
11 February 2024, BBC Global News Podcast 2023, BBC English News Today 2023, Global News Podcast

Navigating the World's Headlines: BBC's Global News Podcast and BBC News English Today Introduction: In an age where the news cycle is constant and global events unfold at a rapid pace, staying informed about world affairs has never been more crucial. The BBC, a stalwart in international journalism, offers two invaluable resources for those seeking to understand the complexities of our world: the BBC Global News Podcast and BBC News English Today. Let's delve into how these platforms serve as indispensable tools for global citizens hungry for accurate, accessible, and comprehensive news coverage. BBC Global News Podcast: Your Passport to Global Affairs The BBC Global News Podcast stands as a testament to the BBC's commitment to delivering trustworthy journalism on a global scale. With a team of seasoned correspondents stationed around the world, the podcast provides listeners with up-to-the-minute coverage of breaking news, insightful analysis of significant events, and in-depth features on pressing issues. Whether you're commuting to work, jogging in the park, or relaxing at home, the BBC Global News Podcast ensures that you're always connected to the pulse of the world. Global News Podcast: A Window to the World As part of the BBC's multimedia offerings, the Global News Podcast serves as a gateway to understanding the diverse perspectives and voices shaping our planet. Covering a wide array of topics, from politics and economics to culture and technology, this podcast transcends geographical boundaries to provide listeners with a nuanced understanding of global affairs. Through interviews, firsthand accounts, and expert analysis, the Global News Podcast brings the world's headlines to life, fostering empathy, curiosity, and informed discourse among its audience. BBC News English Today: Breaking Down Language Barriers Recognizing the importance of accessibility in today's interconnected world, the BBC News English Today program caters to non-native English speakers seeking to improve their language skills while staying informed about current events. By delivering news content in clear, comprehensible English tailored to different proficiency levels, BBC News English Today empowers learners to engage with global issues confidently. Through this innovative approach, the program not only enhances language proficiency but also promotes cross-cultural understanding and appreciation.

Global News Podcast

3 weeks ago

welcome to the global news podcast your source  for the latest and most comprehensive coverage of global events breaking news and in-depth  analysis we are here to guide you through the top stories from around the world whether it's  politics economics culture or science hello this is the global news podcast from the BBC World  Service with reports and Analysis from across the world the latest news 7 days a week  BBC World Service podcasts are supported by [Applause] [Music] advertising I'm Katy
Adler  from the global story podcast and we're talking about the world's biggest pop star Taylor Swift  a musical and economic Powerhouse but could she really swing the US presidential election it's  a matter of furious debate in Republican circles are they on to something the global story brings  you fresh takes and smart perspectives from BBC journalists around the world find us wherever  you get your BBC [Music] [Applause] podcasts hi I'm una chaplain and I'm the host of a new  podcast calle
d Hollywood Exiles it tells the story of how my grandfather Charlie Chaplain and  many others were caught up in a campaign to root out communism in Hollywood Hollywood Exiles  from CBC podcasts and the BBC World Service find it wherever you get your podcasts this  is the global news podcast from the BBC World Service I'm Nigel ad and in the early hours  of Sunday the 11th of February these are our main stories a six-year-old girl who went  missing in Gaza last month has been confirmed dead tensi
on remains high in Pakistan as  the country awaits the delayed results of Thursday's election the two biggest parties  are both claiming Victory two of hungary's leading female politicians including the  president cathaline Novak have resigned over their decision to Pardon a  man jailed for covering up child abuse also in this podcast in the end we have  two Arab teams from this region making it to the final the stadium was full and this is  something which doesn't happen here very often katar h
as retained football's  Asian Cup by beating Jordan on home turf we begin in Gaza and the story of hind  rajab which captured the imagination of many people around the world nearly two weeks ago  the six-year-old Palestinian was in a car with relatives when it came under Fire in Gaza  City she called the Rescue Services saying I'm so scared please come they were some of the last  words heard from her on on Saturday her death was confirmed a short time after this news emerged  our Middle East cor
respondent Lucy Williamson filed this report from Jerusalem there are some  28,000 people who are now thought to have been killed in Gaza and this is the story of just one  little girl but it's really captured attention I think because of those audio recordings that  were made public of her asking for help and also because of this shrinking glimmer of  hope that she might still be alive 12 days after the family car she was traveling in came  face to face with Israeli tanks Israel's Army today pu
lled back from that area of Gaza City  and rescue workers went in Witnesses say that dozens of bodies were recovered from the streets  and buildings there one of them they say was hence a child's voice alone in the midst  of War hiding in her uncle's car among the bodies of her relatives the last hours of  six-year-old hind rajab were dominated by One Plea come and get me recordings of her calls with  Emergency Services sparked a 12-day campaign to find her today as Israeli forces left the area 
in Gaza City paramedics went in they found hints body with those of her relatives in the black Kia  car she'd been traveling in its front shattered bullet holes scattered across its side we found  six decomposed buddies including girls women and one man the girl H she was identified among  the decomposed buddies indicating they had been subjected to gunfire and shelling here  are the martyrs now they are all bones the dead badly damaged and decomposed were buried  quickly no funeral just grief
and anger and from Hinn's mother was Sam a demand that someone  be held accountable for every person who heard my voice my daughter's pleading voice yet did  not rescue her I will question them before God on the day of judgment Netanyahu Biden and all  those who collaborated against us against Gaza and its people I pray against them from the  depth of my heart hind is one of thousands of children killed in 18 weeks of war in Gaza what  are you waiting for hind was killed how many more mothers ar
e you waiting for to feel this pain  how many more children do you want to get killed near where hind was found was the ambulance car  that was sent to get her the bodies of its crew memb members YF Al Zeno and Ahmed al- madun  still inside nbal fasak a spokeswoman for the Palestinian red cresant said Yusef and Ahmed had  radioed in as they approached to say they could see hind in the car before the line was cut in a  burst of gunfire they were deliberately targeted Although our ambulance have v
ery clearly the red  crescent emblem on top of our ambulances and we had it clearly also in all sides of the ambulance  nibal fasak told me it had taken several hours to agree coordination with the Israeli Army to  allow the ambulance through we asked Israel's Army about this but received no response the  sounds of hand is still here in my ear and in all of our staff while she was appealing for us  over three hours please come and get me please come and get me we felt helpless at that point  and
we tried our best to coordinate our safe access h at the hospital where she waited  for news of her daughter hint mother with Sam still holds the little pink bag she was keeping  for her inside a notebook where hint had been practicing her handwriting the six-year-old  was killed days ago today it was hope that died Lucy Williamson in Tel Aviv on Saturday  thousands demonstrated against the government's handling of efforts to bring home from Gaza the  Israeli hostages taken by Hamas on October
the 7th it's believed there are around 130 hostages  still being held captive these protesters challenge prime minister netanyahu's argument that  total Victory against toas in Gaza is the best way to bring them home we trust him according to his  own private interest and not for us and this is very sad very sad we believe in the importance  of human life here and we understand that the human life here is important in both sides and  so if the ceasefire is going to bring back home the hostages t
hat's I think what we should do in  my opinion and I think I represent many about the fact that he is not interested in the destiny of  the kidnapped at all all is interested in first place is to stay in power and keep on forever for  the last day upon Earth in a separate development Israel has carried out an air strike almost 40  miles into Lebanon apparently to Target a key Palestinian figure close to Hamas he is said  to have survived although three people were reportedly killed including a f
ighter with the  iranium backed Hezbollah group and there have been almost daily crossborder exchanges of fire  between bah and Israel since November it's thought this attack was Far deeper into the Lebanese  territory than normal the Israeli military has yet to comment on the strike in the past week  the United States has carried out a series of Air Raids that have killed 17 Iranian backed militia  men in Iraq as well as a Precision drone strike in the capital Baghdad that killed a senior Comma
nder  our senior International correspondent Ora gurin is in the Iraqi Capital Baghdad been very tense  week there is a real feeling here of uh concern that one miscalculation could cause a disaster  What's Happening Here is that Iraq is getting caught in the crossfire between US forces and  Iranian backed militia that operate on Iraqi soil now the beginning of the current escalation  was the killing of three US troops in Jordan that was carried out by Iranian backed militia the US  vowed that t
hey would retaliate and we have seen that retaliation playing out in Syria but also  here in Iraq where we had the strikes first wave of strikes that killed uh 17 militia Fighters but  then we had that surgical strike on the streets of Baghdad here which targeted a senior militia  Commander turning his Jeep into a fireball now the government is very concerned and not just the  government I have to say many other people we have spoken to share this concern that the tit fortat  that is taking plac
e here could push Iraq into a conflict now since the killing of the militia  leader the the militia group here there's an umbrella group in calling itself the Islamic  resistance in Iraq and these are pro-iranian militia they have come out and said they are going  to step up their attacks against US forces on the other hand the Americans are saying we will  continue to take necessary steps to protect our own people now a key flash point here is  the presence of US troops they're here at the invi
tation of the government there are about 2,500  they're not in a combat role they are advisors and they've been here since 2014 to help prevent a  Resurgence of the so-called Islamic State but when I sat down with Iraq's foreign minister  fuad Hussein I asked him if the government now wants US troops out no we want to have to start  the negotiation on the basis of the negotiation it will be decided and of course the end of the  negotiation must be clear the majority of Iraqi people they don't wa
nt to have foreign forces on  Iraqi soil but is it Iraqi government policy now that the troop should go and it's just a question  of when the troop one day must leave this country at the end must be free from having foreign bases  some has been invited and that's valid for the American side some has not been invited going back  to the issue of the US strikes that happened the Americans say they were targeting Iraqi militia  that are pro-iranian that are on your soil and from your soil they are c
arrying out attacks on US  forces do you accept that there are militias here that are officially part of your security forces  but in fact are armed and trained by Iran that are carrying out these attacks uh those policias  they themselves they are announcing their attacks and they are also well known that they are uh or  they have good connection with the Iranian side this is well known I cannot deny it that's true  as we sit here now minister is it the case that your government does not have c
ontrol over these  pro-iranian militias that they are doing their own thing and you cannot not stop them I think if  nowadays you will talk with many political leaders they started to talk about this many people they  didn't dare to talk this is also a part of the reality in this country but now we are talking  about it and we are saying to them is stop there people dare to say to those guys is zap I think  all of them they got the message that if they will continue they will in the first place
destroy  the political process in Iraq and they will push this country into a war while it is not our  war and also the Iranian godam how real is that danger that this Tit for Tat between the Iranians  and The Americans on Iraqi soil could push this country into conflict that's the main problem to  be honest uh the tension nowadays between Iran and and United States is very high so I hope both  sides uh will stop their attack on Iraqi soil and they are not going to solve their problem on  Iraqi
soil we paid a a very big uh price Dr fuad Hussein the Iraqi foreign minister speaking to our  senior International correspondent all agarin next to Pakistan there is tension and uncertainty in  the country as they continue to wait for the final results of Thursday's elections on Saturday police  in the city of Talen gang in the Punjab Province used tear gas to push back crowds protesting  against the delay the demonstrators dispersed when they were told results would be finalized  on Sunday the
parties of the jailed former prime minister Imran Khan and his rival Noah Sharif are  both claiming Victory Mr Sharif who is thought to be favored by the powerful military has called  on smaller parties to help him form a Unity government these people in laor urge the parties  to get together to find a way forward we are right now in a very very critical uh situation uh both  economically security wise uh and on many other levels so Pakistan political parties really need  to sit together Pakist
an can't afford any kind of conflict which is why I keep repeating we must  all sit down together settle these issues and bring Pakistan into the 21st century the head of  the army has also urged politicians to negotiate and show what he described as maturity and unity  here's our correspondent in Islam Abad Caroline Davis there's growing unrest in Pakistan where  the full results of the election are yet to be released police in the city of talagang in Punjab  use tear gas to push back crowds pr
otesting against the delay Imran Khan's Independents have  more seats than his rival noad sharif's pmln party but Mr Khan's supporters claim the vote has been  rigged to deprive them of a clear majority that is strongly denied by the authorities at a news  conference Mr Khan's party declared its intention to try to form a national government we are not  fighting with anyone the chairman gohar Ali KH we are not against any institution this is our  country every institution is so de and near to us
we regard and respect every institution We  Trust every institution we are just asking them to respect this Mandate of the public that's all  nothing more nothing but it is not the only party trying to form a government noaz Sharif has  called for other groups in Parliament to form a coalition with his pmln the head of Pakistan's  powerful Army appears to want a coalition saying that the country would be well represented by a  Unified Government of all Democratic forces many thought the militar
y's favored candidate was Mr  Sharif the fact that he has fewer seats than his rival Imran Khan suggests that the Army's backing  was not enough to win Caroline Davies hungary's first female president Cataline Novak has resigned  amid outrage over her decision to Pardon The Man convicted of covering up child sexual abuse  Miss Novak a close Ally of the Nationalist prime minister vikor Orban stepped down on live  television she told viewers she'd made a mistake I apologize to Those whom I may hav
e offended and to  all the victims who might have felt that I didn't stand up for them I have constantly advocated  for the protection of Children and Families today marks my final address to you as president as I  tender my resignation from the post of President of the Republic another leading female politician  from the same party udid varer has also announced she's standing down I heard more from our Central  Europe correspondent Nick Thorp who's in Budapest this was basically a a presidentia
l pardon issued  last year on the occasion of the Pope's visit to Hungary uh president Novak pardoned 25 people  and interestingly their names were only just made public a week or so ago and it turned  out that one of them was a Man convicted as an accomplice for helping cover up a sex abuse  case in her children's home so basically a a pedophilia case this has been such a it would  be a scandal in any case of course but um in this particular case Cataline Novak she's the  former minister in cha
rge of family policy and as president she's made and her government uh the  fuds government have made the traditional family and the protection of children a Cornerstone  of their policy and how serious is this for the government it's very serious really because not  only has Catalin Novak resigned as president but udit Vara another woman in fidz a very high  ranking woman in fides who who's the former Justice Minister she also signed the same amnesty  or clemency decision and she was due to lea
d the fidz the governing parties list in the European  elections this June so fidz have lost its two most prominent female politicians basically you  know in a matter of days over an issue which is deeply embarrassing and and politically harmful  for them clearly this is an attempt at damage limitation by prime minister Victor Orban but  it's nevertheless very embarrassing and a big blow for him and his government and briefly it's  significant that a senior female politician in Hungary has resig
n in this way that's right uh  this is a very malale dominated Society there are only 29 women deputies in Parliament that's  14% against a European Union average so a great shortage of women in politics and for that  reason too a big blow for Hungary as well not just the governing Party Nick Thorp Ukraine says  seven people have died in a Russian drone attack on the northeastern city of harke the victims  include a family of five from keev our Eastern Europe correspondent Sarah reinford reports
the  youngest of the children killed in the Russian drone attack was a baby his brothers were seven  and four they all died in their home with their parents after a fire broke out and spread too  quickly for them to escape in another house two pensioners were killed a regional police chief  has talked about a hellish lava of diesel and petrol pouring down the street after what's  described as a large Fuel Depot nearby was hit by the drones as the leak spread it set fire  to homes and cars on se
veral streets dozens of people were evacuated and buildings destroyed at  least 10 drones were launched by Russia over harff in this attack and two made it through Ukraine's  air defense systems the city is so close to the Russian border there's little time to intercept  missiles or drones when they're launched that's why many children now study Underground on the  Metro and HFF is even constructing a purpose-built school beneath a sports field in case this  war goes on even longer Sarah reinfor
d in Ukraine still to come this mysterious vessel  this mysterious ship just hits a big coral reef off the coast of Tobago huge amounts  of oil washing up on on on the beach now hundreds of people are working to  try and save the local environment can you set the stage a little bit so  people understand what happened in 1969 14 black student athletes were kicked off their  University's American football team for planning a show of support Against Racism we were really  protesting at our treatmen
t on the field amazing Sports stories from the BBC World Service tells  their story we became brothers that day when he did that to us we made a change fighting for what  we deserve search for for amazing Sports stories wherever you get your BBC podcasts you [Applause]  [Music] want I'm Katy Adler from the global story podcast and we're talking about the world's  biggest pop star Taylor Swift a musical and economic Powerhouse but could she really swing  the US presidential election it's a matter
of furious debate in Republican circles are they on  to something the Global story brings you fresh takes and smart perspectives from BBC journalists  around the world find us wherever you get your BBC [Music] [Applause] [Music] podcasts welcome  back to the global news podcast to Indonesia now where the final rallies have been held ahead of  the presidential elections on Wednesday more than 200 million Indonesians can vote in an election  which will choose a successor to the popular outgoing p
resident woko he's not allowed to serve  more than two terms as Jonathan head reports from Jakarta there are concerns about the outcome of  this election as the favorite to win is a former General who's carried out human rights abuse  and his running mate is the current president's son away from the noise and color  of the political rallies a smaller protest in front of the presidential Palace in Jakarta these are the families of those who died or disappeared in the chaotic last  months of the a
uthoritarian sahata regime they've been coming here every  Thursday for 17 years demanding answers among them is pan father of ok  a student who vanished in May 1998 we come here every week to make sure that  human rights violators are not elected he told me and he showed me the words printed  on the back of his T-shirt bring back the Disappeared don't let him rule the  [Applause] country by him he means this man prooo subbiano is the front runner  in this election his third attempt at the presi
dency to get here he's needed an  extraordinary transformation of his Public Image this was Jakarta in May 1998 I was there an orgy of looting and burning  swept across the city as the 32-year rule of President Zar collapsed blamed  for the violence and for the kidnapping of political activists was pinned  on his son-in-law prepoo then a fast rising star in the military he was  dismissed from the Army and went into Exile now with a slick social media campaign  he's portrayed as a cuddly avuncula
r figure a moderate who will continue the popular  Legacy of President jakoi it's been very successful especially with younger  Indonesians who know little of Pro's past well all the candidates have their sins  Says student leonardis maybe he didn't carry out those kidnappings maybe he was just following  orders but it's president jao's full endorsement of the former military Hardman which has dismayed  so many Indonesians through a controversial Court ruling the president has got his son Gibran
on  the ticket as pra's running mate even though he's below the Constitutional age threshold you know  you cannot allow democracy to be an autopilot it needs to be constantly reinvigorated de Fortuna  anoir has been an advisor to presidents and vice presidents she worries about this nepotistic  step by jakoi a lot of democracy activists say you know well jakoi is not that concerned about  democracy he's a businessman you know so he's still forgiven in a way even though it costs  Indonesia's dem
ocracy but it is a collective mistake for us but by making it personal jakoi has  in fact tarnished his own image his own reputation 25 years after the first post sahu election  Indonesians appear to have lost none of their enthusiasm for their young democracy compared  to many others in the region it is still in rude Health but few would disagree that it's  certainly less free and less accountable than it used to be and that a figure like prooo  subbiano makes a very unlikely [Music] savior Jon
athan head a growing environmental disaster  could be unfolding off the coast of Trinidad and Tobago hundreds of volunteers and emergency  workers are trying to clean up a massive oil spill after a ship overturned a few days ago after  hitting a coral reef the government says at least 15 km of Coastline on the Atlantic coast  have been affected I heard more from our Latin America Regional editor Leonardo Russia well we  happened on Wednesday this uh mysterious vessel this mysterious ship just hi
ts a big coral  reef off the coast of Tobago Southwestern the southwestern side of the island the crew  escaped they are trying to identify who are the the owners of this ship called the Gulf Stream  they already know the name of the ship but what happens then you have huge amounts of oil washing  up on on on the beach and uh and nearby areas so I've seen pictures online you see footage and and  you have the government there saying that 15 kmet of Coastline in the area of Tobago has been have  b
een affected they're trying to do what they can to to contain because with oil spills the the  main thing is to try to contain as as quickly as possible is there any history of oil spills in  this area from what I heard it it's uh I haven't heard about any recent oil spills there but from  what I heard it's a busy area because Trinidad and Tobago has oil now Guyana has oil and if you  look on the map TR of is just next to Venezuela and it's a busy route for for oil tankers so from  the comments
I I read people saying we have to be careful this sort of things can can happen  here all the time it's completely uncontrolled it's an accident that can happen but uh the the  damage for for the island can be can be huge I mean they deployed volunteers they're trying to  establish this perimeter where they put devices to contain it it and basically to clean up the  the the oil but it comes at a very bad time for the island which is just before Carnival and how  significant is the carnival there
well Trinidad Tobago has a famous Carnival is one of the best  carnivals or the most popular in the Caribbean and uh officially the carnival there is on  Monday on Tuesday so the weekend is when you have all the tourists arriving you have Resorts  around the area that where people travel to not only to to for the carnival but because of the  holiday season what the hotel management group there is saying people who represent the hotels  is that they're very concerned and many people might be put
off they had a cruise ship arriving  there and everyone was warned 3,000 chist they were warned to be careful where they went on you  know because there had been an oil spill so it creates a very bad image for the island and more  immediately many people might cancel their their plans to go to the island there was a local  Carnival festiv that was cancelled and people are very concerned because this is a Lifeline  for many people who work on the industry for tourist guides for taxi drivers for
the small  hotels and for the big Resorts Leonardo Rosia now here's an item for those who are fortunate  enough to enjoy Gourmet cooking the best chefs in the world generally consider it an honor for  their restaurants to be listed in the michelan guide this is published by the French Tire Company  michelan and it's updated each year to list what it regards as the finest restaurants the very best  get rated with three stars but just getting one star is seen as a major achievement and a mark  of
global recognition adok bakardi is the first black woman in the UK to be awarded a michelan  star and only the second in the world she's the nigerian-born founder and head chef at chizuru a  restaurant which specializes in West afria African cooking in London arokai gave us her thoughts  on why the restaurant has achieved such [Music] recognition I think people could connect to the  fact that we're sharing our heritage and people could see themselves on the table and it didn't  feel or look like
something that was inaccessible so casing points there is this dish we had on  uh we still have it on but it's in a different form called Sasa and Sasa is very popular around  Northern Nigeria across parts of Northern West Africa I've forgotten what she called she must be  Indian South Indian and she came in and she ate
