
02. History of Islamic politics - War Between Muslims #Shorts #islahbahrawi #gusislahbahrawiterbaru

Sejarah politik Islam - Perang Sesama Islam History of Islamic politics - War Between Muslims (Islah Bahrawi Terbaru 2023) The history of Islamic politics has seen many conflicts and wars between Muslims throughout the centuries. These wars were often driven by political, religious, and social factors within the Muslim community. Here are a few notable examples: 1. The First Fitna (656-661 CE): This was the first major civil war among Muslims that occurred immediately after the death of the Prophet Muhammad. It was a power struggle between various Muslim factions, primarily the supporters of Ali ibn Abi Talib, the fourth caliph, and the Umayyad dynasty. This conflict eventually led to the split between the Sunni and Shia sects within Islam. 2. The Umayyad-Abbasid conflict (late 7th to mid-8th century CE): The Umayyad dynasty, which ruled the Islamic caliphate from 661-750 CE, faced numerous revolts from different factions. One of the major revolts included the Abbasid Revolt led by Abu Muslim, which eventually led to the fall of the Umayyad dynasty and the establishment of the Abbasid caliphate. This was a significant shift in Islamic political power. 3. The Crusades (1095-1291 CE): The Crusaders, primarily Christians from Europe, launched a series of military campaigns to capture the Holy Land, including Jerusalem, from the Muslim control. This resulted in several clashes between Muslims and Crusaders, known as the Crusades. These wars not only had religious motivations but also political and economic aspirations. 4. The Mongol invasions (13th-14th century CE): The Mongol Empire led by Genghis Khan and later his descendants conquered vast territories, including significant portions of the Muslim world. The Mongols' conquests often resulted in brutal destruction and the massacre of Muslim populations. However, there were also instances where Mongols embraced Islam and incorporated themselves into the Muslim societies they had conquered. 5. The Ottoman-Safavid conflict (16th-17th century CE): The Ottoman Empire, a predominantly Sunni Muslim empire, clashed with the Safavid Empire, a predominantly Shia Muslim empire. This conflict had both religious and political dimensions, as each empire sought to expand its influence and control over territories. The conflict exacerbated sectarian tensions between Sunni and Shia Muslims. 6. The Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988): Although not exclusively a religious war, the Iran-Iraq War, fought between Iran (predominantly Shia Muslim) and Iraq (predominantly Sunni Muslim), had religious and political overtones. It served as a battleground for the long-standing tensions between these two countries, which were fueled by political and territorial disputes as well as sectarian differences. It's important to note that while conflicts and wars have occurred throughout Islamic history, they do not represent the entirety of Islamic politics. Muslims have also engaged in extensive trade, intellectual and cultural exchange, and contributed to the development of various political systems. The history of Islamic politics is a diverse and multifaceted subject that goes beyond conflicts and wars. #islamhistory #historyofislam #islahbahrawiterbaru #islahbahrawiterbaru2023 #gusislabahrawi #islamhistory #islahbahrawi #gusislahbahrawi #shorts #shortsvideo #shortsviral #shortsislahbahrawi #gst_channel ========== Follow Juga Akun Kami : IG: @greatestsosmed Tiktok: @great_pujangga

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4 months ago

until then the Umayyads stepping on to the fifth caliphate of his name Umar bin Abdul Aziz made one breakthrough and oblige Friday preachers had to stop his abuse because the abuse was delivered by the preacher when Fridayan Sayidina Ali was insulted cursing, well, this is the embryo of a split between Sunni and Shia occur here so then Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz this has to stop then then Friday preacher is required at the end His sermon read Surah An-Nahl verse 90 well this is done here God wil
ling, this will be done here annahl inallahurlial Ihsan wailba fahunkukum laakum ini dibaca oleh KH so that we forget about the insult then we must have empathy with others Muslim brothers and Since then The politicization of religion in mosques was stopped
