
They Don't Know | Family Drama | Full Movie

A thought provoking family drama. A mother's relationship with her son has become strained after a horrible accident following an argument between the two. While falling into depression, she tries to mend her relationship with her son but encounters a situation that hinders. Stars: Patience McStravick, Owen Myre Directed by Daniel Groom ** Subscribe to Stash TV! - Welcome to Stash TV, the home of free movies and TV. Subscribe, watch more full movies, and find our app on Fire TV! Great works of drama reveal true insights about the human condition. In-depth character studies, tense emotional stories, and everything in between can open your mind to new, human experiences. Discover these independent stories from filmmakers illuminating their perspective, available on Stash Movies. Original programming available solely on Stash Movies. Watch hundreds of movies for free. Enjoy unlimited streaming with no credit cards, no subscription, and half the ads of regular TV. Stash Movies is building the world’s largest catalog of free movies and TV. There is something for everybody; from drama to romance, documentaries to classics, and niche favorites such as horror and classic westerns. ** All of the films on this channel are under legal license from various copyright holders and distributors through Filmhub. For copyright concerns or takedown requests, please contact your Filmhub Account Manager or visit and they will help you resolve your issue. ** If you are a filmmaker and want to include your film on this channel, visit #fullfreemovies #StashTV #freeyoutubemovies

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11 months ago

(Police radio chatter) Thanks for the help, asshole. Oh God. It's the Riley twins. Can you guys get out of here? Come on! We just want to learn how to skate! Not on my board. Are you nuts? Come on! No one else will teach us. Probably a reason why. You guys are mad annoying. Look, I'm not teaching you on my board. I can't afford to get it messed up. Bounce. Anyway dude, you had to see it last night... Hey! That's mine! Hey! Really!? Then, he suplexed him off the top turnbuckle and the whole ring
exploded! No way dude! That's so lit! But what about that time he was thrown off the top of the cage and destroyed the Spanish announce table. Hey! look what we found! Where did you get that? It was on the ground over there. No one was around. Well? Thanks buddy! Come on lets go! Get back here, you! Listen Jamie, I don't know why you never answer your phone anymore. It's getting late. Come home soon. Jamie, what happened? I fell off the skateboard. Come sit down. You've got to be more careful, h
oney. I've been through a lot worse. You should have called me. I could've picked you up... or at least answered your phone. Mom, the battery on that thing sucks. Whenever I use it, it dies on me. I think I need a new phone. Nice try buddy. Where's your board? The Riley brothers took it. What! Those twins? Why? I don't know. I tried to stop them, but I couldn't. Alright all set. How bout a thank you? Thank you. You hungry? Number 39. Boy, you must really be hungry. What? I mean, I couldn't finis
h a whole pizza myself. My son is right there. Enjoy. Jamie, what's been going on with you lately. You've been very distant, and moping around. Are you feeling alright? You're not still mad, are you? Look, I can't help you if you never... It's not that. Then what is it? I don't know... ever since the argument and the accident... I just feel empty inside. Like nothing matters. Honey, why didn't you say anything before? We can get help. I can't imagine what's it's been like for you. It won't matte
r, mom. I'm the most ignored kid in the world right now. Nobody acknowledges me, my friends don't call or respond. This summer sucks. It's like I don't exist anymore. Well I kind of lied. I do know what your going through. I get all these looks and stares, like I'm crazy. It's not the same. At least your getting attention. Ok, it's the opposite. Is that why you've been stressed lately? Yeah, I guess that's one reason. What else? Can't tell you. Why not? That's secret information. The government
could be listening to us right now. Look Jamie, don't worry about me. I just want you to be a kid and be happy and carefree. And if your friends don't want to talk to you, move on. Make better friends, do better things than them. Make a brighter future for yourself and don't get caught up life's snags. And if you can't make any friends, you always have me as one. Jeez mom, have some faith in me, god! Hey! I'll be back. Gotta go to the bathroom. Hello Lori. Hello. How are we feeling today? Good.
That's good. Any abnormal pains or aches? No. So your here because we put you on a new medication a month ago for... ah depression. How's that working for you. Well, it's definitely working. Good, good. OK. I scheduled this appointment because as you know this drug is still being tested, specifically for side effects. But you said it is working correct? OK. Have you experienced any of the following. Lightheaded-ness? No. Irritability? Well... a little bit more. How about memory loss? Well I'm am
beginning to become forgetful of things but with all the stress going on. Well this is an anti-depressant, not a stress reliever. Diarrhea? Huh? Diarrhea. A soupy like bowel... I know what it is. Uh... no... I mean yes... I don't know, once in a while. Ok. There are others but we won't bother. The ones I mentioned are more important as this drug is altering brain chemicals. We may have to monitor the memory loss. It seems to be creeping in. But if you say it's working I'll write another script.
Great. Thanks. Damn it, Jamie. No I never put in a claim on his life insurance. The only thing that I claimed was on his health insurance obviously. He's up in his room right now. He never died in that accident. Well this is a big mistake on the hospital then. If I have to bring him down to your office to prove he's still alive, I will. Alright, thank you. I'll be waiting. Mom? Hey sweetie. What's going on? What's this? Nothing, there's been a giant mistake. Whoa! 20 thousand?! How can you make
a mistake like this? The hospital sent the wrong information saying you died in that accident. Man, no wonder Micheal Jackson faked his death. We're not keeping it! Are you nuts? Why not? Because if I take this 20 thousand, I'll be locked up for insurance fraud. I guess your right. But on the other hand, if you did, I home alone spending time in the bathtub fulled with money. Oh really. So that's worth more than having your mom at home? Don't worry. I'll still visit you in jail. Well I guess I
won't be using you to testify for me in court. I see you've got your sense of humor back. Did talking last night help? Made me feel better about things. Well that's good. You know, I don't have to worry about anyone but myself. That's probably the only thing you've ever listened to me one. I don't like mayonnaise, mom. Oh, I forgot. Fine, you don't have to eat it. But your going to have to eat something later. I almost forgot. What's wrong with your phone? What do you mean? I tried calling you a
fter I got out the doctors office and it said it was disconnected. I don't know. I didn't get anything. What? Well I have to go to work today, but maybe tomorrow we'll go to the store and see what's wrong with it. You think I could get a new phone? I got to get ready for work. I'll leave you some money on the fridge for take out. You never did like cutting it. I'm sorry for that night, Jamie. I'm sorry for any pain I caused. I never meant for you to get hurt. Everything I do, is to protect you..
. And get you to make the right decisions. I hope you can forgive me. Good morning. Morning sleepyhead. Boy you were passed out last night. You did a great job cleaning up. I couldn't even tell there was a party. Yeah yeah yeah. You hungry? No. I already ate. When? At like 6. I got up, had cereal, went back to bed. I didn't hear you. I didn't want you to. Well, more for me. Your skateboard came back last night. Yeah I saw. I though you would be a little more excited than that. So are we going. N
ot like that we're not. Go wash up and change. Hey there! Do you need any help? Actually yes. I have an issue with my account. OK, follow me. What's the name on the account? Lori Rustcraft. Great, got it. What can I help you with? Well my sons line has been disconnected for some reason and I know the bill isn't due for another couple days. Let me look into that. Looks like the line was cancelled on June 25th. How can that be? Who authorized it? It was done over the phone by our corporate office.
The only thing the comment says is that the account owner called to cancel the line. That's impossible. I never called. Unfortunately we're one day to late to reverse it. When a line is canceled, we normally give a 30 day grace period with the number intact in case someone changes their mind. But I never canceled. There has to be something that can be done. I'm sorry Miss Rustcraft. There's nothing that can be done to reverse it. The phone number has already gone into quarantine. This is ridicu
lous! I'm sorry but here's what I can do. We currently have a promo going where you can add a line and get a free phone of your choice. So for the inconvenience I will give you the first 3 months free on the line. Oh man mom, we got to do that one, please?? Its perfect! It adds the line and I get the phone all for free. Please. Ma'am? Alright, go ahead. Great, I'll get started. You did this on purpose so you could get a new phone. I wish I thought of it earlier. Its too perfect. Umm... so what k
ind of phone you interested in. Don't get nothing to fancy. I don't want you on it all the time. Do you have the Galactic Edge 3? Ma'am are you feeling OK? I'm fine. Why? You just seem a little, disorientated. I may have some side effects kicking in from medication but I'm fine. He asked for the Galactic Edge 3. Do you have it or not? I told you not to get something so addicting. I just want to set it up. Well that can wait. Put it away. I don't want you doing with all these people walking aroun
d. Lori! Hey how are you! Oh my god Rose! It's been forever! How have you been? I know, I've been good, really busy lately. Jack got a promotion so we had to move closer to the city. Then running around with Cameron to every soccer game. How's Cameron dealing with the move? God, you know how kids are sometimes you just want to... Yeah, sometimes. Oh Jeez. Lori I haven't seen you since Jamie's accident. I am so sorry. How are you doing with that? Thanks. I'm doing OK. You know I'm just glad that
Jamie's fine and he didn't come out of that badly injured. What do you mean? It's a miracle he's OK. An accident like that could have killed him. I don't understand. I was told that he was killed in the accident. Rose, he's right here. Say hi Jamie. Hi, Rose. Are you feeling OK? Why the Hell do people keep asking me that?! Lori calm down. My son is standing right here in front of me. He's not dead! Lori calm down, lets get you some privacy. NO! Not without Jamie. Jamie died, Lorie. He was killed
in the accident. No, he couldn't have. No one is with you, Lori. Look. He's not there. I don't want to be dead, Mom! Please, I don't want to be. Please mom, I don't want to go. Get off of me! No, please! Don't leave me! Don't leave me please! Please mom! I don't want to go! I love you! You are not going to meet you friends at the skate park, Jamie. I don't care what you say! Your grades are slipping and you haven't even done your chores today like I asked you. I'm sick of you controlling me! I
don't care Jamie. You are not going anywhere. I'm grounding you for a week for your snotty little attitude. Screw you!
