
160629 Weekly Idol - BEAST (Eng Subs) 1

Subbing for those who do not understand Korean well! Enjoy~


7 years ago

Recording will start now. Do you not know the song? (It's not similar but he's imitating this person) (Excited ConyCheolie since the opening) Weekly~ Idol! This (the greeting) is always embarrassing to do. This week's idol. (What is he doing....?) (Perfect cold city guy dance) You dance better than I do. (Perfect cold city guy dance) Yeah, you're a guy. (Proud Original Owners = Today's Guest) On Weekly Idol, we've *opened the doors to let idols record Weekly Idol before their comeback. (not real
ly sure but it means something like this) Yes, that's right. These days, the idols who have come out here came before their comeback. EXID was like that too. Even before that, there were many who did the same. The one who started this trend first was definitely this team. (Founder-dols who made revolutional new trends) (Worthy of Praise, BEAST. Idols who debuted to receive our love.) There are no more words needed. Let's introduce them. They are idols who cannot be separated from Weekly Idol. (W
eekly Idol's VIP Guests) They are Weekly Idol's precious guests. (Welcome, BEAST) BEAST, please come out~ (BEAST's Entrance) (Instinctive Welcoming Phrase) Beast! Beast! Beast! (Shy) Growl, growl, growl. *lmao I cannot* Greetings to the viewers~ SO BEAST! Hello, we're BEAST. (Returned to Basement 3 in a year) It's been a year, right? Yes, indeed. They didn't put on their name tags before coming out here. (Name tags?) Were there name tags before? (This is something new) We've never put it on befo
re. Why, why, why? - We didn't put on name tags 5 years ago too. - When we first came, we didn't put on name tags. (To idols who are in their 8th year, name tag adlib not attempted by anyone before) You always come here before your comeback. Why did you come out again? You're asking why did we come again? Should we not come out here? Why does it have to be pre-recorded? Is there perhaps an effect if you pre-record? Truthfully, I don't really feel it (the effect). (Yoon Leader's Adlib, Nice Shot)
He's really honest. I don't really feel it but But really, before we got big, we appeared here. Everyone was like, "Do you have to come out here?" We are family. Family. We are like the founding contributor (of this show). BEAST is the founding contributor? - Well, we- - No, Infinite was. No, Infinite was the founding contributor of this show. Really? I can also say that I am the founding contributor of Weekly Idol. We called him! When Weekly Idol first started, I received a call from Defcon. K
im Heechul-ssi! This must be a broadcast. Yes, that's right. Nice to meet you. Hello! Is this the show with Hyungdon? Yes, nice to meet you, Heechul! "Heechul, we don't know when this show will be gone so you have to quickly appear on it." "Hyung, I have to start serving soon though." "By the time you come back from the army, this program will no longer exist." But now, it's the program with the best location (basement 3). This is how much fate we have with BEAST which is why we have come this f
ar. Okay. Hani? (When you have no words to say, call for Hani) This is my role here. We'll listen to news of you. Firstly, Heechul's best friend, Yong Junhyung. It's been reported that he had his first solo concert. In just 3 minutes, both concerts were sold out. Before the (instant) curry can even finish cooking? Before you can even make jjajangmyeon? * Instant Curry takes 3 mins to prepare Was it in a small theatre? Yes, it was a small theatre. (Only now reacting to Heechul's adlib) Other than
the concert venues that we've had concerts at I wanted to be closer to the fans. (A small theatre for the fans) Only Dongwoon went to the concert. - I went twice. - You guys were busy? Because the venue is small, we wanted to give the fans more seats. He doesn't even know that! We, really, if we can let one more fan get a seat- That is the reason why. If it's like this Rather than the people who did not go, the person who went is the problem. Why did you go? That's not it. There were reserved s
eats. At the second level, there were seats for people from our company. - I didn't receive the invitation - I didn't receive it too. I told you I would go. Why didn't you invite them, Actor Yong? I didn't invite anyone But Dongwoon- You're the one who is clueless. Why are you so clueless? (I cannot decipher what Yoseob's saying, sorry!) I'm very thankful that he came. Backstage, in the waiting room, Dongwoon came early and he had his hair and makeup done. Why are you the one getting dressed up?
Because the fans were taking photos. He then went to his seat and watched the concert. Because you went, you put the other members in a difficult situation. Hurry and apologise. I'm sorry. It was a selfish act. Wanting to go back to his trainee mindset, Kikwang has recently changed his perfume. This kind of thing is also news? Can this kind of thing become news? There were actually more strong articles than this but we took care of it. Because we like and respect you, we'll give you respect. Ho
w did me changing my perfume come out in the news? To what scent did you change it to? During my trainee days The first perfume that I used C, C, CK. We have it here. They have it prepared. Heechul, try spraying it. Perfume, I really- He doesn't put on perfume. I don't like the smell of perfume. Isn't this is a smell that comes out of a bathhouse? What are you saying? You can't do it like this. You have to come close to it after spraying. Your face- Your face will smell of perfume. (What is that
?) Defcon, I think you've confused a mist for a perfume. (Embarrassed) It's salty. I think you need to wipe your sunglasses. It's my first time seeing this. My eyes are stinging. But this perfume really seems like it's old. What is that GK? We did it specially for you. To Galvin Klein. Nowadays, there are really a lot of nice perfumes. But why did you choose the perfume that you used in the past? During my trainee days, How do I say this? I want to go back to that resolution. - For real? - For r
eal! Then, we will see the difference in Lee Kikwang's personality before he sprays the perfume and his personality after he sprays the perfume and finds his resolution. Is this to find the difference before and after his resolution? (Pupils shaking at a magnitude of 6.1) Weekly Idol has gotten difficult. Weekly Idol is difficult. We can just do it like this. We met at a broadcasting station's waiting room. Before I spray the perfume and after I spray the perfume. First, Arrogant Kikwang. Do we
have to make this into a big issue? This is before we spray the perfume. Give us the cue. Director Yoseob, give us the cue. Do I have to do it to this extent? Do it. Ready! Action! (Ah! Senior Kim!!) (Kikwang... It's me, Senior Kim) (Exciting) (Kikwang who has completely lost his resolution) (Curt Nod) (Wounded Heart) NG! NG, NG! Hyung, I'm sorry! This isn't fake, is it?! You were not faking it, right?! Hyung, I'm sorry. That was not fake. The look in his eyes. This time, we will spray the perfu
me. I will spray it here so change (your personality) as you walk. That's a good idea. Director Yang, do your job. Ready. Action! (Still in his no-resolution state) Have you been well, Hyungnim? (Resolution Charged 100%) Have you been well, Hyungnim? (Senior Kim is deeply satisfied) (He hits the person next to him whenever he laughs) It hurts! He's really good. (With the magical perfume, a happy ending) You really! After giving me a scar. (As expected of a guy who knows about variety.Thumbs Up)
Definitely. I recommend it to everyone. CK One. Next news. These are news related to Yoseob. News that he bought chicken breast in a bulk. There are other good news than this so why? Why do you eat chicken breast as your staple food? Staple food is rice. That's right. He didn't say anything wrong. Is chicken breast a side dish then? I eat it because it's nice. Not because I want to lose weight. So, you've always liked chicken breast. Yes, I like chicken breast. I thought only people who work out
eat it. But that's not it for you? Yes, yes. Our Doojoon's chest has become a chicken. *wordplay for hard/firm (How should I receive this... thinking) His hair is also styled like a chicken today. (Ah... Our Heechul hyung...) (Ah... Our Heechul hyung...) Fighting! (Have strength.) Fighting! (Hyung... Have strength...) Hey, he's also good (at variety)! I'm telling you. Doojoon is good at it. Doojoon almost entered here (as an emcee). Why didn't you become one? (At times like this, magical perfum
e which induces your resolution is needed) I have to spray myself. (Emergency transfusion of resolution) (Emergency transfusion of resolution) I've lost too much of my sense of gag. (Heechul Hyung is the best) Be careful. I've never seen Yong Junhyung laugh this much before. I was shocked. Are you done with my news? No, this is just the start. How is Yanggaeng doing? Yanggaeng had a surgery. Why? His knee is bad (not in a good condition). Is he already at that age? Small dogs get hurt a lot on t
heir knees. Yanggaeng has quite an active personality so he likes to jump from high places His knees got bad so he had to be hospitalised. Instead of that, what about MY news? Are there others? How have your parents been? My parents have been well. Sometimes I receive texts when they use my card. You receive news from them through card transactions. Is there any recent transaction from them? Someday, from Jeju-do. Sashimi... They ate sashimi. So it feels like, "Ah, I'm being a filial son." That'
s cute. I feel like I'm being filial so I'm proud. Next! We can't not talk about their new song. Is it a song personally composed by Yong Junhyung? This time too? Again? - Yes. It makes me feel apologetic after you said "Again?" He has already boasted about it during his concert. Regarding BEAST's comeback, "This is embarrassing to say about my own song" "But it's a really good song." Before this song came out, We recorded the other songs first before choosing. He suddenly told us to wait. The F
EEL came to him. Just wait 3 days for him. - He received the inspiration. When we heard the song, we all really liked it. The next day, the members all voted for the song. What is the title of the song? Ribbon. The title is nice. I was wearing the hotel gown I went to the corridor The gown came untied. What the?! So I went back to my room So I thought, "I tied it tightly but why did it loosen so easily?" So I compared it to lovers. We thought we really had each other but we still easily broke up
. (That kid... is a genius...) So I compared it to a ribbon. Let's have Random Play Dance after a year. I really don't think we can do it. BEAST doesn't have confidence in Random Play Dance, right? Yes, we're quite bad at it. The fun thing that we did with EXID the previous time was The members all picked the punishments and they gave the punishment to the member who got it wrong. For example, tickling. Who cannot stand being tickled the most? I am probably the one who cannot stand it the most.
You cannot stand being tickled? - Yes. Then Yoon Doojoon's punishment will be tickling. Let's do tickling for all. There should be some who are not ticklish though. - Yoseob. - I can stand tickling well. Then should we choose Indian Bob as his punishment? Yoseob's will be Indian Bob. I-I cannot stand being tickled. Hey, hey, hey. (Just as he approached him, explosion of hasty laughter) (Obviously a fake laughter) (Yoseobie.. You shouldn't lie on broadcast) I'm pinching you right now. How is that
ticklish? But getting hit seems like it would hurt a lot. - Indian Bob is okay. - Okay. Junhyung? Actually, I cannot stand being tickled. Don't act as if you're ticklish. I'm telling you not to act as if you're ticklish. How about a forehead flick? Okay. Kikwang's is tickling. Dongwoon's is tickling. Junhyung's is forehead flick. Doojoon's is tickling. Yoseob's is Indian Bob. You're ready, right? (Nervous) - We don't have to move. - For the best movement, let's gather together. I don't remember
. Fighting! Music, cue!



lol Gikwang and Heechul perfume scene was funny.. Doojoon' s "fighting" to Heechul though, I love how quick witted and straightforward he is..


infinite and beast are always my fav when it come to weekly idol xD and doojoon lol he is soo funny


Kikwang looks so pretty it's insane.


Gikwangs acting was gold! Heechuls reaction was icing on top


Doojoon killed Heechul just with one word, my variety king I can't stop laughing πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


In my opinion this was one of the best weekly idol episodes ever


Junhyung has this amazing aura... its so attractive i dont even-


I hope you understand that I am doing this out of my own will and free time. I will not rush through it because I do not want the translations to be of bad quality. Doing this is extremely time consuming as I am not a native speaker (and I am on the slow side) so I really seek your understanding and patience. Thank you.


Gikwang is so gorgeous oml. He kind of looks American to me idk why haha. But his lips are goals <3


Heechul's hair is longer than Hani's hair πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


"dujun always hit the person whenever he laughs." okay, very hilarious πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


When GK asked how his perfume became news though... "There were actually more strong articles than this but we took care of it. Because we like and respect you, we'll give you respect." Thanks Weekly Idol! (but in reality, I'm still sad but eh)


Doojoon hitting junhyung when he laughs omoo I love this dorks <3


People keep bashing hani,but in my opinion hani is funny ,sweet, and cute and i think she deserves the mc role with heechul and deffcon oppa.


Am I the only one to notice how happy junhyung is in this video?? I mean look at him laughing πŸ’


Dongwoon is sooo handsome I can't get over him


I just find Dongwoon so incredibly kind. Really really kind. I hope I am right about that, and that he doesn't change <3


hahaha i love heechul's MC-ing style, as expected of kim heechul


still remember from heechul's ig he would always go to junhyung's house just to play games even thought there already adults... chocoball feels miss them


beast infinite feels love it