
New temporary shelter opens in Chelsea to help migrants

A nonprofit in Chelsea opened its doors Tuesday to help hundreds of people in need. Follow NBC10 Boston on... Instagram: TikTok: Facebook: X:

NBC10 Boston

5 days ago

a nonprofit in Chelsea opened its doors today as a temporary shelter for hundreds of migrants this comes as a time when shelters across Massachusetts remain full NBC 10's Carla Rojo gives us a look inside on day one of this new effort Carla Glenn so just moments ago around 200 or a little more than 200 migrants left lativa here on Broadway around 50 of them are kids under the age of five school bus is full of Migrant families arrived Tuesday morning to LA collaborativ on Broadway in Chelsea turn
ed into a temporary day shelter all in hopes of finding a better life Angie a Venezuelan migrant arrived to the United States two months ago with her husband and kids explaining to us in Spanish that it's been a tough journey to get here in hopes to find a job for her families while being here migrants like enie will receive hot meals clothing and a warm place to stay during the day we'll also be providing Workshop opportunities trainings classes English classes e uh uh computer classes for the
next four months the families who are staying overnight at another shelter in Cambridge will be brought to Chelsea every morning and returned to the night shelter after 5:00 p.m. in total right now we have about 212 people including families from Haiti Venezuela Peru train the COO for lativa says they had to open their other location on 6th Street as an overflow site emphasizing that this is not impacting their day-to-day Services we have all of our team on hand us congresswoman aana Presley vis
ited laa today calling this a national crisis it really just continues to highlight how necessary it is that we are advancing comprehensive immigration reform which centers the humanity and the Dignity of people so it's expected that the St shelter will run through the end of June and it's being funded through a grant from the safety from the state's safety net shelter program with United Way lativa says though that this is not nearly enough in their need and their in need of donations like basi
c hygiene products as well as diapers and baby formula reporting live in Chelsea Garla Rojo NBC 10 Boston





I hope once they get settled, the immigrants pay back the tax payers of what the used, life is not a free ride, and they shouldn't receive one.


How much is this costing the taxpayers? Lets see the numbers. How much will taxes increase to cover the shortfall?




Boston must've not noticed what happened to NY!!