

HORROR SHORTS PARTY: NEW MERCH LINK (USE "HSP20" FOR 20% OFF): MY INSTAGRAM: MY TWITTER: ONEANIMATORMAN (ANIMATOR FOR STORY 1): BOUND IN IMAGERY (NARRATOR/ VOICE ACTOR FOR STORY 1, 3): CHANNEL: SOMBERREADS (NARRATOR/ VOICE ACTOR FOR STORY 2): CHANNEL: DISCLAIMER: DO NOT REACT/ DUB my videos without EMAILED PERMISSION. Use of any audio or affiliated animations of these videos on YouTube or any other social media platform is not allowed as it is a direct violation of copyright law and will result in a COPYRIGHT STRIKE. The videos on this channel are intended for mature audiences only (PG-13). The videos contain graphic/mature content that is not suitable for viewers under the age of 13 (PG-13). Viewer discretion is advised. MUSIC CREDIT: Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License CO.AG Music Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Myuu Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License I own a license for all software and have the rights for commercial use for everything used in my videos. #DINGDONGDITCH #ANIMATEDSTORY #HorrorShortsParty

Horror Shorts Party

2 years ago

this story happened a couple of years ago when i  was a freshman in high school i remember me and my buddy jay would go play nicki nine door otherwise  known as ding dong ditch which was a game where you would go to a random person's door and knock  while running away before it got answered me and jay loved to do this kind of thing especially  on friday nights when the school week was over we were the modern day little rascals looking  to get a kick out of seeing any adults become annoyed by our
childish antics one day during  gym class me and jay sat on the bleachers while collectively discussing what potential houses we  could prey on next that's when jay suggested our school janitor mr g as he casually mopped  the side of the gym floor in front of us dude let's hit his house tonight apparently  his house is notorious for being nine-doored all the time i don't think that's a good  idea dude didn't you hear his daughter died oh yeah poor little thing was getting  teased too much for h
aving pet squirrels pet squirrels yeah she was the laughingstock  of the school because it was rumored that mr g collected squirrels and brought them home  just so his daughter could have some pets really that's what in the hell  are you two idiots looking at yeah that's what i thought don't  be talking about my daughter or any of my business before i dump  this dirty mop water on your heads that's when mr g strolled away with his mop bucket  while me and jay looked at each other and thought to
ourselves that his house would be the perfect  stakeout for ding dong ditch later that night a couple hours later me and jay would play mortal  kombat armageddon on my playstation 2 till it was dark enough to go outside and pay mr g's house  a visit as we walked down the neighborhood jay pointed out mr g's house which was about two  houses down from where we were standing we played rock paper scissors to decide who was going  to be the ding dong ditcher and of course as faith would have it i los
t with scissors while jay held  rock i casually approached mr g's porch without making it obvious to any potential on-looking  neighbors that we were doing anything suspicious as i slowly began to raise my balled up fist to  knock the door it abruptly swang open with mr g holding a large baseball bat saying i'm gonna kill  you and make you eat my crap you little squirms that's when me and jay made a dash for it  and began to run for our lives while mr g chased us with a baseball bat in one hand 
and a long piece of rope in the other stop running away you little punks you  all wanted smoke didn't you didn't you i remember looking back for a split second  and could see the crazed look in mr g's eyes almost like he had been anticipating that  someone would nikki nine door his house again as jay and i glanced to our right we  unhesitatingly made a swift turn towards the direction of a large fence with a hole in it which  led to a forest preserve with a warning sign that said danger do not
go beyond this point we both  disregarded the sign and quickly ran through the hole in the fence while trying to not slip on  any branches or tree bark piled along the trail it was about 30 seconds into the forest where  i found myself hiding behind a large tree while jay was hiding behind one across from  me that's when i crouched down as i heard the footsteps of mr g stopping mid-trail almost as  if he knew we were within his parameters i clasp both my hands over my mouth and began to pray in 
my head that he wouldn't approach either of us stupid kids if i ever see you again i'm gonna  rip both of your heads off and feed them to my squirrels you hear me i know you little pieces  of crap are the reason why my daughter is dead i just know it i know you  two picked on her at school am i right i swear to god if i ever see  you come by my house again i will turn both of you to my kids lonely i just need another  child and you pricks took everything away from me that's when i heard him slo
wly exit the woods  as his footsteps became more faint along the way me and jay were so shaken up to the point where  we remained hidden behind our respective trees for about a good 10 minutes before we thought  it was safe enough to head back on the trail i think the coast is clear dude this is the  last time i'm ever doing this uh you think how in the hell do we get home now that's when  me and jay had to decide what our next move was the issue was getting home as we knew the only  way out was
through the hole in the fence we obviously didn't want to run into the risk of  encountering mr g again so we both mutually agreed to go the opposite direction and find an  alternative way home through the forest preserve as we got deeper into the forest i can  recall stepping on a gooey substance almost like it was a dead cat of some sort  jay pulled out his cell phone and flashed his light towards my shoes only to see a dead  squirrel soaking in a puddle of its own blood what the hell looks l
ike a bear aided dude  that looks gnarly jay then picked up the mutilated squirrel by its tail and asked me  to take a picture of him with a cell phone you're freaking sick dude he then dropped the  dead squirrel on the ground and we proceeded to head further into the trail that's when  we saw about a dozen mutilated squirrels scattered along the pathway what the  hell dude we we have to go back jay i began to glance at jay as he looked at me  with a gaunt and horrific expression on his face tha
t's when i realized that he wasn't looking  at me he was looking behind me as he pointed past me with his trembling finger i turned my  head to look behind me only to see a little girl sitting a couple of meters away from us having  a picnic by herself as i squinted my eyes i could see her chewing on a dead squirrel as she  then looks at our direction and said please bring me home to my daddy i want him to know that  i don't want to have a pet squirrel anymore that's when me and jay ran back tow
ards the  direction of where we came from as we couldn't believe what we had just witnessed as we made it  through the hole in the fence we continuously ran through the neighborhood past mr g's house until  we both made it home in our respective houses i couldn't believe what i had just seen as the  thought of a little girl having a picnic in the middle of the forest while eating squirrels  still gives me chills just thinking about it what happened next was something i could not  fathom or give
any proper explanation towards jay ends up sending me a text and then immediately  calls me hello hey dude look what i just sent you that's when i opened jay's unread  message only to see the picture i had taken of him while he was  holding the mutilated squirrel except i can see the same girl from the  picnic standing from a distance behind jay she was holding a dead squirrel as well  while replicating the same pose he was in it's been a while since that incident occurred  i've been seeing a ps
ychiatrist since as a mental anguish from getting chased down the block  with a baseball bat and witnessing what seemed to be the deceased spirit of mr g's daughter is  something that still terrifies me to this day this is a story that has traumatized me for the  last decade or so i need to get it off my chest in order to find some closure it all started  when i was in my early years of high school when me and my friend josh would skip class  occasionally just to fool around and spend the latter
part of the day walking around the  neighborhood just to kill some time before heading home josh and i go way back as we've been  neighbors since birth our mothers would always set up play dates every so often just so we could  have some more social interaction with one another we've been pretty close since and have even  enrolled in almost every class together which made our relationship pretty tight over  the years despite sharing different interests and whatnot josh was a sports kind of guy
while i  was more of a stay-at-home gamer as polar opposite as that may sound there was this one thing we  mutually enjoyed which was skipping classes and playing ding dong ditch during the night time  for those that don't know what ding dong ditch is it's basically a childhood prank that consisted  of knocking on someone's door and running away just to get an oblivious reaction when the person  finds no one at their door we always got a kick out of doing such things as we found such child  as a
ntics amusing considering most of our past targets were a bunch of old hags that would either  shout at us or even chase us until they inevitably got fatigued about a couple seconds into their  run we usually ding dong ditched every friday night as it was a common thing for rascals  around my age to do i personally got tired of the gaming lifestyle over time as i wanted to  experience the same adrenaline other students felt when playing ding dong ditch it was quite  a popular thing to do at the
era of this story or at least from where i was from the thrill of  being chased by a complete stranger was something i craved as it almost simulated a real-life video  game as if i was playing grand theft auto in the flesh on this particular day josh and i had  to unfortunately procrastinate considering the school day was still taking place we obviously  couldn't head home as it would look blatantly obvious to our parents that we had skipped classes  that's when josh and i came up with the idea
of spending the next hour or so skipping rocks by  a nearby river while dreading the fact that we would potentially have to face the noise from our  professors for missing yet another friday lecture dude i can't wait for tonight i can't either  dude i know some pretty nice houses we could hit up later we're at here come with me so i can  show you considering it was friday which was the last day of the school week me and josh plan  to do ding dong ditch later during the night i remember both of u
s started to stroll around  the neighborhood close to our school institutional building when i spotted an older gentleman mowing  his front lawn next to us he honestly looked quite disturbing from the dark circles around his eyes  and the don't mess with me look he had on his face it was almost as if he had a sixth sense for the  trouble we planned to cause as he began staring directly at both of us like we were some kind  of fecal matter that didn't belong on his street we both glanced nervousl
y back at him and then  back at each other as i could tell from the look of josh's eyes that we were both thinking  of the same thing this was the house we were going to play ding dong ditch with that's when  josh and i casually walked past the man's house and back towards the school premises as we decided  to kill the rest of the day by hanging at the school's outdoor bleachers where the cheerleading  team would usually conduct their dance rehearsals i remember gawking my eyes at the cheerleade
rs  while trying to see if i could spot my longtime crush megan who just so happened to be a part  of the team hey andy i bet you're looking at megan aren't ya yeah why you should just go  talk to her yeah and say what i don't know maybe that you're handsome and that you enjoy  playing ding dong ditch on friday nights shut the hell up dude as accurate as my friend josh was  i was always prideful in admitting that he was right i honestly could never muster up the courage  to ask megan out as the
adrenaline i got from her presence surprisingly seemed more overbearing  than ding dong ditching a stranger's house i remember staring directly at megan as if my eyes  could travel directly into the depths of her soul it was almost as if i could see her internal  extremities surrounding the circumference of my eyeballs that's when i begin to have bizarre  visions of her insides being shredded up into a million pieces hello are you gonna ask her  out or not i said she's dead all right what the he
ll are you talking about my bad i meant  to say she's taken dude you need to get some sleep or else you'll be the one that's dead if  you get caught during ding dong ditch tonight about several hours later i began doing laundry  while awaiting josh's arrival the time was around 8 pm when josh finally makes his way to my place  to play ding dong ditch we casually procrastinated in my bedroom by watching a few youtube videos  on my computer until my parents were sound asleep i wanted to make sure
they didn't see us  sneaking out of the house as my parents tend to be strict with their household curfew  rules as we quietly made it out the front door me and josh began walking in the direction of  the neighborhood of where the man's house was that we saw earlier during the school day about  10 minutes later josh and i stood behind a tree across the street from the house as we can  visibly see the curtain lights illuminating from the television in the man's living room  both of us were extrem
ely timid and nervous which was quite unusual considering we had both  ding dong ditched about a dozen times in the past but something felt off about this house josh and i  then looked at each other and began to contemplate who was going to be the ding dong ditcher and  who was going to hang back on the driveway no matter how much back and forth bickering we did  i knew in the back of my head that i wasn't going to knock on that man's door as my anxiety  levels were oddly shooting through the ro
of just knock on his door already you wimp i've  already knocked on the last three houses we did it's your turn now dude i can't i have a feeling  he's gonna open the door as soon as i step on his driveway fine if you're gonna be such a wimp  then at least have the balls to egg his house yeah with wood eggs genius that's when josh pulls  out an egg from his pocket and hands it over to me i began to feel lightheaded like  everything was moving in slow motion i didn't know if i was extremely paran
oid or  if the man stare from our initial encounter had sparked an internal fear that i wasn't  able to put out that's when i broke out of my hazy glaze and unhesitantly threw the  egg towards the man's living room window my heart sank in my stomach as the singular part  of his window surprisingly shattered from the egg josh then whispers it was a hard-boiled egg  and abruptly sprints in the direction of where we came from i felt completely shell-shocked as i  couldn't move any muscle in the fib
er of my being it was almost as if i had lost my ability to run  a walk for that matter i remember crouching down and remaining hidden behind the trees as i can  hear the man come out from his front door and say i smell vermin i then heard nothing but  silence as the tension in the air was insane my heart began beating at a rapid pace to the  point of where i thought i was going to have a heart attack i didn't move from my spot and even  went as far as to cover my mouth with my hand just in case
he could hear my breathing from afar  what makes this story all the more disturbing was what transpired next i remember seeing  my crush megan walking down the sidewalk towards the direction of the man it seemed  like she was going for a late night stroll while listening to music through her headphones i  obviously couldn't say anything as i didn't want to blow my cover nor did she even know who  i was so i remained hidden behind the tree that's when i hear the sound of a sharp blade  puncturin
g megan as she began to gasp for help i honestly felt like lunging myself towards the man  but i didn't want to run the risk of jeopardizing my own life as i slowly peeked to the side of the  tree i can see megan laying on the man's front lawn completely covered in blood i could also see  the man in the back revving his lawnmower about several times while trying to get it to start as  if he was strangely going to mow his lawn in the middle of the night what he did next was something  i could onl
y describe as inhumane he began to lift the lawn while wearing mid air and disturbingly  places it on top of megan's abdomen i could then see the blood spewing everywhere as the blades  from the mower had begun dicing megan up like she was meat getting minced by a meat grinder the  amount of blood in human matter being ejected out of the discharge shoot of the lower was something  i could only describe as callus and barbaric i was 17 years old at the time that the story  occurred it was me and t
hree of my closest friends from high school strolling around the neighborhood  at around 10 pm trying to pray on what house we could potentially play ding dong ditch with ding  dong ditch was basically a game where someone knocks on a stranger's door and hides when the  door gets answered me and my friends were little rascals by heart and would always get a kick out  of doing such mischievous activities like this considering we were young and dumb at the time and  couldn't find anything else bet
ter to do than find ourselves doing juvenile pranks for more context  my friends names were ryan jesse and darren ryan was the skinny one out of the group who was  faster than all of us considering he was a tall and lengthy kind of guy jesse was the chubby  one who was surprisingly fast for someone his size and then there was darren who was usually the  ringleader when it came to doing such disobedient ventures it was about a 15 minute walk around the  neighborhood when darren spotted an old vin
tage style looking house on the corner of the street  hey guys let's hit up that house okay who wants to go first not me you go first ryan you're faster  than anyone here uh i think darren should go since he chose the house y'all are a bunch of wimps get  out of my way darren then casually walked over to the house and made his way up swiftly onto the  front porch as me jesse and ryan hung back to observe the ding dong ditch i remember vaguely  seeing a silhouette of a head looking at darren from
behind the curtains of the window it was hard  to tell since it was extremely dark but i decided to give darren a warning just in case someone was  really there i instinctively yelled darren run that's when darren abruptly slams his fist  on the door several times despite my warning i then remember splitting the scene with  jesse and ryan while darren followed behind us i remember running down the street a little bit  faster than usual as i was genuinely scared that the person behind the curtai
n would come chasing  after us we were all hyperventilating from a mixture of adrenaline and exhaustion when darren  shouts at me saying what was that yelling about i'm pretty sure i saw someone looking at you  from the window did you guys see anything nope uh-uh that's when we all began to  eventually part ways back to our respective homes ryan and jesse walked towards a local bus stop as  they lived about two minutes away from each other me and darren went our own separate ways as  he lived op
posite from where i was walking i began to walk home as the walk was about 15  minutes give or take so getting there wasn't so much of a hassle i remember pulling out my  headphones to listen to some music from my cell phone when i saw a car casually driving on the  street next to me it was a little unsettling considering how dark it was outside and how the  car didn't have its headlights on i remember glancing at the vehicle through my peripherals  just to see who this person was but unfortunat
ely couldn't see anything as their windows were rolled  up and tinted i decided to abruptly stop and casually play off as i was looking at my phone for  some directions on google maps or something that's when i noticed the car had oddly stopped as well i  now knew that this car was definitely following me i wanted to 100 make sure i wasn't being followed  so i decided to walk and then stop once more just to see if the car was going to mimic my actions  once again the car stopped in sync with my
actions at the same exact time i had stopped walking  i then put my phone in my pocket and began to unhesitatingly sprint like a wild maniac running  through bushes and hopping over fences just to get away from that vehicle i eventually made it home  and decided to peek through my living room window just to see if the car was still following me it  didn't just the street lights and houses on the other side of the street i then crawled into  my bed and disregarded what had just occurred i honestl
y could have notified my parents or even  my group of friends about the bizarre encounter but ultimately decided to keep it to myself as  i didn't want anyone thinking i was some sort of scaredy cat the following monday i went up  to meet with my friends at the school lockers as we usually did just before class officially  started we noticed that darren wasn't present nor did he respond to any of our group chat  messages which was quite uncharacteristic of him i honestly assumed he was sick and
couldn't  answer the phone we all then proceeded to our math class and began sulking in boredom from the  algebra lecture my professor was conducting that's when ryan jesse and i ironically got called down  to the principal's office through our pa system as we made our way there i remember seeing  darren's dad standing next to our principal except he looked extremely distraught and  agitated do you boys know where my son is no sir no idea last time i saw him was on saturday he  hasn't come home
since he went out with you three so i wanna know where is he where  the hell is my son you little pricks it's been nearly two decades since darren's  disappearance me and my friends have disclosed everything to the police since regarding the  homes we've ding dong ditched to the potential foes darren could have possibly had conflict  with i even went as far to let them know about the vehicle that followed me that night the  information left a lot of gray areas within the case as i didn't get a l
icense plate number  nor did i see the individual driving the vehicle all i can hope for is that darren is somewhere  out there and that he's not dead or held against his own will i sometimes daydream during the  day and have optimistic visions that darren will one day make his way home or at least  that's what i hope will come to fruition you
