
2023 Toastmasters World Champion of Public Speaking: Jocelyn Tyson

Jocelyn Tyson, from District 38, Region 7, won with a speech titled, "Have You Been There?" To learn more about the World Championship of Public Speaking(R) visit Please see the Toastmasters International Website about Trademarks and Copyrights by visiting

Toastmasters International

7 months ago

Jocelyn Tyson, "Have You Been There?" "Have You Been There?" Jocelyn Tyson. Thank you, Contest Chair. You're welcome. It was the summer of 2021, and I was reaching a milestone birthday. I decided to skip the party and pick something epic off my bucket list: Triathlon. For those of you unfamiliar, it is a race that contains three disciplines: Swim, bike, run. Now, almost immediately, my inner go-getter said, "Yeah, let's do this! Show 'em you still got it." But my inner critic: "Slow down, hot st
uff. You hate swimming. You barely bike, and girl, wait a minute, that swimming thing, you can't do it!" And just like that, I had two warring sides, both with logical explanations for why I should or shouldn't do it. A decision to make. This one, yes. That one, no. Have you been there? I decided to go with my inner go-getter. I signed up for the race. I started jogging, I borrowed a bike, and yes, friends, I took swim lessons. And after eight months straight of training every day, I was ready.
It's race day. People are lined up along the banks of a lake, ready to start the first part, the swim. They blow the whistle and the race is off. I, on the other hand, am still at the bank of the lake. Why? You see, friends, my brain cannot seem to understand that the water, the dark, dreary, cedar water, was the same water that I had learned to swim in at the pool. There it was clear, you could see to the bottom. But this, this was darkness. I go to put my face in and I couldn't do it. I couldn
't do it. I started to panic. I look over to my right. I see my family. They're looking back at me. What's wrong? I look over to the other side and I can see all the people lined up to see the start of the race. They're watching me. And behind me are the people coming up for their next wave of the swim. I had a choice to make. Go forward into the water or go back home from where I came. A situation. This one, yes. That one, no. Have you been there? I chose to do the only thing any would do with
that logical situation. I flipped over on my back and started the backstroke. Now, swimming has a certain grace, a beauty, if you will. This had neither grace nor beauty. This was not swimming. This was surviving. I'm knocking into people, bumping into things, knocking things over and around, all things going on, all the while hyperventilating before I realize I heard it. "Ma'am, you're going the wrong way!" All I could think to myself at that time was, I wonder who they're talking to. "Ma'am, 3
22, you're going the wrong way." 322. No, no, I'm 322. I look over. I am 50 meters off course. Now in swim time that's not too bad, but for me, it was everything. I had to stop, get myself together, and I got back on course. Now, there are lifeguards spread out along the lake in canoes. I swim up to one of the canoes. The lifeguard, she looks over the boat. She looks at me and says, "Ma'am, you really need to think this through, okay? Look, you can still finish the race. We'll let you finish the
bike. We'll let you finish the run. But you might want to think about quitting this." And I understood where she was coming from. There was a lot going on. My inner critic agreed with her all the more. "You're in over your head, like 12 feet to be exact. Quitting sounds like a smart move right now." I looked up at her. I let go. I kept on swimming. I went on for another few more meters before I grabbed hold of another canoe. That lifeguard leaned over and she said to me, "You're doing good. Not
much further. You got this." Advice. This one, yes. That one, no. Have you been there? I let go. I finished the swim. I'm staggering up the bank. My legs feel like lead. My lungs are on fire. I'm coughing out water, all the while exhausted. I get to the bike. I fall up on top of the bike, one foot in front of the other as I pedal. To this day, I have no clue how I finished those 12 miles, but I got them done. When I finished, I tossed the bike to the side. I have now the run to do. At this poin
t, my inner critic steps out bold and says, "You still have a third to do? You hate running. Why are we still here?" At this point, my inner go-getter steps out and says, "We only have a third left to do. You trained for this. Yes! Yes! We're still here." I shimmy, shod, struggle, trouble, stanky legs all the way across to clear that finish line. I had done what I intended. That race took a lot out of me, but I took more out of it. Whether you have to make a big decision, overcome a situation, t
ake advice, or just finish what you started. These are things that can happen in life, can have two warring sides. This one, yes. That one, no. And both can come with logical explanations on what you should or shouldn't do it. Do I start a new job? Do I begin chemo? Do I finish chemo? Do I move? Do I start a new family? Whether you think you can or you think you can't. You're right. It was said by Henry Ford, "Because what matters most is what is within you." Friends, you can be your worst criti
c. No one knows your weaknesses or your flaws like you do. But at the same time, you can be your biggest cheerleader, and no one can push you further or take you higher. I implore you, no, I beg you, look deep within on that next challenge. Find your inner go-getter and see how far it can push you. I've been there. Have you? Contest Chair.



Our very own District 38 - Jocelyn Tyson!!!! We are so proud of you!


Jocelyn is phenomenal, so I want to clear something up: this is not acting, theatre, performance, or dramatics. This is PUBLIC SPEAKING! No one listens, learns, and gains from any speaker who is not willing to step out of his/her comfort zone, connect with the audience, and instill an environment that permits sharing between audience and speaker. To do that, you need to engage your body language, stage, voice, hands, etc. Remember that the goal is not to sound good, but for the listener to engage with and receive the message, and to change from it. Hence, successful and effective 21st century public speaking may require (what may look like to be) elements of dramatics and performance. That's ok. Anything to achieve the responsibility and mandate of the public speaker. Jocelyn, and many other speakers at this competition like Anastarcia Palacios, did just that!!!!


WOOOOW WOOOW this was an incredible speech. Very very inspiring and Congratulations. I did a presentation today on a group project with my friend and we did well in our presentation. It made me feel so good, I've been looking through these public speaking videos and came across yours. I think I am going to join them and one day become the world champion


This is great public speaking! It is theatrical as well as dramatic, persuade, dynamic, and motivational. Toastmasters has 11 or so speaker training tracks which meet the standard of “Public Speqking”: Dynamic Leadership. Effective Coaching. Engaging Humor. Innovative Planning. Leadership Development. Motivational Strategies. Persuasive Influence. Presentation Mastery. Team Collaboration Visionary Communication She has combined several of these speaker tracks:Humor, Dramatic, Persuasive to name a few. This is a marvelous example of public speaking mastery. She’ll go on to greater success😊.


Joselyn, yes, i been there. GRAN TRABAJO CAMPEONA! GREAT JOB CHAMP!


Intro 0:21 Begins/ Introduction 0:41 - 1:06 Introduction of two sides 1:10 Reiterate 1 Body 1:23 Buildup/ point 1 2:02 Laughing point 1 - Dark water 2:31 Reiterate 2 2:42 Laughing point 2 - Back stroke 3:12 Laughing point 3 - Wrong way 4:38 Reiterate 3 4:50 Finish swim 5:13 Reiterate 4 (not with phrase) Conclusion 5:50 - 07:05 Conclusion


You have inspired me to become the world champion one day. Thank you for this masterpiece.


Congratulations to Jocelyn on her remarkable achievement in winning the World Championship of Public Speaking! As a fellow professional speaker who has benefited from Toastmasters, I admire her dedication and courage. I found the conclusion of her speech particularly powerful, delivering a universal message that resonates across different situations. Jocelyn's insight to look within ourselves for answers is a reminder of the strength we possess. Her speech has left a lasting impact.


Congratulations, Jocelyn -- you are a star! I'm so proud that you are a member of not only District 38 Toastmasters, but our club, Voorhees (NJ) Toastmasters Club! So well done!


She reminds me of Ramona J. Smith – the 2018 Toastmasters International World Champion of Public Speaking. Both are excellent, full of energy speakers. Well done!


Our own District 38, Region 7,. Joycelyn Tyson - We are so very PROUD of "YOU." Area C33


Amazing!! We all have been there... Go get it!!! Congratulations Jocelyn.🎉


Well deserved and heartiest congratulations Jocelyn Tyson!


Congratulations, Jocelyn Tyson for your amazing winning speech! ❤


Congratulations Jocelyn! You made District 38 so proud! Excellent !!


I saw this after signing up for a half-marathon, with neither experience nor fitness. I will be there.


Wow! Now THIS is why I love my Toastmasters family! Perfection to the MAX! Congrats Jocelyn! ❣


Hi Joycelyn, I had the pleasure of seeing and hearing you speak recently, here at our mainline speaks Toastmasters club, prior to leaving for the international competition. Your performance was nothing short of brilliant that evening and now I see that you have followed that act with another spectacularly written and entertaining presentation. I am certain that I speak for all of my fellow Toastmasters here at Mainline Speaks Toastmasters club when I say, a healthy congratulation on a job well done. Continued success in all your future endeavors..... P J Brown


I really enjoyed this speech. Congratulations Jocelyn! 🎉


Congratulations to Mrs. Tyson on such an outstanding achievement. BRAVO ! 👏