broken [Music] she agrees to the arranged marriage Amina was married off to a 40  year old man who was also a Sikh this is what the family wanted they  assumed that would stop her from seeing DJ but the marriage doesn't quell  amina's desire to be with Vijay their love affair continues she wasn't giving up  Vijay he was e
verything to her the affair is a secret but they feel safe to be around vijay's  young nephew eight-year-old Rajesh Gupta he's like my brother I trust him he called her auntie  because he had seen her on several occasions and had been introduced to her by Vijay the  little boy and Vijay share a special bond Rajesh was very fond and very close  to his uncle who was really as much like a brother to him I think as an  uncle we can wait until next week but the affair is put on hold when Vijay  says
he is going to India to visit family I'm going to India what my family your family what the timing couldn't be worse Amina is  pregnant and thinks Vijay is the father for the moment it is a meanest Secret she'll wait for vijay's return [Music]  it was a recipe for disaster [Music] in 1981 Toronto [Music] 19  year old Indian born Amina Chaudhary claims she is pregnant by  her illicit lover Vijay Gupta [Music] she is longing for him to return from  India to tell him the news [Music] foreign is vis
iting his family hello but she is wrong what do you mean he got married Vijay went off  to India for a month and he actually ended up getting married there was an arranged marriage  no he didn't Amina felt horribly betrayed [Music] never mind that she was married to someone else  that didn't matter no thank you she was Furious on February 3rd 1982 vijay's favorite little  nephew eight-year-old Rajesh Gupta leaves home for school [Music] it was cold it would  have been snowing and Rajesh was all
bundled up he had a scarf on he had gloves on  he had a hoodie sweatshirt to keep warm he is pleased to see a familiar face hi Auntie she rolled down her window and said  come on into my warm car and I'll give you a ride and he wouldn't have thought anything of it  she was a trusted adult familiar face in his small eight-year-old world and he went with  her willingly I just need to pick something from my apartment okay Vijay breaks amina's  heart now she wants to break his she wanted to do somet
hing to him that would hurt him so very  deeply and yet still keep him close to her [Music] the trusting boy has no idea  what lies behind amina's smile he struck him on the head with a blunt instrument she then took the drawstrings from his hood of  his jacket no and strangled him to death [Music] [Music] Amina murdered her lovers  nephew out of Revenge period a callous act committed against a defenseless boy by all accounts this was a wonderful little  kid his father said he was bright in scho
ol he was full of energy he was kind he  was just a terrific little boy [Music] what eight-year-olds are indisputably is innocent  they have never offended anybody in a great manner so they never deserve the kind of  Fate that Rajesh suffered [Music] Amina dumps the body in a symbolic place  her secret meeting spot with Vijay [Music] I don't think Amina took any pleasure in  killing rashish it was a means to an end the purpose was to hurt BJ [Music] by late afternoon A Little Boy Lost is found p
olice gathered around they assumed that it had been a hit and run because  there was motor oil on the jacket [Music] they noticed an indentation around  the child's neck that indicated that he had been strangled by a  cord of some kind [Music] of murder devastates Vijay he returns to  Canada without his new wife and when he got there he was met by Amina and immediately  the two of them started up their relationship for Amina their reunion isn't about sex she wants to see vijay's hurt when she  t
ells him the truth about rajesh's murder he said I did it but they'll  never be able to prove it [Music] destroyed by her confession DJ goes to the police Amina denies everything but  her story keeps changing sheet says at first that she was at work then she  begins to even cast suspicion towards her husband she was clearly telling different stories the Breakthrough for police owned in amina's car she has left a trail a forensic evidence covered glass fragments some  yellow paint chips and there
were also these fibers that were from  the scarf that he had worn on his neck in the end please tie Rajesh and chadhari  together and put him in her car [Music] Amina choudary is convicted of first-degree murder February 19 th sentenced to prison with a minimum of 25 years Amina killed to get vijay's  attention and to hurt him only a psychopath could do that and I think Amina  is very narcissistic she wanted what she wanted the bars Amina doesn't wither she blooms the PostScript to the story is
unbelievable  as the crime Amina was able to meet another prisoner at a prison function he was a convicted  murderer she was a convicted murderer and the two of them were allowed not only to get married but  they were able to have three children together but the child killer the dare her own children  they are protected by Welfare Services [Music] who was now having children behind  bars I think that was astonishing Amina Chaudhary is released from prison in 2012. when these Deadly Women lashed
out it was Lethal  Ellie nestler protected her son by being judged and jury Gene Harris loved her man to death  and Amina Chaudhary killed a child to teach her lover a lesson these deadly women allowed  their emotions to rule they dished out vengeance [Music] thank you [Music]



Child predators don’t have any place in society!! 🤬


Elly is a hero❤❤❤❤❤


This is why I can’t understand why they let them monsters out again and again why take the chance’s with little kids life’s this is something you never get over…it’s hart braking when someone working with kids do you homework on them and his mum is a hero


Elly should have gotten an award.


Keep showing this series


Still can’t believe that this show has been cancelled


Ellie took out the trash.


Love this show


Why was she allowed to have children in prison ? Why ? Ridiculous . A slap in the face to the memory of poor little innocent Rajesh !


Poor little guy. The last one was awful!


Well maybe if the judge didnt give so little sentences for evil people this would never happen


I hate cheaters.


Not all super heroes wear capes lol


Herman looks like he needs a bit of heart maintenace himself.


She killed the bad guy 😊


Damaged young boy... damaged young man. Elly did a better job than the courts did. If he was not free he would not be able to get to kids.


So Amena,s brother is a would -be honour killer with no consequences.


Tarnower was nothing to go gaga over. I don't see the attraction. Must be the money


the last story was terrible. any case that includes killing a child is awful.