
30 Scary Videos That Are Impossible to Forget

Welcome, dear viewers, to a world beyond your wildest nightmares. I have searched far and wide for the most spine-chilling and hair-raising videos on the internet, and finally, I guess I can confidently say I've found them. If witnessing the unexplainable and the inexplicable sounds exciting to you, dim the lights, grab a cozy blanket, and hold on tight, as I take you on a journey that will leave you with chills running up your spine! Here are 30 scary videos that are impossible to forget — truth be told, these are the scariest videos you can ever come across on the internet. Don't want something freaking you out of your wits tonight? Then stay away! But if you plan never to have a good night's sleep ever again, you're going to be so glad you stumbled upon this list of creepy videos! And, although your mind will be aware that the threats aren’t real — that you're not experiencing the menacing events displayed in these creepy videos firsthand — that information will be of no use. Because the chilling frights the entries in this list of top 30 scary videos will unleash are going to overwhelm your senses nonetheless, and make you drown in the dark depths of horror... where nothing but daunting shudders await. Be honest with yourself, are you prepared for sleepless nights and endless paranoia? If not, it'd be wise to turn back now... before it gets too late. But if you think you've got what it takes to handle the chills these scary videos are sure to unsettle your psyche with, you can go ahead and prove yourself wrong! In any case, be sure to leave the lights on tonight — you might not want to be alone in the dark after watching this list of creepy videos! Don't say I didn't warn you! There is no shame in knowing your boundaries and staying within them. However, if you think you've got what it takes to handle the nerve-shattering chills these creepy videos are sure to overwhelm you with, you can go right ahead and prove yourself wrong! Last thing before you dive in: Know that even weeks after finding and then watching these creepy videos to the end, my mind wasn't freed from the chills it had been put through. Watching these scary videos will push you into a world where you'll be face-to-face with what you dread the most. That what lurks in the shadows of your imagination will rise into your reality to unveil terrifying truths that won't let you find peace for weeks to come. Be prepared to never sleep with the lights off again and still feel unsafe as you crawl under the covers with a flashlight! However, if you decide to dive into these scary videos, knowing full well that they may scare your pants off, what happens to your psyche is totally on you. So, proceed at your own peril. You have been warned. Done watching? That's great! Which of these scary videos frightened the living daylights out of you the most? Let me know right below in the comments! Sources: 30. 29. 28. @feelinmallow/TikTok 27. IndependenceNo1182/Reddit 26. 25. 24. r/ChillsNarrator-Hunting The Unknown 23. 22. 21. 20. 19. 18. G_greenOwO/Reddit 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. Deleted Reddit Account 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Music: Kevin MacLeod ( jdgehlert ( Entry Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 0:20 Number 30 1:18 Number 29 3:02 Number 28 4:11 Number 27 5:11 Number 26 7:07 Number 25 7:59 Number 24 9:14 Number 23 10:54 Number 22 11:40 Number 21 14:06 Number 20 16:01 Number 19 17:07 Number 18 18:10 Number 17 19:02 Number 16 21:05 Number 15 22:20 Number 14 23:31 Number 13 24:27 Number 12 25:56 Number 11 27:05 Number 10 28:49 Number 9 29:52 Number 8 32:19 Number 7 34:38 Number 6 36:01 Number 5 37:35 Number 4 39:44 Number 3 41:33 Number 2 44:50- Number 1


2 months ago

Coming up in this video. You probably remember the first  scary movie you ever watched. Because that type of fear sticks with you. And so will these 30 Scary Videos  that are impossible to forget. 30. Creature Call Security footage in this backyard  captured something bone-chilling. YouTuber Mike Armitage shares this video. I’ve never heard that sound before, but many in  the comments think they know exactly what it is. After listening to fox barks, I’d have to agree. But I’d be just as alarmed
as the uploader  if I heard this creature call at night. 29. Figure in the Road Traveling down a dark dirt road  at night is always a mistake. Shared by YouTube channel, Cảm Giác Lạnh, this video is currently  trending in the Vietnamese-speaking YouTube community. I was unable to track  down the original source of the footage. A friend group is driving through a forest, when  they encounter something they never expected. A figure dressed in black is walking strangely and doesn’t seem quite right
. It’s  hard to tell if it’s even human. As it pauses for effect, the car’s passengers start to freak  out. And they’ll soon have reason to… After the being walks rapidly at them,  they have nowhere else to go but backwards. And if I were them, I’d reverse out  of here like there’s no tomorrow. 28. Phenomenon in the Sky Don’t look up. Shared on YouTube Shorts by, Haunted 5, this video was originally posted by TikToker feelinmallow. According to the video, the neighborhood  had been experiencing
mysterious activity, including noises and strange shapes in the sky. That’s when this resident’s  security camera captured this. Something darts up into the  air, leaving a trail behind it. YouTubers have some wild theories. Many others think it could be a flock of birds  or bats coupled with poor camera quality. But I think that’s a spirit ascending  through the sky. What do you think it is? 27. The Encounter I would jump out of my skin  if this happened to me. Redditor u/IndependenceNo1182 is
wondering where this video footage is from. Tell me if you’ve seen it before, because I was unable to track down  the original source of this footage. While no one in the comments seems to know its origin story, they have theories as to what it is. But I know where it’s going to end up. It’s going straight into my nightmares. 26. Spirit Clings to Her While exploring an abandoned  castle with his sister, Mathilde, YouTuber David of PROJET 51 captures  evidence of a presence in the chateau. Later,
Mathilde is blindfolded and speaks to the  spirits. They seem to respond via the K2 meter. Are they speaking with a female spirit? It truly seems like it. They plan to head down to the cellar  but then find someone squatting there. And apparently, they’re a heavy snorer. These castle ruins seem to be home  to both the living and the spirits. I’m not sure which of these I fear more. 25. The Eyes Are Watching A specter is watching YouTuber, Hunting Spectres, as he captures raw footage of his haun
ted home. Keep your eye on the right glass door. Did you see them? The ghost hunter believes the glowing orbs that  appear on the glass are the eyes of a demon. They appear in response to him  asking the spirit to reveal itself. While I don’t know for sure if  those glowing orbs are necessarily demon eyes, it’s hard to discount  them when they appear on command. 24. So Haunted This place was so haunted that the YouTube  team, Hunting the Unknown, had to return. This video was originally submitte
d to the r/ChillsNarrator subreddit  by u/HovercraftOutside618. Here’s footage from their previous visit. The team is welcomed back upon entering. Here’s that greeting, louder. They then hear talking. As they continue through  the home, footsteps resound. Then they hear a noise in one of the rooms. I believe someone is still here. But whether it’s squatters or  spirits, we can only guess. 23. Ghosts of Dover It seems like ghosts of war never leave the battlefield. YouTube team, PARANORMAL BEYOND
THE GRAVE, shares this footage of St. Martin’s  Battery, overlooking Dover’s Western Docks. In one section of the battery, their  K2 meter spikes without explanation. On their spirit app, they receive the name,  “Nick,” twice. And again, their K2s are triggered. They believe they’re speaking with a soldier named Nicholas. And they discover more facts about him. As they’re listening for more,  they hear a noise down the hallway. Is Big Nick nearby? They don’t receive further communication  from
him, so it’s hard to say. But considering the lives lost here, I wouldn’t  doubt there are spirits around every corner. 22. Nancy’s Here Nancy makes her presence known to YouTube team, SS3 Paranormal. Nancy is the possessed doll on the right. The rempod device is triggered in response. Do you think that Nancy is there, triggering it? I think she might be. Or whatever demon possesses her. 21. Abandoned Evidence On this terrifying randonautica  adventure, YouTube team, Near Shadows, finds a stalke
r’s  evidence abandoned in the forest. Beneath the old binoculars lies the real mystery. First, an old address. Then, old photographs. Another photograph from 1954. And one more. And this last object seems to  me to be a very pointed clue. I’d definitely be freaked out by that. Especially when they feel  that people are watching them. Is it just paranoia? Or does Near  Shadows have a real-life stalker? Considering the name of that record,  I think it’s the second option. 20. Mackay Mansion Locat
ed in Virginia City,  Nevada, Mackay Mansion is purportedly home to many spirits. The YouTube team, BARRIER BEYOND, investigates the place. And as they  invite the spirits in, this happens… The first sound seems like the bag falling  over to me. The second though, I’m not so sure… They then receive this creepy message. The messages continue to recount  the place’s chilling history. Another message confirms the horrible  life taking that happened here. The skull in the cabinet has a gash in  it f
rom what some say is an ice pick. Later, a steadicam in one of the empty  rooms captures these eerie voices. They sound like children’s voices. While this is spooky on its own, I find the messages too accurate to  be anything but paranormal evidence. 19. Paranormal Urban Exploration This urbex turns paranormal when YouTube team, Terror Al Extremo, starts hearing things in the abandoned place they’re exploring. Listen closely. As they look through the window,  they hear a bizarre noise. They cont
inue to tour the place  and are met with a loud door slam. And on the second floor, a woman’s voice is heard. Is there a female spirit stalking them? I think she’s here. But at  least it’s broad daylight. At night, this would be a whole new terror. 18. Not Rain It’s not raining outside, but you hear this. Redditor u/G_greenOwO shares this video of a  mysterious sound coming from who knows where. Listen closely. Many in the comments have  theories as to what this is. Personally, I think it’s an a
nimal of some kind. It could also be the house settling. Or it could be a skinwalker. At least,  those are a couple of theories… 17. Moundsville Penitentiary A spirit enters this member of the YouTube team, Crossingaurd Paranormal, during  this paranormal investigation. Watch closely. Do you see it? Take another look. An orb floats toward him and  appears to enter his chest. Here it is in slow motion. Is it just dust? A bug? A light reflection? Maybe. But I think it could also be a  spirit’s ene
rgy entering the chat. 16. Kells Priory A horrific event occurred at Kells Priory – or the Seven  Castles of Kells – in Kilkenny, Ireland that resulted in the loss of many lives. Now,  the massive grounds are believed to be haunted. YouTuber, Paranormal Resident, brings a psychic medium to the place,  and she quickly starts to feel unwell. She also says she’s hearing  a lot going on around her. The YouTuber hears things in  the spiritual realm, as well. As they’re walking around the  ruins, an E
VP is captured. They also capture this strange roar. That one was loud. But almost creepier to me is an  EVP that I hear at this point in the tour that I don’t think the crew captured. Listen closely. I hear what sounds like a  female voice hiss, “Yes.” I think the psychic medium is right that  there’s a lot of noise in this place. And it sounds to me like  it wants to tell its story. 15. Still Here Is the former resident of  this haunted house still here? YouTuber, Jean vidéo production, shares
  this footage of a potential haunting. And at first glance, it sure seems like it. To whom do those footsteps belong to? He then hears a loud bang. As he enters a new part of the  house, more noise is heard. Could this just be the house settling? That seems improbable to me. I’m  getting some serious vibes from this place. I have no doubt the  resident is still here after all. 14. Kitchen Poltergeist This ghostly chef is making the rounds. YouTuber István Szabó shares footage of their kitchen p
oltergeist, and  it seems they’re on a mission. First, a drawer on the right opens. Then, something is knocked  over from above the fridge. The activity continues with  another drawer opening…and more. What looks like a cutting  board falls to the floor. And one last thing. I feel this is one angry chef. And they’re throwing a kitchen tantrum. 13. Old Lavaca County Jail These phantom inmates are starting a riot. YouTube team, HauntRowTV, experiences some poltergeist activity at  the Old Lavaca C
ounty Jail. The team asks the spirits to show themselves. There’s movement. I’m not sure what  it could be. But it happens again. This time, it sounds like knocking. Do you hear it? Something is close. And I think it  was sentenced 10 years to afterlife. 12. Shadow Being While investigating this haunted factory, YouTube team,  Amitaf Paranormal, faces their fear. This poltergeist is not afraid to make some noise. They hear another crash around the corner. And the further they come  looking, the
angrier it gets. On a thermal device, they capture  what they believe is a shadow being. I believe there truly is  something to fear in this factory. But whatever it is will remain  a mystery. At least, for now. 11. Stay Inside This sound is straight out of a horror film. A deleted Reddit account shares this creepy  footage of a strange noise outside the window. Man, that is creepy. I have  no idea what it could be, other than the sound of an  extraterrestrial or horror villain. But Reddit users
offer up some other explanations. It does sound like something out of Jurassic Park. I don’t know what it is, but  that last one made me jump. 10. Ghost of the Countess Pavlishchev Bor is home to  the Ghost of the Countess. And YouTube team, TABOO Seekers of  the Paranormal, are here for high tea. As they enter the veranda, they  believe they capture a scream. I’m not sure if I hear it. But I do hear this  strange noise as they round the corner inside. From an upper room, they hear grunting. Th
ey keep capturing noises, grunts, and voices. Then, during a spirit box  session, they hear a voice nearby. Is the countess watching them? I think she might be. There are too many unexplained  sounds here to be dismissed. 9. The Peeker What is peeking around the corner here? YouTuber Alberto del Arco and his team  are investigating this abandoned place, when they start to get the feeling  like they’re being watched. Did you see that? It looks like a pale figure  is peeking around the corner. Wat
ch again. Although I can see why they got jumpscared, I  think this looks like it could just be graffiti. Then again, when they turn around that corner  a second time, I don’t see the same face. What do you think? Is there a demon watching them? Or is this just a work of street art? I think they should return and  check…but only in the light of day. 8. Gates Below YouTuber Kelsi Davies and her team seek some answers at The  Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary. Reputed to be the gates to the fiery
depths below. And  even before they enter, strange things unfold. Along with the screaming, they  capture a disembodied voice. They enter the building and  are checking out the cafeteria, when they start to feel there’s someone there. ‘Her’, who? A moment later, the spirit  box has something to add. They start talking about this penitentiary being built upon sacred land when the  spirit box seems to confirm it. Then, a moment later, this happens… They think the thing they saw crawling on the ce
iling was a skinwalker. Is that what they saw? Viewers don’t catch a glimpse of  it, but I’ll take their word for it. Judging from all the sound in the  prison, there’s something here. And that means… The curse lives on. 7. Farmhouse Haunting A woman contacted the YouTube team,  Allegheny Paranormal Investigations, about strange, paranormal  happenings in her farmhouse. Shadow figures, voices, and a fly and snake infestation has  created an inhospitable environment. The team investigates. And th
ey discover  early on that they’re dealing with pure evil. That would freak me out too. But  things are about to get even freakier. They hear something outside the farmhouse,  and as they exit, a scream resounds. As they’re contemplating what  it is, they hear something else. Back inside, something is with them. It’s on the stairs. They bravely take a picture up the  stairwell, and they capture this. It looks to me like a shadow figure  is standing on the top of the stairs. As they’re discussing
it, they discover  the spirit doesn’t like gossip. In my opinion, this farmhouse is 100  percent haunted by a malevolent spirit. And its energy is toxic. 6. Paranormal Lockdown Would you survive a paranormal lockdown  in the UK’s most haunted house? YouTube team, SHUK TV PARANORMAL, overnights at the Antwerp Mansion in Manchester.  But the spirits don’t want them here. During an Estes session, they’re told to leave.  And an EVP is captured in the background. They don’t listen to the spirit  tho
ugh and decide to stay. As they’re discussing the history of the  place, they hear movement in the next room. In another room, a voice is heard. And then another, this one a child’s. Something’s alive in Antwerp Mansion. And reading between the lines,  I don’t think it wants visitors. 5. Monroe House Otherwise known as the Demon House, the Monroe House has a sinister energy between its walls. While communicating through a ouija board, YouTube team, Hauntings With Hodge,  is answered through a sp
irit app. They ask the spirit if it’s watching, and  they receive an answer through the flashlight. The spirits here refuse to communicate through the  ouija board, but they respond in all other forms. They ask a question and get an apt reply. Apparently, an infant passing away is reputed to have happened here. That’s  why the team is in shock. This place is giving life taking-vibes. And I believe it’s telling the truth. 4. Tunnel Phantom A woman allegedly had her life taken  in this tunnel syst
em during WWII. YouTube team ‘Dead City Paranormal’ investigates the historic place. And they  get an immediate reading. They find plenty of nightmarish  items in the tunnel rooms. Including this. And this. They then get to the investigation and ask how  the woman had her life taken in this tunnel. They ask another question and are answered. Later, during a spirit box session,  Adam feels a tap on his shoulder. Did you hear the disembodied laugh? I think these guys are about  to solve a decades-
old mystery. But they might be too freaked out  to see the investigation to its end. 3. Burdale Railway Tunnel We’re back in a tunnel, this time  with YouTuber, New Motorcycle Guy. Someone passed away during the  construction of Burdale Railway Tunnel, so the team wants to see if  there’s any paranormal activity here. They’re getting no response  through the spirit app. Just as they’re deciding to leave it for  later, they receive this message. Maybe that’s why the spirit took so long to answer 
– they weren’t sure if they had passed away. It has another question for them. The spirit seems to be interrogating them instead of the other way around. And the  atmosphere adds to the tension. But the creepiest bit of this  investigation is caught by a viewer. As they head out of the place, there’s  a graveyard. And YouTuber @prawdziks7206 catches sight of what appears  to be a hand on the gravestone. Watch closely. Did you see it? While the rest of the communication was  intriguing, this part
scares me the most. It’s like someone is climbing out of their grave. 2. Billie Creek Village Comprising 38 abandoned buildings, Billie Creek  Village is spread across 70 acres of land. YouTuber Chelsea of PROJECT FEAR has  been challenged to spend the night there. Alone. Will she make it? The minute she enters, I’m freaked out already. You’re not alone, Chelsea. I’m scared too. All the noises are enough to  send your paranoia yeeting. Next, she enters the church.  And she’s in for another scar
e. Leave it to the cats to jumpscare us all. She enters a location where another  team captured a photo of a little boy. Although no one answers, I think they’re just shy. Or maybe not… In another house, every sound is terrifying. She asks the spirit to make a noise. And then, she hears this… A moment later, Chelsea is  finally convinced to leave. Who could blame her? I was anxious the entire time watching from the  safety of my living room. I can’t imagine how she felt being hunted. If it was m
e doing this  challenge, I would’ve been long gone already. I’ve got a challenge for you, since  you’ve made it this far, why not like this video and hit subscribe in the next  5 seconds, because I upload 4 new scary videos every week. If you’re curious about  what I look like in real life, then go to my Instagram @dylan_is_chillin_yt and  tap that follow button to find out. 1. Mysterious Message After receiving a strange text  message, YouTuber Adam Ghost Trapper follows the lead into this dark
basement,  ill-prepared for what he’s about to meet. He comes across a living  being, enclosed in a cage. The girl is taped and clearly being  held against her will. Or is she…? When Adam removes the tape, she does this… He knows he’s in danger, so he flees, promising to return with help, while  she continues to laugh creepily. But as he tries to flee,  someone follows close behind. This is a trap, and things get scarier from here. Although this is fiction, this video serves  as a warning to in
vestigators to trust no one. And I think that’s apt advice for everyone.



The way you read the text gives me the biggest chills


42:42 poor kitty was coming to get some belly rubs and all she got instead is half a heart attack😂😂


The first video is definitely a fox, I hear them every summer at my house.


I love you chills never feel like you are doing wrong because you make me feel happy that someone actually makes good scary compilations that aren’t some dumb videos. Just know that I would watch all of your videos in one sitting if I had the time.


These videos are good. But I HATE it when you keep reversing the image 😡😡😡


Thanks Chills, great clips as usual. Take care.


The scary videos always cheer me up cause im filled woth pure darkness


2:57 just the way he says it got me laughing so hard 😂


Always look forward to your videos


28 is just my mother in law causing havoc as usual lol


Haven’t watched chills in a while!!


#29 2:39 I was wondering where my bow legged ex was at nowadays! I knew shed be lost without me!


Chills always giving us the literal Chills ❤


0:19 is the most hilarious annunciation he's ever done


love this video chills love your content


Every time when i hear his voice the memes come back to my head everytime


#18 I couldn’t hear the children singing because the background music was too loud. Maybe turn off the music if you want us to hear what is going on. Thank you and enjoy your videos ❤


To be honest if they were in a haunted house and heared a ghost it probally would be another hunter.. Because once me and my freinds went to a abandoned house and we heared scary noises and we followed the noise and we found another group of people in the abandoned house we ended up having a huge party together😂


Hey I must say I like these type of videos Bcoz It's Strange & very interesting 2 watch. 2023 Is almost over & 2024 Is getting nearer, Enjoy The Festive Season 2 The Best & take care of yourself & the family. I hope 2 C More Of These Type Of Videos So Keep It Up Mr Chills. Ever Since I Came Across This Videos Of Mr Chills & Still watching LOL......