
Roxas, Hayner, Pence and Olette | Our Summer Vacation

I do not own the audio or any of the clips used. The music is ‘Sayonara Dreams’ by Fred Bouchal, and Kingdom Hearts belongs to Disney and Square Enix. The clips are taken from #kingdomhearts #roxas #amv

Shion Yume

1 month ago

Friends… Friends eat ice cream together, and talk and laugh about the stupidest  things. Like those kids we just saw. Are the kids here on summer vacation already? Summer vacation? What’s that? It's a dream come true, that's what— where they get a whole month off. A month off!? I wouldn't know what to do with that much time. Most kids spend the time just  goofing off with their friends. They save the homework till the end  and then help each other finish it. I could deal with seven days, maybe.
You and I have to make the finals! That way, no  matter who wins, the four of us split the prize! Okay, you’re on. It’s a promise! Do you guys think we’ll  always be together like this? I sure hope so. Well, I doubt we can be together forever.  But isn't that what growing up's all about? So we’d better make the time we  do have something to remember. What's important isn't how  often we see each other, but how often we think about each other. Right? I don't get what's been happening lately. You…
You were never supposed to exist, Roxas. Looks like my summer vacation is... Over. Hey, Sora. You sure we haven’t met before? Positive. Why do you ask? I dunno. You know… I’m sad. What's… this feeling? I've got memories that don't belong to me. A place to call home. And a sunset, that's comforting. My first and my last… Summer vacation. This place is home. Me, Hayner, Pence, Olette... We've shared a lot of adventures. You'll see them again. I know you will. Yeah, you're right. Actually, we’re l
ooking for Roxas. Roxas? That’s funny… I don’t know any  Roxas, but the name sounds familiar. Maybe we bumped into him somewhere. Uh, that’s one way to put it. Actually, he mighta been friends  with another version of ya. Sora, let us help you track Roxas down. He seems like a pretty cool guy. Yeah. He is. That’s the only proof we have  that Roxas was our friend. Tell us about him. We wanna know him better. I know how Roxas feels. To be lost. So… I was hoping the three of you  would do the same,
and wish for Roxas. What? That’s it? That’s no favor. We’ll all wish. I’m wishin’. Yeah! Me and Pence too.



Nostalgia hits hard


Great video as always!