
MUST KNOW! WRONG Reasons People Mistakenly Have for NOT Filing for SSD When They Are Disabled

WRONG Reasons People Mistakenly Have for NOT Filing for SSD When They Are Disabled Don't miss a thing, secure AND protect your Social Security - As always, all statements in this video and elsewhere online are general information only, do not constitute legal advice and do not create an attorney client privilege. To obtain legal advice, retain a lawyer. Visit us at Stephanie Joy has been practicing Social Security Disability law EXCLUSIVELY, no legal dabble elsewhere, since 2005. #socialsecuritydisability #ssa #ssi #supplementalsecurityincome #socialsecuritybenefits #socialsecuritydisabilitytips #socialsecurity

All Things Social Security

5 months ago

General Info Only. Not Personal Legal Advice or Attorney-Client Relationship. General Info Only. Not Personal Legal Advice or Attorney-Client Relationship. we see a lot people who are disabled and unable  to work and they don't file for Social Security disability even though they could and when you  get into speaking with people you learn some General Info Only. Not Personal Legal Advice or Attorney-Client Relationship. SUBSCRIBE! SUBSCRIBE! TIP: Share to a loved on if they are delaying their fi
ling... reasons if you are disabled or someone your love  is disabled and they have not filed um and while there are probably more bad reasons than these  I'm going to go through these several ones and maybe I'll go into detail on the first but let me  just read them to you first um so you know what's coming uh the first one for not filing is and  this is by the way we're talking about social SUBSCRIBE! is really only about social security disability  which is the insurance program that workers
had paid the premiums for and therefore they become  insured okay that's different from SSI which is supplemental security income and we have a video  on that so feel free to check it out if you're confused on that um so this is just SSDI so the  first reason um I was noting was a person someone says I'm not bedr I'm not wheelchair bound I can  walk some I get around I live alone you know my house might not be as clean as I'd like but um  you know I'm not eligible for Social Security disability
I'm not that disabled well they  concede that they cannot work full-time at any job as they see it um because of physical  or mental impairments and they uh nonetheless think they have to be bedridden or wheelchair  bound in order to file and that's so not true so what you need to know is the dis the definition  of disabled that supports what I'm saying here I'm going to scroll down in this little article for  it if I can find it real fast okay so this is straight from the horse's mouth the SSA
to  meet the definition of disability you must not be able to engage in any substantial  gain F activity and that's also known as SGA and we have a video on that U because of  a medically determinable physical or mental impairment or impairments that is either one  expected to result in death two has lasted or is expected to last for a continuous period  of at least 12 months so we're not going to go with the first one because that concerns  terminable illnesses terminal illnesses and um that wo
uld be that would be a little separate  so we're not going to go into that here because that's not the ones that people are not filing  under per se but the second one has lasted or is expected to last for a continuous period  of at least 12 months what does that tell us it doesn't have to be you're going to be  disabled for five years three years two years 10 years forever right it doesn't have  to be permanent you hear people refer to SSD as permanent disability I'm like not really  so much in
the SS world but I understand what they're saying but it doesn't really apply here  all right so if you are going to be not able to do that kind of SGA work which by the way means  full-time work um if you will be unable to do full-time work and you're also not earning  the dollar amount of sgaa which is in 2023 $1,470 uh and that is other has lasted or it's  clearly going to be lasting at least 12 months then you can file for SSD and have it pursued all  the way and you can win um if you notic
e there's nothing about you have to be bedridden or you  have to be wheelchair bound those things will definitely get you benefits you don't need a  lawyer if that's the case just make sure you have current medical confirmation that you are  indeed um diagnosed with the condition that has rendered you and you are bedridden or wheelchair  bound or something similarly severely limiting most of us who are disabled are not that severely  limited and we're still disabled under the rules because we ca
nnot work and continue to bring  in that full-time work income and we are not bringing in a part-time income that exceeds that  SGA amount that I mentioned earlier the 1470 okay so as you can see it can be many many smaller um  impairments or even one that makes us disabled uh without having to be wheelchair bound bed ra or  completely unproductive plenty of people who can work part-time and do and are um legitimately  on SSD um which I'll just throw this out there too when you see someone that
you know is on  SSD and you see them in the grocery store or you see they have a part-time job I hear a lot  of people who are maybe a little misinformed and think that the person is scamming the SSA  not so for the most part um you can still work part-time and bring in some income and still  collect your disability insurance benefits that say you can do so they're following the  rules the rules do not say you have to not be working at all that's not the rules in fact the  SSA encourages people
who are able to have some sort of productivity to do so okay um and still  continue to keep their benefits if they remain disabled so be clear on that you don't have to  be wheelchair bound or bedridden or confined to a um Mental Health institution for your life  to be considered disabled all right that is the first one to keep this shorter and not longer  I'm not going to go through two through two through nine here we'll do that in a separate  video okay I'll chat with you later bye guys



Last update and another huge thank you ! After 19 months at initial application stage my husband got his letter of approval. Finally !! You are the best.