
MusicLandria Program Reel

Here is a quick update on MusicLandria's 2023 program focus areas.


10 months ago

hey everyone and welcome to a virtual tour of Music landria this is Ryan our lead librarian and he loves greeting people right here you can see our lending library which uh everything on these racks you can borrow for free so it's drums record players we even have a community piano that folks can write songs on and we've got these pods for songwriting lyric writing or just quiet space to create our lending library also includes keyboard synthesizers things like wooden xylophones which is pretty
great sounds awesome synthesizers modular sense we've got some drum machines acoustic and electric guitars and bases and mixed streams like mountain dulcimers and violins and stuff tonight you can see we've got our Open Mic happening and that's nine fingers our gracious host he's an amazing local musician and he's super cool he leads our community event week open mic once a month which includes tons of local and super diverse musicians lots of different ages and lots of different music Styles th
is is Jean he's uh gonna be playing bass tonight and it's his first time at music landria here's some featured items like Loopers and our video Studio kit that lets musicians make their own music videos or Vlogs or podcasts um more library items like guitar amps Pas there's even a stand-up bass underneath there and again you can borrow all this stuff for totally free this is a new donation it's a beautiful pump organ um that is used in a lot of traditional music from India it looks great and it
sounds great and you can borrow for free if you want to make some music here's my favorite pedal shout out to EarthQuaker for donating this one so at our community event space we also do certificate training so you can see JT here he's doing his final for the live sound certificate program Angels going through the certificate training as well and basically they're learning how to do live sound in real time during the open mic to get skills in the live sound industry here's warm robot Studios whe
re we do live recording certificate training and our musician Residency program so for the live recording thing we teach people how to use preamps compressors limiters and vintage synths as well as a whole bunch of different microphones and even modern synthesizers for modern day music production the certificate program and The Residency program has been amazing and we really hope to lean into it more this year the residency allows musicians to create an album from start to finish as well as get
mentorship on songwriting and music video creation
