
Styles of Kundalini Activation Pranapat vs Shaktipat

Styles of Kundalini Activation Pranapat vs Shaktipat. Shaktipat is not about pushing energy though someone but rather about a divine connection to the energy. When someone is pushing energy this is called Pranapat and a powerful form of reiki or astral surgery and in many case where the practitioner does not even know it. Energy healing, activate your Kundalini for healing and beyond & of course spiritual growth. This energy can be used as a simple energy healing system or for things like a true awakening practice. Kundalini energy is for healing and beyond. This spiritual energy can be used as a distant healing energy. Go deeper faster, receive private sessions online or find out more about courses and trainings: Youtube Membership Update - Live Group Sessions direct on youtube and via Zoom. Each week I will send membership only posts with the zoom link. Of course 1 membership gives access to one of the 2 weekly times. Weekly online group sessions. They are held on Thursdays at 11:00 and 20:00 London time. Via a youtube membership or via my website. Shadow work, negative entities and Kundalini Activation If you are looking to do some work on your ego or shadow self you can also checkout this course: Subscribe: All the music is of my own creation too: Find me onm spotify: Namaste Skeed Original work and Copyright protected ©. Please note: Everyone's experience is unique in life and just as this is true so each person's experience of universal life force will also be for healing and beyond. However with deep advanced practice experiences can become shared experiences on an energetic and astral level. Physical experiences range from heaviness and relaxation to spontaneous movements, asanas and mudras. it can also result in speaking in tongues as well as the freeing of emotions and blockages and can get uncomfortable if you are attached to your ego and your will pass through stages like the dark night of the soul... Kundalini activation quantum healing and universal life force energy or vital life force energy helps to cleanse the physical, energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies as well as helps to unravel all the programming we have received throughout are lives, letting us see everything more clearly. Disclaimer: If you choose to use these videos you know it is your responsibility and your are medically cleared to use them and have a working knowledge of this type of work. If you do not agree then you cannot use these videos. By watching any of my material you agree to the T&Cs found here: #energyhealing #kundaliniactivation #spiritualgrowth #reiki Become a Light body & Kundalini Activation Facilitator / Medium: Become a Light Body Activation Facilitator / Medium:

The Awakening Energy by Skeed

5 months ago

Hi guys, and welcome to the Awakening  Energy. I'm Skeed. Today, I'm not going to do an energy transmission because, well, not  initially because I have been asked a question and asked a comment about the sort of different  styles of people doing this type of energy work. Now there are sort of two main schools of thought  on this. One is that you have to be sort of slightly more powerful, and that is when you're  more powerful, you can then start controlling the space and the energy around peopl
e, just holding  the space and connecting everybody Shaktipat. Then you have the other school, where facilitators  go in and they're doing this over the bodies. So the first one is fairly simple; you have to  have a certain level of power to be able to do it. Everybody receives the energy they need  to receive, and it will work on different areas, the energy intelligence, so it'll sort of work  in a process covering what it needs to do. Then the other one, where you see people doing  this over t
he people, you have astral surgery, which I learned many years ago when I was doing  Reiki. And then you are connecting to the person, finding the blockages, and helping  to slowly release those blockages. And then you also have the same thing where  you're connected empathically to the person, feeling what they need to be healed or  they need to be boosted and boosting that energy or healing each part, relieving pain,  helping people open their third eye, etc., etc. And then you have this other
school,  which is sort of like the second category, where these people are learning to do  activations and facilitation. And I'm not saying anything wrong against these people;  they're trying to do their best. But for them, it's all about getting the person to move;  the person must move to have an experience. And this is just wrong. And they say, 'Oh, I'm  opening their chakras, and I'm doing this,' but then they're actually not. They're just pushing  energy and pushing energy and pushing ene
rgy. I've actually had quite a few comments from  people who have worked with other people saying, 'Yeah, I went to a session with this  person or that person or this guru, and my energy was just sort of all over  the place. It was super,' and basically, they didn't have a great experience, or they  had a great experience, but they just felt that the energy was being pushed around  left, right, and center with no reason. This comes from people trying to do this work, as  I said, perhaps they're
trying to do their best, but it comes from this thing of, 'Oh, the person  must move. The more I push, the better it is. Oh, I'm just following; I'm being guided by the  energy.' You're not guided by the energy from out there because that has to be filtered through  your perspectives, beliefs, and filters. You have to be guided empathically and intuitively to  connect with the person, to see what they need. See, this is where I can go into this more with  private sessions, group sessions. It's a
bout controlling the space for everybody, and everybody  does their thing. When you have group sessions of, you know, 15 people, and these facilitators  going around, they're actually not necessarily, some obviously will be, but they're not connecting  empathically to the person, seeing what they need. They're being guided by what  they perceive as the energy, or it could also be understood  as their own, unfortunately, ego pushing to get these people to move,  saying it's coming from the source
. But when I've seen people who said, 'I've been  and yes, the people were working on my chakras, and they were pushing hard in the  chakras,' and I'm like, 'Okay, well, let's have a look,' and their chakras  aren't open at all. It's like, 'How can there be these facilitators that, in theory,  are opening these people's chakras? And yet, when I analyze these people, their chakras are  fully closed. One of the reasons is, 'Oh, well, I'm spinning this way because each chakra spins  this way.' Well
, that's a big mass thing. It's a technique you can use with a pendulum to see  which way chakras spin because not everybody's chakras spin in the same direction, and not  every chakra spins in the same direction, and then depending on how you're orientated,  they could spin one way or the other way. So when these people come in and they're sort  of like working on the chakras and pulling, they could actually be forcing other people's  chakras to close further rather than open. It is a shame tha
t this happens. It does  come from basically a lack of training. Oh, it's activate with the energy. It's, 'I do  this.' Again, I've met people who do this and have admitted to me they cannot actually feel  anything, but they do this stuff on people, and there's a reaction, so it must  be working. And yes, precisely, it is working. But for a facilitator to not  be able to feel the energy, is that safe? Is that ethical? Then I've had conversations with  other people that they have this, for exampl
e, this idea that facilitators, 'Oh, well, the energy  is 100% safe, and I just follow it,' and like, 'No, you can't say it's 100% safe. Just  go to my webpage and read my disclaimer. There are possible effects that can happen  with this. It's not all light and wonderful and hippie-dippy. We do go through psychological  processes which are difficult to deal with with the energy, and it awakens things inside us.  For example, one of the things that can happen, it can awaken your sexual energy. It
can  bring your levels of sexual desire up, which for some people can be absolutely great. For  others, it can actually be quite problematic. If you are a fairly sexual person anyway and your  sexual arousal goes up even further, that can actually start affecting you day in, day out. So,  like a 15-16-year-old boy has, but if that's in a 35-40-year-old female, that can actually be a  problem, female or male because a 40-year-old male won't be used to what a 15-year-old  male's used to, and that
can cause problems. And obviously there are things that have  to be worked through. I'm not saying they can be avoided. It's something that  the sexual energy gets stimulated, and it's just a process that you have to go  through. It comes up and it goes down again. It's just a process. But while there are these  people out there that go on these quick two, three-day courses and say, 'Well, you do this,  and that's it,' and you follow the sequence every time, with such a powerful energy, it's  j
ust not very responsible. To allow people to practice this when they're clearly saying they  can't feel the energy, how responsible is that? And then, of course, there's the other  thing. There are people who do this; they connect to the energy. This is when you  know it's Shaktipat rather than Shagy Pat . First of all, Shagy Pat, you don't need to be  doing all of this. But I ask facilitators, 'Okay, has your Kundalini awakened?' 'I don't know.' Or  some people say yes. 'Okay, so when it opened
, describe to me the sensations.' 'Oh, well, I felt  a bit hot.' That's not a full Kundalini Awakening. So there are people moving these energies, and  if you want to call it Kundalini activation, but they have not had their Kundalini awakened.  Granted, I've also had clients come to me saying, 'Oh, yes, my Kundalini is awakened.' And  obviously, I have to take people at their word. 'Okay, they've got an awakened Kundalini,  therefore we will start at a much higher level.' And then after the ses
sion, they're like,  'What was that?' 'Well, we were moving the energies because you said your Kundalini was  awakened.' 'But I've never had a sensation like that before in a certain chakra. You have to  awaken the chakras to awaken the Kundalini.' Of course, this is completely understandable  because on social media, there are so many people trying to explain what Kundalini Awakening  is. People dumbing it down. And obviously, people are using these videos for educational purposes,  and therefo
re, they interpret that as they've had a full Kundalini Awakening when, okay, they might  have had a little spark of it, but that's it. So, with facilitation of this energy, as I said,  there are the two or three ways to do it. There's the controlling the space, there's the feeling  the empathic connection through the person, and then there's this irresponsible thing. For me,  with clients, if I'm doing an empathic connection, for example, sensations that I can feel, for  example, if a female is
in a certain area of their menstrual cycle, I might suddenly feel like  pains where, obviously, I don't have ovaries, but I might feel sharp pains where ovaries would  be in them. So I know perhaps where they are in their cycle or perhaps they have something  affecting them there in that area, etc., etc. I might get a pain in my shoulder or I might  feel a heaviness in my shoulder. Therefore, I know there's something there in the shoulder.  That's an empathic connection. It's not, 'Oh, it's thi
s routine.' And so, you see what I'm  talking about. And then people that can really control this. We've all seen the Last Airbender  bloodbending. Again, from powerful people who do this irresponsibly. People, for example, talking  about female menstrual cycles that they might start to finish their cycle as I like to say here.  They suddenly go into Shark Week, which, okay, we all know with these energies, with female people,  with female clients, you have to warn them. If they're on the pill,
be a little bit careful.  It might stop working for a while, etc., etc. But then these females might start to  flow and flow, and it might be very heavy, and it might go on for more than a week. It might  go on for two weeks. I actually had one person that I had to cut their cycle because they'd been  bleeding heavily for two weeks. So I had to come in and do the reverse blood bend and to cut it,  and obviously after the session, then stopped. So, there are these things we have to be  aware of.
But also, as a client and patient, you have to be aware of these things that if they  happen to you, then you have to actually go back and tell the person. Hopefully, they will be  able to sort it out for you. If they can't, well, you need to start finding someone  else to work with. What can I say? Just be a little bit careful, and if you go  to a facilitation where they are moving your energy all over the place and it doesn't  feel comfortable or it just feels strange, okay, you're going for a
n experience, and  it's a rush and it's a roller coaster, and okay. But that's not what Kundalini activation  is about. I mean, if you want to go for that, go for that. But if you actually want growth in  your energy, if people are doing that to you, you might want to start looking and looking  elsewhere and doing it with other people who will connect with your energy empathically through  intuition, help you balance the yin and the yang, the tantric, the male and the female poles,  balance conn
ection, help you in a controlled way, release the emotions, the negative ones, release  the blockages, and then go into happy states. This said, I also have to say, I'm not trying  to say the majority of people don't know what they're doing. It does seem unfortunate there are  a lot of people that are doing this and haven't done enough study. They're not intuitive  or empathic enough, perhaps need to work on themselves more before they continue,  which is another thing I've also found. There are
people who do facilitation who  actually do no self-work. To be a facilitator, you have to be constantly working  on yourself, constantly releasing, constantly finding the shadows, constantly  peeling back the layers. So just be aware that, unfortunately, these things go on. It  comes from not the people doing it, but it comes from the people who gave the  trainings. It's up to them to be responsible, to perhaps not certify people. Obviously, just  because they don't certify them isn't going to
stop them going out and doing it if they  actually got to a point where they can do it. So, you just have to be a little bit careful,  and if you have experiences like that, know that'll be the last time you go with  them until you find someone else. Try someone else until you find someone that can  control it for you and go at your own pace. Now, of course, you do have, like the very similar  to the chi masters. It is a slight different philosophy where they come in and basically, you  have a
power zap. It's like bazinga, and I mean, you literally... these people all sort of, if  they're standing up, they collapse on the floor, or they start. And so the chi masters say, 'Well,  that's like having, you know, three years of meditation in one go on an energetic level.'  Okay, great, you know. If you're into that, then go find a chi master that does that. However,  obviously, understand that, you know, just think about it. Is it better to do it like that, or  is it better to let the ener
gies do their thing, rather than basically sticking your fingers in  a power socket? I mean, who does that anyway? Thank you for those who are still watching. This  is a video for people who do this, facilitators, as much as for people that receive it. Hope  it's been useful, and remember to subscribe, leave a comment down below. Have you had  this? This is very, very important. Have you had an experience like this that you feel  that your energy was moved uncontrollably or by someone? Put it in
the comments down below, so  we can see how many people have had experiences like that. Okay, thank you very much,  and see you in another video. Namaste.
