
30 Minutes of the Turtles in TROUBLE 😡 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Between Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael, the Ninja Turtles are always getting into some kind of trouble! Here is every single time the Ninja Turtle brothers get in trouble, or even grounded, by Master Splinter! #TMNT #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles #Nickelodeon 🐢 Subscribe for More TMNT: 🐢 Watch More TMNT: ►► Watch More from Nick: ►► Avatar: The Last Airbender on YouTube: ►► SpongeBob on YouTube: ►► NickRewind on YouTube: ►► Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe on YouTube: ►► What’s On TV? : GET MORE TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES ►► Like TMNT on Facebook: ►► Like TMNT on Instagram: CHECK OUT EVERYTHING NICKELODEON: ►► YouTube: ►► FaceBook: ►► Twitter: ►► Instagram: ►► Snapchat: ►► Get the App: ►► Visit the Official Site: ►► What’s On TV?: Welcome to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles OFFICIAL YouTube channel - the ultimate home for all things TMNT! Here you’ll find Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael, and Donatello’s best moments from all your favorite TMNT series. Subscribe to join the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in their fight against evil, and be the first to get notified of exclusive original content you won’t find anywhere else!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

9 months ago

see Sensei we're all cool everything's back to normal nothing to worry about so that means we can watch krognart again right no you are still grounded Sensei this is completely unfair Donnie made this mess how come I have to help allow me to make a suggestion Raphael Sensei I'm sick of suggestions perhaps you should sit and meditate for a while [Music] Sensei and where have you been nowhere how did you get so hurt oh that um well we were hit by a bus hit by a bus well what was I supposed to say
meteor cow flying building enough tell me what happened they saw something they don't know what and that something seemed to seemed for human-sized Mutant Turtles at least she doesn't know they're ninjas and they appear to be carrying ninja weapons or that they're named after artists furthermore they may also be doesn't she ever shut up how could you all be so careless secrecy is the most important rule of the ninja and you have broken it you four are forbidden from leaving the lair what you can
't hold that sloppy Escape against us we got slimed with toxic pews silence but Sensei if that pile of muck took us down you know he's dangerous which means we need to be out there looking for him no until I decide I can trust you to watch yourselves you will remain here grounded oh yeah krognard marathon and no TV nice going Raph what did I do what did you do you left the three of us in the middle of the fight to yell at somebody we could have stopped them but thanks to your temper the guy with
the tape again technically it's a Flash not now is in the hands of the crying how are we supposed to find them look the truck's leaking all right we can follow the trail to their Hideout and then we'll bash some Bots what we are going to bash some Bots you are going home what are you kidding come on guys are we gonna let Leo Power Trip like this I think Leo's right you gotta control your temper until then we just can't trust you sorry Ralph and let's show Splinter we've still got our Ninja Stea
lth by sneaking out did you not hear what I said oh oh whoa help April what happened did you April um thanks for the save handsome Graham for April O'Neil did you really just say that guys um great to see you yeah you mind staying on the fire escape seems like you've been avoiding us lately April it's not my fault dad's alien abduction nightmares are getting worse be so freaked out he won't let me out at night I'm sorry April it's just what if the crang are still out there waiting lurking I'll d
o anything to protect you that's right action kick oh yeah ah Sensei you're ruining our cartoon-a-thon we're missing the best part no the best part is when you get your lazy shells off the floor and do something too much television is a poison that ruins both body and mind we already cleaned our rooms and took out the trash what are you oh great now what it's like it's like whole universe hates TV I bet it's Donnie messing with some kind of experiment come on this is the last time don't clip me
this time I ate too much cheese and now the kid goes for the world record he will attempt to jump three Mutant Turtles I can't believe he talked us into this what is going on in here how many times have I told you not to skateboard in the lair nonsense eh I shouldn't have to tell you you're right Sensei we definitely should have known better and we deserve to be punished some and what do you think would be a fitting punishment [Music] well we should clean up our mess and then think about what we
did yeah what about being grounded for a week oh I'm not sure that I'm called the thing really that's not necessary maybe next time you're grounded for a week [Music] Leonardo where are your brothers I have no idea what do you mean you have no idea Raph thinks he can lead the team better than me so I let him that is not your decision to make why not Sensei I've had to make every other decision and I'm tired of it those guys have no idea what kind of pressure I'm under and all they do is complai
n is it too much to ask for a simple thank you of course it is leadership is not about being appreciated it is about responsibility it doesn't matter that the burden is heavy it matters that you carry it now go find your brothers enough the crying swore that these new foot soldiers would be deadly they were true to their word I thought they'd finish me off but you wouldn't let them do that right father I am leaving for Japan to take care of urgent business you were not to make any moves against
the turtles until I return but I think obedience comes with a stiff penalty child even for your daughter is especially for my daughter no stop you're heading for Splinter's room Donatello does this belong to you Sensei pulverizer pulverizer Sensei pleased to meet you hey does he know he's a rat he knows I'm sorry Sensei we found him on the street trying to fight the purple dragons and he accidentally wound up back in the lair so I thought I'd teach him a few Basics yeah and he's doing a great jo
b check this out apparently you have not taught him shame may I speak with you for a moment hi sensei Donatello he has no business learning our art he is a doofus this is just what I needed ice cream kitty an ice cream pizza cartoon party extravaganza he's the wrestling [Applause] Mikey what have you done uh hey guys this isn't what it looks like I was studying Barbarian fighting techniques you trashed the place I did not [Music] the third time you've messed the place up in a week clean up now a
nd as for you and stay there it better be spotless by the time we get back some Ninja you're just a big screw-up guys I'm sorry about this but but but footballs were after us and and Irma here is really good at keeping secrets and um April you have brought a stranger here oh don't worry Master Splinter he's cool right Irma Irma Turtles what up dog Turtles Miss I know we look kind of different and all but I promise We're Not Gonna Hurt You [Applause] [Music] I should have told you about Karai soo
ner but I really thought he thought there was a chance good and I guess I sort of liked her go ahead laugh dude I can't believe you trusted her I can't believe you didn't trust us enough to tell us I was wrong I'm really sorry I tried to warn him you too huh Leonardo you are not the first young man or Turtle to make a fool of yourself over a girl what about Donnie however when that girl is a kunoichi the employee of your enemy that is an error you cannot afford hi Sensei deception is the Ninja's
most powerful weapon and it seems Karai is a master I know we can't trust her I see that now good you must learn from your mistake thank you for understanding I'm glad you're not mad who says I'm not mad [Music] [Music] what is going on in here I was in a deep meditative trance trying to block out your constant noise and is that a chipmunk uh it's um a squirrel Sensei a dangerous mutant squirrel that reproduces inside stomachs I should have been in a deeper trance oh yeah enough come on Leo sca
red of a real fight no I'm scared you've been getting more and more hostile and pulling away from the team what gives I'm tired of training with kid gloves no one's pulling punches out there why should we do it in here rap tissue because you are brothers and your goal here is to train Sensei why do you always stick up for Leo I'm the only one who takes training seriously the rest of them are just goofing off all the time man no one appreciates me back on the everyone loves Leo routine get some n
ew material you big baby that's it if you guys don't want to take this as seriously as I do then I quit I'm done through adios how many times does he quit the team now 27 times you have a brilliant mind Donatello yet you see a fire and try to put it out with gasoline you four have defeated much of the Foot Clan with ease why does he make that sound like a bad thing because you have grown complacent each of you has become dependent on your own weapon but there are times when you may not be able t
o fight with what you know and when that happens you must adapt to your environment oh yeah what if there's only say a comic book anything can be a weapon Sensei you can't seriously send us out they're armed with nothing but a comic book for a ninja anything can be a weapon so what do you want us to do I want you to embrace the unfamiliar switch weapons guys help don't you see what's happening we see you rolling on the ground covered in Pizza pretty much like any other day wait is that the pizza
we ordered from Antonio's uh well yeah but it's evil I tell you evil look come on Pizza say something you're embarrassing me another stupid excuse to eat all our food thanks for ruining dinner again Mikey you don't have to believe me I'm going to Antonio's in demanding a new pizza [Music] they'll never believe you now totally what is it [Music] oh nice try yummy [Music] you all did very well but I did better this is about self-improvement Raphael it is not about winning and losing I know sensei
but I won and they lost but what's really important is that we all did our best good good job everyone Master Splinter I tried to tell Karai that you're her father thought if she knew she might come over to our side there is a saying he who runs his mouth gets a face full of nunchaku they say that in Japan they would if you were there I saw you with her last night in the woods brother what did you say to Shane what concern is it of yours Yoshi Shen is my concern Saki [Music] thank you enough [M
usic] and this now you are brothers act like brothers he brought his own pizza his face okay okay I'll stop now come on and sit down sit down I crack myself up you should know better than to make fun of one's appearance after all how would the humans above react to yours you're right Master Splinter sorry Mikey oh just kick me out Master Splinter I can't be a ninja when I look like a moldy pickle and why not I do not let my appearance affect me well yeah cause old people never care how they look
or smell uh and so your inability to work together allowed them all to get away well maybe if I didn't have to waste time arguing with hero boy I could have saved them hey if you hadn't gotten in my way I could have done it and you when flying off on your own how smart was that well it would have worked out great if somebody hadn't hit me in the head with their nunchucks well none of this would have happened if somebody hadn't trusted us to go up there in the first place [Music] please father w
ait easy wrap oh enough I can see fine now this is all my fault should have stopped her when I had the chance I'm sorry sensei sensei we should go home my sons you can make a retro mutagen for Karai right I don't know Mikey I hope so looks like I can take care of myself after all yes and no huh could I may have failed this time but if Shredder wants you he will stop at nothing to find you and with the crying after you as well the wisest decision is for you to remain here in the sewer with us wha
t oh that [Music] I mean oh that's horrible that you know your life as you know it is is over and um I'll shut up now I can't stay down here I mean what about school my friends everything oh are our enemies truly defeated the shredder is a crafty and patient foe who bides his time but Sensei you said Shredder lost whatever sense of Honor he had left we'd never see him again yeah and if he shows up we got it all taken care of tomorrow you four have become lazy overconfident you shut your training
this party ends no well that was kind of harsh maybe Master Splinter is right maybe we are getting too cocky huh it's not Cockiness when you got the skills to kick massive whoa [Music] oh well that was weakness what is going on here since when did retromutagen start doing that come on where are you going heading out for our evening Patrol there will be no Patrol Sensei last time you fought the shredder you barely escaped with your lives but Sensei next time we'll be ready yes because you will s
tay down here until you are ready no Patrol no games no rest there is only training starting now so daughter not only do you disobey my orders of my absence your petty scheme failed miserably it was those stupid footbots they couldn't keep up with the turtles but one good thing the crime had been upgrading them so hear me cry you have no more dealings understood father wait for my command and do not defy me again would be unfortunate the factory explosion take him to the dojo I will prepare the
healing mantras Sensei wait it's my fault Karai and I we've been taking down Shredder's operations I thought we could end this I'm I'm sorry I have always warned you of vengeance I am disappointed in you Leonardo but I am proud you had the courage to admit your wrongdoing if I had told the others what I was up to they never would have gone into that building it is right that you should feel pain for your mistakes but it is one thing to regret bad decisions after they are made a leader must fores
ee how bad decisions lead to bad results not only did Raphael alert the crying but you got caught on video Sensei he was the angriest nastiest guy you ever met except for you ow you should have heard the insults this guy was throwing at us they were so insulting oh I did not realize he said mean things of course you had no choice but to jeopardize your mission damn you are ninjas you work in the shadows in secret this becomes difficult if there is Proof of Your Existence in high definition look
we know where this guy lives all we need to do is find him and Shake him until the tape pops out oh there's no tape video phones use flash memory anger is self-destructive I always thought it was others destructive Raphael stand up somebody's in trouble any Mikey's right what I mean the comic book thing is totally crazy but I can think of a million other reasons it's a bad idea to take this guy back to the lair starting with Splinter wrath that squirrel was clearly a mutant creature which means
this is our fault and our responsibility to fix it I'll deal with Master Splinter let me explain indeed please explain the reason you have brought a complete stranger into our secret hidden Lair oh yo you'll laugh your whiskers off when you hear this one it's pretty good and I was like making the bucks with my own nunchucks I was dropping the foot like flies with my side yeah rap Leo I had my kursawa swinging and singing yeah yeah guys maybe it's not such a great idea sending the pulverizer into
Harm's Way you worry too much Donnie so you decided not to follow my lesson Sensei we don't get it how does switching weapons help us in a fight we were doing fine on our own then you still do not understand the point of the lesson so you will learn how to adapt by having no weapons ah hand over your weapons no ignore this form [Music] competition is an excellent motivator but not when it turns you against each other so now you will Spar two on two okay I'll take down you will take Raphael you
two must focus on working together not competing with each other hold still RAF great for a while and heal up I'll heal late right now I'm down for a little sweet revenge you proved your foolishness once there is no need to prove it again Sensei we have to get one of those brain control worms it's the only way Donnie can create a cure for Karai I appreciate the effort but you must remember your lives are just as important to me my sons and because of that no missions until Raphael's leg heals do
n't sideline the rest of the team cause I'm down Sensei I have made my decision rest and get well my son sorry guys don't worry about it Ralph she has betrayed you master Shredder she fought alongside the turtles tell me the truth Splinter is my father isn't he yes Amato Yoshi is your true father what [Music] Tiger Claw take her away huh [Music] no no no what are you doing [Music] I guess rap really ticked you off this time long story but he got his brain switch with a crank and we'll disintegra
te you relatively quickly foreign that is too funny Leonardo explain no um [Music] he's higher Leonardo and Michelangelo Raphael you call that a Coho Tenkai because I do not ow oh yummy hmm is there something you want to tell me something we want to tell you nope you all seem tired we're not right away precious daisies so you would not object to a little randori I hope you have learned turtles that truth isn't the only thing that hurts
