
2 Cares for Pets: Isla and Flannery

2 Cares for Pets: Isla and Flannery

KJRH -TV | Tulsa | Channel 2

15 hours ago

and hello everyone welcome to two cares for pets I'm Justin fiser who with Dr Jessica zinc with South Tulsa veterinary hospital and we are here with Isa and Flannery from helpless hounds and they're absolutely adorable look at that face how could you not love that face they're beautiful well we'll talk about them and how you can uh you know bring them into your family in a second but speaking of bringing them into families I mean when you're getting new puppies there's a lot that goes through yo
ur head what's one of the first things you really get prepared for well just like when you're you're prepping for for babies you you want to make sure that you're kind a puppy proofing and so uh certain precautions you want to take make sure that you don't have a lot of extra things on the floor that they can chew on or get into um you want to make sure that you have a crate for them because it's really important that they have sort of their safe space A lot of people are really nervous about cr
ates and they sort of yeah think of them as you know well I don't want to do that it seems cruel but dogs are Den animals they really they really appreciate having their space and so you know it takes a little bit of adjustment at first but most of the time by by the time they they figure out what it's for it's it's where they go whenever they need comfort it's where they go whenever they need to sleep whenever they just kind of want to hang out or they're bored that's their spot but no not not
to punish them right always always make it a positive thing never use it as a punishment or naughty get in your crate you know that's that's really not exactly and speaking of uh crates sometimes they you know use the restroom there when they're younger everyone seems to have a different way of training I mean what's kind of the time frame of getting your your puppy potty trained well it depends on depends on the kind of breed that you get the smaller babies they tend to take a little longer to
potty train um but I will say that you know sometimes with the the larger and and the more intelligent breeds sometimes they can be potty trained by 10 11 weeks old um those those Yorkies and Chihuahua you're going to have a little bit of a longer time frame with those my mom loves the Yorkies and I know that for a fact yeah well and and it is important with crates U make sure that it's large enough for them to stand up and turn around but not get to one end have a have an accident and then get
away from it because that teaches them not to mess in their space and they are little oh you're a Tucker just saying hi everybody nice to see you and when you're getting them maybe toys anything you should stay away from for the young puppies yeah certainly any of the really aggressive chewers if they have a lot of stuffing yeah if they have a lot of good morning everybody good afternoon if they have a lot of stuffing if they have you know once they've damaged the toy and they're they're chewing
it up they're getting parts off of it it needs to go in the trash um things like Rope toys be cautious with those I know I know it's okay it's all right your siss is here well this Isa and flattery from helpless hounds they're little puppies they want everyone to know that they're they're up for adoption you can pick them up this is 918 [Music] 518116 and that is helpless helpless hounds thanks for joining us that's two car everybody
