
30 Tragic Moments! Idiots In Cars And Starts Road Rage Got Instant Karma !

30 Tragic Moments! Idiots In Cars And Starts Road Rage Got Instant Karma ! In the heat of the moment, rationality takes a backseat to primal instincts of road rage, as honking horns and angry gestures punctuate the cacophony of chaos of road rage. Tempers flare like wildfires, igniting confrontations that escalate with alarming speed of road rage. But amidst the chaos, there's a sobering realization that road rage serves no purpose other than to sow seeds of discord of road rage. It's a reminder of the fragility of civility in the face of frustration of road rage. So next time the urge to succumb to road rage arises, take a deep breath, count to five, and remember that patience is the ultimate antidote to the madness of the road. Here, at STOP NOW, you're in for a treat with the world's finest instant karma moments and instances of workplace foolishness, all caught on camera. Immerse yourself in the thrill of instant karma and witness road rage scenarios unfolding before your eyes. Our daily uploads feature the latest and most captivating videos of road rage and instant karma incidents, providing the perfect escape to unwind after a hectic day. From the most intriguing topics to the most intense road rage moments, we've got it all covered. So, kick back, relax, and indulge in a STOP NOW binge! Subscribe to STOP NOW channel to watch the latest road rage moments caught on camera videos every day. → Watch more videos here: 51 Times Road Rage Went Too Far Got Served Instant Karma! 62 Times Road Rage Went Too Far Got Served Instant Karma! 75 Times Road Rage Went Too Far Got Served Instant Karma! 40 Times Road Rage Went Too Far Got Served Instant Karma! 35 Times Road Rage Went Too Far Got Served Instant Karma! 60 Times Road Rage Went Too Far Got Served Instant Karma! - Subscribe: - Facebook: - Website: For copyright matters please contact us at: #stopnow #roadrage #caughtoncamera


15 hours ago

what's up guys get ready for a roller  coaster ride through Tales of road rage and brace yourself for the inevitable  consequences okay let's get it [Music] on in Jersey City Heights Liberty  Carlton [Music] [Applause] Avenues what's going [Music] on cut off Reckless trucks what a freaking dumbass through some of the public heing  but on damn as strongly as he did would we what any violation of traffic  laws on the road must be expensive at McDonald's store there was a previous  misunderstanding
that resulted in a conflict I don't care you can't KN [Applause] she do you want me to hold on yeah just the off  was riding right on your ass I know I saw him in my mirror pick it cuz I almost fell  too hello I'll put your name on it hi you need see license an insurance hey I have  a camera too so oh you do yeah I'll take care of it okay let you know I care all right  thank you my name is Kevin by the way it's me too I'm glad he got a ticket  also glad you're okay ride safely no he would hit y
ou he did he almost  hit me oh yeah this [ __ ] I told him to give him a ticket for I was watching you damn man  they thinking a a BMW driver on I5 Woodland California was immediately ticketed by police  car for driving on the shoulder of the road nice right guy got caught doing well over 35 while  passing an unmarked [Music] patrolman yep you got him [Music] it is true that in extreme cases of  road rage getting out of the car is an immediate [Music] action in my opin I was surprised the guy go
t out of his  car I think it would have been safer to roadside arguments in Japan are never  less than tense here I'm pretending to call the police so that he would stop it's very  difficult for me to talk on the plus I don't really want the police to come that would  probably involve a CLE after my fake call the Land Rover owner intended  to take revenge after being maliciously stopped by a large pickup  truck but then burst into tears of anger when he crossed the solid white line and did  not
pay attention to the police car at the [Music] intersection oh my God he did that just to cut  in front oh my God look at this mother man I've always known that chvs really like to roll over  but I didn't imagine it's this easy guys this is awesome oh he rolled down the window oh oh he  spit at him oh hit his car oh oh my God [Music] no Lane markings at Junction so Astra indicates  and moves in this pisses off the Mercedes driver [Music] tag on Cog criminals in cars in Arkansas must be aware by
now the SP will not give up in a  Chase running a red light whilst [Music] transporting stay where you're at now driver step out for me anybody else I  have enough may have more for [Music] you [Music] if that police car hadn't had its  lights on he would certainly have continued to speed up using a phone driving without  paying attention let's see the results oh oh my oh God [ __ ] damn it I don't know I was  going through an section and a car hit me from the side oh [Music] yeah beaing Kia Rio
incurs immediate Karma the police seem to have been waiting for [Music] you only people with free time  stop to argue on the street [Music] impatient driver illegally uses shoulder as a [Music] lane in mtry Georgia dumb ass yes Instant Karma you have a red light and a sign that says  no right turn on red you don't have the right of [Music] [Applause] way it's a chick and I think I see some blue hair she's riding his ass yeah do it please please light her up  I want to follow this guy around unt
il he lights her up I wouldn't tailgate her  if I were him I just [ __ ] light her a highway patrol officer with a lot of  patience right yes there we go yes that's a oh that's delicious that was what your  faces oh your face is so stupid [Laughter] these idiots were driving on the shoulder of the highway trying to cut ahead of traffic  what happen if I call the cops right now yeah you almost hit me non I15 and ID 33  interchanges and Sage interchange rates birthday party no no probably not I lo
ve  that song people are in this party and they're going to have some in the warehouse the warehouse  is the being in that room with all those doesn't have any guilt about it I guess not she has  no problem sleeping a poka Florida eastbound on Toll Road 414 the vehicle accelerated  without noticing the officer e too much of it and I get a stomach ache because because  they're just so good well that's what stomach I know Dwight Holly Michael and right like they  should not be in there Lloyd's ban
k is due to publish its result to chair a meeting of the  government's emergency committee Cobra police lines as they tried to get into the terminal  because he intentionally observed the car in front he did not see the police car behind he  may also have been fined for not checking his mirrors y e51 u u v the driver of this van thought  he was Connor McGregor ha indicate indicate indicate after all he still stopped  at the red light what a good moral [Applause] spirit [Music] are you maybe this
is a  simple way to help a person be more humble a pugot herding Range Rovers  hey what was that back there oh you're filming me so you stunning a  funny story between two Australian guys I almost feel my baby long neck  can you relax don't tell me to relax don't please pay attention while  on the road to ensure your own safety this driver definitely needs to  relearn how to turn around [ __ ] get [Applause] out the driver changed lanes  quickly causing the car to lose control luckily the truck
driver  stopped in time luckily everyone is okay very skillful water tank parking impressive snowy roads are slippery so slow down on [Music] curves an impatient guy and a  policeman arrive at the right time [Applause] I like that the crash fixed the magna's [Music] tailight driver swiftly  changes Lanes at the last moment utilizing the shoulder to pass  several Vehicles before facing [Music] consequences worry what you're you're you're  going to get us into an accident can we all just take a m
inute to appreciate the patience  of this man and start to go fund me for his divorce she's running to her car I think  she's got it maybe good all right she's got it okay she's got it all right I'm going to  videotape this okay oh my goodness [Music] no we [Music] [Music] don't now it's 300 go home I know right now it's $300 how is it $300 cuz you just damaged cuz  you just damaged my boot by trying to drive off wow he turned that $300  fine into a 0 fine he got a free boot this is why we shoul
d install a dash cam a  bad driver tried to damage his colleague's car [Music] cure for tail gaug jator slow  down until they back off repeat as [Music] necessary another guy lacking patience  and a little immediate Justice [Music] [Music] on Highway 41 in Hillsboro  County Florida a fool tried running along the bike lane and grass to escape  traffic but got caught by an undercover cop play stupid game win stupid [Music] prizes  the unconscious is primitive and te insist white van driver changed
his mind last minute drove  over chevron's cutting off a police van in the process looked more [Music] close some people should not get behind  the wheel and this is the case ID just miss [Music] me a driver drove an Audi aanan and Instant Karma with citrix's goto meeting bring  your clients closer to another important thing to do is that software is  updated everyone despises line Cutters making the world an unfair  Place Instant Karma brought to you by the policeone charger camera charger  ch
arger check check check the [Music] American the police police just need to pursue  but let Karma take care of Justice a satisfying [Music] ending the case of this driver it's like winning  the lottery when that happens although very rare you [ __ ] after a traffic jam this person  bypassed it by driving on the wrong side of the road if you have to cut from  lane two to the exit using the Chevrons make sure there isn't a police car behind [Music] you don't you love it when  the police are there
when we need them and lastly the sun which of course the  sun on Sunday uh it's which is a promise for ant MC Partland as in Anton deck now who  has already checked in having problems with alol wiped the smirk off his face a  Mercedes driver was caught using the hard shoulder buying Insurance helps  you financially secure yourself and your family a school bus Collision driving  with without insurance and the owner being [Music] [Music] charged all Bo it would be wonderful if  Justice were always
present at the right time at places like this where road rage occurred and isn't that one over there look including two police officers to  spend the rest of his life the last part is a word of advice these  are the cars that transport and catch bad drivers road r please  go carefully to stay safe guys AT3 just need to get a good  look at your face of the police report the incident occurred  on January 18th 2021 at gilmon Road in Edinburgh the driver succumbing to  anger proceeded to escalate t
he situation through his actions in the middle  of [ __ ] you don't [ __ ] hit the bike make spicy or regular if you order right now  before regular if you order now before on Highway 2 in Glendale there was an incident involving a  Tesla driver who became aggressive after Crossing lanes and colliding with another vehicle that's  800 48 549 you're hitting you're hitting you're hitting mad this is why traffic lights and Lane  markings are needed there is no place I say wait hey see he's [Music] h
itting go that way the driver drove in the  wrong lane but acted arrogantly and defiantly it was as if they believed the rules didn't  apply to them signal on Signal is on Signal is driver veered to the Middle Lane ignored  the red light and was swiftly nabbed by cops demonstrates active policing success in  upholding traffic order ensuring Public Safety well done let's hope lenient judges don't  let them off with community service and a [Music] fine [Music] on the road in dagam East London the 
man visibly agitated by the traffic engaged in an argument karma is for Speeders you got Byron  Donald Kelly I heard it as well doesn't matter perhaps taxi drivers make a mistake  when they think they own London's [Music] [Music] roads it's unusual to see a Fiat driver  being the aggressor rather than a BMW [Music] there's enough space to pass here sir I've stopped  so there's no danger weighs 15 Tons and this is sof didn't he have enough courage to pass the  truck you can pass sir hey you don'
t [ __ ] tell me what to do hey I feel a bit more I can  film what I want I can do what I want [Music] fil worrying when they really  always believe they are [Music] [Music] right [Music] yes that's the consequence  when you don't comply with the [Music] speed none would have wanted  anything but [Music] safety [Music] calmly handle everything let's see  how she escapes trouble on the [Music] road [Music] wow that guy seems hot tempered but  the rude driver who honked his horn got what he [Music
] deserved there are no Sirens just lights  but it was definitely a police car amen and amen right the inevitable occurred as a white  SUV ran a red light directly in front of a police officer Justice Swift and evident  was served once more on the busy city streets yeah that's right inant Justice look this is why you should maintain  your car regularly to have safe Journeys non-compliance comes with a price and  always will when you are stupid enough to attack cops the price goes [Music]  up as
we end this journey we appreciate your company if you enjoyed it please  support by liking and subscribing keep tapping for more videos thanks  for staying till the end see you



Idiots In Cars And Starts Road Rage Got Instant Karma !


This video is a perfect example of why it pays to keep cool on the road. Road rage + karma = lesson learned.


Road rage + karma = the ultimate reality check. A lesson learned the hard way!


That road rage incident backfired spectacularly! Always a lesson in karma on the highway.


Watching road rage get its comeuppance never gets old. Karmas way of keeping the roads in check!


This video should be mandatory viewing for anyone with a tendency for road rage. Karmas lesson is swift and unforgiving!


Nothing like seeing road rage karma in action. A reminder to stay calm behind the wheel!


The lard-bottoms squabbling in the drive-thru is hilarious.


If theres one thing we can count on, its the inevitability of road rage karma. A lesson for us all!


Its like watching a real-life lesson in cause and effect. Road rage meets its match with karma!


The universe has a funny way of leveling the playing field. Road rage, meet karma!


Road rage karma strikes again! A reminder to keep calm and drive on.


1:21 That my friends is a FAT ATTACK ... they don't need McDonalds they need JENNY CRAIG! 🤣


Instant karma strikes again! Road rage didnt stand a chance against the power of cosmic justice.


Road rage may seem tempting in the moment, but karmas waiting just around the bend.


Next time you feel the urge to rage on the road, remember this video. Karmas watching!


It's scary with accidents


Always carry a large size can of Bear Spray in your vehicle just in case a road rage nut case approaches you.


Very interesting video


Road rage incidents frequently result in aggressive actions like brake checks.