
Official Trailer #1 | Subs in 6 Languages | BLEACH:Thousand-Year Blood War Part 2 -The Separation PV

Time to meet Yhwach's successor... 🏹 You already know him quite well. #BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War, Part 2 -- The Separation premieres July 8 at 7:30AM PT. ⚔️🔥 #Anime Subtitles (CC) available in Español, Português, Italiano, Français, and Deutsch in addition to English. ❤️‍🔥 Watch all 13 Part 1 Episodes on Hulu! Follow #VIZ for the latest updates:​


9 months ago

Uryu Ishida… BLEACH: THOUSAND-YEAR BLOOD WAR Je le désigne comme mon successeur. THE SEPARATION Qui est-ce ? Que quelqu'un daigne m'expliquer ! Je m'en fiche. C'est idiot. Cette bataille ne m'intéresse pas. J'ai rompu tout lien. Brisez leurs espoirs ainsi que leurs Zanpakutō et gravez dans leurs esprits et leurs corps le sentiment de défaite. Vraiment pathétique. Un millénaire de paix a affaibli les Shinigami. Ils vont revenir… dans un avenir proche. Cette bataille soporifique, si enivrante et p
leine d'espoir, s'achève ici. ŒUVRE ORIGINALE/SUPERVISION DIRECTEUR DE LA SÉRIE SHINIGAMI VS QUINCY DEUXIÈME ROUND DE LA GUERRE OUVERTE On dirait qu'on a le même niveau ! Très bien ! Pourquoi les gagnants supplieraient ? Tu es trop mignon quand tu te reposes sur moi ! N'abuse pas… Ceux qui vivent ensemble doivent mourir ensemble. Tu refuses de répondre. Bordel ! Tu es plus évolué qu'on me l'avait dit. Je suis toujours sérieux ! Ces inepties me sont égales. La situation est désespérée pour toi. C
e que tu trouves normal et cette situation… Je vais prendre tout ça et tout retourner. Bankai. GÉNÉRIQUE: w.o.d. "STARS" J'ai tout abandonné… bien avant de m'engager dans ce combat ! Il a perdu contre ça ? Impossible… Laisse-nous t'aider. - On serait seuls sans toi. - Arrête… Ne fais pas ça ! La prochaine fois, je t'attendrai avec un bon thé. Il est devenu un vrai Shinigami. Il surpasse le Shinigami lambda. J'ai réfléchi à quelque chose depuis que la bataille a commencé… Si c'est une guerre entr
e Shinigami et Quincy, Ishida et moi… J'écoute le destin, mon cœur est un arc à pleine allonge.



Where to watch #BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War, Part 2 – The Separation in six languages this July! 👀


Fun fact: Shinji's bankai is something that even most manga readers don't know about! It's was once shown in one of the novels and it was never, ever shown in the manga so it's so hype that Kubo finally gets to properly add it now that he's got the time and freedom to do things with the story and characters he previously wasn't able to!!


I'm an adult now and watching this has made me cry. It feels like we've grown with Ichigo and Bleach as a whole.


Even if I had never given up hope about Bleachs comeback, this is far beyond anything I could've ever wished for. I'm so hyped for the second part.


I don't care what anybody says. The colours of this arc are outstanding.


That Komamura transition is so subtle and well done


It still astounds me just how much justice is being done to Kubo’s art. Compare that shot of Uryu at the start to its manga counterpart. It literally looks perfect (and no, they didn’t just take the panel and color it).


Wait seriously? We are getting Shinji's Bankai animated already! Looks like Hisagi is also getting some new scenes! This is gonna be epic!


I had a close friend who passed away new years. His favourite character was Shinji. I’m really glad he’s getting his moment in the second cour.




That scene where we see all of Ichigo's powers going into him is just amazing.The gold represents his soul reaper powers,red his hollow powers,green is his fullbring and blue being his quincy.But I am REALLY excited for Shinji's bankai.


Words can't describe how insanely happy and emotional I've been to have been able to wait the last seven years since the manga ended to see the TYBW arc animated, and not only that but done the way KUBO wants it done with Studio Pierrot at the helm. Everyone either gets a major glow-up or gets to show how much they've held back in previous arcs. It wasn't teased in depth but I THINK that near the end we see Zaraki cracking a smirk, and if that was him then diehards AND new fans might just see what a REAL Zampakuto with no limits can do. Also, WE GET TO SEE SHINJI'S BANKAI? BUT LIKE, ACTUALLY SEE IT AND WHY HE BARELY USES IT??? Nah, July 8th can't come quick enough 😭


Bleach is still out there bringing in insane soundtracks. Love it. The care that the animation recieved together with the added scenes to the anime. Amazing. This is what Bleach deserves.


When Shinji said Bankai I got goosebumps I can't wait for this to drop


I remember back in highschool when I first started watching Bleach. To see it come back as big as this is honestly breathtaking.


They’re doing so much justice for Bleach. I am so happy at how they’ve got my husbandos Shunsui and Haschwalth in action and the animation has been off the charts for me. It’s just keeps getting better and better. And yes I agree, Part 2 is likely to break the internet with all its epicness! Waiting 10 years has been so worth it


I can't help but really Love bleach even after 16 years. I'm 28 now and honestly this brings me back full throttle. I've read every manga volume till the end of the blood war arc. Tite kubo and his team, as well as studio pierrot you all are doing great! Keep up the amazing work. It brings me to tears to see everything from the manga, animated! ❤️❤️❤️✨


Can't stop watching this trailer, the music, the animation, the characters, this show is such a masterpiece, what a time to be a bleach fan😭😭🔥🔥


Looking at the quality of the work being put out here, I have to admit, Bleach going on hiatus was the best thing that could have happened to it. Just look at the master piece we are getting now after that break. BLEACH fans we eating well❤


The shot with all the Sternritter sitting at the table like the espada has given me literal chills.