
3 Creepy True Janitor Horror Stories Vol. 2 (With Rain Sounds) | True Scary Stories

Experience spine-chilling encounters with these 3 TRUE janitor horror stories! Brace yourself for a night of terror on Nightfall Enigmas. Get ready to be immersed in spine-chilling, TRUE horror stories on this channel! Join us at Nightfall Enigmas for a night of real scares and disturbing encounters that will make you lose control. Don't miss these scary stories that will definitely haunt your nightmares. Play now if you dare!🌙💀 If you like this video, a thumbs up is always appreciated. And by subscribing to the channel, you help support the creation of more videos just like this one! If you have a true scary story you would like to be read in a video please email: Business inquiries: DISCLAIMER: If you are or represent the copyright owner of the elements used in this video and feel the contents have been used without authorization, please reach out to me at for proper credits or removal. All elements (video, pictures, audio) used in the videos on this channel are a combination of paid stock, by attribution, royalty-free, public domain, and other copyright-free sources. All rights to these elements belong to their respective owners. No infringement is intended. #janitor #3allegedlytruejanitorhorrorstories #scaryjanitorhorrorstories

Nightfall Enigmas

1 day ago

STORY 1 Five years ago, I found myself in the eerie  solitude of the high school corridors as a janitor, my nightly routine a solitary dance  with mop and broom. It was during the hushed hours of midnight, the dim lights casting  elongated shadows across the linoleum floors, that an unexpected sound shattered the  stillness. The rhythmic bounce of a basketball reverberated through the empty halls,  its echo resonating with an eerie intensity. At first, I dismissed it as a figment of  my imaginat
ion, a trick of the mind born from the solitude of the night. But as the  echoes persisted, a creeping unease settled in the pit of my stomach. With cautious steps,  I followed the sound, my footsteps muffled by the soft hum of the fluorescent lights above. As I approached the gymnasium, the dim glow of the motion-sensing lights flickered to life,  casting a surreal glow over the scene before me. The basketball court stretched out like  a yawning abyss, the empty bleachers silent witnesses to th
e clandestine game  being played in the dead of night. Heart pounding, I pushed open the door,  the creak of hinges echoing through the cavernous space. The gymnasium lay before me,  bathed in an unnatural glow. The basketball, abandoned and forlorn, lay against the far  wall, a silent sentinel in the darkness. With each step, the silence grew deafening,  broken only by the faint echo of my own breathing. I called out into the void, the sound  swallowed by the empty expanse of the gym. But as my
words faded into the ether, a movement  caught my eye—a shadowy figure darting into the darkness of the janitor's closet. Adrenaline coursing through my veins, I approached the closet with trepidation, my  footsteps hesitant against the cold linoleum floor. With trembling hands, I reached for  the doorknob, the metal cool beneath my touch. The door swung open to reveal a scene bathed in  darkness, the faint outline of cleaning supplies looming ominously in the shadows. And then,  without warnin
g, chaos erupted—a wooden pole hurtling towards me with terrifying speed. Instinct took over as I ducked, the air rushing past my ears as the makeshift weapon  sailed overhead. With a surge of adrenaline, I stumbled backward, the sound of my racing  heart drowning out the cacophony of the night. As I fled the scene, the darkness seemed to  close in around me, swallowing me whole in its suffocating embrace. Outside, the night  air was thick with tension, the distant wail of sirens signaling the a
rrival of salvation. And as I watched the flashing lights dance across the empty expanse of the parking lot, I couldn't  help but wonder what horrors lay hidden within the silent walls of the high school—waiting,  perhaps, for their next unwitting victim. STORY 2 This tale unravels from the depths of my past,  a memory etched in the eerie silence of night shifts as a janitor. It was a couple of years ago,  amidst the hushed corridors of an office building, that I encountered my most chilling exp
erience. The office building stood tall, its shadowy corners whispering secrets known  only to the night. Each floor, a labyrinth of cubicles and offices, held its  own dark mysteries, waiting to be uncovered. On this particular night, as I roamed  the desolate hallways with broom in hand, a sense of unease lingered in the air  like a dense fog. The soft hum of the vacuum was the only companion to my solitary  footsteps, echoing through the empty expanse. As I neared the stairwell, a sound shatt
ered  the silence—a faint echo of footsteps descending from the upper floors. My heart quickened  its pace as I turned towards the source, my senses alert to the slightest movement. The door to the stairwell creaked open, revealing a figure cloaked in darkness. It  was not the security guard, whose presence I had grown accustomed to, but a stranger—a man  whose face bore the faint imprint of familiarity. I confronted him, my voice trembling with a  mixture of fear and curiosity. His response was
cryptic, his hurried demeanor raising  more questions than answers. And then, with a swift apology, he vanished  into the depths of the building, leaving behind a trail of uncertainty in his wake. For a moment, I stood rooted to the spot, the weight of his sudden appearance heavy upon  my shoulders. But as the minutes ticked by, a nagging doubt gnawed at the edges of my  consciousness. Had I truly seen him leave, or had he simply melted into the  shadows, his presence a mere illusion? With a se
nse of foreboding, I sought out  the security guard, his station a beacon of safety amidst the darkness. Together, we  combed through the labyrinthine corridors, our footsteps echoing like a dirge in the night. But the man was nowhere to be found, his presence a ghostly whisper haunting the empty halls. With  each passing moment, the sense of unease grew, twisting like a knot in the pit of my stomach. With cautious steps, we ventured into the unexplored territory of the higher-ups'  offices, the
darkness swallowing us whole as we searched for any sign of the intruder.  And then, in the dim glow of the office lights, a movement—a fleeting shadow beneath a desk. With bated breath, we approached, the tension thick in the air. And there, huddled in  the darkness, was the intruder—the man whose presence had cast a pall over the night. Questions hung in the air like a heavy fog, his refusal to produce identification only  deepening the mystery. With no other recourse, we summoned the authori
ties, their arrival  a beacon of hope in the face of uncertainty. And as the truth came to light, a chill  crept down my spine—a tale of betrayal and deception woven into the very fabric of the  night. It was a night I would never forget, a reminder of the darkness that lurks  within the shadows, waiting to be revealed. STORY 3 Working the evening shift as a janitor in  the sprawling expanse of the college campus, my routine unfolds amidst the shadows and echoes  of the Athletics building. It's
a familiar space, yet as night falls, it transforms into a  realm of eerie solitude and whispered secrets. On this particular evening, the air hung heavy  with anticipation as the clock struck midnight, signaling the onset of an unsettling  encounter. Amidst the routine tasks of garbage disposal and mopping, a sense of  unease gnawed at the edges of my consciousness, a premonition of the darkness that lurked  just beyond the confines of the building. As I moved through the dimly lit corridors, 
my footsteps muffled by the soft hum of the fluorescent lights, I caught sight of a  figure outside—a silhouette against the night, its presence a jarring interruption  in the solitude of the campus. Peering through the window, its gaze bore  into mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. The smile that  graced its lips was devoid of warmth, its unsettling nature amplified by the  stark contrast against the darkness beyond. I hesitated, torn between the impulse to confront  the in
truder and the instinct to retreat into the safety of the building's confines. But as I  sought refuge in the familiarity of my routine, the figure persisted, its presence an unwelcome  intrusion in the sanctity of the night. With each passing moment, the sense of unease  grew, fueled by the man's relentless gaze and the creeping feeling of being watched. It was as if he  held sway over the darkness itself, a harbinger of unseen terrors lurking just beyond the threshold. But it was not until the
sound of shattering glass pierced the silence that the true extent of  the danger became apparent. The man's laughter, a chilling echo in the night, sent shockwaves  through the stillness, a stark reminder of the fragility of safety in the face of the unknown. In that moment, fear gripped me, its tendrils reaching out to ensnare me in a web of  uncertainty. And as emergency services raced to the scene, their arrival  heralded a fleeting sense of relief amidst the chaos that engulfed the night.
Yet, even as the intruder was apprehended and order restored, the echoes of that fateful  encounter lingered in the air—a reminder of the darkness that lurks just beyond the threshold,  waiting to be unleashed upon the unsuspecting.
