

HORROR SHORTS PARTY (ANIMATOR): NEW MERCH LINK: MY PATREON: MY INSTAGRAM: MY TWITTER: WHITE HORSE ANIMATIONS (ANIMATOR): CHANNEL: EYEBROSE STUDIO (ANIMATOR) JESSE JAMES BOND (WRITER) JOSHUA CLEMENTS (WRITER) TERRANCE NICHOLSON (NARRATOR/ VOICE ACTOR): PLAYLIST: SOMBERREADS (NARRATOR/ VOICE ACTOR): CHANNEL: BOUND IN IMAGERY (NARRATOR/ VOICE ACTOR): CHANNEL: THE OPPAI PRINCESS (NARRATOR/ VOICE ACTOR): CHANNEL: DISCLAIMER: DO NOT REACT/ DUB my videos without EMAILED PERMISSION. Use of any audio or affiliated animations of these videos on YouTube or any other social media platform is not allowed as it is a direct violation of copyright law and will result in a COPYRIGHT STRIKE. The videos on this channel are intended for mature audiences only (PG-13). The videos contain graphic/mature content that is not suitable for viewers under the age of 13 (PG-13). Viewer discretion is advised. MUSIC CREDIT: Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License CO.AG Music Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Myuu Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Mike Messerli Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License I own a license for all software and have the rights for commercial use for everything used in my videos. #APRILFOOLS #ANIMATEDSTORY #HorrorShortsParty

Horror Shorts Party

2 days ago

this happened during the beginning of April a  few decades ago supposedly it was April Fool's Day but I never cared for that holiday if it  can even be called a holiday I've always hated pranks and practical jokes and never understood  why April fools was even a thing nonetheless I had a husband whom I recently got married  with just shy of a few months we eventually moved into our first house together around a  rural part of town the area had a few houses but was separated by a few acres of lan
d so  it was almost as if we didn't see much of our neighbors or anyone for that matter one night  on a Saturday my husband went out to get some groceries last minute he left me alone in the  house to start making dinner with what we had I remember chopping vegetables and then hearing  a loud knock at the front door it was weird for that time of night but I had no idea it was  the start of the most terrifying experience of my life I walked over and looked through the  peephole but nobody was the
re I made sure the door was locked and went back back to the kitchen to  forget about it not even a minute later I heard the same knocking again this time I raced over  to the door and looked outside hoping to catch the culprit but there was still nobody there I  was partly annoyed and partly freaked out but I knew the most reasonable explanation was  that some kids were playing ding-dong ditch around the block I did my best to ignore it and  finish chopping up the vegetables at that point there
wasn't much left for me to do to get dinner  going until my husband got back with the meat so I took a break and headed to the bathroom right  as I was walking past the door it happened again someone started knocking on the door but this  time they didn't stop whoever was there wasn't running off I started to panic in that moment  knowing I had to see who it was as I crept up to the door the knocking turned into banging on  the door despite the terror I Found the courage to look through the pee
phole and that's when  I saw the most horrifying looking man on the other side trying to break down my door knock  knock you're supposed to say who's there his clothes were filthy and torn to shreds and he was  wearing a scary ass looking mask over his face it was like he knew I'd just seen him because that's  when he started making demands open up you got to let me in I'm homeless help me out don't you  have a heart go away pick a different house you piece of garbage you're not going going to f
eed a  starving man please leave I'm calling the cops no you're not you're going to open this door and give  me some food or else I'll eat something else of yours I stepped back from the door fear coursing  through my veins my thoughts started racing to everything that the man might do to me if  he got inside I didn't know when my husband would be home so I ran to the kitchen to grab  the phone and dial 911 while I was talking to the operator the man outside started slamming  against the door wi
th his whole body I had just enough time to grab a knife but before I knew  it he broke through I started to freeze up I knew I was too afraid to use the knife against  him even though he was walking towards me like a psycho who might do anything and yet he wasn't  even able to get to me before my vision started to fade and get blurry my legs felt weak and  it was like my chest was suddenly collapsing the last thing I remember was crashing to the  ground and hitting my head against the counter n
o no wake up please I'm sorry no no no what am  I done what am I done it was just an April Fool's break no and that was the last time I ever saw  my wife alive I have nobody to blame but myself I killed my wife over a stupid April Fool's  prank I can still remember the moment I knew she was gone cops were already on their way  and I didn't know what else to do so I just held on to her and sobbed until they came into  the house and took her away from me at first I I thought it was the way she fel
l and hit her  head that was the cause of death but it was later ruled that she had a heart attack from the sheer  amount of fright she was experiencing I confess to everything and got put in prison for a few  years for manslaughter but that wasn't nearly enough punishment for what I did even after all  these years all the hours spent in therapy and talks I've had with her family I still haven't  forgiven myself I don't think I ever will I've come to terms with the fact that having to live  with
myself with all the guilt and the shame and regret that's the punishment I deserve this story  was inspired by a disturbing April Fool's incident that allegedly happened decades ago involving  a Tennessee farmer named John arens who was looking for a harmless laugh at the expense  of his new wife would go on to accidentally kill her just a month into their relationship  getting kitted up in some Tatty clothes and a white mask Aaron knocked on the door of his  own home and asked his wife for a m
eal quote unquote shouting I'm homeless let me come in  cook me a meal the woman promptly fainted and was later taken to the hospital where she later  died the doctors put her cause of death down to Fright I had been living in University housing for  a full year before it all went down everything was totally fine at first I liked all of my roommates  and I was doing well in all my classes then at the start of my second year a new guy moved into  the door his name was Stuart and that's when my li
fe became hell it wasn't like Stuart was a bad  roommate or anything he was usually pretty quiet and he cleaned up after himself the problem  was that I just hated him as a person he was just incredibly pretentious and thought he was  better than everyone else a real goody two shoes it made being around him almost unbearable and  of course our dorm wasn't that big so it's not like I could avoid him very easily I was forced to  see him every day he wasn't the kind of guy that you could ignore eit
her he would always have  something to talk to me about and it usually involved him bragging about himself in some way  I tried to tolerate him as much as I could but he made it very difficult then one day I came  home to catch him talking crap about me behind my back he made some lame attempt to cover it  up but it was obvious that he had been talking about me I really started to hate him after that  I started to think of ways that I could get even with him first I thought that I could get him 
kicked out of the dorm but that seemed seemed like it could backfire too easily then I had  the most perfect idea April fools was coming up soon and I was going to play a prank on him  so on March 31st I waited in my room until it was very late at night around 2:00 a.m. it was  officially April Fool's Day now I could begin to implement my plan I slowly and quietly left  my room and crept behind a wall where I would have a good view of Stuart's door I needed to  get into his room without him see
ing me and he would usually go to the washroom at some  point during the night so I stood there and waited for the moment to come it took a little  while but eventually I watched the Stuart's door open he sleepily walked into the washroom  and shut the door behind him I knew that I only had a few minutes at that point so I  didn't waste any time sneaking into his room once I was inside I frantically searched his  room until I found his water dispenser after I found it there was only one thing le
ft to do  I had come up with the ultimate prank so I took out a chemical that I had stolen from class and  began contaminating his water dispenser as my April Fool's prank I had to move swiftly before  Stuart came back adrenaline was coursing through me I finished it just in time I had barely  gotten out of his room and snuck into mine before Stuart came out of the washroom one  more second and he would have caught me but I did it I quietly crawled back into bed  now all I had to do was wait abo
ut 5 to 10 minutes and I heard nothing I assume he  went back to bed and didn't drink from the dispenser so I decided to go to sleep  that is until I started hearing steuart coughing it was light at first but then  it became crazy I walked out of my room and stood in the hallway in the dark  I wanted to be able to hear it better and make sure it was actually him and  not just my head playing tricks on me steuart ended up staying home the next day he  was apparently too sick to attend class inste
ad he spent the whole day in his room coughing I  wanted to enjoy every minute of his misery so I skipped class that day as well it was just too  satisfying to know that my prank had turned out so perfectly this went on for several days  all throughout steuart continued to miss class and I continu to do the same  I had told my professors that I was staying home to nurse Stuart back  to heal but I really just wanted to listen it was a beautiful sound I stood  in that hallway day and night listeni
ng to Stuart of course was unaware of  this he had bigger things to worry about as I listened to him he started  to sound like he was getting worse a lot worse I eventually took Stuart to the hospital he  died a few days after that the doctor said that if he had been brought in sooner they probably  could have saved him a toxicology report revealed that there had been chemicals in Stuart's system  that had led to his demise his death was labeled a murder the cops arrested me Under Suspicion as 
I had been the one to bring Stuart in after they questioned me I eventually admitted to tampering  with Stuart's water dispenser and I was charged at my trial I tried to use the fact that it was  an April Fool's prank as my defense but the judge denied me I was senten to life in prison as I  stand here in prison I can't help but be happy about one thing at least I don't have Steward  as a roommate anymore the story was inspired by a horrific April Fool's incident that happened  in 2013 a Chinese
University student named Lin senha was condemned to death after he was found  guilty of fatally poisoning his roommate hang Yang's drinking water Lynn claimed that the death  was an accident after an innocent April Fool's Day prank which had ended in tragedy however  a judge ruled that the Act was malicious and Lynn had intentionally murdered his roommate out  of Spike Wang drank water from a spike dispenser at a Shanghai University on April 1st but did not  pass away until a couple months late
r a postmortem revealed that he had been poisoned with a the  toxin Lynn had taken from a laboratory where he was an intern it was also reported that the victim  often describe Lynn as stingy and once criticized their other roommates bad behavior to ly's  which most likely triggered Lyn's April Fool's actions this happened back when I was married to my  current wife Penny back in those days she was a kind and beautiful woman not to mention she was  12 years younger than me which I'm not ashamed
to admit was a huge plus it was my second marriage  so I didn't mind that it was her fourth marriage in hindsight that should have been a warning  to me but I was too much of a fool to see it everything was fine for years we raised three  children together but as soon as our youngest left home Penny took a turn for the worst I don't  know if it was the first symptoms of Dementia or not because she started treating me like garbage  she cheated on me countless times calls me names and thousands of
dollars go missing from our bank  account every month so she can buy God knows one and I'm sure she's addicted to more than just  vodka whatever cocktail she's taking it usually ends with her coming home to scream and throw  knives and plates at me until she passes out on the couch for the night needless to say it's been  a long time time since we slept in the same bed together I don't even want to think about it but  I don't get the luxury of ignoring it while I'm stuck living with her she's t
he mother of my  children but every year things just get worse and worse I've considered divorce but I worry  it would only make her more unstable then one day on the 1st of April I discovered something  extremely disturbing I remember strolling through Facebook on my laptop one night and stumbled upon  Penny's Page that's when I saw that she had posted a picture of her self knitting together a noose  there was a caption above the image that read I wish he would use this it was clear that it was
  me and that she wanted me to hang from it I was in shock unfortunately my only option was to believe  it was a tasteless April Fool's joke however that would not be the last one every April Fool's Day  afterward Penny would post another supposed joke about taking my life in one way or another and  each time it seemed more serious than the last at this point it seems more than likely that I  will die at the hands of my wife on the 1st of April right now as I finish writing this  letter it is al
most midnight on the 31st of March if anyone is reading this consider it  proof of her guilt goodbye children signed David Jackson honey I'm home oh God she's drunk  again where are you are you hiding from me again oh crap oh crap is it midnight already  it's that time of the year again every April fools you stupid old fool  you ruined my life now I'm going to ruin yours she's really  going to do it this time isn't she I can hear you stomping around up  there just leave me alone you old fart I d
on't want your saggy JS near me oh come on  dear we're husband and wife shouldn't we sleep together we don't do that anymore I'll never  pull my diaper down for you woman you hear me you don't tell me what I know or don't  know I make the decisions around here now open this door and let me in no you're not  coming anywhere near me while you're drunk just get your Mimosa breath away from me  I'm not going anywhere until you let me in Benny stop don't do this we can talk  it out I'm sorry I raised
my voice I'll do whatever you want to make it up to  you I swear just just don't hurt me you can sleep with me if you want it's  too late for that old man you had your chance Benny why are you doing this for  all the times you treated me like your slave Benny please stop I'm going to call  the cops SC you you piece of [ __ ] no stop it this story was inspired by a disturbing  April fools incident that happened in 2021 a 66-year-old woman named Penny Jackson posted a  sick April Fool's joke abou
t hanging her husband just months before she pulled the knife on  him on her 6 6 birthday what makes things even more disturbing was how the woman calmly  told police that she should have did more to him the April Fool's joke prior to all of this  was that Jackson had made her Facebook cover photograph of an image of a woman knitting  a noose on April 1st of last year a caption above the image read quarantined with hubby  for 2 weeks Gertrude is knitting something special for him Jackson was lat
er found  guilty by a jury and sentenced to life w
