
5 am News 4 Wake Up! Interview: Women-Owned Businesses on Hertel Avenue

5 am News 4 Wake Up! Interview: Women Owned Businesses on Hertel Avenue


4 days ago

March is women's History Month this morning we are highlighting some women-owned businesses that help shape their Community News fors hope winter is live on Hurdle Avenue learning more about the women owned businesses there good morning hope good morning elen Sky yeah we're live here at her kitchen which is part of her story and her sanctuary and we are joined with a lot of women who own businesses right here on Hurdle Avenue and here to tell us all about the block here is Su Sue morale Sue can
you tell us a little bit about this well I feel like this block is pretty special because it's all the majority of it is women's owned businesses and each woman has a very unique business and brings such a great Dynamic to our block and we love working together and we're always trying to do some really interesting and beautiful things as a community and family and and as a block yeah can you tell us a little bit about some of the things that you guys do all together well first of all we do a lot
of beautification on our block we love making everything beautiful clean flowers really nice and walkable for the um community that lives here and we're always outside sweeping and kind of like back in Old School when people were outside you know cleaning in front of their businesses so we do that and we plan different events together where we again each bring something unique to the table um right and so your business is called her story you guys focus on uplifting women and you know sharing o
ther people's stories can you tell us a little bit about your business here on Hurdle uh yes so it is really about sharing stories and I think that every woman has a story to share and I think it's important to put a a face to that and put a voice to that and um let let women um really uh connect with each other exactly exactly and I think that that's what our space does that's what I love about it you know before you know it you're sitting in there and someone's telling you their story you're s
haring your story and you just feel really uplifted and and really really really good yeah and we will hear from each one of these women own these women who own their own businesses right here on Hurdle throughout the morning here on wake up but for now live on Hurdle hope winter news4 Beautiful Stories there you so much
