
10Bit Slog3 | 12Bit Braw | 16Bit RED - Can you really see the difference?

#filmmaking #cinematography #colorgrading Motion Array Sony FX3 vs Blackmagic Design Cinema Camera 6K Full Frame (BMCC 6K) vs RED Komodo


4 days ago

[Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] okay did you get it right I was using different lenses on each camera so they look a little different obviously but in terms of the overall image quality in the color they don't look that different at least to my eyes now 10 bit has around 1 billion possible colors and 12bit 68 billion and 16bit has 281 trillion possible colors I don't even know what the number is but it just means that 16bit has a ridiculous am
ount of color information in the image but in real life you don't really see a huge difference until you push the color extremely far let's say you want to make everything blue for some Rison and because we're shooting raw with the kodo and the black magic we can easily change the white balance in post with the Sony fx3 we don't have that option and when we push the color it's okay but definitely not as good looking as the others but I personally don't push my color that far in fact most of us d
on't really that much of color information to make our shouts look good it's the lighting location acting that Tru matters but I got to say between 8bit and 10 bit I do see a big difference with 8bit color we used to see a lot of bending when color grading meaning you can only push the image to a certain degree but 10 bits solves a problem so if you have a camera that sh 10 bit don't feel like you have to use this expensive cameras to get good looking image people love fx3 because you can do pre
tty much anything with the camera it's lightweight compact has autofocus I crazy low light capability that's probably the camera that has the least amount of barrier between myself and things I want to create whereas this it's big and heavy which means you need a bigger gimbal tripod bigger crew and it takes like 25 seconds to build it up and you got to calibrate the sensor before start shooting which takes a couple of minutes and really slows you down but if you do have the budget to use bigger
equipment and the bigger crew and also the time and you want the best image quality possible for heavy VFX whatever that's when you want to use a camera like this and I guess black magic sits right in the middle of the fx3 and bigger Cinema C cameras the body is still lightweight and Compact and you're getting 12bit but no ibas and aut Focus so it's not as fast and convenient to use like the fx3 but you have a little more flexibility in post with the 12bit color depth right before we dive in an
d break down my commodo setup and Sh my thoughts on it how much it cost we're thanking today's video sponsor motion array motion array is unlimited video Marketplace for all of your content creation needs they have over 1 million assets including templates Motion Graphics footage music sound effects and more and they're just constantly updating the library so you get even more options for all of your video needs and you get unlimited use for this assets and you can use them for whatever project
you want whether it's client work or YouTube and you don't have to worry about any kind of Licensing stuff that can be overwhelming sometimes and all of these assets are compatible with Davin resolve Premier Pro fin car whatever software you're using now motion array is a subscription based platform which means you sign up once and you get everything for a month for a year depending on your needs download whatever you want use whenever you want and if you do sign up annually you can also save $5
0 off the annual cost by using the link in my description below so if you interested go check out motion array and start creating today okay so my R commod setup cost around 24,000 USD in total and I didn't buy this camera expecting to get 10 times better image quality I bought it because I wanted it not because I needed it I still use my black magic and rent fx3 sometimes because there's no a perfect camera for every job and the image that I'm getting out of Komodo it's super easy to make them
look good has some contrast and it's pretty much good to go I hear some people say there's something about Koto that they can't really describe what it is but it looks better uh yeah it looks a tiny bit better than the other cameras that I've used in the past when you compare straight out of camera footage but after color grading as you saw earlier I won't be able to set them apart I can only think of the cons when it comes to using this camera but I absolutely love love it I know it sounds sill
y but I just love how this camera looks I'm just looking at it every day it makes me want to create more stuff which keeps me motivated really I wouldn't recommend buying a camera like this if you're thinking that your video look like a Hollywood movie all of a sudden if you this no not at all uh instead spend the money on your passion projects or show films or whatever you want to create that's going to give you way more valuable stuff and great experience as well so that's it for today and I'l
l see you guys in the next one bye [Music] I'm happy on my [Music] own making coffee just for one and eating breakfast all alone fewer dishes to be done I'm never run behind you're never on my [Music] mind no longer there to make me comb my hair fix my ti or kiss me goodbye swear I'm happy on my own no one to worry where I am oh waiting for me to come home staying up till 3:00 [Music] a.m. I'm always out on the town you're nowhere to be found and when our song comes on I just I'm along in order
another [Music] round [Music] I'm happy on my own at least most of the time I guess some of the time maybe not of the time I'm happy happy on my [Music] own



DId you get it right?! I’m looking at how robust they are and how far we can push the image without introducing artifacts or noise rather than the sharpness and color science of each camera:) Hope you enjoyed it😊


Took one lesson home from this video “I bought the Red Komodo because I WANTED it, and not because I NEEDED it”. Following your channel had made me to know that’s you can create magic with the gear you own and don’t need a more fancier or expensive camera.


I have a lot of respect for all these cameras, but this is why I enjoy using the FX3 the most; it gets you 90% of the way there in terms of image, but with half the effort.


The truth is your average viewers won't notice a drastic difference between cameras nowadays. It's all about lighting, lens choice, and color grading. I once shot 2 student thesis film with a Panasonic S1h 10-bit, while my other peers shot with REDs and Alexas. No one was able to tell the difference between the short films that were shot on a cinema camera and the one that was shot on a prosumer camera.


BMCC 6K is a monster for $2,500!!!


The difference is apparent when you try to push the footage further and further.


Fuck I thought C would be The Komodo because that felt the most gorgeous consistently to my eyes!!! Surprised to see it's the 6kFF!! That definitely has some secret sauce in it


Bro the black magic looks so fucking good ngl


Some of these shots are your best yet, in my opinion. I consistently chose camera C, once or twice B, and I think one time for camera A. So BMPCC for me I guess. Thanks for this video!


Fantastically made!! This is the best video I've found for telling the difference. Boring shots aren't useful, since any camera can make a shot look boring. These shots are great for comparison because they're well shot/edited. I've compared raw photos on my R6 to the 10bit video and once other variables are controlled for (eg. well made preset to standardise colours and tones) there is not much difference surprisingly.


One thing here that's not being addressed, Red's codec captures at 16 bit linear, but must be converted to 12 bit log to edit. Blackmagic raw also has the same bucket. 16 bit linear on capture and 12 bit log in debayer.


I was gonna say that Camera A was the FX3 because it isn't as sharp as the other cameras! I was surprised because footage from the Komodo tends to have an amazing level of detail. I'm guessing that has more to do with the lens than the sensor. But you did a great job of matching them up. Footage looks amazing. For me, what sets the Komodo apart is the natural level of image detail but also the global shutter. Even the FX3's fast sensor readout can't compete with a rock-solid moving image. It brings me back to shooting on film!


Love the look and color on C. Definitely had something special going on. Softens up the edges in all the right ways. Hard to tell how much the lenses are playing a roll though. The lenses on the 6k and Komodo definitely have a lot more character (aberration) and have a shallower depth of field compared to the FX3. All look stunning to be honest, and the FX3 has so many addition benefits it's hard to pass up.


to me B looked the best, then C, then A. after knowing which is which, and reading comments, i get why many prefer C. the highlights are much smoother. Red also does well with highlights and maybe even clips them. but i still prefer B, and im not a sony user. i liked the sharpness and overall pop. good video.


As a Komodo owner, I think what I learned much too late is that REDRAW is an amazing codec if you’re planning to heavily process your image. The sheer depth of information within the files is impressive. I’ve recovered some insanely blown highlights. That said, if you’re shooting everything like an experienced DP would, you will rarely need to access that information in most instances. If I could go back, I might’ve just gone with an FX3/FX6, but I’m not upset about my purchase. I’ve rented my Komodo kit out for $4000 before, so it’s paid for itself at this point.


I had a project recently where i changed the color of the lights from deep blue to green and it worked perfectly on that 16bit footage. One slider, My mind was blown. The client loved it, it was awesome to have that opportunity to get creative in post.


I actually got it spot on , not from a difference in colours but in dynamic range and field of view. The three shots starting at 00:21 were the giveaway. Cam A and C retained details in the highlights out the window while B was blown out. So I knew B was the Sony camera being 10 bit (but remember that’s the codec not the sensor as it can output much higher RAW out via HDMI). B also had a wider FOV than the first so again I knew it was likely the FX3 which is full frame vs the Komodo S35, so another clue. To me C had less of a field of view and slightly less detail than A so I imagined that was the Blackmagic cam. That was a fun experiment. Thanks for posting. 👍🏿👍🏾


Man that's some wonderful cinematography!!! Camera B seems to grab my attention, then Camera C. But all three look AMAZING! B is BMCC6K, C is FX3 and A is RED


I knew right from the start that the camera C was Blackmagic. But I made a bad assumption about Red and Sony. Sony and BM6k I liked the most. Good job!


Your outro , with the cool, jazz song was just as awesome as the comparison!