
Tarzan the Fearless 🎬 2024 HD Restored Colorized | Full Adventure Family Movie | 1933 无畏泰山

Mary Brooks' father, who has been studying ancient tribes, falls into the hands of the people of Zar, god of the Emerald Fingers. Tarzan helps Mary locate her father, rescues everyone from the High Priest of Zar and takes Mary to his cave. #movie #classic #Adventure #Family #hollywood

Movie Matrix - 大片云集

5 days ago

This hike is too hard for you, Mary! Not as hard as waiting for news every day! I could have looked for it alone! I know it, Bob. This is a crazy project! These guys are driving me crazy! I don't like them. Tarzan! Come here. Take this letter to my daughter in the jungle. We'll have to cut through here! We are delayed again! How long are we going to play this game? What about the emerald mines? When they are no longer useful... Be careful! Your father disappeared close to here. We're running lat
e! Normal, in the jungle! I know it well! Oh yes! It's the truth, Mary! I wonder! Stop it! What's going on? They say that Tarzan the ape-man lives around here. What does this mean? This is a legend. A white man raised by monkeys. A white man raised by monkeys... Can you believe it, Jeff? I heard this story in London. We will still camp here tonight. Mary! - Where did this scream come from? - It was Mary Brook! Of course it was! But where is she? Are you Tarzan? My portrait! So, have you seen my
father? My father. Why don't you answer? Speak up! Maybe I understand your language. Please speak! I beg you! What happened? It was Tarzan, he brought me a letter from father! Pass me your jacket! - Was it the monkey man? - Yes. He saved my life! The indications of your father are very clear! Tomorrow you will be with him! What a story for a monkey-man! On the contrary! It's a godsend for us! What do you mean? Don't you know? How about 10,000 pounds? What about it? A lot of money, you idiot! If
this monkey is worth so much why don't you catch him? Wait a minute! Are you Tarzan? I've come a long way to find you. Does this mean anything to you? 10,000 pounds will be offered against the evidence ... of the death of Tarzan, son and heir of the Lord. I wanted to talk to you! - Who was that? - Tarzan, I think. I must have scared him off. Let's join the others. This must be the hut of your father. Mary, be careful! Father, where are you? Father! Don't hide! It's good here, but it's not here a
nymore! This is his paper! He talks about a mine... A map shows the way! This is even more interesting than this Tarzan. I think you get the idea. We have to rely on Tarzan. That ape-man again! We have to find him before it's too late! Come on! We will find him! Everything is against us! Even the elements! Calm down! My dear! Stay here and rest. I'll be back as soon as I can. Now you're being reasonable! Let's not reveal ourselves now! What are you doing? Which way did you arrive? Stop it! It's
Tarzan! My father? Do you know where he is? Let's take the map and go to the mine! It's been ripped off! And of course, you don't know who took it... Say you wanted to double-cross me! You'll have to excuse Nick. He's a little...nosy! That's right, missy! Here it is! It hasn't been opened. I anticipated this, Jeff. And I ripped the card off! Here is the map. The mine is here. The girl is alone! We'll be covered in gold! We'll kidnap her. We are leaving! Give your instructions. Where did I put my
hat? Prisoner in the room of the God with emerald fingers. We leave immediately to rescue my father. We will go north, but they will think it is the believe it to be the mines of Zar. Master. Here is the promised woman. Mary, where are you? Prisoner in the room of the God with emerald fingers. Brooks' card. They've kidnapped Mary! Let's go ! The track continues, but the map says this way! Let's go to this hillock, to see. Good idea! - What happened? - It's Nick! I shouldn't have left you! He to
ok the card! My wallet! The card was there! It's not there anymore! Fortunately, we are on the right track. Your card, Bob. Poor Nick! God rest his soul! We'd better hurry up. Thanks, Tarzan. That was mine. This ... to me! This ... ... to me! I hadn't thought of that. "Emerald-fingered God!" Here is a new enemy. Did your people take me for an enemy? You are an enemy! I am only a stranger, Professor Brooks. Your temerity will cost you death. - But why? - You covet the treasures of Zar! I am not c
oveting any treasure! I am studying your civilization. Others will come after you. They will plunder his treasures ... ... and kill the sons of Zar! Prepare him for the sacrifice! Can I leave a message to my daughter? Like your predecessors, you will leave no trace! According to the map, this is the entrance. This must be it. We'll try to get in. Let's hide! The God with emerald fingers! I didn't think this was possible. Everything is possible in Africa. A dream becomes real! - It's quiet! - Eve
n too quiet. O Zar, you are going to be offered a beautiful sacrifice! What does he mean by "Beautiful sacrifice"? Mary! Where is Mary? We thought she was here!? Zar! Zar? That's where my father is! Wait! I promised that no one would touch the emeralds. Not me! I won't let that happen! A fortune on each finger! We'd better leave. You saved us! Can you take me to Mary? Take Brooks back to the hut. I'll follow Tarzan. What's going on? Good news. Your father is safe and sound! Wait a minute! Let me
tell you that... Is this where you were held prisoner? I was not a prisoner! I understand... Do you know who this Tarzan is? Never mind. This changes everything! You liked Bob, then Tarzan! Why not me? Promise me you'll marry me, or I'll kill him I'll kill him for the reward! No, never! Please, no! I accept! But give me some time. This man is going to take me to my father. Do you think that... you want to take me? I won't leave you with that monkey! I will keep my promise, Jeff. I'll see to it!
I will avenge this sacrilege! We'll need help. Give the alert. Circle the jungle. Capture all the strangers. They send messages for miles around! We're in trouble. Trouble? Tarzan, please. - Go away? - Yes, Tarzan. Not leave! Night... fall! Night... fall... But, Tarzan... Take me to my father! Alone? Where is Mary? With Tarzan. Listen... Drums! All this because you stole an emerald! I wish I had taken more! The biggest emerald in the world! Isn't it beautiful? Get rid of it! Now! Oh, Tarzan! Ma
ry! What a day we have had! - Where were you? - Later, Father! First... - Let's go quickly! - Father! We have to wait for Tarzan. No way! It's too dangerous. It's cruel. He has saved us so many times! Tell the porters. We are leaving as soon as possible. Me too... I'll miss the jungle. Horrible things happened, but... You thought you'd find happiness with this kind of monkey-man? I kept my word. You must keep yours. Would you want a woman who doesn't love you? As long as I love her! I thought so
! I'll get to the bottom of this. Your opinion doesn't matter! I'm holding you to your promise! What promise? Mary will tell you. In Tarzan's cave... Jeff was going to take me back... He wanted to kill Tarzan for the 10,000 pounds. And to save Tarzan, I promised to marry him. And you want her to keep her promise? Absolutely! Not me! Get out of here! Okay, I'm leaving. Put your arms down! You won't escape anymore! Even if you kill us, others will come. You are the only ones who know the way to th
e temple. But there is a map. I know where it is! Our freedom against the map! Very good. Give me the card. You may leave. He's going to kill him! He's done for. It won't be long now. But... Where is Mary? I don't see her! I'm here, Jeff. I was wrong, Mary. Trying to get you ... Marrying without honor... I must confess... Yes, Jeff? Tarzan's father... Not dead... The letter... "10,000 pounds will be offered against the proof..." "of the death of Tarzan, son and heir of the Lord." I get it, Jeff.
Tarzan is descended from a large family. We offered 10,000 pounds to kill him and keep the secret. Mommy! Mary... I'm trying to repent... The way is clear... I remember this tree! Tarzan's cave is over here. We have days of walking, it's time to ... Let's go! I want to talk to him. Over there! The cave! Father, what shall we do? I don't know, dear. We must hurry to leave. I can't leave without knowing! I understand you, my dear. I understand you. Get some food and go on. But, you and Mary? We w
ill live in my hut. Take Jeff's letter to England. This is a goodbye, isn't it? You were wonderful, Bob. and really brave. Can I still hope? No, Bob. Tarzan! Are you alright? You are not hurt? Mary! Tantord! No, not "tantor"! I have to teach you English: elephant! Tantor! No, Tarzan, e-lé-phant! Tantor. No, Tarzan, elephant! Delouse! No, Tarzan! Chim-pan-zee! - Delouse! - No! Chimpanzee! Call it "delouse", but he's a chimp!
