
UNBELIEVABLE Weird Diseases | Animation

I changed a lot of accents in this video so you better notice it! Have you ever heard of alien hand syndrome, oh you did? well that's fine cuz I've got like a ton of them so watch them all for you education, and if you ever got one of them, hm well that's weird... Like Everyone. Yes EveryOne IS WEIRD like me, and you. And you see we have a lot in common so watch all of my video, you'll like them! Watch this video: And this one: Reddit: #funny #anime #animation #trending #youtube


6 months ago

Hey there, fellow weirdos! Today we will  dive into the wacky world of bizarre diseases. Today, we're taking a look at  some truly strange conditions that will make you say, "Wait, that's a real thing?!" Alright, let's jump right into it! First up, we have "Alien Hand Syndrome." Picture this: your  hand rebels against your will and starts doing its own thing. You're just innocently trying to  eat a sandwich, and suddenly your hand slaps you across the face like, "Nope, not today!" It's like  hav
ing a tiny, rebellious alien living inside you. Trust me, folks, you'll want to keep an eye  on your hands after learning about this one! Now, have you ever heard of "Exploding Head  Syndrome"? No, it's not a Michael Bay movie, but it might feel like one!  Imagine drifting off to sleep, and just as you're about to enter dreamland, BAM!  It's like someone detonated a firework show inside your head. Talk about a rude awakening! I don't know about you, but I prefer my mornings without the surprise
pyrotechnics. Alright, buckle up, because we're about to dive into "Foreign Accent Syndrome." Yes, you  heard that right. Imagine waking up one day and suddenly speaking like a completely different  person. You might go from sounding like a regular Joe to sounding like a British aristocrat or  even a Southern belle. It's like having a vocal chameleon living inside you! Just imagine ordering  a burger and fries with a posh British accent. Talk about confusing the fast-food employees! next, we hav
e "Alice in Wonderland Syndrome." No, it's not an invitation to a whimsical tea party.  It's a condition where your perception of reality goes haywire. Objects might seem bigger or  smaller than they actually are, and even your own body can feel distorted. It's like living in  a trippy, psychedelic wonderland all the time. Just imagine trying to fit through a door  that suddenly shrinks before your eyes. It's enough to make you question reality itself! But wait, there's more! Strap yourselves in
for a few more mind-boggling diseases that will  make you question the very fabric of reality. We have "Jumping Frenchmen of Maine Syndrome."  No, it's not a dance craze from France, but it does involve some seriously exaggerated  reactions. Imagine someone shouting "Jump!" and you immediately find yourself leaping into  the air like a startled kangaroo. It's like having your reflexes on overdrive, making every  little surprise feel like a grand performance. Just imagine being at a surprise  pa
rty with this condition. You'd be the life of the party, literally! Now, let's talk about "Urbach-Wiethe Disease." This one's a real head-scratcher.  Imagine losing the ability to feel fear. Yep, you heard that right. No more heart-pounding  moments when watching a horror movie or encountering a spider. It's like having  your fear switch permanently turned off. While it may sound cool at first, just imagine the  consequences of never feeling fear. You might end up petting a lion at the zoo or ch
allenging  a grizzly bear to a thumb-wrestling match. Trust me, folks, a healthy dose of  fear is what keeps us alive and well. Ever Image what it would be like to fast  forward thru the aging process like a super speedy movie. Weeell In the case of progeria also  known as the… the Benjamin button disease kids get a taste of of an extraordinary experience  this super duper rare genetic disorder hits the fast forward button on aging giving them  wrinkles, baldness, and joint stiffness, way before
their time. Can you just image a  bunc a ba a bunch of kids walking around with canes talkin about their good old days deez  kiddos are rewriting the whole rule book.. Subscribe hit like and share Stay weird





About the alien hand if im not wrong it does what intrusive thoughts tell you to do for example throwing a toddler into an active volcano