
My Video Gear Recommendations to Level Up Your Video Quality

Welcome to my chanel. I'm a video producer with a rich history of bringing stories to life through the lens of a camera. With nearly two decades of experience producing content for giants like Netflix, HBO, Snapchat, and Google, I've honed my craft in corporate and advertising content for both TV and web-based broadcasts. In this series, I'll be sharing brief videos recommending the variety of video equipment I use in real world scenarios. From Cameras, Monitors, Lights, Drones and everything in between. It's my love letter to the tools that help content creators, filmmakers bring stories to life. If you're interested, please like and subscribe. #filmmaking #contentcreator #video #marketing

Larry the Video Expert

1 day ago

welcome back to my channel I don't normally do gear reviews but clients I work with and other filmmakers content creators always ask me for gear uh for this need or that need so in this video series I'm just going to go into recommendations of what I've used in real world situations and so for a bit of context for decades I've owned and sold dozens of cameras going back all the way to the OG Game Changer the Panasonic dvx100 I love gear I constantly refresh my gear but it's usually based on cert
ain project specs and these days I'm noticing a lot of gear though has kind of reached a plateau of overall greatness I would say like cameras mics lights gimbals for the most part most products will last you a long time if treated well and mostly companies upgrading their products have now hit this kind of iPhone incremental is Improvement kind of phase there's overall not too much crazy Innovation out there at the moment maybe with the exception of the chicken head camera that came came out a
couple years ago DJI Ronin 4D U but that's enough of my salty Soap Box the moral of the story is don't buy gear not really just slowly buy it when you can and accumulate stuff over time don't fall into gas gear acquisition syndrome don't be a camera brand snob or a fanboy of any certain brand try to learn them all they all have their pros and cons there's no such thing as a perfect camera most people out there doing video or content creation know this appreciate you watching catch you in the nex
t video bye
