
20 Weird Things That Only Exist In Russia

20 Weird Things That Only Exist In Russia Russia is a land where the extraordinary is just part of everyday life. The country is filled with peculiarities and curiosities that defy conventional explanations. From the monumental statues of Catherine the Great to the remote outpost of the Diomede Islands straddling the International Date Line, Russia is a place where the bizarre and the extraordinary coexist in fascinating ways. There’s a lot to unveil as we explore 20 weird things that ONLY exist in Russia!

Grand Discovery

6 days ago

when it's 40 or 50 degrees below zero you can't blame a guy for taking boiling water and blowing off a little steam watching it instantly turn into snow and ice Russia is a land where the extraordinary is just part of everyday life the country is filled with peculiarities and Curiosities that defy conventional explanations from the Monumental statues of Katherine the Great to the remote Outpost of the diami islands straddling the International Date Line Russ is a place where the bizarre and the
extraordinary coexist in fascinating ways there's a lot to unveil as we explore 20 weird things that only exist in Russia number 20 radioactive Lake nestled in the cheliabinsk region lake karach is the perfect reminder of The Perils of human negligence despite its tranquil appearance this body of water has accumulated 12 to 15 million curies of longlived radio nucleid such as cesium 137 and strontium 90 radio nuclides once discharged into the lake unleash a Cascade of delerious effects on both t
he environment and human health initially these radioactive elements dissolve in the water and from there they are swiftly absorbed by sediment and microflora this turns bottom sediments into secondary sources of contamination so how did the lake end up being so badly contaminated well the primary reason is The Dumping of radioactive waste into Lake Kache this is is nothing short of a disaster for people as well radio nucleid can infiltrate tissues organs and bones with ease strontium 90 and ces
ium 137 can linger in the human body for up to three decades strontium 90 targets the skeletal and hematopoetic systems while cesium 137 reeks havoc on muscle tissue culminating in the onset of radiation sickness despite efforts to mitigate the Lake's hazards the Spectre of contamination Los booms large the threat of radionucleide migration persists with the potential to taint ground and groundwater reserves contamination of groundwater beneath Lake karachai expanding at an alarming rate of 100
m per year only adds to this ongoing Peril the repercussions extend far beyond the confines of Lake kiche contaminated water poses a direct threat to neighboring water bodies such as the melc and Tekk Rivers the possibility of radioactive substances in filtrating these vital water sources is too real and too dangerous to ignore the results from widespread soil contamination to the poisoning of drinking water with cesium 137 and strontium 90 The Fallout of such an event would be nothing short of
catastrophic number 19 Yuri kuklachev cat theater the Yuri kuklachev cat theater or the Moscow cats theater offers a one-of-a-kind spectacle that Delights audiences of all ages founded nearly three decades ago by the legendary circus performer Yuri kuklachev this feline Extravaganza showcases the extraordinary talents of a troop of cats captivating Spectators with their original and astonishing acrobatic Feats what sets this theater apart is its seamless integration of non-verbal storytelling vi
brant colors and exhilarating performances all brought to life by the graceful movements and playful antics of its furry performers each show is filled with jaw-dropping stunts and heartwarming moments that leave audiences Spellbound the founder Yuri kuklachev entered the world of cat training rather unexpectedly spurred by the discovery of an abandoned kitten in a park as a seasoned juggler flying gymnast Illusionist and clown kuklachev embarked on a mission to train cats through patience dedic
ation and a deep bond with his feline companions he transformed them into Bonafide stars of the stage the cats of the Moscow cats theater are cherished members of the team receiving Royal Treatment that includes a dedicated Entourage comprising a veterinarian Kitty caretakers and personal stylists kav's Devotion to his furry Superstars is evident in every aspect of the production from their meticulous training to their well-being on and off the stage keeping the family tradition alive kev's son
Dimitri serves as his father's principal assistant and the co-creator of the show a renowned expert in staging cat stunts for Russian television Dimitri's expertise adds an extra layer of magic to the performances ensuring that each cat's talents shine brightly for all to see Yuri kuklachev has earned recognition as a national treasure in Russia and a beloved figure on the international stage with over 80 countries under his belt and a plethora of prestigious Awards to his name including the peo
ple's artist in Russia and the golden clown Crown in Canada kuklachev contributions to the world of entertainment are truly unparalleled number 18 vodka Museum vodka is synonymous with Russia embedded within the fabric of Russian Society vodka holds sway over pivotal moments in the lives of its people from joyous occasions like weddings to somber events like funerals vodka serves as an indispensable component symbolizing communal bonding and shared experiences vodka for the Russians is not just
a beverage throughout history it has been a form of currency a tangible representation of value in a society where cash was scarce During certain epics a bottle of vodka wielded more purchasing power than traditional currency moreover vodka permeates the linguistic and folklore tapestry of Russian identity enter the Vodka Museum a testament to the multifaceted role of this ubiquitous elixir in Russian life nestled in Moscow the birthplace of vodka in the 15th century this Museum offers a compreh
ensive exploration of vodka's Rich Heritage here visitors are greeted with an array of artifacts ranging from antique vodka bottles to the original distillation apparat atus alongside archival documents and Regal portraits illustrating the beverage's storied past with meticulous curation the museum Endeavors to fill a scholarly void shedding light on a subject often overlooked in academic discourse by showcasing vodka not merely as a drink but as a cultural artifact the museum invites visitors t
o delve deeper into the nuances of Russian history and identity for foreign visitors the museum offers a unique lens through which to glimpse the essence of Russian Society through the shared experience of em bibing vodka individuals from diverse backgrounds can forge connections with Russian culture number 17 Birch juice Birch juice is far from being just a quirky curiosity it may not seem like much but it holds a special place in Russian culture as both a nostalgic childhood treat and a source
of vital nutrients while it may seem unusual to some for Russians the birch tree is not merely a national symbol but also a reservoir of this tasty drink in the post-war era of the USSR when nutritious Foods were scarce Birch juice emerged as a popular and accessible beverage rich in vitamins b6 and b12 it was lauded for its health benefits promoting shiny skin and hair while offering a refreshing thirst quencher its popularity soared as it became a staple in many households particularly during
times of scarcity for many Russians Birch juice evokes fond memories of childhood and simpler times when fizzy drinks were a rarity its unique flavor described as sweet yet distinct holds a special Allure that transcends Generations even today some Russians enjoy introducing foreigners to this unusual beverage inviting them to experience its singular taste for themselves traditionally harvested in the springtime Birch sap collection is regulated by Russian law ensuring sustainability and Enviro
nmental Protection careful extraction methods such as making small incisions in the bark preserve the health of the tree while yielding the sweetest juice this precious liquid with a shelf life of only a few days is often used in various culinary and cosmetic applications from soups and syrups to facial toners and hair rinses while pasteurized versions are readily available in supermarkets purists insist that nothing compares to the fresh Untamed flavor of birch sap straight from the tree the ne
xt time you visit the country be sure to check it out number 16 a Monument to enemas Yes you heard that right in June 2008 the Global Spotlight shown on the Russian Spa mashuk aquatherm as it unveiled a unique Monument weighing 770 lb and standing nearly 5 ft tall this Monument pays homage to enemas it's the only one of its kind in the world crafted by the skilled hands of local Regional artist swetlana aaka the bronze statue features a large bulb held aoft by three cherubs drawing patriotic edu
cation efforts aiming to instill a sense of national pride and militarism in the country's youth spread across over 4,000 hectares the park boasts an impressive array of military vehicles including Soviet era aircraft helicopters and around 350 tanks from various Nations the Patriot Park offers a range of attractions the military tactical games Center provides opportunities for families to engage in military style exercises and ulated Urban warfare using airsoft guns additionally a shooting rang
e allows visitors to channel their inner Rambo while children can partake in quick classes on sabotage hungry guests can refuel with military rations at the park canteen for an authentic dining experience meanwhile souvenir Hunters can visit gift shops stocked with an assortment of memorabilia from Joseph Stalin fridge magnets to Vladimir Putin iPhone cases and military themed apparel located in binka some 33 mi from Central Moscow Patriot Park welcomes visitors Tuesday to Sunday ticket prices r
ange from 400 to 500 rubles if you're planning to go be sure to check the weather beforehand as most exhibits are Outdoors additionally foreign visitors may be required to provide a copy of their passport upon entry while Patriot Park primarily caters to military enthusiasts families with younger children can have a great time at the adjacent Zoo number 14 lend 's mummy who said all mummies are from Egypt Russia has one of its own and it's just as iconic the preservation of Vladimir Lennon's bod
y is a matter of dedication for the Russians who see the man as their savior it is also a remarkable feat of science spanning nearly a century of meticulous maintenance and experimentation by Russian scientists initiated in 1924 following Lenin's death the Endeavor to preserve his body initially faced significant challenges imalers had to contend with the aftermath of an autopsy that had already severed major arteries and blood vessels complicating the process despite these obstacles researchers
at the Lenin lab persevered developing Innovative micro injection techniques to ensure the preservation of Lenin's physical form over the years the preservation methods employed by the Lenin lab have evolved incorporating a range of solutions and treatments to maintain the body's appearance flexibility and suppleness from submerging the body in glycerol and formaly baths to meticulously sculpting artificial skin patches and eyelashes every detail is attended to with painstaking Precision the re
search efforts that go with it have also yielded unexpected medical applications techniques developed for maintaining Lenin's body have influenced advancements in skin transplantation methods and even led to the creation of non-invasive tests for measuring cholesterol in skin tissue despite facing funding challenges in the post Soviet era the Lenin lab continues its Mission ensuring that Lenin's body remains a symbol of Russia's scientific prowess and cultural heritage from its humble beginnings
to its lasting impact on medical science Lenin's perfectly preserved body reflects the enduring Legacy of a revolutionary figure number 13 Bunker 42 The Bunker 42 was originally constructed in 1955 as the command post of the Strategic nuclear forces of the Soviet Union today it is a tourist site that REM Rems visitors of the tense era of the Cold War nestled beneath Taganka Square this anti-nuclear underground facility spans 7,000 square miles and plunges to a depth of 65 M visitors get to enjo
y an immersive journey through history with excursions offered by the Cold War Museum you can delve into the riveting Narrative of the nuclear confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States and gain insight into the construction techniques that shielded the bunker from the devastating effects of atomic explosions for those intrigued by Stalin's enigmatic Legacy the Cold War tour also presents a captivating exploration of his office alternatively the Declassified tour unveils intrig
uing facts through a documentary on the Cold War both tours culminate in Unforgettable special effects including simulations of nuclear bomb explosions and missile launches now that's a site you can't miss number 12 fort zerf built by engineer Constantine Zev in the 1870s Fort Zev stands today as a haunting Testament to a bygone era amidst its ruins remnants of machine gun mounts bunkers and rusting water tubes evoke a sense of eerie desolation however what truly sets Fort Zev apart is its basem
ent area where a harrowing event unfolded in the 1970s a fire fueled by a Russian alternative to Napalm stored within erupted with ferocious intensity tempatures soared to over 2,000 de Centigrade melting the brick work above and giving rise to a chilling spectacle The Inferno transformed the basement into a surreal landscape where red brick stalactites now hang ominously from above it kind of reminds one of a cave interior today Fort Zev is the perfect reminder of its tumultuous past gradually
receding into the Russian Countryside alongside its surreal Subterranean creation the northern forts are located near konot they are accessible via the subway station cha retka or Black River visitors can then take a mini buus to konat and proceed onwards winter is the best season for exploration as ice allows for easy foot travel across the lake alternatively you can hire motorboats in konat for transportation number 11 Soviet era Arcade museum who doesn't like arcade video games well the admir
ation for these machines also permeated the Soviet Society the roots of the Soviet era Arcade museum lie in the rich history of arcade gaming in the Soviet Union from the mid 1, 1970s to the 1990s arcade machines served as a vital form of entertainment for the Soviet populace these machines were not just sources of amusement they were symbolic of an era reflecting the technological and cultural landscape of the Time arcade machines were found in various locations including gaming Halls Parks Cin
emas hotels and even young p P ER camps these camps where children spent their vacations often featured arcade machines the museum offers more than just entertainment here you can look through a window into the past by playing these arcade machines visitors can delve into Soviet industrial Design Technology and Engineering achievements each game tells a story shedding light on how these machines were produced and The Innovation behind them the Journey of arcade gaming in the Soviet Union traces
back to 1969 with the establishment of the soat Tron Association the organization sought to study entertainment Industries worldwide and adapt foreign experiences for Soviet audiences a year later a Soviet delegation visited production facilities and amusement parks in Japan Germany and the USA laying the groundwork for what would become a thriving arcade culture in the USSR today we can witness the history of arcade gaming in Soviet era Russia firsthand for the museum authorities preserving and
showcasing this collection is not just about Nostalgia it's about preserving a piece of history and celebrating an era number 10 monk lad dasi Doro iof you might be wondering what can be so unusual about a monk well hold on this is good the Buddhist monk Dashi dorso itigilov officially passed away 90 years ago however he continues to Intrigue and perplex observers to this day born in 1852 in UL adobo itigilov has been the of Legends of divine origins among monks despite his mysterious Beginning
s iov's Journey led him to become a revered figure within the Buddhist Community renowned for his teachings and reputed miracles however itigilov Saga took an unusual turn with his passing in 1927 his last will dictated the exhumation of his body after 30 years however his body was Unearthed prematurely 28 years later during a hurricane this sent a wave of awe among those who witnessed the sight the apparent preservation of the body was just too perfect he had flexible joints elastic skin and wa
rmth around the heart subsequent exhumations including one in 2002 revealed further anomalies the body remained remarkably intact with internal organs and eyes showing no signs of Decay forensic analysis indicated characteristics like those of a recently deceased person while Skeptics suggest natural explanations for iov's preservation such as high bromine levels from legume consumption and self-induced antibiosis through meditation Believers cling to the notion of divine intervention or miracul
ous phenomena in any case iov's Body continues to Captivate both religious devotees and scientific researchers number nine the Baga crater situated in Russia's Far East the Baga crater has garnered attention for its colossal size stretching over 1 km long Drone footage offers a mesmerizing glimpse into its depths revealing irregular surfaces and small hummocks at the base of the depression this massive crater often referred to as the cave-in by locals emerged in the 1970s due to the melting of p
ermafrost underground triggered by deforestation a decade earlier as the world's largest permafrost crater the Badaga crator serves as a stark reminder of the rapid warming occurring in Russia scientists warn that Russia is is experiencing warming at a rate at least 2.5 times faster than the global average leading to the thawing of the long frozen tundra covering much of the country the release of greenhouse gases stored in the thawed soil poses significant environmental challenges known scienti
fically as a mega slump the Baga crater is viewed as both a tourist attraction and a forboding symbol of danger researcher Nikita tanv emphasizes the potential hazards associated with the expansion predicting that similar Mega slumps will continue to form as temperatures rise and anthropogenic pressures increase thawing permafrost has already caused damage to infrastructure and ecosystems across Northern Russia with wildfires exacerbating the situation residents have witnessed the crater's rapid
growth firsthand expressing concerns about its proximity to inhabited areas the exact rate of expansion remains uncertain but scientists are alarmed by the enormous quantity of organic carbon stored beneath the crater which will be released into the atmosphere as permafrost continues to thaw number eight the diami islands positioned in the bearing straight between Alaska United States and chatka Russia the diami islands are a unique geographical and temporal anomaly consisting of the big diami
or tomorrow Island and the little diami or yesterday Island these islands straddle the enigmatic International Date Line named after the Greek Explorer diamides the islands were cited by Danish Navigator vus bearing in 1728 when the United States purchased Alaska from Russia in 1867 little diami became part of the United States while big diami remained Russian territory a boundary line was drawn between the islands creating what is known as The Ice Curtain life on the diami islands is challengin
g due to their remote location and harsh climate the local inupiat community on little diami has endured for over 3,000 years facing extreme weather and limited resources the minate population relies on hunting and fishing for survival the locals are also highly skilled in Ivory carving the big diami has been devoid of a permanent native population since 1948 instead it hosts a Russian weather station and Border guard troops despite its harsh conditions both Islands serve as a testament to human
resilience and adaptation number seven the Lena Stone pillars did you know that Russia has its version of the Stonehenge these are the Lena pillars traveling to this Monument is a challenge in itself you start with a 6-hour flight from Moscow to the Siberian city of Yakutsk costing around $1800 upon arrival in Yakutsk you must undertake a 3-day UPR river boat trip with a local guide to reach the Lena pillars this will set you back1 500 the Lena pillars a UNESCO world heritage site since 2006 fe
ature natural rock for formations rich in fossils and ancient organisms here researchers can Marvel at the significant fossil record dating as back as the lower Cambrian era the area has also yielded fossils of mammoths bison woolly rhinoceros Lena horses and reindeer alongside evidence of ancient human life through Rock paintings and manuscripts the long and costly journey is worth it if you appreciate these offerings number six the Fallen Monument Park also known as art museon or the park of t
he Fallen Heroes the Fallen Monument Park houses mutilated busts of Stalin Lenin and zinski alongside other Soviet statues there is a small entrance fee to access the park these monuments once symbols of communist Ideology Now stand as remnants of a bygone era what sets this park apart is its juxtaposition of communist relics with clusters of Contemporary Art creating a fascinating blend of past and present visitors can explore the Park's diverse collection of sculptures and installations each w
ith its own story to tell about Russia's tumultuous history and evolving identity you can wander through its open air Galleries and contemplate the significance of the artworks on display however the future of the park remains uncertain due to ongoing development in the surrounding area raising questions about its preservation and continued existence as a cultural landmark number five Valentina Tereshkova Monument Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman to travel into space so naturally there i
s a monument celebrating her located in her hometown of yaroslav her Monument commemorates her historic space flight in 1963 Teresa's accomplishments have solidified her status as a national hero in Russia born into relative obscurity Teresa's life turned around when she was selected from a pool of over 400 candidates to become the first woman in space on June 16th 1963 she orbited the Earth 48 times during her nearly 3-day mission miss solidifying her place in history despite her reluctance for
media attention and the demands of her public life Teresa's popularity remains strong in Russia she also served as a member of parliament for President Vladimir Putin's United Russia party and has been recognized with prestigious awards for her public service over the years Tereshkova has remained a symbol of Soviet and Russian achievements in space exploration her contributions to science and her pioneering Spirit continue to INSP ire future Generations underscoring the importance of internati
onal cooperation in space exploration number four conception day no that's not a joke in ulanov Russia the regional Governor Sergey morof has implemented a unique initiative to address the country's demographic challenges declaring September 12th as a day of conception couples are granted time off from work to focus on starting or expanding their families this aims to boost birth rates and combat Russia's declining population participating couples who welcome a baby 9 months later coinciding wit
h Russia's national Day on June 12th stand to receive various rewards including money household appliances and even cars this initiative has witnessed a growing number of participants and an increase in births while some view it as a proactive step to encourage family growth and create a positive atmosphere within communities others raise concerns about the potential trivialization of childbirth and family planning despite mixed reactions participants appreciate the initiative's support for fami
lies particularly in rural areas number three Monument to Catherine the Great not many people get to be called the Great in world history Queen Catherine's title was thus just as welld deserved as it was rare the monument to Katherine the Great stands as a testament to the revered empress's Legacy in St Petersburg unveiled in 1873 it symbolizes her significant contributions to the city advancement particularly in education and governance earning her the endearment of its residence during what ca
me to be known as Russia's Golden Age crafted by the finest sculptors and architects of its time the monument portrays Catherine in Regal attire holding a scepter and an olive wreath symbolizing her Authority and benevolence surrounding her are delicately carved figures representing prominent individuals from her Reign including military leaders politicians and intellectuals sit situated in a picturesque Square Off nevsky Prospect The Monument's location is emblematic of Catherine's enlightened
rule among the dignitaries immortalized on the pedestal are renowned figures such as Alexander suvorov Prince pomkin a Catarina dashkova and gabila deravin each contributing to Katherine's illustrious era number two the bubble Baba challenge the bubble Baba challenge takes place on the obber river offering participants a hilariously unconventional Twist on the traditional swimming race in this race competitors are tasked with swimming across the river with an inflatable woman the race spans a di
stance of 100 m during which swimmers must navigate the currents of the Obi River while ensuring that their inflatable companions stay afloat it's a test of both swimming ability and buoyancy control the bubble Baba challenge has a playful and light-hearted tone to it and participants embrace the absurdity of the event with enthusiasm and humor Spectators gather along the river Banks to cheer on the swimmers adding to the festive atmosphere despite its humorous premise the bubble Baba challenge
also presents genuine challenges for participants navigating the river currents while Towing an inflatable object requires strength skill and determination swimmers must maintain their focus and balance to prevent mishaps or capsizing during the race the race has gained attention both locally and internationally for its unconventional concept and spirited at atmosphere participants come from diverse backgrounds ranging from serious athletes to Casual enthusiasts all United by their willingness t
o embrace the Whimsical Spirit of the bubble Baba challenge number one oimyakon oimyakon is the coldest inhabited town on Earth where the temperature can plummet to Bone chilling extremes that defy imagination despite its name which translates to water that doesn't freeze in Russian iyakan experiences average winter temperatures of aroundus - 58° F or -50° C the lowest recorded temperature in oon was a staggering - 96.1 16° F or - 71.2 de C in 1924 life in oyan is a constant battle against the e
lements water pipes freeze and burst rendering indoor plumbing impractical so residents rely on outdoor bathrooms even in the most frigid conditions cars must be kept running continuously to prevent vital component from freezing naturally gas stations also operate Around the Clock survival often depends on traditional remedies like Russian tea or vodka to Stave off the chill locals rely on a diet of frozen raw fish and meat including horse liver to sustain themselves through the harsh Winters de
spite its inhospitable climate iyakan has its moments of warmth and Community during the short summer months temperatures can soar to 96° F or 35.5 de each Winter's end also brings the cold pole Festival a celebration of local culture and resilience featuring traditional activities like dog sledding reindeer races and ice fishing well that's all for now if you loved this video be sure to check out this other one on your screen it will blow your mind
