
10 Facts MUST KNOW before travelling to Canada

10 SECRETS YOU WISH YOU KNEW ABOUT CANADA Hey there folks! This is Dawning Destinations! On this channel, I'm here to redefine the way we experience the world. If you're looking for some fascinating facts to plan for your travels, make sure you hit that subscribe button. Stepping outside our comfort zones will make every travel an unforgettable story. In this video, we are going to dive into 10 Interesting facts about Canada that go beyond the picturesque vistas and into the heart of what makes this country truly extraordinary. Dive into the fascinating world of Canada, a country not just renowned for its sweeping landscapes and pristine natural beauty, but also celebrated for its dynamic cities with some unconventional facts. Our curated list shines a spotlight on the lesser-known aspects of Canada, from the zombie apocalypse plans to its signature cocktails at Dawson Bay. Whether it’s the vibrant pace of life in Toronto, the climate at Snag, Yukon, or Churchill, Manitoba where it is the Polar Bear capital of the world, each fact reveals a layer of Canada's multifaceted identity. Tailored for those pondering a move, in search of their next big adventure, or simply keen to learn what sets Canada apart, this video is packed with enlightening insights, lesser-known facts, and some of the information you need to explore the rich tapestry of Canadian life. Whether you're mapping out your future, or simply daydreaming about the possibilities that life in Canada offers, come along on this exploratory journey to uncover the fascinating facts that define Canada. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more insights and inspiration from across Canada. Always Exploring - Dawning Destinations. living in canada places to visit in canada interesting facts canada unconventional facts canada canada facts best places to visit in canada best places to live in canada travelling canada canada trip canada holiday canada travel guide interesting places to visit in canada top 10 canada canada lifestyle canada secrets

Dawning Destinations

9 days ago

Canada the land of maple syrup and ice hockey the great white North is not only known for its breathtaking scenery but also Harbors some of  the most jaw-dropping and unconventional Secrets you've never heard before you might be thinking  we will explore the longest coastline of Canada which takes 4.5 years if you walk non-stop around  it or maybe you might assume we will talk about the fresh Lakes of Canada or the fact that 20%  of the world's fresh water is in Canada no we won't Canada boasts
some of the most jaw-dropping  statistics but you must already be familiar with them and we're taking a detour from the obvious  today what if we told you there's a side to Canada that goes beyond the ordinary in this video we're  peeling back the layers and revealing the quirky the unexpected and the downright mind-blowing  facts that will leave you in awe trust me even if you think you know Canada like the back of  your hand you're in for a surprise the zombie apocalypse plan did you know that
Canada has an  official zombie apocalypse plan Yes you heard it right the Canadian government has an emergency  preparedness guide that includes tips on how to survive a zombie invasion they have made clear  that those hungry flailing and murderous Undead would not be welcome on the frostier side of the  border the Winnipeg Free Press even reported that the Centers for Disease Control and prevention  have embraced the idea of incorporating zombie preparedness into their educational materials  b
elieve it or not the province of Quebec once flirted with the notion of organizing a full-on  zombie themed emergency training exercise it's all in good fun but hey you never know when the undead  might decide to take a stroll through the Rockies imagine preparing for a zombie apocalypse in the  Serene Landscapes of Canada if that's something you'd be up for we're just getting started so  watch till the end of this video And subscribe for more of such Secrets at your destination  the great maple
syrup Heist we all know Canada is famous for its maple syrup but did you know  that there was a great maple syrup heist in 2012 thieves stole around 3,000 tons of maple syrup  from a strategic Reserve in Quebec valued at $18 million at that time creating one of the sweetest  crimes in history isn't it funny Would you dare to pull off a maple syrup Heist For the Love of  pancakes but on a serious note maple syrup is a huge business in Canada as the country produces  80% supply of the world's map
le syrup the syrup Bandits were eventually caught but the incident  remains an amusing chapter in Canada's culinary history Hudson Bay has less gravity now it's time  to get ready for a jaw-dropping fact friends back in the 1960s a group of geophysicists stumbled  upon something intriguing while studying the area the discovery of weaker gravity in Hudson  Bay it's an Arctic Bay of water that has puzzled scientists for decades to date the mystery  behind this phenomenon remains unsolved but scien
tists speculate it might be linked to to  the Earth's crust rebounding after the last ice age you see during the Ice Age the weight  of massive ice sheets caused the Earth's crust to sink and when the ice eventually melted the  crust began to bounce back this rebound effect could be the reason behind the reduced gravity  in Hudson Bay we're not done yet here's where it gets interesting this weaker gravity in Hudson  Bay plays tricks on passing satellites satellites cruising in polar orbits exper
ience a slight  dip in speed and a shift in traj when flying over the Hudson Bay lowlands but hold on despite  the gravitational anomaly Hudson Bay lowlands isn't some magical place where you can just  float away like a character in a Sci-Fi movie the world's longest skating rink next up let's  lace up your skates and hit the ice every winter in Ontario Canada something magical happens  what seems like an ordinary Canal turns into the extraordinary 7.8 km rid Canal Skateway  the world's longest
naturally Frozen skating rink it's like a winter wonderland waiting to  be explored to give you a sense of its size imagine a skating rink so massive that you could  easily fit 90 olympic sized hockey rinks within its frozen Embrace that's not just a rink it's  a skating Kingdom and it can welcome a whopping 20,000 skating enthusiasts every single day during  the winter season talk about a grand winter party but what makes this Frozen Paradise even more  incredible is that despite the sheer size
and the amenity provided you can glide and twirl on  this icy strip without worrying about your budget because it's absolutely free imagine the joy of  skating against the backdrop of the Winter Chill surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of Ontario  if you're following along in this video which of these Canadian Secrets have caught your attention  let us know in the comments below wouldn't it be interesting to find out such unconventional  facts through our videos before traveling to your dest
ination some of which could be added to  your itinerary well imagine surviving a zombie apocalypse in the Canadian Rockies so tag a  friend who may be interested in experiencing this with you and hit that like button occupies  six time zones when you travel from one country to another you look for the time zone of the country  you are going to visit so you can set your clock accordingly but when you are visiting Canada you  might be confused as the country does not have one time zone but encompa
sses a remarkable six time  zones this is because of the vast size of Canada when you look at the map Canada stretches from 52°  to 141° West and per time zone is only 15° wide covering Pacific mountain central eastern Atlantic  and New Finland each of them has a 1-hour interval except for Newland which has a 30 minute interval  so when you travel through the great white North not only are you traversing diverse Landscapes but  you're also navigating through a unique experience of of time travel
within its borders it's like  time itself has a different flavor depending on where you stand in this expansive country and  you'll probably get to enjoy the sunsets and Rises six times over Canada as cold as Mars Canada once  hit a cold note that's downright Martian in the Cozy Village of Snag Yukon on February 3rd 1947  the temperature dropped to an icy - 63° c yikes that's enough to freeze a Yeti's beer in this  moment of icy Stillness I think we just saw a polar bear shiver in sympathy Joke
s Aside despite  such a chilly climate Canada doesn't shy away from Winter fun in fact welcoming these interactive  winter sports like skiing hockey and snowboarding is like a Canadian thumbing its nose at the chilly  weather in Churchill Manitoba nobody locks their doors it's a common practice to leave the doors  of your home and car unlocked in Churchill isn't it weird but why are they too generous or overly  trusting well no the open doors are not to welcome visitors but it's a safety measure
for unexpected  face-to-face encounters with polar bears picture this instead of risking a surprise meeting with  these majestic creatures Outdoors people keep their doors ajar offering a potential Escape Route  for anyone who might need it so next time you're at the polar bear capital of the world remember  that open doors aren't just to Courtesy they're your Lifeline in this chilly encounter with the  Arctic royalty instead of just ticking off the usual touristy sites and predictable photos 
during your vacation uncover surprising facts that will change the way you travel and if you  want to learn more about interesting facts of a destination make sure you subscribe because I'll  be talking more about that in upcoming videos The Haunted Hall of Fame are you ready for a chilling  fact the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto is rumored to be haunted in the heart of downtown Toronto  lies the legendary Hockey Hall of Fame where the greats of the game are immortalized yet amidst  the celebra
tion of hockey history Whispers of a different kind of visitor echo through its  hallowed holes Legend has it that dorothia may Elliot known as Dorothy haunts the second floor  formerly a Bank of Montreal Branch the building became the Hall of Fame in 1993 Dorothy was a  former bank teller there who took her life in the vault in 1953 employees have reported strange  occurrences since the 1950s including flickering lights and unexplained sounds after the bank  moved peculiar events persisted when
the Hall of Fame took over people go as far as avoiding the  area after 6:00 p.m. leaving one to wonder what lurks in the shadows Dawson City's bizarre drink  imagine a double shot of alcohol garnished with a pickled human toe instead of the usual lime or  Olive but don't worry you do not need to eat the toe it just needs to touch your lips if you are  in Dawson City Yukon you can experience this at a Downtown hotel isn't it bizarre yes it is but it's  what makes Canada a Place full of surprise
s here the hotels serve the infamous sour toe cocktail  a unique tradition dating back to the 1970s which all started during prohibition and today nearly  105,000 brave souls have joined the sour toe Cocktail Club in this quirky ritual people donate  their toes often severed due to frostbite or other reasons and guess what if you accidentally swallow  the toe get ready to cough up a hefty $2,500 fine but fear not in case of an unintentional toe Feast  kind Souls step up to donate freshly severed
toes ensuring this strange but utterly captivating  tradition lives on have you heard about it before if not then this eye popping fact deserves  one one in five Canadians wrap your head around another incredible Fact one in five Canadians  wasn't born in Canada yes you've heard it right Canada's immigrant story goes way back to the 16th  century when European colonizers first set foot on its Shores fast forward to today and the trend  is still going strong every year Canada welcomes nearly hal
f a million new immigrants that's one  of the highest rates per population globally as of 2023 the Canadian Melting Pot boasts over  8 million immigrants with permanent residents making up a solid 20% of the entire population  that's like having a global mix right in the heart of Canada just imagine the different  backgrounds stories and experiences that make up this diverse slice of the Canadian pie it's  not just a number it's a reflection of the rich cultural tapestry that makes Canada truly
unique  so here we are folks with the 10 most interesting facts about Canada a City full of Frozen wonders  from its unique geography to its diverse culture and of of course it's unconventional facts  this country is no doubt a hub of Amazement if you've enjoyed this journey through the  great white North and want more fascinating insights like these don't forget to hit that like  button and subscribe for more wonders of this world for now which one of these lesser known  facts did you least exp
ect please tell us in the comments below the adventure is just getting  started so let's move on to the next destination



10 Secrets You Wish You Knew About Canada!