
2 Cares for Pets: Macy

2 Cares for Pets: Macy

KJRH -TV | Tulsa | Channel 2

7 hours ago

hello everybody Welcome to two cares for pets I'm Justin Fisher with Dr Jessica Zing South Tulsa veterinary hospital and today we're here with Macy look at that face this is uh one of our pets that that needs a family that needs to be adopted uh and doctor I want to kind of bring that up right now because when you go to bring a dog into your family a lot of times they're caught up on their vaccines um if you are adopting but that is a really focal point when you are looking at adoption looking a
t getting a pet and I kind of wanted to talk about that uh on when it happens how it happens because when you get a dog it could be weeks in between them why and what are the diseases that really you're focusing on so some of the major diseases that we really have concerns about um that we vaccinate for are going to be things like parvo virus stemper virus rapies virus obviously is the main one things like kennel cough or bordatella um those are going to be the biggest ones that uh can ca cause
a tremendous amount of of illness and even sometimes be fatal and certainly in the case of rape is 100% fatal and so when we vaccinate for these things we're really trying to make sure that that the animals protected but also that your other animals are protected and that you're protected and we do this on a frequent basis depending on the animals age and their vaccine status um if they're puppies they have to have a series of vaccines up until the age of 16 weeks um because of maternal antibodi
es and when those start to wne um but when they're older typically they get a first set and then a booster and then they're finished um and that's that's typically how that that whole process goes so what if you do you know find a puppy that's been roaming around or you don't know their vaccine history how do you approach that with your vet well first step is to call your vet get them in as soon as you can have them looked over make sure that they're healthy as long long as they are healthy in g
eneral they have no no issues um then you want to start those those vaccines as soon as you can and then you want to take some steps to make sure that until they're fully vaccinated that you're taking precautions not to not to take them out and about um so that you can keep them safe so they're not exposed to these things until they're fully fully immune to those diseases and you said 16 weeks right so do you just keep them inside for the full 16 weeks or can you take them on walks at all cuz I
mean that's that's quite a long time for some people maybe want to show off you know right right I would say that ultimately if there's a chance that other unvaccinated dogs may have defecated in a certain area sometimes urinated in a certain area and for your your new puppy to to go and nose around in that area it's a really good idea to try and avoid that because that's how exposure occurs and certainly while you're out on those walks if they come nose to noose with an animal that is unvaccina
ted that's another another chance for exposure so you really do have to be cautious about that and make sure that you know that you're keeping an eye out for for those kinds of uh exposure opportunities so before we uh talk a little bit more about Macy uh here walk me through when you do get that give a call to maybe a rescue you want to make sure that they do have all those and if it's not before 16 weeks you kind of get that set up if you are picking up the dog maybe at eight weeks right so a
little bit about Macy here is she was found kind of roaming around and is looking for a home she was taking care of her little puppies we do want to let you know about where you can call and more learn more information or email that is about five or six years old it's oket just email them get a little more information at info@ petc as well that's two cares for pets thanks for joining us
