
2024 Venardos Circus tour kicks off in Sugar land

Juggler Edge Szumowski gives sneak peek for the Venardos Circus

KPRC 2 Click2Houston

3 weeks ago

if you've ever dreamed of going to the circus now is your chance to do so the vernardo circus is kicking off their 2024 tour tomorrow in Sugarland joining me with a sneak peek of the show is juggler Edge shumski good morning who what's going on Zach how you doing good morning goodness I need I need whatever you're what what whatever you had for breakfast bring it here bring it over here anybody can have what I have just come on in under the big top here at Crown Festival Park and you get that Ci
rcus Love Ed so talk to us about the types of performances we can expect to see listen I'm telling you what this is a decade of dream celebration our 10e anniversary at venardo Circus and we are coming in strong this year we got new acts across the board we got lights we got sounds we got all the bells and whistles I'm telling you this year's show is absolutely unprecedented in every way you guys got to get out here visit us here at Crown Festival Park opening tomorrow night we are so so excited
uh talk to us absolutely I'm excited too you know there's a lot of things that you might see at the show Zach I don't know one of the things right here I just do this for you now just in case I didn't think You' really expecting this whoa check it out that's just a little something something you never know what you're going to get we got big tricks we got little tricks not sure if you can see that from where you're seated Sugarland we got all the stuff get up and come on out join the show it's
a great family show it is so intimate in here we only got about 500 seats so there's not a bad seat in the the house you come on down you get the VIP seats we're standing right here talking to you come on down and check us out man you are going to have so much fun Sugarland what's happening yeah a really great setup Edge hey before we let you go I have one quick question for for families with children uh with autism or who might be sensitive to lights and sounds is there an option for them as we
ll to enjoy the fun there is an option I don't are we doing a sensory friendly show this town is Saturday at 11: a.m. Saturday at 11 a.m. we have a sensory friendly show just for that select audience and here we turn down the lights a little bit we turn down the sound a little bit we take out the strobes and a lot of the lighting effects and we make sure we bring it down there's also four very accessible exits to the tent so if you uh uh you bring a kid and he gets agitated it's really easy to g
et outside and they can still peer in and see the magic from afar we do a sensory show every town that we go to and without fail everybody appreciates the effort and the and the kids uh they they they they blossom you know a lot of kids that wouldn't go into another concert they come here and they just fall in love with it so don't be afraid Saturday at 11:00 come on down for the sensory friendly show please oh we love to hear that and for people really serious about purchasing tickets where can
they go to do so you got to go to live your circus that's live your circus all the scheduling is there we open with one show tomorrow night we'll have another one on Friday then we got three on Saturday I believe two on Sunday and then Monday Tuesday off we'll pick back up next Wednesday 11132 and then we're over to Austin so don't miss your opportunity get in here under this brand spanking new beautiful Italian circus tent this this place is rocking don't don't miss it don'
t miss I'm just I'm just throwing it out there don't miss it Ed shumski thank you so much for your time this morning hey we're going to go to break but take us to break give us one last trick you got it I got a little something for you right here what's going on this not your every ordinary everyday juggling but I'll tell you what you come on down here and see us we got the absolutely amazing David L is going to be doing juggling here makes me look like a novice I'm telling you what this show is
stacked from top to bottom all kinds of fantastic Talent you're going to have a great time I promise you if you don't you come see me I'm imine I'm not hard to find
