
Top 5 Scary YouTube Channels

This is our first countdown, like this if you want more of this. Stay creepy! ;)


7 years ago

Number 5 Alan Tutorial Alan Tutorial is a YouTube channel created by Alan Resnick created in 2011 The series revolves around a person named Alan who is mentally ill and is obsessed with making tutorials The tutorials can range from everyday use to VERY strange The series isn't all that scary but it's eerie in a weird way Number 4 Pechal Pechal is a channel I stumbled upon while browsing YouTube Please, ignore how I say it. I'm probably not saying it right, I couldn't really figure out how but um
m... While this channel has 1 video as of today, the 1 video on this persons channel contains loud sounds, also known as ear rape In a very dark room can be seen if you brighten up the video Even their channel art has a dark room which is eerie There seems to be no meaning to this channel whatsoever but that's just an observation Number 3 Imaginedom Imaginedom is a channel which may be owned by a Satan worshipper The videos are insanely messed up and I'd recommend you stay away from this channel
For example, a video called reproduction shows a baby rotating it's head in a very unnatural way Which just weirded me out so, that was enough for me to put it on this list Number 2 Brian Brian is a channel that does really weird animations and by weird I mean very strange Their bizarre and sometimes eerie environment and atmosphere gives an unsettling feel when watching one of their animations However, there is a possible meaning to this channel For example, in the maze video the overall theme
of the video seems to be all of our twists in life and how they affect our future and the obstacles we face to get there Number 1 Webdrivertorso and Unfavoredsemicircle Webdrivertorso is a channel that uploads 2 to 15 minutes between each video Usually they are only 10 seconds long but sometimes way longer than that They have a strange feel to them There are red and blue shapes accompanied with beeping noises that get lower and higher in pitch Google claims to be the channel owner but some don'
t believe that And Unfavoredsemicircle This channel is a duplicate basically of Webdrivertorso People theorize this was another channel ran by Google but when they were removed off of YouTube, that theory was knocked off This channel took the same format of videos as Webdrivertorso but to this day they are still banned off YouTube Luckily, there are duplicate channels that have reuploaded some of their videos if anyone wants to check them out Congratulations! You made it to the bonus if you made
it this far Well, this one can't really be described by words, you would have to check it out yourself Click the annotation that should be somewhere on the screen Or click the link in the description to check out the channel and it's videos See you guys later!
